October 31, 2024
Radio Wave Mejanomics

When You Believe Our Lady’s Words

[Podcast] (29 Minutes) – Speaking from the village of Medjugorje, a Friend of Medjugorje breaks down a message which will change your outlook on life.

Episode Transcript


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“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Welcome to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Tonight, a special treat for you we will be sharing with you. A Friend of Medjugorje’s recent encounter with our BVM Caritas Pilgrimage group in Medjugorje. This was just a few days ago, and the title of the broadcast is, When You Believe Our Lady’s Words, and we were very uplifted and edified by a Friend of Medjugorje’s words, which we are blessed to be able to share with you.


And so, speaking from the village of Medjugorje, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, October 26, 2024.




When I see Our Lady’s messages, I believe it, I accept it, and it happens.


You’ve read the messages, might be twice, maybe fifty times, even to some people waiting, or the month comes up, and they say, “Same thing.” If you think that, even the pope said She’s like a telegraph. Our Lady’s just a chatter.


If you do that, you believe that, and you think that, you’re saying Our Lady is a liar. Our Lady says something in the beginning. Our Lady said,


April 4, 1985

“…I wish to keep on giving you messages…”


That’s 1985. That’s a long time ago. And She wants to keep giving messages.


“…as it has never…”


“…as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”


You are seated in a place that has never happened. You go from here, where you are here, all the way back to the Garden of Eden. How do we know that? Because She said it!


“…has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”


What was the beginning of the world.


We’re going back to Eden! Every day, every hour, every minute, every second that you will be telling people, “I was there.” This is holy land. Sacred. It’s so serious.


Our Lady says to us, May 2, 1982…She’s saying at the very beginning of the apparitions, 1982:


“…I will not appear any more on this earth.”


No more Fatima. No Guadalupe. No Lourdes. No more. It’s finished.


You look and you look and you read and you look and read Revelation 12, the Woman with the male Child. And She is going to crush the dragon.


So, Who is She? Who’s the Woman? She gave birth to the male Child Who would be striking, basically, the world and the nations.


You are walking in a Biblical time right now. You get your Bible and read Revelation 12, and read it and read it and read it and read it and try, who is it? Melania? Movie star? No. It’s the Virgin Mary!


I asked Marija, “Why is Our Lady not going to have apparitions after this?”


Because, she said, there is no reason for me…because here in Medjugorje and what I’m doing with my messages, because I’m here to give you everything you will ever need.


Pinch yourself. Think about where you are. You are here. You’re going to tell your grandkids.


So, don’t waste any second. Don’t be talking to each other. Get in these fields. Sit out here, and talk to Our Lady.


October 25, 1988

“…pray that you may comprehend the greatness of this message…”


So many people, “I don’t know what She’s saying. She’s already said that.”


It’s seven o’clock at Caritas. We pray at that, from that day, we just pick a message. And Our Lady, She tells you what’s going to happen that day [INAUDIBLE] It’s incredible what’s happening.


“Dear children, today I call you to a complete union with God. Your body is on earth, but I ask you for your soul to be all the more often in God’s nearness. You will…”


Not maybe.


“…You will achieve this through prayer, pray with an open heart…”


I love it when I see stuff like that. She says, “Maybe…Try to do this…” No. You will achieve.


“…In that way you will thank God for the immeasurable goodness which He gives…”


Our Lady, She says a few more things. And She adds,


“…With the heart, I pray to God to give strength and love to your shepherds…”


That’s hard. I’m sorry, Father. [LAUGHTER]


Where’s the other priest?



Right here.



Who else?


Let’s say that again.


“…to God to give you strength [to] love your shepherds…”



Yay for our shepherds.



“…to help you in this and to lead you.”


[INAUDIBLE] Open your town. Say something.


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How many people have read on mej.com, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, 4, 5, 6? Who has? What do you think about it?



Great. It’s great.



[INAUDIBLE] And I don’t apologize. I’ve already been brought to the Vatican to be condemned, years ago.


My bishop, he was good. I’ve been under five bishops. The silence is a sin.



Amen, amen.



We’re in a mess, not because [INAUDIBLE] It’s the bishops. Our Lady, She does it to show us how to pray for your shepherds. She’s positive. “Pray for your shepherds, so they won’t be lost.” Pray for your shepherds will lead you.


See, in the future, the good bishops, when they’re talking, the same message will be good for them. Two meanings. She’s saying we’ve got a problem now. But fifty years from now, it’s a positive thing. You know when they do good.


When you go home…I wrote several things, really strong. I got a lot of positive feedback.


I just saw one, a feedback, that says, “Well, a Friend of Medjugorje is going to be excommunicated.” [LAUGHTER]


Okay! That’s good to me. I don’t care. I don’t back down. Joan of Arc didn’t, and she was excommunicated. I don’t care about my status, what people think. You’ve just got to do what you’re supposed to do.


So, people that get bored with this [INAUDIBLE] “…pray that you may comprehend the greatness of this message…”


You’ve got to break down the messages.


I want to give you some definitions for you to look at the messages.


How many of you, things that you have you can’t change? Have you got problems?


You don’t have nothing? [LAUGHTER]


Man, everything’s going good for you?


Maybe four or five, twenty-five things you want to change, for years you want. And it’s impossible. You can’t do it.


What does “shall,” S-H-A-L-L, what does that mean? It means,


“used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future.”


What’s the definition of “perceive”?


“to have knowledge, receive impressions of external objects through senses; to perceive light; to understand; till we ourselves see it with our own eyes.”


That’s what “perceive” means.


“Greatest.” What is the definition of that?


“not to be surpassed”


“Greatest” means, “not to be surpassed.” It’s as high as it goes. The greatest thing is, joy. What’s the definition of that?


“the passion or emotions most exciting expectations of good; pleasurable feelings caused by success”


You want to be successful. You want pleasurable. You want that feeling. You want to be excited.


“Joy” also means, “gratification of desire of some good.”


Have you got those things that you don’t like, and you enjoy it now? Think about, in your heart, that you can’t change [INAUDIBLE] You’re never going to change it. Nothing. Nothing can do it. Can you be in joy about that? Joy? Think right now in your life, that is a scar for you because you can’t change it, and there’s no joy around that.


[INAUDIBLE] passing out. O-U-T. What’s the definition for that?


“beyond the limits of any enclosed place”


“Out” means, also,


“in a state of being in exhausted”


Are you getting exhausted, or getting tired of the situation you can’t change something? And you’re going to have to live with it till your death?


Also, “out” means,


“to go out; to lead out; vanishing; coming to an end”


You’re not going to change it before you die. You can’t change it. There’s no end when you end.


“Out” also means,


“change of state”


Think, what’s the hardest thing or the second thing, the tenth thing, that you can’t change, and you’re not getting out of it.


The word for “every” the word includes, “the whole number.”


“Situation” is, “a position; circumstances; temporary state,” but your situation is not temporary. It’s going to be till your death. You’re going to have to just live with it.


What does “no” mean?


“denial; refusal; negative answer; no concession”




“departure; a way of departure; going out”


Our Lady’s messages. It’s not a big deal.


Are you deep into it? Are you swimming in it? Is it all day?


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My whole life, everything, everything Our Lady says, I’ve done, even when it hurt me. I don’t care. I got seven threats to kill me. I’m okay. I’m okay with that. FBI [INAUDIBLE] But I didn’t care. I trust Our Lady. Not only that, people have tried to crash Caritas and here. I’ve been here from the Franciscans right here. They banned me to here because I’m not going to let them put their [INAUDIBLE]


We’ve been told not to give the messages, the purple things. And we got letters from the pastors here saying, “You are not part of Medjugorje. You are not part of the Medjugorje family.” And when I got the letter—they faxed it here—I looked at the church I started laughing! I’ve never been part of their Medjugorje. I’m doing what Our Lady’s told me to do.


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen…nineteen…


I just gave sixteen definitions of one message. One message! One message. This is one sentence, one sentence out of the message.


March 28, 1985. Listen to me. Put your antennae up. This is going to shock you. It’s going to shake you.


“…In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit…”




“…In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every…”


Not some.


“…every situation that has no exit…”


Do you believe Our Lady?






Do you believe these words?






No matter what problem you have, can be done.


So, you’re trap has an exit! And I’ve got to repeat to you again.


“…In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit…”


Oh, Mama, you are so good.


Joan, make copies for all seventy people here. Charge them $100 a piece. [LAUGHTER]


This is not free. [LAUGHTER] Good grief. We’ve got an exit, because we’ve got to buy more paper. [LAUGHTER] You’ve got to donate for this.


See, you get Words from Heaven. [INAUDIBLE] Everybody’s got it.


I’m not Spanish. [LAUGHTER]


We’ve got over a thousand radio shows. We’ve got easily over a thousand writings, every subject. Animals, from money, marriage, architecture, everything.


Those who’ve seen the Tabernacle of Our Lady, Alabama, there’s this book, a hard book, Churches of Alabama. And our building is in three places in that book, on the covers, and in the middle of it. And all the architects, they go buy these square-built ugly buildings. I got the engineer, “Just do this, do this skeleton, and I’ll do the rest.” And the building is beautiful.


But anyway, the building is beautiful. Everything at Caritas is beautiful because it came out of Her. It’s beauty, because if you go with God…


And so, when you see that building, it speaks. And an architect came by. They said, “Why did you do that?” They don’t have any. They’re not looking for beauty. Architecture is ugly now. Just boxes, in everything you do.


Who’s been to Villaggio Colafrancesco? Is it beautiful? Going to Caritas, there’s a highway. I bought two acres. We wanted to get to people on 280. Protestants. We’re surrounded by Protestants. And so, we open that up, because it’s non-profit, and we’re getting these people to Our Lady, through their stomach. [LAUGHTER]


Three thousand, six hundred gelato shops in Italy, number one, I’ve got it there in Alabama. And everybody that goes to taste it, the first thing they say, “Wow!” Every time.


We’ve got the Baptists, we’ve got the Methodists, all the books here, giving them out. We’ve got the best sandwiches there, best this, we’ve got everything.


We’ve got a dress code, no cell phones, and people, you’ll see, they’re talking to each other. They didn’t know each other! They don’t have their cell phone. The people are staying 2-3 hours at our place.


I got, before I left, there was another…We’ve got so many testimonies. It’s a lady. She says, “I’m a Baptist.” I write about everything. I’ve got a book about sheriffs. But I talk about Our Lady in that. So, I just, before I left, they said this lady comes up, “Two weeks ago, I got that book. Y’all gave it to me for free, and I didn’t know about the sheriffs and what they do…” See, I talk the messages about the sheriffs, police, whatever, whatever. And she says,


“I’m a Baptist! I’m starting to pray the Rosary!” [LAUGHTER] “I don’t know. I love it! But I’m a Baptist.”


This is not once a month. This is by day.


When we opened up, we got attacked because of no cell phones, and the women dressed out there. [INAUDIBLE] And it went viral against us. One girl got up there, and she got her a sign, and she said all kinds of bad things about me, about that place. In two days, her thing—she put it on Facebook—it went viral. Over a million people. “Yeah! Yeah!” Stupid idiot. It’s the best advertisement we had. Everybody was coming there. [LAUGHTER] “We read that! We read that!” We got calls from California, all over the place. They were coming from the city—they were Protestants— “I read that stuff. We’re coming here to support you.”


And Villaggio Colafrancesco is Italian. And so, everybody wants to be Italian too there.


One thing is, being Italian, I would say, I would never marry an Italian woman. [LAUGHTER] My aunts and all that stuff.


So, after we were opened up two weeks, this doctor, he comes up, and his wife’s got a veil. And she looked at me…He did. “I’m going to support you.”


I said, “Where are you from?”


He said, “Syria.”


I said, “Are you orthodox?”


He said, “No. We’re Muslims.”








And he says, “We came here because of your dress code, and we see this, all the bad they’re saying to you.”


And then she says, “You tell the Christians, us Muslims are praying to the same God y’all are, and we’re praying for this nation, that it come back.”


A week, and they’ve got some more family. They come back, and there are more coming. And now, fifteen, sixteen Muslims coming. They love it! [LAUGHTER]


Mary, please don’t let them still go down on the ground. [LAUGHTER]


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We went back, about three weeks ago…We’ve got woods. I saw one of them back there.


But, they love the Virgin Mary! They’re going to come. They are!


I love this group. The families, the kids. They’re really proper. The way they look nice, the way they dress.


So, everybody said, what are you going to do. You’re going to fail with what you’re doing. When somebody comes up, “I won’t wear a dress like this. You’re not going to get my money.” Stupid idiot. We’re not here doing this about money. We don’t care.


I didn’t say stupid. I always be nice. [LAUGHTER]


So, we’re catching more fish out there.


I just caught a fish in the coffee shop. We’ve got a coffee shop, gelato, and an Italian Market. It’s real small. And everybody’s talking to each other, and they don’t know each other. You think it’s family. If you get a chance, drive. Just…we need Christmas, before Christmas. It’s beautiful.


Have you been there?






What do you think?



Beautiful. The bathroom’s beautiful.



Come say about it.


We’ve made a lot of highways at Caritas to go out after people, and it’s amazing how many Protestants are respecting and coming to Our Lady. The stories are beautiful, right?


You’ve got anything else you want to say?



Villaggio Colafrancesco’s about 10 miles from Caritas, and it’s Terry’s vision that we bring Our Lady into the culture. So, there’s no reason for people to come out to Caritas if they don’t have any desire to know or be a part of the mission or have any kind of connection to Our Lady.


So, for many years, he kept his eye on this one piece of property that was right down the highway, which millions of people travel past. Sixty thousand cars pass it daily.






It’s a homestead. There was a little farmhouse, flowering and fruit trees, and it never sold. And the city swallowed it up, and it’s just there just as it was when the family lived there before all the development.


So, through a lot of just circumstances that were truly miraculous, it fell into Terry’s hands. So, it is an outreach of the mission that we are able to bring Our Lady into the culture.


So, while many people attacked it on their social media, as he said, it brought so much respect from those of many different faiths, because it’s truly making an impact on the culture of standing for your faith, and in our case, standing for Our Lady in the middle of Baptist country. And so, it gave a witness that you don’t back down, no matter what kind of opposition you have. And Christians have just given up the fight. But if you’re standing for God, God will make a way for you to be successful.


So, there have been many, many people that have been impacted by his witness to do the same in their own businesses or in their own churches, which is what Our Lady’s doing here, creating witnesses to make the greatest impact in the culture back towards Christ.


But you have to have a good product, so Terry has the best gelato and the best coffee and the best sandwich. [LAUGHTER] And the way he had that, he met, right outside the Vatican, there’s a little gelato shop called Old Bridge. It’s truly the best gelato in the whole Italy. And the way Terry knew that is because he paid a taxi driver to bring him to the top five gelato places in Rome, and this is the best.


So, when they finally started offering a way of making a franchise, Terry sat down with the owners he had become friends with. And he said, Terry said, “I want to bring Old Bridge Gelato to Alabama.”


And they said, “We’re not interested Terry. We have no interest of being a headache for us to deal with going to Alabama.”


But Terry kept at them and at them. And finally, they said, “Okay, Terry. We’ll do this. But only because you understand the ingredient that makes this gelato the best gelato.”


And he said, “It’s not money.” They asked him, “You know what makes our gelato the best gelato, Terry?”


And Terry said, “Yes, I know.”


And they said, “What?”


And he said, “Love. That love, you love the people to enjoy your gelato so much.”


For them, this is their mission, to bring joy to people. And so, this is why they said, “Okay, Terry. We’ll do this for you.”


So, these are the things, the lessons, that Terry’s learned so many years with walking the way of Our Lady.




And you have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje speaking from the holy village in Medjugorje. Continue to keep a Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas mission in your daily prayers and in your daily Masses. The demand, the demand for what a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing, what he has to say about what is going on in the world, is increasing every day. At the same time, the cost to operate increases every day. This is beginning the season in which people give, and we will place a Friend of Medjugorje’s mission of Caritas above any other mission to give to.


If you are wavering in any way or thinking about which mission to support on a regular basis, this is the mission to support.


And if you wish to continue to give, even after you pass on to the next life, consider leaving a legacy gift in your will. You can contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. Again, 205-672-2000, to make your donation over the phone or to speak to somebody about how to place Caritas in your will.


On behalf of a Friend of Medjugorje, Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas, Medjugorje.com, BVM Pilgrimages, and Radio WAVE, good night.




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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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