City: lillington
State: nc
that was beautifully powerful , remembering Her words Am I not here, who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the fountain of your joy? Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the cradle of my arms? thank you I will listen again and again to this message God Bless
January 8, 2022
When the Hyenas Attack
[Podcast] (29 Minutes) – How do you get around obstacles? A Friend of Medjugorje tells how to continue despite tiredness, and to follow in Our Lady’s example.
Episode Transcript
Good evening everyone, and thank you for listening tonight to Mejanomics.
We have begun a brand new year, and what we have to share with you from a Friend of Medjugorje, we believe, are some of the most important words that you can hear before you enter into this new year.
This piece is from a private gathering with a Friend of Medjugorje in January of 2019. A lot of what he talks about, in hindsight, sounds prophetic. But when you’re connected to the messages, and you’ve given your life to Our Lady, your life becomes prophetic.
And so, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, January 2019.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Let me be your soldier. I’ll stand up for you. When your world comes crashing down, I’ll be the one to hold you. Let me be your soldier. I’ll fight the fight for you. When you’re up against the wall, I will pull you through.
Let me be your soldier. I’ll die for you.
As Our Lady usually does, is She shows you everything She wants you to do, then it becomes too big of a mountain to climb, and you won’t do it. Obedience is so important, and generals demand that, because they can’t explain when the battlefield, or say Robert E. Lee, when he was doing what he was doing in Gettysburg, they were losing on one end, but he was desperate on the other side, and when he shifts troops around, the people in the field can only see what’s around them, what their needs are. But he sees the whole battlefield, and the need is worse over here, even though they’re getting defeated, but the right flank is more important to be protected because that’s where they have most of their weapons, and where they’re winning, if they’re pulled off, they say, “What is Robert E. Lee doing? This is crazy!” I’m just giving you a scenario. That’s not exactly what happened in Gettysburg. But there were times that McClellan…He always waited. He wanted to get more armaments. He wanted to get this. He put it off, and he put it off and put it off.
You’ll never have enough, if you have that kind of attitude, to attack a problem or a difficulty if you wait to get more. It comes to a point where you’ve just got to attack. You’ve got to go into the ambush. You’ve got to do it. Casualties happen, but some of the greatest wars and battles have happened by just going into it. A lot of people don’t realize the Gideon army never fought. They never engaged. There was fifteen thousand troops with Gideon against how many were the others? I think it was thirty thousand. Yeah, a bunch.
So, God tells him to go to the creek. Those who lap it up…And they’re looking the whole time. Those who suck up the water are not watching the enemy. They’re just looking at water. Get rid of all of them. Fifteen thousand to three hundred. And what did God do? Because of the obedience, and because these people, the three hundred, had a spirit of fight, willing to die, willing to go up against 30,000 troops or whatever it is. It’s way up there. Three hundred against that. God fights the battle. You’re either going to be fighting the battle constantly, and you’re going to be losing constantly because you’re trying to fight it and not relying on God.
So Gideon trusted God. His troops of three hundred trusted, and they were told to go and get ready for battle, and what did they do? They just blew trumpets. And the spirit of confusion came on the enemies, thinking they were being attacked, when who they were attacking was each other. They turned on each other, killing each other. The whole army killed each other thinking they were fighting Gideon’s people. They didn’t do anything. They were just blowing their trumpets.
And this is how Our Lady wants us to fight: trust God, trust Our Lady, trust Her words, and just do what She says to do. She said on September 2, 2016,
“…I will teach you…”
We have never had that. St. Francis didn’t have that. Padre Pio didn’t have it. Many of the great saints, John of the Cross, they didn’t have these things. The Apostles did. They had a full faucet of grace flowing to them. We have a full faucet of grace going to us for us to grow to learn how to trust, to teach, because we are being taught by the Teacher in green wood. Other people can be taught by Our Lady because of the efficacy, but it’s going to be in the dry wood. Scriptures talks about that.
When the Chernobyl atomic nuclear plant went down, it was Biblical. If the atomic waste starts melting down, it means that, in the container that it holds, it just starts sinking because it eats up and melts everything. And so, once it broke loose, all the atomic material, everything melted, everything fell apart. And in the Scriptures, it talks about Wormwood, and the verse in Revelation speaks directly to Chernobyl. It was a pre-antichrist thing. It was a big, big deal, and most people don’t know about Chernobyl, what happened, but it was like big, big, big, and a lot of Russians died from it, and it was through faulty work and efforts of what they did, that they didn’t listen to their alarms when they went off, and they just didn’t pay attention.
Our Lady is giving us alarms. It’s a disaster headed our way, but it won’t be a disaster for those who are ready for it. We will be braced for it. We will be conditioned for it. We will be trained for it. We’ve gone through Her boot camp, because of Her words that say, “…I will teach you…”
Are you learning from what you’re going through now? If you don’t you cannot relate to other people who say, “How do you cope? How do you deal with it?” “Well, this is how you deal with it.” “Oh, that’s easy for you. You’ve got all the beef you want. Y’all are eating good. Look at your houses. You’re all nice and cozy.” No. We went through this, excuse me. We lived through this. The visionaries lived through it. The early villagers lived through it. We’re not going to have a rosy path. We’re not supposed to. We can’t. Otherwise, we won’t have a PhD, and most of those people are idiots because they have no real-life experience of those who wrote the book of how to do what they do. It’s only learned in the head. But when you live it, and you learn it in the head, and then Our Lady says, “I’m going to give you cognition. I’ve taught you. I’ve shown you this. I teach you.” You’re going to learn really, in real life, what it means to be in the stable, and with the expectation that you be happy.
Mary didn’t do like this to God, “I didn’t expect this when that angel came. You put Me in this stable,” and Joseph says, “She’s nagging me to death! What am I going to do?” She said, “Be happy in the stable because we were.” The attitude they had was justified on a human level that, “What is God doing?” Not being mad at God, but at least questioning Him. “I don’t understand what You’re doing here. This doesn’t sound right. Something’s not right here. Excuse Me, God, I’m not talking back to You, and I’m not rejecting this, but this ain’t the script I was looking at.”
They were happy in the stable because God gave that to them. Why are you not happy because of what God gives you? Everything you have, God gives it to you.
“…Those who are holy are those who immeasurably love the Heavenly Father, those who love Him above all. Therefore, my children, always strive to be better. If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves…”
That’s why it’s best to say, “I am a sinner.” You start at the bottom. Peter’s with Jesus Christ. He’s on the boat. And he’s judging Jesus, “What are you doing? You’re in a dream, sleeping.” And they’re about to drown. “My Lord, look. Are You going to let us sink?” He stands up, says, “Stop, everything,” and the fear of God came over them, so much so, what did Peter say? “Depart from me.” That’s what people say to the devil. Peter said, “Depart from me. Get away from me Jesus. Depart from me, for I am a sinner.” That’s what we have to be. That’s ground zero. We always understand that. Whatever circumstances come to me, I’m a sinner. I deserve it, even if it’s unjust.
There’s plenty of other reasons for an injustice to happen to you. Our Lady gives these things to you. She wants you to have these things. Why? Because She had them, and She didn’t deserve them, and She wasn’t a sinner.
So, “…If you strive to be good…” That’s the key. Strive, to be better. Strive to be good. “…you can be holy…” This is an amazing message when I saw that, that I would never even, as a sinner, consider you can be holy if you want to be striving for God.
“…you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves…”
You’re not to think so, that you’re holy. The key with God is seeking, striving, always seeking for forgiveness.
My dad gave that gift. You’ve heard what I’ve said. The first thing when he came home he said, “What have you sinners been doing,” every day. He called us sinners. I don’t know where he got it from, but I’m glad he got it, because we never thought much of ourselves. We didn’t have low self-esteem. We weren’t depressed. We were just at the bottom, and if we did something good, we did something good because, “Man, we’re sinners, and look how good we did something!” But we didn’t think of ourselves as good. And that’s what Our Lady says.
“…If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves. If you think that you are good, you are not humble, and arrogance distances you from holiness. In this peaceless world full of threats, your hands, apostles of my love, should be extended in prayer and mercy…”
So, we’re always supposed to have mercy on everybody. Mary Magdalene, whatever, who it is.
This message was really an astounding thing of how Our Lady says that, because this is the position we always need to be in, always. That way, we’re opening our hearts up that we need God, we need Our Lady, and She can teach us.
So, think of your situations, everything that befalls you, how much difficulty, how hard everything is for you, and know that this is a grace given to you as a gift. Our Lady explains it.
“…My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father…”
And then She says of this pain, the suffering, the joy the love all mixed together,
“…faith and trust in the Heavenly Father. Nothing…”
What does nothing mean? There’s nothing else there. There’s nothing on the other side of the nothing side. There’s nothing there.
“…Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love…”
And you’re going to complain about these? You’re going to harbor these things in your heart? Release it. Give it away. “I deserve it. She’s wrong, but I deserve it. It doesn’t matter what she did to me. I deserved it.”
“…Nothing is by chance…”
Every little thing, every little piece of you being torn apart, is not by chance. Why? Because Our Lady said Herself, “I suffered in My life, and I want you to follow My example in pain and in silence, but I kept my faith, and I kept my trust.”
“…Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love. All of these are graces…”
What are graces? Pain, joy, suffering, and love. All of this. Not some of this, all of this.
Our Lady suffered tears, sorrows. Every drop of Jesus’ Blood wounded Her. She was torn to pieces. And we’re complaining in our heart, even if we’re trying to be a good witness, of what befalls us, or this isn’t right, or I’m sick of this? Our Lady never did that. She was silent. She kept Her faith and trust. I’m here to follow Our Lady not matter what befalls me, no matter how many hyenas try to tear me to pieces. I want to give everything to Our Lady. Why? Because Our Lady gave every little piece of Herself, everything. She immolated Herself on Via Dolorosa because She saw the pain and felt it in Her heart of Jesus immolating Himself for the suppers and the dinners of Masses by the billions that would follow for the next two millennia and continue.
So, hyenas will attack you, and sometimes that’s the most peace I feel because, when they come on top of you and argue and have hate in their heart—incited hate—and you did nothing, there’s a peace that comes over you, and that peace makes you encouraged to be accepting of that, because you deserve it, not because it’s just, but because we have to suffer injustices for Our cognition and for our mission so that we can teach others the same thing.
So, Our Lady says of,
“…Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering…All of these are graces which my Son grants to you…”
Jesus gave this to you. It’s not the person. Nothing’s by chance. God allows satan to do things. And it’s from Jesus. He grants you,
“…and which lead you to eternal life…”
It’s your disposition. It’s how you deal with it, how you handle it. Are you peaceful? Are you still going to be love? Are you going to be forgiving? Or are you going to harbor, “That person shouldn’t have done this to me.” Are you going to brood over it? I get rid of that. I want it out of my heart. I don’t want to hold it. And it’s why I am where I am. Is it easy? Our Lady said it’s not easy to live the Gospel. She just told us this. “…[It] is not easy…” But it becomes easy through fasting, skipping meals, not eating, not always trying to comfort yourself, pushing yourself. Go to the end when there’s nothing left of you. Every little piece of you, you need to be immolating yourself. Our Lady’s there. She’s watching us. She’s catching us on every fall. And She Herself can’t help Herself from falling for sinners. She is here for sinners and even the worst, most degradaded sinners. She’s willing to fall and come down to that level to pick you up. We don’t even know. We can’t even comprehend what kind of trouble we run into and Who is there with us. Is She disappearing when trouble comes? No, She’s appearing when trouble comes. She’s walking with us. And She says, “…my example…” “I didn’t back down. I had hyenas mocking Me when My Son’s dying, when they should have at least respected a woman, a mother.”
“…All of these are graces which my Son grants to you and which lead you to eternal life…As a mother I will teach you: to love and to pray in Him means to pray in the silence of your soul and not only reciting with your lips…”
She just told us on the second of the month, “…works and feelings…” You don’t pray, and you’re not entering into prayer if you don’t feel it. I feel and I see Our Lady leading us, and She’s leading us on a path that’s difficult, full of sorrows and pain, all kind of sufferings, but also joy and love and the consolation that we ran our race, and we did what we were supposed to do.
“…reciting with your lips; it is even the least beautiful gesture done in the name of my Son – it is patience, mercy, the acceptance of pain…”
Acceptance of pain, acceptance of pain,
“…and sacrifice done for the sake of another…”
Not for Jesus, not for Mary, for another’s conversion. You have to suffer for these people. The Oxford girl. I’ll never see her again, but I’m still praying for her conversion, that Our Lady will have her, whoever it may be. Or the grandfather preacher the other night. I’m praying for his conversion. Our Lady marked this person.
“…My children, my Son is looking at you…”
We’ve never had this situation, this experience, as we do now. What does that mean?
Our Lady said in a message years ago, that never has Heaven been so close to you in its nearness. We’re in a unique time, unparalleled, unrepeatable, unreplaceable. There’ll be never a people that can sit where you are and achieve and walk your walk.
And you have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from January 2019. Very important words for us to hear tonight.
When we look back to when we first began, one of the first things that we started to do was present homilies from priests in Medjugorje. There was a period of time when there was a lot of inspiration that seemed to be coming from some of the priests and some of their homilies. And a Friend of Medjugorje made these available to people on He made a lot of priests famous. And while it was nice content to present for a time, we started to see through the years that there began to be a mediocrity in a lot of the words that were being said. A Friend of Medjugorje was growing more and more in his understanding of Our Lady’s plan and an urgent plea to change our life today, right now, not only spiritually, but to physically change the way we live and to change the way we think about our world and how we act upon the things that are happening in our world.
This separated a Friend of Medjugorje more and more from a lot of the voices that were even in the Medjugorje world. And we’re not speaking so much as a difference of opinion. We’re speaking in a completely different discernment of the messages.
And that is what you, the listener, why you come to these broadcasts every week, because you hear something different, and you feel something different. We encourage you, through this next year, pray for a Friend of Medjugorje. Support this work through your donations. Spread this to everyone you know. You know what you receive on the other end of that speaker. We ask you to give this gift to others.
And so, to conclude tonight, here, again, is a Friend of Medjugorje from January 2019.
Mary says,
“…I am revealing to you the only and real truth…”
What is truth? This place is truth. This place has grown up. “This place came by accident”? “It came by a professional business talent”? That’s garbage. You can have all the talent in the world. You’re not going to make this work. The persecutions, the obstacles, everything that’s tried to crush this place, we shouldn’t be here! This place is truth. Truth of what? Truth of the future, truth of where people have to walk to. They’re going to look back to everybody, in the Time of Mary, “What were they all doing? What were the Medjugorje people doing?” “Well, this one, singular group has formed themselves into a body, underneath My messages and turned them into a way of life, and that thin, thin thread out of billions of people across the world didn’t break.” It didn’t break, and it’s going to turn into a big rope, and more people join, and you can thread the thread into big thick rope.
What Our Lady is, is the example of what it is She says, “My silence,” and “I was there for you always, always, always.”
I’m giving all that I’ve got, so I’ve got nothing to lose. Ooh, here I am. And I promise that I’m catching you with every fall. Ooh, ooh. Here I am.
Every single little piece of me. Oh, every tear and every drop I bleed. Oh, every prayer and every breath I breathe. Oh, every single little piece of me.
And if we run into trouble, know I won’t disappear. While you’ve been spinning in circles, I’ve been standing right here. Ooh, ooh. Here I am.
Every single little piece of me. Oh, every tear and every drop I bleed. Oh, every prayer and every breath I breathe. Oh, every single little piece of me.
And all these stars, I’ll reach out, collect them for you. All these nights I prayed and I’ve dreamt about you, yeah. Oh, here I am, and I’m all yours. I’m all yours.
Yeah, all these songs I sang for you in the morning. Oh, it seems I can’t stop myself from falling. Oh, here I am, and I’m all yours.
Every single little piece of me. Oh, every tear and every drop I bleed. Oh, every prayer and every breath I breathe. Oh, every single little piece of me.
Every single little piece of me. Oh, every tear and every drop I bleed. Oh, every prayer and every breath I breathe. Oh, every single little piece of me.
(Every single little piece of me. Oh, every tear and every drop I bleed. Oh, every prayer and every breath I breathe. Oh, every single little piece of me)
July 19, 1984
“…I have given myself to you…”
January 2, 2008
“…I love you and give myself to you. As a mother fights for her children, I pray for you and fight for you…”
Before Medjugorje, we never would see that kind of verbiage coming out of Her mouth. “I’m going to fight. Every piece of me.”
We have, from Our Lady, from a little lock of Her hair, shown for women what you’re not doing, and how women are rejecting Biblical modesty, even with their hair, in the New Testament. Every piece of Her, that says something. Her whole gown says something.
Is your heart open? Because the more cloudy, the more doubts, the more you wander is more of the measure of your heart being closed.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
12 thoughts on “When the Hyenas Attack”
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Thank you Mother Mary for opening my eyes and for calming my fears. Please guide me through these difficult times and teach me to pray with deep concern for humanity. I am sorry as I am a sinner. -
City: Prairieville
State: Louisiana
Country: USA
Every morning I ask Mother Mary to hold my hand as I walk down this dark road called life. I ask her to lead me along with all our family to the light of her Jesus. “Papa” Joseph leads the way and knocks down the demons with his staff who try to attack us on our journey. One day, Mother Mary and “Papa” Joseph will take our hands and place them in the hands of Our Jesus!! What a glorious day. -
City: Ilford
State: Essex
Country: UK
I have been fighting people who unjustly want to torture and kill my brother and me but after listening to this podcast I will no longer be attacking them but instead I’ll be praying for them. I am afraid but now that I know Our lady is with me all the time and that nothing is by chance I know she will protect me and my brother and that she just wants to save these people’s souls through me. -
Country: Mexico
How blessed are we to have Our Lady fighting for us! and how blessed to have a Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas of Birmungham following the Medjugorje messages so faithfully. Thanks a lot and keep on helping us to understand. I agree with David from Australia, this release is been made on perfect timing. -
City: Gillieston Heights
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas of Birmingham. This podcast has grounded my thoughts today. I have had many questions of why this and why that, and this 30 min episode answered them all. I always believed nothing is by chance but today just reinforced this 200% by the perfect timing of Our Lady. Australia and the World is going through some amazingly evil things at the moment 1: to teach us a lesson and 2: to appreciate what we had when we lose them. Our Lady without doubt, is teaching us perfect wisdom and the only way for all of us to learn this – if we choose – is to experience it. I once heard a story that if you live by the ocean all your life you wouldn’t appreciate it, whereas visitors do because they don’t have it all the time. It is clear what I am being asked to do so I think this particular podcast will be my most played item to remind me I am just a man and am doing God’s will for everyone else. Remaining humble is the key. Releasing this 2019 recording now just demonstrates Our Lady is working through FOM and COB – perfect timing. God Bless you all and I believe 2022 is going to be a year to remember for all the right reasons.-
City: Louisville
State: KY
Country: United States
May God and our Lady bless you, David. It is hard enough here in the United States, but I think you are going through more with the Covid mandates and overreaching government. I will be praying for you, for our Lady’s intentions for you. It is nice to have “friends” who are like minded and believe from around the world. Honestly, it’s like 1 in a 1000. I have only one friend in Louisville who follows Mej and so I am really “out there” and “weird”. LOL. I don’t mind. St. John Vianney said that he had many years when he was alone and could therefore practice his strict fastings and prayer vigils without the scrutiny or interruption of others. ( that is not a quote, I summarized what he said) And so it is with us perhaps. Being alone gives us the time to pray and there is no one in the house to tell us to eat a proper meal. 🙂 Thank you Caritas and AFOM for another great broadcast. Hello to Ruth, my prayer partner! Lots of love from , Louisville.
12 thoughts on “When the Hyenas Attack”
City: lillington
State: nc
that was beautifully powerful , remembering Her words Am I not here, who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the fountain of your joy? Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the cradle of my arms? thank you I will listen again and again to this message God Bless
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Thank you Mother Mary for opening my eyes and for calming my fears. Please guide me through these difficult times and teach me to pray with deep concern for humanity. I am sorry as I am a sinner.
City: Prairieville
State: Louisiana
Country: USA
Every morning I ask Mother Mary to hold my hand as I walk down this dark road called life. I ask her to lead me along with all our family to the light of her Jesus. “Papa” Joseph leads the way and knocks down the demons with his staff who try to attack us on our journey. One day, Mother Mary and “Papa” Joseph will take our hands and place them in the hands of Our Jesus!! What a glorious day.
City: Ilford
State: Essex
Country: UK
I have been fighting people who unjustly want to torture and kill my brother and me but after listening to this podcast I will no longer be attacking them but instead I’ll be praying for them. I am afraid but now that I know Our lady is with me all the time and that nothing is by chance I know she will protect me and my brother and that she just wants to save these people’s souls through me.
Country: Mexico
How blessed are we to have Our Lady fighting for us! and how blessed to have a Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas of Birmungham following the Medjugorje messages so faithfully. Thanks a lot and keep on helping us to understand. I agree with David from Australia, this release is been made on perfect timing.
City: Gillieston Heights
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas of Birmingham. This podcast has grounded my thoughts today. I have had many questions of why this and why that, and this 30 min episode answered them all. I always believed nothing is by chance but today just reinforced this 200% by the perfect timing of Our Lady. Australia and the World is going through some amazingly evil things at the moment 1: to teach us a lesson and 2: to appreciate what we had when we lose them. Our Lady without doubt, is teaching us perfect wisdom and the only way for all of us to learn this – if we choose – is to experience it. I once heard a story that if you live by the ocean all your life you wouldn’t appreciate it, whereas visitors do because they don’t have it all the time. It is clear what I am being asked to do so I think this particular podcast will be my most played item to remind me I am just a man and am doing God’s will for everyone else. Remaining humble is the key. Releasing this 2019 recording now just demonstrates Our Lady is working through FOM and COB – perfect timing. God Bless you all and I believe 2022 is going to be a year to remember for all the right reasons.
City: Louisville
State: KY
Country: United States
May God and our Lady bless you, David. It is hard enough here in the United States, but I think you are going through more with the Covid mandates and overreaching government. I will be praying for you, for our Lady’s intentions for you. It is nice to have “friends” who are like minded and believe from around the world. Honestly, it’s like 1 in a 1000. I have only one friend in Louisville who follows Mej and so I am really “out there” and “weird”. LOL. I don’t mind. St. John Vianney said that he had many years when he was alone and could therefore practice his strict fastings and prayer vigils without the scrutiny or interruption of others. ( that is not a quote, I summarized what he said) And so it is with us perhaps. Being alone gives us the time to pray and there is no one in the house to tell us to eat a proper meal. 🙂 Thank you Caritas and AFOM for another great broadcast. Hello to Ruth, my prayer partner! Lots of love from , Louisville.