City: Miami, FL
State: FL
Country: United States
It’s a pity that those writings were not translate it in Spanish.
There is a whole world, south of the border that they need to hear those writings from Caritas.
But maybe nobody cares…
November 25, 2023
The Parchment
[Podcast] (31 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje tells you something that should give you chills, or at least awe. You will want to send to everyone you know. We are hearing more and more from those who say a Friend of Medjugorje is the definer of Medjugorje. Listen to “The Parchment” and see what you think. Then leave your feedback.
Episode Transcript
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[Theme Music]
“For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled. Even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we haven’t forgotten.
The open roads still softly calls, like a nearly forgotten song of childhood. We were wanderers from the beginning. We know that exploring our wild involves risk, mortal danger even. But in the name of science, ego, sheer curiosity will ignore the risks and we will do it anyway.
Tonight, I want to tell you three stories, not of great explorers, but of ordinary people who came face to face with a terrifying reality. Out there in the wild, it can take a surprisingly few mistakes, sometimes just one, to become completely lost.”
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Indeed, we are lost. If we weren’t, Our Lady wouldn’t be here. What is happening? Our Lady said something incredible today, a short message. Most of the world will read it and not think too much about it. I want to tell you tonight about three, three things. That’s just she just said, three stories, except this is not a story. It is non-fiction. Our Lady says today, November 25, 2023. Our Lady says:
“Dear children! May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world…”
Until this point, it sounds good doesn’t it? It’s sweet. Now Our Lady says:
“…be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which does not have hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
This is a contradiction. Our Lady is talking about the world, about good deeds and joy and the expectation of the King of Peace. Why did I say contradiction? Because there are two worlds She is talking about. One world will be alive and one world is going to die. She says there is no hope. She is not saying maybe.
Everyone has one leg on the dock and the other on the boat. When the boat floats away, you will fall in the water and drown. If you keep one leg on this world and what it is now in the present, you are going to drown.
And that includes many Christians because they live, what Our Lady said once, many Christians are living pagan life. While they may think they are Christian, they are going down in a place where there is no hope.
This intro said, “We are unfulfilled.” After 400 generations, God has to intervene and that is what is taking place at this moment. Our Lady is coming down and She said in the message today:
“Dear children, may this time be interwoven…”
Why would Our Lady say that word? You know what it means. But a few words to define that, it means when things are knitted and laced together, they are interwoven. It also means between or among. And that is what Our Lady is asking.
“…May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds…”
Another time Our Lady said, January 25, 1997:
“…You are creating a new world without God…”
That is 1997. And now Our Lady says it’s done. What we have made has not 1/10 of a percent to survive. And this January 25, 1997, She adds to this:
“…This time is my time…”
There is a battle. So, what are you going to do?
There are 7.9 billion people in the world. We are on one world, but the population is being unwoven. Out of that 8 billion people, there will be 5 billion jobs out there.
I am going to tell you whatever your occupation it, don’t think it is going to say, because we have a world that modernism by far is the occupations, the jobs won’t be there. How do I know that? Because God said in Genesis, when the fall of Eve, you will be bound to the soil.
We are to be an agrarian people. The further we get away from the soil, we go further away from God. I wrote a thing for our school years ago. I stated this:
“A man is never so close to his Creator as when his knees are in the dirt.”
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You say, “Oh, I can’t do that.” Or, “I’m going to be a doctor.” You have to be in the soil. This occupation is the only thing ordained for man.
You say, “Well, we need doctors.” My grandfather came from Italy and he gardened. He grew everything. He had a milk cow. But do you know what people called him? Doctor John, because in Italy he learned everything about herbs and medicines.
Some of the stories I heard about him, I didn’t believe it. He died in 1963. Years later, I ran into an older man, he found out who I was and he says, “Your grandfather was a doctor.”
And he said, “My father was in a wheelchair for 5 years and he worked on him. He got out of the wheelchair.” I almost didn’t believe it. He was incredible, that is why everybody called him Dr. John.
I want to explain to you about Medjugorje. We have two worlds right now and the one is going to go away because She said it has no hope.
You just heard me say that earlier. That means it is over. Your occupations, what you are doing. You better change now. You get to the soil.
I want to interweave what Our Lady is wanting to show us. You have to be attached to Her messages. That is your life jacket.
It is easy to think that Our Lady’s messages are not complicated. They are deep. You have to dig through them. I want to tell you some things that are going to surprise you and shock you about Medjugorje.
In the Book of Revelation, it tells us something that we are connected to. If you are connected to Medjugorje, not even if you have been to Medjugorje. How is that?
I have been telling you for decades this is Biblical. It is Revelation. When I was talking one time in Medjugorje, a priest stood up. He said you cannot discern Revelation. I told him, in front of the group, you are too educated. You can’t deal how simple Our Lady is and profound.
When God does something, He sends the angels. What happened to the shepherds 2000 years ago? The angels came out and gave a message, singing Glory. Telling them salvation is at the door. Go to Bethlehem. I have been there, where the shepherds were.
We walked from where they were to where Jesus was born. God sends the angels. So, when the Book of Revelation, Chapter 14, It says the three angels. Mirjana has Three Secrets on a parchment. Mirjana will be told 10 days before it happens and three days before it happens, she will announce it.
What is going to happen across the whole world to every person, every language, every nation. We already see the people going to Medjugorje. Every nation on earth.
I would say it is safe to say that every village or city, somebody has come to Medjugorje or at least knows about what is happening. When God intervened to Sodom, the angel was sent to Lot and his family, to flee. God doesn’t come down.
The carriers are always the angels, just like the shepherds, I said, to carry the message of the good news. We are anticipating these three Secrets and the messages, when it is announced by Mirjana that Fr. Petar, he will read three days before.
What is going to strike the world? We don’t know, but if we read the Bible, Revelation, Chapter 14, there are three angels that are going to be sent to the earth, with a message. Revelation says, Chapter 14, John describes what he sees. He says quote, out of the Bible:
“Then I saw an angel flying high in the air with an eternal message.”
Did you hear that? A message. That is what Mirjana has.
“…an eternal message of good news to announce to the peoples of the earth.”
That is what the parchment is about. Continuing:
“…to every race, tribe, language and nation…”
We are seeing this. This is Medjugorje. This is what is happening.
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And the angel says in the Bible:
“He, the angel said in a loud voice, ‘Honor God and praise His greatness for the time has come for Him to judge mankind. Worship Him who made Heaven, earth and sea and the springs of water…”
That contradicts who we are, what man is, what kind of world we have created. A place without God. Mirjana is going to be told, after a short time, a second secret to be released. Revelations 14 says:
“A second angel, followed by the first one…”
Mirjana said, it is going to be a period after the first one for people to convert. A short period, then the second comes. The Bible says a second angel followed the first one saying:
“She has fallen.”
That’s not the angel, when it says “she,” it’s explained after that statement.
“She has fallen. Great Babylon has fallen.”
That is what the world is right now, is a Babylon. And the Bible in the Old Testament, it talked about Babylon as “she.”
“She has fallen. Great Babylon has fallen. She made all people drink her wine. The strong wine of her immoral lust.”
That is what that is.
You might think lust is about something of the flesh. You lust for your cell phones. The world is lusting, fondling all these other gods. It is an impure love not of God. There is more love for your cell phones, all these things and the world that we have now. So that second angel is going to destroy the world as we are now. And that is what Our Lady said today.
“…the world which does not have hope.”
Our Lady’s words are not a guess. It’s not to scare you. It’s to tell you what is going to happen. So the second message has been given and implemented.
So now the first, the second has happened and then we’ve got the third secret from Mirjana. Fr. Petar is going to read that. Revelation says:
“A third angel following the first two, saying in a loud voice, whoever worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand.”
I want to stop right at that point. I want to jump back to the second angel, talking about the world, Babylon, she relating to us now, our world to the message She [Our Lady] gave today. “She made all people drink her wine.” And what is today? What are people drunk on? Marija says September 25th, Our Lady said, just two months ago:
“…Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and meeting with Jesus…”
Marija was shocked. She told me, I was there at the [reading of] the message and she stated:
“I never thought Our Lady would say this.”
This was not all that she said.
“…Renew prayer in your families so my motherly heart may be joyful…”
Which is what She said today:
“…may this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace be felt in your hearts, families…”
And going back to the end of September 25th, She says:
“…renew prayer in your families so that my motherly heart may be joyful as in the first days when I had chosen you and day and night prayer resounded…”
See, everybody in the village, they were so excited. The grace came down and the prayers went back to Heaven.
“…and night prayer resounded and Heaven was not silent but abundantly bestowed peace and blessing on this place of grace…”
Talking about Medjugorje. So that parallels the message today.
“…the joy of expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world…”
The September 25th message is really saying, “Heaven is silent.” Why is it silent? It is silent because everybody else is talking not to God but to these stupid things we have, these little silver things that the Bible talked about. St. Paul condemned it. They wanted to kill him for it.
What would happen if we started taking people’s cell phones out. They would want to kill you. That little god, all the voices, all the words, all the time. The earth is filled with constant, worthless conversations and poor Heaven is silent.
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So going back to the third angel, “Whoever worships the beast” which you hold in your hands and many other things, “whoever worships the beast and its image and receives the mark of the forehead or on his hand,” the forehead is the brain. Marija put her hand on her head, [and said], “Our Lady is talking about your brain.” Our Lady just said, “Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts,” September 25, 2023.
It can’t be any more clearer than this. Yes, throughout the centuries no one could have imagined what Revelation is talking about, but why would God give it to us, with all these symbols, that no one can understand it until things come to a reality. You can say, what else in the history of the world that Revelation can be related to our time at this moment?
January 25, 1997
“…This time is my time…”
Who is it? Who is it that God is talking to the devil about the Woman, Genesis 3:15? Who is John talking about in Revelation chapter 12? The Woman.
If you doubt that, the next words are saying, and She, the Woman, gave birth to a male child. Who else is it going to be except the Woman that is in Medjugorje. The Woman has been here. The Woman who has gone to the Bedroom over 150 times, and well over 200 including other places here. She needed a big outpost to tell you what we’re telling now and what we archive for us to propagate these messages. You who have followed this place, you’re part of it.
So the third angel, Mirjana gives that. And it’s about being marked as people are and in their hands. Revelation says about the anger God has and the third angel is sent with His message and His mission.
“All who do this will be tormented in fire, Sulphur behold the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of the fire that torments them goes up forever and ever. There is no relief day or night for those who worship the beast, its image and anyone who has the mark of its name.”
Revelation, down a little bit, John says:
“Then I heard a voice from Heaven saying, write this: Happy are those who from now on die in the service of the Lord. Yes indeed. Answer the Spirit.”
That is what Our Lady is here for. Answer Our Lady. Turn away from these things.
“Yes, indeed. Answer the Spirit. They will enjoy rest from their hard work because the results of their service goes with them.”
Many of you are in the service of Our Lady and many are not. The world, right now, is in darkness, a darkness that the world has never experienced before.
Just a few decades, [no one] would even be able to comprehend where we are today. The world is in its darkest hour it has ever had. So the three angels, bringing the messages. You say, well Our Lady has the messages. Our Lady has the message on the Parchment. That is why She said, April 4, 1985:
“I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world.”
The parchment is a message. It has messages on that. It is not just the 25th, a Thursday, or the messages that She gave here. This is right out of the Bible. You live that moment. I want to play you a clip about Revelation to impact on your heart what Our Lady said today and the reality, in those three messages, clarified, what you are going to hear now:
“Allow me to give you some context surrounding the passage of Scripture during the Great Tribulation we are going to be focusing on.
In Revelation 14, the antichrist has risen to power. His rule is marked by deception and tyranny with the false prophet at his side performing great signs to lead astray if possible even the elect. They establish a world order that demands allegiance. A system that embodies rebellion against the Creator.
This is the moment of humanity’s last and most fatal nosedive as the world hurtles towards the abyss. However, it is precisely at this juncture, the world’s darkest hour, that God intervenes in a manner unprecedented in human history.
Never before has God done what He does in the 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation. Never before has God gone to such extraordinary lengths.
In an extraordinary act of mercy and sovereignty, He dispatches three angels with messages of critical importance. Revelation 14:6-13 brings to us the proclamations from Heaven made by three different angels.
In this passage, John receives a vision of three angels flying the sky, each carrying a different message. These angels are not just ordinary angels, but they are three special angels sent by God to deliver a crucial message to the people on earth.”
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[A Friend of Medjugorje]
There you are. Three angels. What are they doing? As I said earlier, they have a message and that message is right out of the Bible.
And Our Lady, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, telling us this is the last apparitions in the world, after this I will never appear again on this earth.” It is the last call for conversion. I asked Marija about that, why Our Lady said that. She said because these apparitions you will have everything you need until Jesus comes back.
We need to be supported by you. We have people begging us to put our materials out in other languages. Right now, it is English and Croatian. We have got the print shop. We’ve got the means. We can do it.
We have to have financial support. We need more people being a Protect 50 [Field Angel], meaning donating $50.00 a month. If you can’t do that, do $25.00. If you can’t do that, $10.00 a month. If you can’t do that give $5.00.
We are expanding by force because demand, the food what we give them through the message, just what you have heard, breaking open Our Lady’s messages.
It’s in the Bible right there you’ve just heard it. Three angels with an eternal message of Good News to announce to the peoples of the earth, to every race, tribe, language and nation. What else do you need? What else do you want to fund? What do you do with your means?
We, every day, are introducing Our Lady to them and they are accepting it because the material we put out, it feeds them without chocking them, whether they are nonbelievers or Protestants, please support this mission. You are saving souls. We wish you Our Lady, we love you, Goodnight.
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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
11 thoughts on “The Parchment”
City: Charlottesville
State: va
Country: USA
Our Lady says “…nothing is by chance…”
I have a much younger brother who is very gifted and has been working on language translation that accurately can be retranslated without loss of meaning. Kindly pray for Paul that he may have the translation program FOM needs to spread the messages and secrets and he’d be willing to share. -
City: O Fallon
State: MO
Country: United States
This writing touches my soul. Please don’t underestimate Mary’s Power to keep you all safe. I’m elderly, have little but give the widow’s mite anyway. After 35 years of God’s generosity, I still have extra to share. We desperately need Caritas! -
City: Bakersfield
State: CA
Country: USA
I hope we can still receive these messages when Fr. Petar reads the 3 different messages. Will you be able to relay these to us immediately or is there another website I should also know about.
I want to thank you so much for all you do. There is no way I will be able to go to Medjugorje but I have read so many wonderful things that Mary has done for all us sinners.
God be with you and may Mary’s angels protect all of you.-
Nikki, is the #1 Medjugorje website in the world. We have people in Medjugorje constantly. And as many are aware, a Friend of Medjugorje is very close to Medjugorje visionary Marija. Not only will you be able to visit the site to get the latest updates, but if you are on the email list, we will be sending messages multiple times a day when the 3 secrets are released. A Friend of Medjugorje has built Caritas for exactly what you are asking for. For you or anyone, be sure to sign up for the free email list and stay in the know. You will also want to sign up for the regular mail list. Call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000 and ask to be placed on the regular mail list.
City: Hessmer
State: La
Thank you Caritas for everything y’all do ❤️❤️❤️
City: century
State: fl.
Country: usa
hi,time,is indeed closer.than ever. in this spring toalt esclipe of three since 2017 two toatal one annual .it is time to decide. as much as i want to get a land line restored. out of my hands, those already hunger for souls has been a tough battle. when it disappers my gift given to me will have to let me know. you are so right.prison minstry is a joy. thanks with all my heart always in my heart john -
City: Adelaide
State: Sth Australia
Country: Australia
Where can we access your materials over here to promote Our Lady’s messages? I already have a large statue of Our Lord and Blessed Mother under our huge pine tree in my backyard, just awaiting God’s time to open our home to promote Our Lady’s work, PRAYER and fellowship in the Spirit. Require my husband to receive the same vision so we can work TOGETHER!-
You can order a library of all a Friend of Medjugorje’s materials. Yes, it would cost you to get the materials shipped. You can be an outpost in Australia and anyone else reading this can do the same. It has been shown again and again through the years, that a Friend of Medjugorje’s books and broadcasts save souls. You can be a part of that. You can contact Caritas in the U.S., and we can discuss what it would take to get all the materials shipped to you. Dialing from outside the U.S. 001-205-672-2000.
I know I comment a lot, but I sometimes like to share ideas and give other ideas to Evangelize. The Blessed Mother talked about doing good deeds. This year at my Church I took four tags off the giving tree. one tag large men’s sweatshirt, one tage large boys shirt, the third tag a 12 month sleeper and lastly deodorant and razors. Well I went to Kohls and mistakenly bought a medium sweatshirt plus I had added a pair of medium sweatpants to make his gift even better. I went to another store realizing my mistaken size and nothing happens by mistske per our Lady. So I choose not to take them back but to Bless. someone with them. As fate would have it, the lady ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, had a grandson 9 years of age and she told me she had no money and I told her they were free and she joyfully took them for her grandson. I know we are supposed to be silent about good deeds and are rewards will be in heaven, but I believe we should plant seeds in other peoples gardens, to encourage them to do a good deed. God Bless!!!
Oh how moving dear FOM! How blessed am I to be living in this Our Lady’s Time and to be surrounded by Her apostles in particular, you dear FOM, who is so committed to Her and to Our Savior. Thank you for leading me back to my Mother and to my salvation Her Son, my Lord, Jesus. I am truly grateful to have you and all of my Caritas family in my life. I was lost and now because of all of you am found. May the Lord Bless all of you and the work you do and for helping to save a wretch like me. You all have touched my life in the most profound way and I am eternally grateful for my Caritas family. Thank you all. Love, Jo🫶🥰🙏🥰🫶🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
11 thoughts on “The Parchment”
City: Miami, FL
State: FL
Country: United States
It’s a pity that those writings were not translate it in Spanish.
There is a whole world, south of the border that they need to hear those writings from Caritas.
But maybe nobody cares…
City: Charlottesville
State: va
Country: USA
Our Lady says “…nothing is by chance…”
I have a much younger brother who is very gifted and has been working on language translation that accurately can be retranslated without loss of meaning. Kindly pray for Paul that he may have the translation program FOM needs to spread the messages and secrets and he’d be willing to share.
City: O Fallon
State: MO
Country: United States
This writing touches my soul. Please don’t underestimate Mary’s Power to keep you all safe. I’m elderly, have little but give the widow’s mite anyway. After 35 years of God’s generosity, I still have extra to share. We desperately need Caritas!
City: Bakersfield
State: CA
Country: USA
I hope we can still receive these messages when Fr. Petar reads the 3 different messages. Will you be able to relay these to us immediately or is there another website I should also know about.
I want to thank you so much for all you do. There is no way I will be able to go to Medjugorje but I have read so many wonderful things that Mary has done for all us sinners.
God be with you and may Mary’s angels protect all of you.
Nikki, is the #1 Medjugorje website in the world. We have people in Medjugorje constantly. And as many are aware, a Friend of Medjugorje is very close to Medjugorje visionary Marija. Not only will you be able to visit the site to get the latest updates, but if you are on the email list, we will be sending messages multiple times a day when the 3 secrets are released. A Friend of Medjugorje has built Caritas for exactly what you are asking for. For you or anyone, be sure to sign up for the free email list and stay in the know. You will also want to sign up for the regular mail list. Call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000 and ask to be placed on the regular mail list.
City: Hessmer
State: La
Thank you Caritas for everything y’all do ❤️❤️❤️
City: century
State: fl.
Country: usa
hi,time,is indeed closer.than ever. in this spring toalt esclipe of three since 2017 two toatal one annual .it is time to decide. as much as i want to get a land line restored. out of my hands, those already hunger for souls has been a tough battle. when it disappers my gift given to me will have to let me know. you are so right.prison minstry is a joy. thanks with all my heart always in my heart john
City: Adelaide
State: Sth Australia
Country: Australia
Where can we access your materials over here to promote Our Lady’s messages? I already have a large statue of Our Lord and Blessed Mother under our huge pine tree in my backyard, just awaiting God’s time to open our home to promote Our Lady’s work, PRAYER and fellowship in the Spirit. Require my husband to receive the same vision so we can work TOGETHER!
You can order a library of all a Friend of Medjugorje’s materials. Yes, it would cost you to get the materials shipped. You can be an outpost in Australia and anyone else reading this can do the same. It has been shown again and again through the years, that a Friend of Medjugorje’s books and broadcasts save souls. You can be a part of that. You can contact Caritas in the U.S., and we can discuss what it would take to get all the materials shipped to you. Dialing from outside the U.S. 001-205-672-2000.
I know I comment a lot, but I sometimes like to share ideas and give other ideas to Evangelize. The Blessed Mother talked about doing good deeds. This year at my Church I took four tags off the giving tree. one tag large men’s sweatshirt, one tage large boys shirt, the third tag a 12 month sleeper and lastly deodorant and razors. Well I went to Kohls and mistakenly bought a medium sweatshirt plus I had added a pair of medium sweatpants to make his gift even better. I went to another store realizing my mistaken size and nothing happens by mistske per our Lady. So I choose not to take them back but to Bless. someone with them. As fate would have it, the lady ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, had a grandson 9 years of age and she told me she had no money and I told her they were free and she joyfully took them for her grandson. I know we are supposed to be silent about good deeds and are rewards will be in heaven, but I believe we should plant seeds in other peoples gardens, to encourage them to do a good deed. God Bless!!!
Oh how moving dear FOM! How blessed am I to be living in this Our Lady’s Time and to be surrounded by Her apostles in particular, you dear FOM, who is so committed to Her and to Our Savior. Thank you for leading me back to my Mother and to my salvation Her Son, my Lord, Jesus. I am truly grateful to have you and all of my Caritas family in my life. I was lost and now because of all of you am found. May the Lord Bless all of you and the work you do and for helping to save a wretch like me. You all have touched my life in the most profound way and I am eternally grateful for my Caritas family. Thank you all. Love, Jo🫶🥰🙏🥰🫶🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏