City: Vistula Toledo ohio
State: Ohio
Country: Satan
In Toledo ohio the local library posted a voter info poster saying federal ID is accepted for voting. Nothing to worry here. I ask myself God said let their be light yet they let perverts into the church and Biden into the White house and total global suffering is at hand delivered by the evil of Biden. What happened to the light of the church of God? Even the Pope seems to be lost in Marxism.
March 7, 2024
The First Time He Said It…
[Podcast] (20 Minutes) – This broadcast, originally from February 4, 2010, a Friend of Medjugorje reveals something about Medjugorje never before told. When you hear about it now, this was the first time it was said, and it was a big revelation that is now common knowledge.
Episode Transcript
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Tonight’s broadcast comes to us from February 4, 2010. Now everyone who has been involved in Medjugorje, at some point in time gets a little bit off frequency. And it is important to go back and be reground in right philosophy and the right way of thinking. These earlier mejanomic broadcasts, a Friend of Medjugorje, gave us a lot of understanding of the messages and how to read the messages and how to read the world events based in the messages. Tonight, a Friend of Medjugorje is going to share with us a very basic philosophy about the economy and debt, grounded in the messages. Towards the end of the broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje is going give a revelation of something that he had never given up to this point, which is now common knowledge, that at the time, had never been told before. So here is a Friend of Medjugorje, February 4, 2010:
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Well, it is Thursday, and as usual we are doing what Our Lady asked us to do. This is living the message, for those who have listened to the Bible verse Our Lady requested us to read, which was just read. And at the end of the program, I want reveal something about that, that is really phenomenal. It is the first time I have seen it anywhere that we now have something, after 28 years of apparitions. It is pretty awesome. But we will do that toward the end, so we will keep you in a little suspense until that time, but it is very exciting to know about it. And it is to do with Our Lady, as always.
Our Lady didn’t say to read Matthew and these verses without something She is trying to point to. That there has been a tree growing that is very, very bad in its fruit. And to bring this down to the common man, the working man, and even the man that is out there, a business man, a corporate owner, this system is really a system what Our Lady said June 25, 1989:
“satan has special plans to enslave you to materialism.”
Materialism is bought to purchase. These purchases today all the way down to our sofa is financed and now even sofas or couches, you can it for people who least can afford it, you don’t have to pay a payment until next year. But you will see advertisement like this. There is an old saying my dad used to say, who was raised in a coal mine camp and many of the older people know this, but the younger don’t. But the coal mine would put a store, because obviously when the coal miners got off their long hours of work, they had to go the store.
The store was owned by the company. And the saying was, “The company store owns your soul,” because they pay stuff at a higher price and basically they got it rigged where all your wages go back to the company store. So, the company pays you, then you pay the store and it is just a vicious circle of poverty that you are locked into.
And so, Our Lady said that satan has special plans to enslave you through materialism, you go borrow the money, you are never able to get ahead, and you stay in debt. The way to get out of this, how do you escape that? There is only one way and now there are new regulations coming up to chock us down when we want to do a project so even if you can pay for it, there are things that are blocking us now.
There is a convergence of evil. I just read this morning of a report of the Pentagon opening up the military to abomination, total abomination. Sickening. But the word they use, in what I read this morning, was fiat, fiat. One of the main Pentagon official, along with Secretary of Defense, Gates, they gave a fiat yes to this. They are violating the law. Just like violating the law of changing and debasing currency, unconstitutional. This is not even constitutional and yet nobody is objecting to this, at least I haven’t seen something. But it is incredible.
What has that got to do with money? It is the convergence of evil on everything and everything is tied to money. So even this has some connection. How do you escape from this? We’ll read one testimony, it shows that enforces this, and it is get out of debt. So, all these things may be unrelated, what is this on Mejanomics for. It is all to give you and inspire you to realize, you have got to get out of debt, if you got to live in a tent. Get out of debt and slowly build a little hut and from a hut build a little house. It can be done.
The debt thing is the slavery, it is the chains that you have shackled yourself with and you never will be able to do anything while you are in debt. And even if you are comfortable, the system is coming down and that little liability you may have can pull down everything else you have, if it is devalued. I was reading about housing right now, that actually this was a preacher was preaching about it, about the morality of this is wrong. That you have people doing what they call “strategic foreclosure.”
In other words, you just walk away because the house that you bought was $300,000 and now it is only worth $75,000 and you just walk away from it. He was saying, morally you can’t do that. You have to fulfill your obligations. There are ways that they are offering, now, short closings on the house but still, so your liability where you had assets in your house, suddenly you have deficits, and you have debt because of that, because it deflated. So, you still have the liability.
Many people could have been comfortable out there. And you don’t know what your house is going be valued. In fact, people were wrong and in sin without realizing it, a sin of ignorance. And buying their house and then they say to go buy another house. They build houses that way, but a home is not.
My home, when I built it, was my home. I called it a live and die home. When I was in business, I told people, this is a live and die house. They asked what are you talking about. I said in other words, did you build this house to die here? No! Well then don’t do this much upgrade to it.
But I was amazed at this. I was amazed of talking to a 60-year-old, who just built a house, put it there. Are you going to die here? Well, we don’t know. What do you mean you don’t know? You just got a place you stay, it’s all what that is about.
There are people out there that say, that don’t say where you live, they say where you stay because you might stay there tomorrow and tomorrow you might not stay there later. This is absorbed. Where is the proper mentality? Where is Biblical principles? Putting your roots down, finding a place.
Well, I don’t know if my job will transfer. Because you participated into a system that has enslaved you, but if you got loose from that, you wouldn’t be in a position where it is going to force you to go here or go there. You would build up a little bit and you say, okay I can find a higher paying job in Michigan, because of the union, which is all going down the tubes now. But, why not have more, making less by paying as you go. Have a house paid for, a little plot of land, whatever, have the riches of life. Who’s better off?
So, you try to make more to have more? Or someone who has everything paid for and can sleep good, having no anxiety at night. All this is again philosophy you need to start basing your decisions on and to get free from this system, that satan is building and what the currency been debased to mean nothing, to change. Joan, just read this one testimony, it shows you this, that people are waking up to realize to what they have to do.
“We don’t have and never will have credit cards ever again. Why you might ask? At least a lot of our family and friends do. Because we have found security and trust in God for the provision of all our needs.
We have learned that getting a hold on your attitude is the number one factor in being victorious over your finances. We now tell the money where to go instead of it guiding us around and making us slaves to others. Such as student loans and credit card companies. In gaining a new found respect and understanding of what we have been given, we have come to acknowledge and take responsibility for the money God has blessed us with.
We had to face our debt and our desires and become better stewards of our possessions and income. We don’t have to have a false sense of security in our credit cards anymore. We’ve been good stewards and have real security because of our habits and perseverance. Sacrifice has had it place in our budgeting, wants and desires. But it is completely worth it.
We remind ourselves that delaying a purchase doesn’t mean we will never have it. Trusting God, timing, patience, and preparation are everything, though, when it comes to gaining financial peace.”
[Friend of Medjugorje]
And this is testimony of actually, it has made a point in there that if you can’t get it now, doesn’t mean you can’t have it. In fact, you will get those things quicker by not borrowing. I know this reminds me of when we were building our house for 8 years, our live and die house. We built it like we wanted to.
And when we got within a couple of years of finishing it, or actually within a year of finishing it, all those we thought it was still 2 or 3 more years, I bought a heavy piece of equipment. I bought several heavy pieces of equipment. My philosophy was like the Amish say, “Many a fine barn built a fine house.” I knew that fine barn was the business and the equipment and we actually made enough money in the next 6 months to finish the house within 12 months, when it was at least 3 years away, by buying this piece of equipment.
So, by not borrowing and buying the proper things and those things that helped you, or helped me in that situation, I advanced my ability to do what I did much quicker. So, you don’t, you retard yourself by meeting your self-gratification, immediate gratification. You hurt yourself. Delayed gratification, you end up with more. And we have talked about a study done about that. You have a question.
This term, fiat, that word has always been the word that is associated with Our Lady. You always talk about Our Lady’s Fiat. And I just think it is interesting that this word is coming up more and more. Our Lady’s Fiat was Her total submission to the Will of God and what He was requesting of Her. I remember you coining this phrase, “oppositing,” years ago where satan takes something of God and reverses it for his own. he, likes, steals something from God and reverses it for his evil. That this fiat that is being said through this fiat money or this fiat program with the military is this “yes” to satan, to satan’s system or he is taking this from, and in particular it is a strike against Our Lady.
[Friend of Medjugorje]
This is exactly true. In fact, you never, never heard the public or read or see the word “visionary” for the first 10 years, at least, of Medjugorje. It was not a word that people used. It wasn’t out there on a daily basis contact. I have watched words, I have been very sensitive to that because the words, the messages of Our Lady. And then suddenly everybody starts using “visionary.”
Now I remember when I first started hearing it, and it was too mundane, because when you heard visionary, you thought of the six visionaries. Anywhere, whether it be in the news or on the TV, this is what you thought of, but now the visionaries, the architect, you won’t be able to connect that, but I distinctly remember there was a total absence of that word. It wasn’t used, it wasn’t that it didn’t exist, it just was that people didn’t use it. You see it everywhere now. And it is satan’s plans.
You have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from February 4, 2010 and as we conclude the broadcast tonight, a Friend of Medjugorje will now reveal something that until this time, until this point in time, had never been revealed before. And those in the Medjugorje world now understand this and now know it. But as of February 2010, this had never been revealed by anyone, anywhere. And so here is a Friend of Medjugorje from February 2010, concluding the broadcast and giving us a major revelation.
[Friend of Medjugorje]
I want to read something. It says:
“I ask God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I ask for health that I might do greater things. I was giving infirmity that I might do better things. I ask for riches that I might be happy. I was giving poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I ask for things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am among men, all men, most richly blessed.”
That is wealth. How many people envy those who may have things, and really what makes you your wealth? And so, Our Lady is trying to get us to do this, to understand this by reading Matthew 6. And do not think it is wasted time to submit yourself to any influence that may bring upon you noble feelings.
Our Lady’s messages is that influence. There is nothing else to be involved with, there is no other ministry to be involved with. You say, oh well, all these good ministries. That is not in question how good they are. But we have got something that is on the front burner. What do you want to be involved in? And what is it saying?
Which brings to the conclusion of what Our Lady, I said I wanted to reveal something about Our Lady and what we have discovered that we didn’t know. And it is incredible. I remember reading years ago about the Jews, that they blocked the Scriptures, how they wrote it and every letter would be above another letter, how they wrote it. They blocked it.
And you can go sideways and it would reveal something to them. You can go backwards at another diagonal angle to these letters and it would mean something. That they believed everything is Scriptures had this kind of thing, whether it be mathematically the say the sequences worked up.
And Our Lady ‘s prophetic things. Still in these apparitions after 28 years, we know She came the first day with that. And we don’t even know, we just now discover. So, the first time, and somebody just brought this to my attention in the Community, but as soon as I heard it, this was thunder to me.
It was just said happen chance, but this is huge…huge. Because Our Lady said, August 5, 1986, read each Thursday the Gospel of Matthew, where it said no one can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and money. On March 1, 1984, to Jelena, She says each Thursday read again the passage of Matthew 6:24-34 before the Most Blessed Sacrament. And so, we have this we are reading this every Thursday.
And now after 28 years it is revealed to us for the first time. Our Lady laid something in this because this is obvious so important, so critical to everything we are doing and understand and living by. And look what it says:
“No one can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and money.”
So, She wanted this especially read. That is Matthew 6:24. 6:24, when was the first apparition? What was its day? Amazing. Is that not shocking? It is so prophetic. We are living something so prophetic and I have never read this anywhere. I have never heard it anywhere.
It is amazing why haven’t we discovered this. Well, we quit reading the Thursday, Matthew 6, years ago, 2 decades ago, they stopped. You know, they began it for a few years and the parish use to read it. Nobody reads it now. So here it is, we revive this, nobody else is doing this. We are wanting to inspire everyone else to do this and Our Lady comes and reveals this to us to reveal it to you.
This should be an impulse that you spread this to everywhere. Say, go and listen to Mejanomics today. Our Lady, when you follow Her, She will reveal things that is unforeseen. Things that you don’t know. And to me this is an earthquake in the Medjugorje movement. It should move thought the whole movement from this point forward. And those who understand it, will.
And so, you follow Her, She shows things. I know we talked on our show the other night on the 2nd of the month, that somebody said we don’t need to comment on the message. Well, then you don’t need to know that 6:24, Matthew 6:24, especially She says that is the verse, 24 is where, well, let me read you 24. Just the verse 24 says:
“No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon .”
That is verse 24. That is Chapter 6. That is June 24. That is an amazing thing. So, we don’t need to comment on that. So, you see the narrowness of the mentality of people out there. We do need to comment. We need to study it. Our life is the message. We are putting this Thursday show on because we think it is critically important and now Our Lady comes and feeds us information to give to you. It is exciting. Medjugorje itself is exciting.
To get yourself out of debt and see what you can start doing is tremendously exciting. We just want to end with a thought about the greatest apparitions on earth and there are 3 reasons for that. Our Lady for 28 years have been giving apparitions every single day. That has never happened before in Church history.
Our Lady secondly said that She would give messages never before in the history of the world. And thirdly, these are the last apparitions on earth. Our Lady said that and that is documented. So that puts us in a magnitude of something the world has never seen before. And for Our Lady to tell us to read Matthew 6, particularly 6:24, you cannot serve God and mammon, She actually quoted that verse to a small degree.
The fact that that is and She comes on 6:24, June and that is the 24 day of the 6th month. It is incredible and it can leave us speechless. And so, we just think of these things and it gives us an impulse to go to the messages and do what She says.
So, until next week, we want to say good-bye. We wish you Our Lady.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
2 thoughts on “The First Time He Said It…”
City: Eglinton
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Thank you again Friend of Medjugorje and Our Lady
Your insightful sharing is very much appreciate. I am keen to see approaching June 2024 and how this may relate to Our Lady’s timing of events……Meanwhile, thank you for advising us to get out of debt. My goal now if this be Gods Will is to save for some land. I was praying about this desire and in the Bible on a random page the words ‘do not get into debt’ highlighted the approach to achieving same. Save yes but don’t go into debt
2 thoughts on “The First Time He Said It…”
City: Vistula Toledo ohio
State: Ohio
Country: Satan
In Toledo ohio the local library posted a voter info poster saying federal ID is accepted for voting. Nothing to worry here. I ask myself God said let their be light yet they let perverts into the church and Biden into the White house and total global suffering is at hand delivered by the evil of Biden. What happened to the light of the church of God? Even the Pope seems to be lost in Marxism.
City: Eglinton
State: NSW
Country: Australia
Thank you again Friend of Medjugorje and Our Lady
Your insightful sharing is very much appreciate. I am keen to see approaching June 2024 and how this may relate to Our Lady’s timing of events……Meanwhile, thank you for advising us to get out of debt. My goal now if this be Gods Will is to save for some land. I was praying about this desire and in the Bible on a random page the words ‘do not get into debt’ highlighted the approach to achieving same. Save yes but don’t go into debt