City: Orange Grove
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you for the great talk, and for the very comprehensive look at some the messages about war and peace. Also, the ending with the children singing Ave Maria is always my favorite.
October 26, 2023
She is the Answer
[Podcast] (61 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje, in this special broadcast taking place in Medjugorje, powerfully tells us what God is giving as an answer to so many woes of the world today.
Episode Transcript
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Welcome to Radio Wave with your host, a Friend of Medjugorje.
Tonight, we have the privilege of being able to share with you a Friend of Medjugorje speaking to the BVM Caritas/Pilgrimage Group in Medjugorje about this very important message Our Lady gave yesterday, October 25, 2023.
With all the situations happening on the world stage, tonight’s broadcast is very timely. But as we hear what a Friend of Medjugorje says tonight, not only is it timely, it’s also timeless. And we know this is one of those broadcasts that people will go back to again and again from now and years into the future. And so here is a Friend of Medjugorje, October 26, 2023.
There was a lot of anticipation when the 40th Anniversary, Our Lady’s apparition was and many people were disappointed. But I wasn’t. What Our Lady said on June 25, 2021:
“…my heart is joyful because through these years I see your love and openness to my call. Today I am calling all of you, pray with me for peace and freedom because satan is strong and by his deceptions wants to lead all the hearts away from my motherly heart. That is why decide for God…”
And then it said something about Israel going into the Promised Land and everybody skipped it. They don’t understand these simple things. The 40 years and She says:
“…That is why decide for God…”
Just like the Israelites,
“…so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
When I saw that, wow. It’s the Promised Land. Your house is on land, whatever you’ve got. God gave it to you.
“…Thank you for having responded to my call.”
So, I want to start off with a song about healing your land. satan’s plan is to destroy the United States of America and everything else is going to be a cushion for satan to destroy the world. That’s the plan.
In great deeds, something abides. On great fields, something stays. Forms change and past bodies disappear, but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision place of the soul. And reverent men and women from afar and generations that know us not and that we know not of shall come here to ponder and to dream. And the power of the vision shall pass into their souls.
Eternal Father, today You tell us that our Mother Mary will appear next to the Tree.
Help all of us to stand by that Tree, the Cross, to stand by that Tree in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life, to stand by that Tree, which is You, the Source of all life, the Vine that gives life to all the branches.
Through our Mother Mary, I ask you to bless all of Your children here, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you?
Didn’t anyone ever say?
Did you capture a vision of glory,
As She held out Her hand today?
It’s reaching to the broken ones,
Right down to where you stand.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you,
This is your land?
Didn’t anyone ever tell you?
It doesn’t matter, the last will be first.
For the sad and the meek and the righteous
And all those who will hunger and thirst.
So, let the poor in spirit know
These dreams are not of sand.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you,
This is your land?
You’ll be given the robes of princes.
You’ll be flying on golden wings.
You will live in pavilions of splendor.
Be surrounded by beautiful things.
So, hold onto these promises.
And keep them in your hand.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you,
This is your land?
This is your land.
This is your land.
This is your land.
You’ll be given the robes of princes.
You’ll be flying on golden wings.
You will live in pavilions of splendor.
Be surrounded by beautiful things.
So, hold onto these promises.
And keep them in your hand.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you,
This is your land?
This is your land.
This is your land.
This is your land.
“…That is why decide for God so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
To be good is just keep the Commandments. If you don’t, it won’t go good for us.
God is pleased when we recognize the land He gives to us.
Our Lady, in the beginning days, says that She could have gone anywhere in the earth. This is the place She chose.
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Would you think, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, you’d be in Bosnia? What are you here for?
We did a slideshow. Many of you have probably seen it. The title of it, when I decided to name it, “Medjugorje is Real.” So, I put the title on there, and I said, “Wow.” Because Our Lady does all these tricks for you.
It is real.
Her Motherland. Israel!
Medjugorje is real!
This place is real—Israel.
There’s so many secrets, so many things in the messages that comes out, just comes out, you don’t know you’re looking at something like, “Wow!”
Our home and the place we have, God disdains it if you hate that. We know a lot of people that live in the United States hates it, and they’re doing everything to destroy it. They can’t do it if we follow Our Lady, because of the land and what happened.
How many people were there on July 4th in the Field?
Our Lady did something incredible. I’m writing the keepsake. I always don’t have the time to do it. But something happened big, big, big, big that you can’t even imagine in what Our Lady did. I’m not going into it. I’m still digging it up. And even here, a couple days ago, Our Lady showed me something about it. We think, on July 4th, we had this apparition. Our Lady did something huge. That blessing for the Tree was a priest. Marija was there, before the apparition, he just spontaneously gave this blessing for the Tree.
Our Lady lays everything out. When I moved in the Valley, I didn’t know about the Tree out there. That one Tree, I always thought, has some kind of mystery to me. I never thought I would get the pasture. We’re trying to get more to protect it.
So, Our Lady has a lot to tell you. Your home and what She’s done and the messages you’ve read, you have to read and re-read, and it always says something different to you. They are alive.
When it was communist, you couldn’t buy land here, when it was Yugoslavia. Right behind these bleachers right here is a line from Bijakovici, from here, all the way to the Apparition. Medjugorje is behind this. That’s the border line. I’m walking through here, and there’s no big trees in Medjugorje like this. And I walked through here. There was no bleachers here. There was no buildings here. There’s nothing. And I say…I stopped in my steps, and I look, I said, “Wow! I would love to have this place. This is beautiful.” It took years to get it and to buy it. I raised the money to have this.
You may not realize what your thoughts are of what you say is a prayer. I didn’t pray for this. I just made a statement in my heart, “Wow. I would love to have this.” Seven, eight years, it came into our hands.
Our Lady’s got a lot for you, your home, back home, as I said twenty years ago, you would never think you’d be in a place at the end of the earth. Our Lady has a lot of secrets for you, and She’ll open them up, and when you see it, and you’ll be listening to Her, it’ll blow you away.
The other morning, I didn’t want to go to English Mass, so I went to the yellow building. It’s German. I said, “Well, I’ll go into the German Mass during the day.” Not that many people were there, about 70-80. The place holds like 200 people. So, I’m sitting in the back row, and right there in the aisle is this dog, sleeping, because the tile is cool. It was a girl.
So, I’m listening to the Mass and everything. It starts having dreams. And she’s laying down, and her left front leg started going like this and did this. And then her head is shaking. And then her back legs. So, she’s chasing a rabbit or something. I don’t know what she’s doing. She’s got a dream. It was so sweet. So, everybody was looking around. And there was a lot of people sitting around, but they were looking at it.
And then, these Germans, they did something really smart. You know, they’re smart people. I never thought about this. It’s incredible. You’re a long way from your home, and your home is to be such that you long to go back, that you want to be there. You want to love what God gave you.
So, they sang a song, in German, and I said, “That’s cool.” And it made me reflect about home, what God’s given me. It’s going to be in English. How do I know what it was? You’ll know what it was, but it was beautiful singing. I never heard it in German. I said, “That’s cool.”
If you miss the train I’m on, you will know that I am gone. You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles.
A hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles. You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles.
Lord, I’m one, Lord, I’m two, Lord, I’m three, Lord, I’m four. Lord, I’m five hundred miles from my home.
Five hundred miles, five hundred miles, five hundred miles, five hundred miles. Lord, I’m five hundred miles from my home.
Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name. Lord, I can’t go home this a-way.
This a-way, this a-way, this a-way, this a-way. Lord, I can’t go home this a-way.
If you miss the train I’m on, you will know that I am gone. You can hear the whistle blow, a hundred miles.
Medjugorje is a place to reflect, contemplate. We are [INAUDIBLE] In that German Mass, it was really very moving.
Our Lady said something kind of strange, October 20, 1984. She says,
“…Prayer is a conversation with God. To pray means to listen to God…”
It’s a dialogue between you and Him. And you’ve got to listen to Him when you’re praying. Stop. What is He telling you? The thoughts just coming through this song, what just went through your heart, your mind? It feeds you. It means when you’re kid, of where you’re going.
“…Prayer is useful for you because after prayer everything is clear…”
I often say, use this message, “What am I going to do now, God? How am I going to deal with this, with Caritas,” or whatever the situation I have. But after prayer, and a lot of prayer, sometimes, everything’s clear, and you’ll know what you need to do.
“…Prayer makes one know happiness…”
And here, Our Lady says something incredible.
“…Prayer can teach you how to cry…”
I’m almost 71, and I’m telling you about this dog laying down. [LAUGHTER] And the older I get, the more emotional. I’ve been praying a long time, and She’s teaching me how to cry. She’s going to teach you that.
“…Prayer can teach you how to blossom. Prayer is not a joke. Prayer is a dialogue [of] God.”
When you’re here, you’re thinking about whether your age is Medjugorje really makes the thoughts about your life and when you’re going to die.
Somebody here is going to be the first one to die. We don’t know when it’s going to be. And you never know.
SO, Our Lady wants a reflection on life and where we’re going to be. What do we have waiting for us? You can be here one second, and next second going. Medjugorje is really a reflection about your friends, or if you’ve got cancer, and it’s not going to cure. You’ve got to say goodbye to your friends, and your friends goodbye to you. And death can be a joyful thing, but always sad at the same time.
Back in the 60s, there’s a lot of songs come up, and the older you get, you reflect, your childhood, your adulthood. Some of you may remember this song.
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend. We’ve known each other since we were nine or ten. Together, we’ve climbed hills and trees. Learned of love and ABCs, skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend. It’s hard to die. When all the birds are singing in the sky. Now that the spring is in the air. Pretty girls are everywhere. Think of me, and I’ll be there.
We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.
Goodbye Papa. Please pray for me. I was the black sheep of the family. You tried to teach me right from wrong. Too much wine and too much song, wonder how I got along.
Goodbye Papa. It’s hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky. Now that the spring is in the air. Little children everywhere. When you see them, I’ll be there.
We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone.
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We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone.
Goodbye Michelle, my little one. You gave me love and helped me find the sun. And every time that I was down, you would always come around and get my feet back on the ground.
Goodbye Michelle. It’s hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky. Now that the spring is in the air. With the flowers everywhere, I wish that we could both be there.
We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach.
We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach.
We had joy. We had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wine and song, like the seasons, have all gone.
All our lives, we had fun. We had seasons in the sun, but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.
I said, if you remember that, you’re old. [LAUGHTER]
We have a situation in the world that’s very dangerous, extremely dangerous, and Our Lady is telling us, in 1991, with the war that started here, and now, She gives a message that says, if you read it before you left home, exactly, 1991 to now, 2023. It’s amazing.
What’s happening right now is satan wanting World War III.
April 25, 2019
“…do not permit that the wind of hatred and peacelessness rule in you and around you…”
February 25, 2017
“…I am calling you to profoundly live your faith…so that [the] winds and storms cannot break it…”
January 25, 2015
“…Now, as never before, satan wants to suffocate man and his soul by his contagious wind of hatred and unrest…”
Our Lady’s message, last night, She told you. You’re here.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s October 25, 2023 monthly message to the world:
“Dear children! Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives. That is why the Most High sent me to you, to lead you towards the way of peace and unity with God and people. You, little children, are my extended hands: pray, fast and offer sacrifices for peace – the treasure for which every heart yearns. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Dear children! Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth…”
The wind of hatred. “…contagious wind of hatred and unrest…”
“…blowing through the earth to destroy lives…”
Israel’s intelligence, they tapped into a cell phone, a terrorist, and he’s on his cell phone. And he says,
“Dad! Dad! I’m a hero! I killed ten Jews with my hands! Dad, you know that I did it? I did it for Allah! Dad, I did this with my hands. Put mom on. Mom, look! Your son killed ten Jews! I’m a hero! Dad! I’m right here! I’m on cell phone. I killed the husband, and I killed her, and I got his cell phone. I’m talking on his cell phone! Dad! Do you realize your son? Look at what’s up, and you’ll see the bodies!”
He goes on three minutes, just over and over. And they intercepted it. Israel’s intelligence tapped into it, and he goes on and on and on. And, “Get mom on the phone! Get her on.” She gets on there, and she starts talking. “I’m proud of you. God bless you!”
“…contagious wind of hatred and unrest…”
Last night, in Maine, fifty people got shot. [GASPS] Thirty to forty people injured. Twenty dead.
satan, what he did in 1991, wanted this thing to go…
When you get back home, we’ve got our whole, that’s laid out, Peter Jennings, back then, did a special broadcast in calling this place here, “The Land of the demons.” The guy who owns ABC, he’s 100%. His wife had a devotion to Our Lady. I brought him here. Tom Murphy, he could get anything, anybody, because he had correspondence everywhere. We became friends. He came to Caritas. His wife came down there. I could say he was the most powerful guy in the world. Now, ABC back then, the war was going on, I called him. I said,
“Tom, I need some commercials.”
In thirty seconds, he says, “Let me call you back.”
And they said, “Mr. Murphy says give you what you want.”
“I want thirty-second commercials to bring relief here for the people that’s starving,” with the war going on.
Then they come back out. We made three commercials. Tom calls me and says, “Terry, I’ll give you six months of commercials.”
Millions and millions of dollars of commercials.
We raised $50 million. We were bringing cargo ships and planes.
But Our Lady wanted to stop this from going to World War III.
satan, right now, has his hand, and Our Lady is saying so many things right now. And when She said,
“Dear children! Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives…”
So, we’re in a situation right now of war.
October 25, 2013
“…seek the Most High…for satan not to shake you like the wind shakes the branches…”
May 25, 1988
“…Pray…that satan does not sway you like branches in the wind…”
February 15, 1984
“The wind is my sign…”
This is what She is. Of all the messages that Our Lady has, what we’ve got in the Field in Alabama where Our Lady appeared next to the Tree, is this message. Because after Marija left, every time we prayed at apparition time, a breeze came through. It can be hot. We’re so used to it, we don’t think nothing. It was miraculous.
February 15, 1984
“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind…”
Well, She’s saying, the “winds of evil.” he’s always anti-ing Our Lady. So, he wants his wind, and Hers is Her wind.
“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you. You have learned that the cross represents Christ; it is a sign of Him…”
She’s not giving something shallow. She’s saying this. “That’s Who I am.”
“…It is the same for the Crucifix you have in your home. For me…”
Our Lady,
“…it is not the same. When it is cold, you come to church; you want to offer everything to God. I am, then, with you. I am with you in the wind…”
Uh-oh. You feel that? Be quiet.
“…I am with you in the wind. Do not be afraid.”
We’ve had times where, literally, kneeling down, blown down on the ground, the wind.
We were…Mirjana was doing her last apparition…Was it the last apparition? We all gathered on the first anniversary, when we were all in the Field. We had people come from everywhere. At six o’clock in the morning, at daybreak, while she was having an apparition here, unbelievable. Was any of you there? A storm came, and water in the Field was floating like a river in five minutes. And everybody’s umbrella got blown off. And it actually blew down, and lightning hitting, and we were laughing! It was so joyful because we knew Our Lady’s doing that, and that was the exact moment Mirjana got her apparition.
There is a song that has a novena. The novena is nine, and it asks nine questions for us to determine and for the next generation. It’s prophetic. What you’re about to hear is a novena of questions.
Right now, who is the answer? God is sending the answer here. Our Lady is the answer, and God has planted songs, years ago, that She is the answer. She’s got the answer for everything that’s happening right now in your life, in the world, in the wars, and if you’re not listening to Her answers, you won’t know what to do, to the answer of the questions.
This song asks nine questions. The answers to these questions could determine the fate of all of us in this next generation.
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How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail, before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannonballs fly, before they’re forever banned?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
How many years must a mountain exist, before it is washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist, before they’re allowed to be free?
How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
How many times must a man look up, before he can see the sky?
How many ears must one man have, before he can hear people cry?
How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
As soon as this song comes on, it gets darker, and it gets cold. That’s what it’s talking about, cold, because Our Lady says, I just read it,
“…When it is cold…I am with you in the wind…”
Marija has told me that Our Lady said, after She leaves here, She’s still going to be here, and She’ll be able to do more than your real mother.
Have you experienced that? You will. The closer you get to Our Lady, you’ll see things.
She gave a message once, said, “When you need Me, call me, and I’ll come immediately to help you.” (March 4, 1982) Now, is She there really? Is She not just saying words? That’s Her words, and She means it. So, just little thinking here, She’s letting you know Who She is.
July 12, 1982
“The third world war will not take place.”
Now, but we’re on the verge of it, and She’s doing everything to stop it.
Actually, everybody should get Twenty Years of Apparitions. Give everybody that. Read that here or take it back home and read it. I wrote that. It’s where Our Lady has stopped atomic bombs that were going to be dropped, over and over and over. It’s amazing. The research in it took me a long time to put it together. After saying the third world war won’t come, nine days later, She says, July 21, 1982, Our Lady spoke about how to stop the war.
“…Through fasting and prayer, one can stop wars, one can suspend the laws of nature…”
December 26, 1982, five months later, She repeats how to stop the war.
“You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert wars and suspend the laws of nature.”
What kind of war? Just military? In the family? At work? Out there on the streets? In Maine? Why is that happening?
If you haven’t read the book, my last book, I’ve got five years of research. They Fired the First Shot is a thousand pages. I did that in four and half months. This book, Has satan Pulled Another One on You?, it’s five years on that book. If you haven’t got it, order it. And it tells you what happened in Maine and why it’s happening. Why wasn’t it happening thirty years ago, forty years ago? Why is all this happening? That book gives you everything. Actually, buy it in bulk and give it to people, principals at schools, work places.
December, 1990
“When I started to speak to you and to call you to peace, you thought everything was calm and there was no need to pray in a special way for peace…”
You always have to pray for peace. Always.
“…The absence of peace was in the hearts, now the absence of peace has come into the world.”
This, 1990. Right after that, the war started here, because they had been in peace. And out of nowhere, this war started.
December 25, ‘91
“…put God in the first place in your families so that He may give you peace and may protect you not only from war, but also during peace, protect you from every satanic attack…”
April 25, 1992
“…Only by prayer and fasting can war be stopped…satan wishes in these turbulent days to seduce [you] as many souls as possible… accept the call to prayer with seriousness…”
That’s what I’m saying now, right now.
March 25, ‘93
“…today like never, I call you to pray for peace… satan wants war, wants lack of peace, wants to destroy all which is good…”
There’s a lot of people, a lot of families, in Maine today, is not in peace.
Eight months later, after that one, we have two planes hits the World Trade Center. September 25, 2001,
“…Also today I call you to prayer, especially today when satan wants war and hatred…”
For two years, Our Lady did not speak of war. Then, on February 25, 2003, Our Lady gave a strong message.
“…Also today I call you to pray and fast for peace. As I have already said and now repeat to you, little children, only with prayer and fasting can wars also be stopped…”
From that single mention of war, in 2003, eleven years, Our Lady was silent, not saying about the world war. Wars were going on still, but more was happening, and evil was growing. ISIS was coming on the scene. School shootings continued to raise up in that eleven-year period.
January 25, 2015, Our Lady said,
“…Now, as never before, satan wants to suffocate man and his soul by his contagious wind of hatred…”
See, it talks about he’s in the wind. She talks about She’s in the wind.
“…contagious wind of hatred and unrest…”
That’s what Our Lady said, the wind of hatred going across the earth.
Five months later, Our Lady said, in June 25, 2015,
“…may God be your tomorrow and not war and lack of peace…”
Without God, we will never find peace.
For four years after this, Our Lady, again, became silent about war. Her messages kept very strong and clear. In 2019, Corona virus is released. Our Lady speaks three times about war.
March 25, 2019
“…Wars are reigning in hearts and nations, because you do not have peace and you do not see, little children, a brother in your neighbor…”
And that’s what’s ramping up in 2019 from where we are at right now with Israel and with the tragedy it’s been to the whole world.
November 25, 2019
“…Without God you do not have peace…The world is at war because hearts are full of hatred and jealousy…”
I wrote a book, Harboring Anger. Jealousy is very dangerous. If you’re jealous, it turns into hatred. And there’s steps in that. There’s four steps. You don’t want to ever be jealous.
October 25, 2020
“…satan is strong and is fighting to draw all the more hearts to himself. he wants war and hatred…”
Now, we’re at 2020. Now, 2021, February 25th:
“…with prayer and fasting also wars can be suppressed…”
March 25, ‘21
“…I am here as the ‘Queen of Peace’ because the devil wants peacelessness and war…”
May 25, ‘22
“…may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled…”
June 25, 2022…
So, all this is ramping up. The Israel thing, Gaza, all that’s been planted, you’re seeing Our Lady’s messages says, “War’s coming.”
June 25, 2022
“…I am with you also in these days when satan is fighting for war and hatred. Division is strong and evil is at work in man as never before…”
All of us have wounds—and I’ll end with this song. We have a lot of healing. There is a lot of hearts that’s damaged, families, at the workplace, at the schools, at the Church! That’s one of the weakest places happening right now. Very sick, very, very sick. Our Church is very sick. I’m talking to a lot of priests, even bishops. The Church is in big trouble. A lot of wounds.
But Our Lady is here to wash all of our tears, and She’s here to hold your hands. And She will do that. She said in a message, “I want to take into your hands.” When you pray, you kneel down. Hold your hands to Her when you pray by yourself and say, “Mary, put Your hands in my hands. Help me.” She’s immortal, and She’s the answer.
I’m so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears. Your presence still lingers here, and it won’t leave me alone.
These wounds won’t seem to heal. This pain is just too real. There’s just too much that time cannot erase.
When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears. When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years. But you still have all of me.
Your face—my once pleasant dreams.
These wounds won’t seem to heal. This pain is just too real. There’s just too much that time cannot erase.
When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears. When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years. But you still have all of me.
I’ve tried so hard to tell myself that you’re gone. But though you’re still with me. I’ve been alone all along.
When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears. When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of these years. But you still have all of me.
She knows your tears. She knows what you need. You’ve got a few hours left on this holy ground. Get out by yourself and scream if you have to. Scream to Our Lady. She wants to heal your wounds. She is the answer.
Ave Maria. Ave Maria.
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2 thoughts on “She is the Answer”
City: Clifton Park
State: NY
Country: United States
In October 1990 when my marriage and family was being torn apart I had a metanoia experience which
immediately corrected my path in life. I saw one of your billboards and immediately called and kept calling for the message. Within a few short weeks I knew that I had to travel halfway around the world to a place in Yugoslavia called Medjugorje because Mary was calling me. That was May 1991. I had several trips cancelled due to the impending war then received a call from someone who heard of my problem and was able to book me on her group. My family thought I had lost it. I returned home with a PEACE beyond all understanding. For the last 33 years my life has change beyond belief. Not all things become easy but keeping my faith hope and love moving forward has. I have committed my life to Jesus, Mary and to you as a field angel for I know in my heart and soul that Medjugorje is true. My marriage was restored through Mary’s intervention and my wife and I returned to Medjugorje in 1995. Praise the Lord. Mary is here for us. Thank You for what you did, do and will continue to do.
2 thoughts on “She is the Answer”
City: Orange Grove
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you for the great talk, and for the very comprehensive look at some the messages about war and peace. Also, the ending with the children singing Ave Maria is always my favorite.
City: Clifton Park
State: NY
Country: United States
In October 1990 when my marriage and family was being torn apart I had a metanoia experience which
immediately corrected my path in life. I saw one of your billboards and immediately called and kept calling for the message. Within a few short weeks I knew that I had to travel halfway around the world to a place in Yugoslavia called Medjugorje because Mary was calling me. That was May 1991. I had several trips cancelled due to the impending war then received a call from someone who heard of my problem and was able to book me on her group. My family thought I had lost it. I returned home with a PEACE beyond all understanding. For the last 33 years my life has change beyond belief. Not all things become easy but keeping my faith hope and love moving forward has. I have committed my life to Jesus, Mary and to you as a field angel for I know in my heart and soul that Medjugorje is true. My marriage was restored through Mary’s intervention and my wife and I returned to Medjugorje in 1995. Praise the Lord. Mary is here for us. Thank You for what you did, do and will continue to do.