May 25, 2023
Radio Wave Special

She Answered With a Message

[Podcast] (34 Minutes) A Friend of Medjugorje reveals just how closely Our lady listens to our prayers… and something else. Listen to the end and you’ll want to tell everyone.

Episode Transcript


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[Friend of Medjugorje]

Today is May 25, 2023.  Our Lady speaks to us, as you know, each month.  We always wonder what Our Lady is going to say.  Many people say She says the same thing.  For those mentalities, you don’t know Our Lady.  You don’t know Medjugorje.  You don’t what She is saying and why She is saying it.  Just look around.  Look at the world.  We are in trouble.

You have heard me say before what Our Lady has said, had God not sent me, the world would end.  We are on the verge for that to happen now.  We don’t have years, we don’t have months, we don’t have weeks, we don’t have days.  We are down to the seconds now.  I want to play a clip that I did several years ago.  It is applicable to this moment.  So listen.

[Clip:Friend of Medjugorje]

Medjugorje is now something that doesn’t matter.  Through the years, many people have gone, and they are not part of it.  How do you go there and not act on it and continue with your life and leave Medjugorje?  Not everybody stays converted.  Not everybody converted at all.

And so Medjugorje is not a leaving matter, and we can continue on life as it is.  These moments with Our Lady are not going to come back.  It is a part of salvation history.  But we are man and as men we forget that.  And because of that, for the lack of vision, the people lose their faith.


Remember when you couldn’t wait

To show up early and find your place

Cause you didn’t want to miss a thing

And your heart was open and ready for change.


Oh, those days

You were never afraid to sing

Never afraid to lift your hands

Didn’t care what people would think.


You were on fire

And church was more than a place

And people were more than faces

And Jesus was more than a name.

The first things are radical conversion.  Many people who go to Medjugorje do that.  The second thing that happens is separation.  You start separating from everybody else.  The third thing is the greatest zeal in your life is conversion of a pagan.  Could be your spouse, could be your children, could be your neighbor, could be your enemy.

Whoever, these three things are paramount in the messages.  They are going to come, associated in the future with the Secrets.  This is here, this is the moment.  Radical conversion, separation second, third you want to convert everybody.  The whole world is going to be like that.


Remember when you weren’t ashamed

To tell your friends about your faith

A time when you felt the pain

Of just one lost soul that was slipping away


Your heart was soft, you had radiant eyes

But slowly the pressures and burdens of life

Pulled you into the dark of the night

But when did you lose your sight?


Cause you were on fire

And church was more than a place

And people were more than faces

And Jesus was more than a name.


Oh, you were on fire

You let life put out the flame

But he’s still calling out for you

Cause he wants to light your heart again!


And set it on fire.

Set it on fire.


October 28, 1981, Medjugorje

Regarding the fire that hundreds of people saw that burned but did not consume anything.  Our Lady said:

“The fire, seen by the faithful, was of a supernatural character. It is one of the signs, a forerunner of the great sign.”

What does this say to us?  It says that you have to commit more to Medjugorje not less.  You have to give everything.  There is nothing more important than Our Lady’s apparitions on earth and what She is calling you for.  And if you are not answering that call to be an apostle, you will have regrets.  These are the last apparitions.  Impress that in your heart and you need to invest everything you can into it.


Turn your eyes, turn your eyes

And don’t forget what it was like


Set me on fire, set me on fire.

I wanna hold God’s people close

Wanna feel the power of Jesus’ name

Set me on fire, set me on fire

Set me on fire, set me on fire

Set me on fire, set me on fire

Set me on fire, set me on fire

[End of clip]

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[Friend of Medjugorje]

That was several years ago.  We are supposed to be on fire.  I am on fire.  Nothing matters to me, or what happens, except I follow Our Lady.  Just like the song says, Jesus’ name was more than a name.  Many people that have gone to Medjugorje have lost the fire.  How can you do that when you see what is happening now?  Our nation, the nations of the world, are set for chastisement.  It is coming.  Why?  This is another clip from several years ago, explaining back then to now.



Society today is driven by atheistic patterns who say that they do not need God.  Yet, Our Lady tells us, without God you can do nothing.  Are we to stand idle and watch society and culture crumble around us?  What can we do?  We no longer have to stand still.  We can take action.  July 1-5 at Caritas, Alabama.  Gather with others from across the United States to reconsecrate the United States of America back to God.  Five days, July 1-5 at Caritas, Alabama.

[End of Clip]

[Friend of Medjugorje]

It is important for us to gather together for July 1-5.  We have to come as a people, repentant.  Climb to the Cross.  Go to the Field and the Bedroom of the Apparitions.  We are going to open it, that you can come there and pray for your family, for yourself, for your nation.

I have been looking forward for July 1st to the 5th because we are so messed up, our country, our people.  We are being defeated by evil and the only thing we can do is gather together and pray.  Pray for Our Lady to intercede for us.  Beg Her.  Cry out to save us, to save our nation, to save the world, really.

When we did the Rosary today, which we always do.  We go to the Field and then we make a petition when Our Lady is appearing on the earth to Marija in Medjugorje.  And today, I said,

“Mary, on this message today, say something to us. When we come together, put one little sentence in there, in your message, for this day, for what we are calling people to come here.  Send graces to us for all who will gather.”

When I got the message, I was shocked what She said.  She said:

“Dear children, I am calling you to go into nature…”

That is what we are asking for people to come here.  When you come here, you are coming to nature.  When I saw that, it was so joyful, because I asked Her, “Just say something for July.”  You can’t get any closer than that.

“I am calling you to go into nature…”

You come here to Alabama.  You come here to Caritas.  Five days in nature.  We have been out there in the pouring rain, lightning, conditions and the wind blows so strong that we have fallen over.  That is not an exaggeration.  This has happened.

“I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart…”

When people come here, you hear Our Lady, you hear Jesus, you hear God.

“…go into nature and pray to the Most High to speak to your heart that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit…”

Many people, through the 204 apparitions we have had here, thousands upon thousands have experienced that.

“…pray to the Most High to speak to your heart that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as to witness the love which God has for every creature…”

That is what this place is.  We are people of the soil.  And also, a Community that propagates Our Lady’s message to the whole world.  We have a lot of creatures here.  We have chickens.  We have hogs.  We have milk cows; we have beef cows.  We have rabbits, we have deer.  We have coyotes.  I just asked one little thing from Our Lady, the whole message to this point is about here.

“…witness the love which God has for every creature…”

Creature, that goes with nature.  That goes about this place here.  And Our Lady says:

“…I am with you and intercede for you…”

That is another thing.  It is a bomb.  The first apparition in the Field, back in November 24, 1988, Our Lady said in the Field:

“I invite you to live my messages.  I am here to help you.”

Today, Our Lady says:

“I am with you.”

And then She says in the Thanksgiving apparition, 1988 in the Field:

“I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”

She said that today.

“I am with you and intercede for you.”

I was shocked.  Every sentence in here, that I asked Her in a prayer, just give us something today in this message to speak to us for the gathering of July.  Nature, creatures, witness, intercede – She spoke directly about July.

↓ Share your thoughts – It helps bring people to conversion ↓

How do I know?  Because we have been praying for that.  We want graces for it.  So, there is another commercial, I am going to let you hear because Our Lady’s message today was so profound, so strong, so clear, wanting you to come here, to be here.  Tell everybody to come into nature so the Most High can speak to your heart, God’s love for every creature.  I will intercede for you.  I am calling you.  Go there.  Go to nature.  Come here.  This next commercial, you will understand Our Lady’s call.

This next commercial, you will understand Our Lady’s call.


How does God deal with nations which have no spirit? One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, George Mason, said,

“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”

When we look at the events around us, are we perhaps blind to see what is so plainly before us? The continual stripping away of religious freedoms and the barrage of laws, regulations and more laws, the oppressive structure to promote sin through new laws, and on and on.

The Scriptures so clearly show that when God’s people turned away from Him, it resulted in the loss of freedom and liberty.

For years Our Lady, from Medjugorje, has told us, invited us and encouraged us towards reconciling as a people, as well as individually back to God.

We need a Mother for our nation. We need Her to purify us. We need Her to cure us. We need Her to resurrect us. We need Her to be amongst us. We the people need Her.

This July 1st through 5th, that Mother will be with us. This July 4th will be special for our nation. Come to the Field at Caritas, Alabama, July 1st through 5th, when Marija Lunetti, visionary from Medjugorje will be with us for all five days.

Join with thousands across the nation in praying for the resurrection and renewal of ourselves and our country. July 1st through 5th, a Fourth of July in Alabama that will change your life and this nation.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Yes! Our Lady is coming! Marija is flying back with me from Medjugorje for five days being with Our Lady, for us to pray in front of Her during the apparitions.

It’s been ten years since Marija has done a public event with Our Lady. She’s been here four or five times privately, but this is open for the whole country and even people from other countries.

Pinch yourself. We need this moment more than ever. We’re getting closer and closer to the Secrets, but with that, that means closer and closer that the apparitions will be over.

Our Lady says these are the last apparitions and they are also the last calling of conversion. The opportunity to be in this situation, present with Our Lady is enough to drop everything, cancel everything you are doing in July to come here.

Our Lady said in Medjugorje, again, these are the last apparitions on earth. The visionaries have been everywhere. Never did Our Lady, geographically, mark the place. So, in reality, the last place that She’s done something geographically is here.

That’s what She said in 1988: “I am here to help you. I will intercede for you.” Today’s message is for here. It’s very clear. I was hoping just for a couple of words. The whole message is about this.

Our Lady sanctified the Bedroom, the Field, embraced the Cross. She did many things here. She wasn’t following Marija. She established, out of a cow pasture, a voice for Her messages to save them for the future. She came here for us to archive many, many things that She did and have said that will be saved for the future because it’s not there.

Here’s a clip we saved of a testimony of what it’s like to be here when Our Lady’s here.


Caritas of Birmingham, in the words of those who have visited:

“Thank you, thank you for a beautiful time. We love to come and visit but leaving is so hard. Maybe it’s a measure of what the visionaries feel when Our Lady leaves them each time She appears.

The devil works hard on us between visits to make us forget the wonder and power that these events hold. This time as all the other times we experienced many encounters with people and nature that gives us a lot to reflect on.

One of the days, as we began to work our way down to the Field from the Tabernacle for Rosary time, one of my granddaughters went ahead of me, skipping alone on the path, the whole way down to the statue of Our Lady.

I watched Her closely. I saw her two braids and full skirt sway back and forth at the rhythm of her skipping. I reflected on her innocence, wonder and unpretentious manner as she seemed to just enjoy the beauty of her space and environment.

When we reached the pathway of the Field, and now she was much further ahead of us because of her skipping pace, I saw her crest the little hill of the path with a blue backdrop of a spring sky and the top half of that sturdy pine dominating the scene.

It seemed at the moment surreal, as if time was stopping, and I could sense the fervent desire of the Mother wanting to keep Her child happy, innocent and living in the Kingdom. We pray it will always be so.

Our intention for them, as we brought them, could be bathed in the light of Our Lady, was to protect their purity and grow in the experience of this time of grace.

Whenever we make a visit to you there, we’re enriched as we watch the children and the way of life that surrounds them. It is refreshing to see.

We thank each of you. We thank you for your hospitality and hosting another great event with our dear Mother. Thank you for your continued perseverance to sacrifice and provide for all of us that come. God’s blessings of peace and joy. California.”

In the words of those who have visited, Caritas of Birmingham, a place visited by Mary, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje.

Join us here for our daily Rosary, 11 AM central time. Caritas of Birmingham, home of the sacred sites, the Bedroom of Apparitions and the Field of Apparitions. For directions, visit Mej.com. Spelled m-e-j.com. Or call in the U.S. 205-672-2000. 205-672-2000. Caritas of Birmingham, a place of prayer, a meeting of hearts.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

You heard what she said, go into nature. Study this message. You’re going to see Our Lady gave an outline of this place and what She established. It’s not a place of devotion. It’s a place of conversion, a place of renewal.

We plan to do national commercials for this. We’re going to have to have a lot of donations. We’re talking about a campaign because we’re at the last hour and we’ve already been looking at commercials where [???] could be over a hundred thousand dollars. We need you to pour out for the promotion of this like we’ve never done before.

And I know and you know if you’ve been here, people convert. There’s going to be souls that will be saved from the fires of hell. We have to have help. We need volunteers. We have people to get ready for this, to drive heavy equipment, most of all we want to promote this.

And you promote it. You could put these on local radios. We can give you the commercials. If we’ve ever gone all out, this is it. People tell us, we can’t wait to come to Mejabama.

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Our Lady has done beautiful things here. She’s very happy here. She brings the angels. One of Our Lady’s messages said, I have a particular intention. I’m asking you to pray seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys and the Creed every day. I’m asking you to do that for the graces, that Our Lady bring angels and the miracles.

We’re going to end this with another clip and it’s about when Marija was here in 1988. It will make you cry, and it will make you want to come here. So, while all this is about Christmas, July will be Christmas for you.

[Commercial-A Friend of Medjugorje]

When the apparitions started here in 1988, it was so mystical, we were stupefied by what was taking place. When Our Lady appeared in the Field, people gathered there. The apparition would take place in the Bedroom and we would turn the light on when Our Lady came. Then people would look to the South at the house, seeing it glowing and they knew Our Lady was there, and when the apparition ended, we turned it off. It accentuated the experience. It moved people very, very deeply. There was a journalist that was in the Field in November 1988 with The Birmingham Magazine. And published his experience.

‘One of the curious, I arrived on a November Sunday, as an early full moon hauled itself up over the blue Alabama hills. I walked a worn cattle trail down a hill and up a grassy rise. My feet raising the smell of new hay. On the hilltop, I paused, amazed. Below me spread a scene from El Sid or some other religious epic of the screen. Three thousand people waited in that Alabama Field, in a hollow that held them like a pair of gentle hands. Many here, had been waiting all day. Now, these faces turned to the house where Marija lay waiting for her vision. A ruffle of emotion swept the crowd. The feeling leaped across the Field, a visible, physical jolt to some. The lights burned four minutes, five minutes. The hillside settled, grew quiet. When the lights went off, a quick noise swept the throng then moved on, leaving reverence and quiet sobs. The write, the observer came back to life in me then and detached me from that remarkable experience. Look around you, this is faith. I glanced upward too. There in the heavens hung another unforgettable site. Over the house and field that night, the full moon wore a huge autumn halo, the largest I ever saw. It’s circle of light seemed larger than the world.”


Every light in the house is on

The backyard’s bright as the crack of dawn

The front walk looks like runway lights

It’s kinda like noon in the dead of night

Every light in the house is on

Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone

Every light in the house is on

[Friend of Medjugorje]

We have had through the years, people tell us over and over, when they turn off the highway to come back here, after the experiences they have had throughout the years, even when Our Lady is not here, that they feel like they are coming home.  For many, many years we have had Christmas in the Field, December 8-12.  During that time, we began to turn the lights on in the house, not just the front porch light, but every light in the house.  And it glows and the people look from the Field, during Christmas in the Field and they see the house glowing.  And it is a remembrance of those beautiful times Our Lady has been here, not just 1988 and 1989, but the many times Our Lady has come.


But until then I want you to know

If you look south, you’ll see a glow

Every light in the house is on

The backyard’s bright as the crack of dawn

The front walk looks like runway lights

It’s kinda like noon in the dead of night

Every light in the house is on

Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone

Every light in the house is on

[Friend of Medjugorje]

So, I want to tell you, just in case, you ever do get tired of being gone, every light in the house is on in Christmas in the Field.  And for you who have been away, make a spontaneous decision to come to your home and pray in the Bedroom of Apparitions and fill your heart with Our Lady.  It refreshes you to see that house, where Our Lady came, being in the Field, seeing all those lights on.  People have told us, Christmas night in the Field is the strongest part of their Christmas, where they feel it.

[Friend of Medjugorje]

So, don’t be confused. We’re not talking about December 8th. We’re talking about July 1st to the 5th. We need your help. If it’s a nickel or fifty thousand dollars, we need you to fund this to get these commercials out nation-wide. And I guarantee you, when they hear this on the radio, their struggling, their praying for help, they’ve never heard about Medjugorje, they will come because She says, “I’m calling you to go,” and this place is surrounded with nature. Be praying your novena every day, seven Our Fathers, seven Hail Marys and the Creed for all the graces to fall on the Field and the people and the Bedroom and the Cross and all the sites. Seize the moment. Spread this to everybody you know. We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Goodnight.

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

8 thoughts on “She Answered With a Message”

  1. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NM
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM and Caritas family it gives great joy to know that Marija is coming to Alabama. Our trip to Medjugorge was in October and much grace and peace received there is amazing. Whenever our Lady appears to Marija it is like being in Heaven knowing that She is present in the moment right where we are in Her midst. Praying that my husband and I will be able to make the trip to Alabama. God’s will be done. Thank for sharing your blessings and love with all peoples who desire to be with our Lady. “And Holy is His Name.” He who gives us time with our Lady.

  2. City: Sterling
    State: Colorado
    Country: USA
    This is my first time to listen to a Radio Wave message, although I’ve been praying for years with our Lady’s messages.
    I believe we are in the last days as we know them.

  3. Leedell Scott

    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I AM SOOO EXCITED THAT OUR LADY WILL BE BACK AT CARITAS! I am sooo very grateful to Mary for giving us at least one more time to be in her presence. Please, if I can, I would please like to share, as briefly as I can my first visit to Caritas almost 9 years ago Dec. 8 – 12. The trip by the worlds standard was a very difficult trip. Horrible weather and the distraction of my Mother’s Alzheimer’s disease, too. However, I did receive oh sooo much more than I could ever have anticipated even at that time. Below are the steps of conversion A Friend Of Medjugoje stated in this Radio Wave which I have gone through over and over again since I have been there – kinda hot then almost cold, but never really leaving Our Lady. Life’s circumstances and my own choices kept getting in the way. However, I just couldn’t really leave Her, my true Mother The Real Queen Of My Heart, Mary. Today is Pentecost Sunday, I pray that the fire Mary ignited in me all those almost 9 years ago is once again being lit and for others like me to just submit and obey your Mother your true Mother because she loves you and needs your prayers. No matter what your circumstance, you really won’t regret going, I promise. Did I receive back lash and persecution when I got back? Yes, BIG TIME! BUT I WOULD AND WILL GO AGAIN, GOD WILLING BECAUSE IT’S HER IT’S MARY THE QUEEN OF ALL OF US! This time, I want a true conversion no hot no cold just one deep true conversion just to be in Mary’s presence is enough for me because Mary was not there that December 8 – 12. I did receive graces, but now I really need Her Help Her real presence me a nothing a peasant who just wants to just be there that’s all.
    Special Blessings just go just go
    “The first things are radical conversion. Many people who go to Medjugorje do that. The second thing that happens is separation. You start separating from everybody else. The third thing is the greatest zeal in your life is conversion of a pagan. Could be your spouse, could be your children, could be your neighbor, could be your enemy.

  4. City: Holt
    State: Missouri
    Country: USA
    My friend Carolyn Stewart called me this morning and told me about Maria coming for the 4th of July. I know I missed a call from you yesterday and she says that was what it was about. I have been so excited all day and talking and telling lots of people. I am hoping to bring a few car loads at least. I am so grateful for another opportunity like this.
    Thanks you, thank you, thank you!

  5. City: Beavercreek
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    I was so excited to hear about Marija and Our Lady coming to Caritas this July to celebrate our Country which God has so graciously given us and which is dedicated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. I pray that Our Mother will open our eyes, minds and souls to God’s mercy and goodness and help return us back to Him. We sadly cannot be there but our hearts and many prayers will be with Caritas and the many pilgrims who will come.
    We will tell everyone about this great news and hopefully Mary will call them to come!
    Please pray for us and our families.
    We will continue to pray for you. God bless you for all you do for Our Lady and Her most precious Son, Jesus! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  6. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    70,000 people from all around the world came to Fatima to be with our Lady. I pray there is enough faith to duplicate the outpouring of love to our Blessed Mother to say “I love you, my dearest Mother!”
    If you are coming from Virginia or the Northeast, consider a stop at the Faith, Family & Farm Fest on July 1 at Natural Chimneys, pavilion #3 in Mount Solon, VA 22843 from 11:30-5. We will be promoting the Woman of Revelation, the Patriotic Rosary, and other books by A Friend of Medjugorje.

  7. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    Country: USA
    I jumped off the couch in excitement that Our Lady is coming back. Thank you Caritas. Thank you God the Father for allowing Our Lady to come back to us and thank you Our Lady for always being there for her children. See you in 5 weeks.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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8 thoughts on “She Answered With a Message”

  1. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NM
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM and Caritas family it gives great joy to know that Marija is coming to Alabama. Our trip to Medjugorge was in October and much grace and peace received there is amazing. Whenever our Lady appears to Marija it is like being in Heaven knowing that She is present in the moment right where we are in Her midst. Praying that my husband and I will be able to make the trip to Alabama. God’s will be done. Thank for sharing your blessings and love with all peoples who desire to be with our Lady. “And Holy is His Name.” He who gives us time with our Lady.

  2. City: Sterling
    State: Colorado
    Country: USA
    This is my first time to listen to a Radio Wave message, although I’ve been praying for years with our Lady’s messages.
    I believe we are in the last days as we know them.

  3. Leedell Scott

    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I AM SOOO EXCITED THAT OUR LADY WILL BE BACK AT CARITAS! I am sooo very grateful to Mary for giving us at least one more time to be in her presence. Please, if I can, I would please like to share, as briefly as I can my first visit to Caritas almost 9 years ago Dec. 8 – 12. The trip by the worlds standard was a very difficult trip. Horrible weather and the distraction of my Mother’s Alzheimer’s disease, too. However, I did receive oh sooo much more than I could ever have anticipated even at that time. Below are the steps of conversion A Friend Of Medjugoje stated in this Radio Wave which I have gone through over and over again since I have been there – kinda hot then almost cold, but never really leaving Our Lady. Life’s circumstances and my own choices kept getting in the way. However, I just couldn’t really leave Her, my true Mother The Real Queen Of My Heart, Mary. Today is Pentecost Sunday, I pray that the fire Mary ignited in me all those almost 9 years ago is once again being lit and for others like me to just submit and obey your Mother your true Mother because she loves you and needs your prayers. No matter what your circumstance, you really won’t regret going, I promise. Did I receive back lash and persecution when I got back? Yes, BIG TIME! BUT I WOULD AND WILL GO AGAIN, GOD WILLING BECAUSE IT’S HER IT’S MARY THE QUEEN OF ALL OF US! This time, I want a true conversion no hot no cold just one deep true conversion just to be in Mary’s presence is enough for me because Mary was not there that December 8 – 12. I did receive graces, but now I really need Her Help Her real presence me a nothing a peasant who just wants to just be there that’s all.
    Special Blessings just go just go
    “The first things are radical conversion. Many people who go to Medjugorje do that. The second thing that happens is separation. You start separating from everybody else. The third thing is the greatest zeal in your life is conversion of a pagan. Could be your spouse, could be your children, could be your neighbor, could be your enemy.

  4. City: Holt
    State: Missouri
    Country: USA
    My friend Carolyn Stewart called me this morning and told me about Maria coming for the 4th of July. I know I missed a call from you yesterday and she says that was what it was about. I have been so excited all day and talking and telling lots of people. I am hoping to bring a few car loads at least. I am so grateful for another opportunity like this.
    Thanks you, thank you, thank you!

  5. City: Beavercreek
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    I was so excited to hear about Marija and Our Lady coming to Caritas this July to celebrate our Country which God has so graciously given us and which is dedicated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. I pray that Our Mother will open our eyes, minds and souls to God’s mercy and goodness and help return us back to Him. We sadly cannot be there but our hearts and many prayers will be with Caritas and the many pilgrims who will come.
    We will tell everyone about this great news and hopefully Mary will call them to come!
    Please pray for us and our families.
    We will continue to pray for you. God bless you for all you do for Our Lady and Her most precious Son, Jesus! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  6. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    70,000 people from all around the world came to Fatima to be with our Lady. I pray there is enough faith to duplicate the outpouring of love to our Blessed Mother to say “I love you, my dearest Mother!”
    If you are coming from Virginia or the Northeast, consider a stop at the Faith, Family & Farm Fest on July 1 at Natural Chimneys, pavilion #3 in Mount Solon, VA 22843 from 11:30-5. We will be promoting the Woman of Revelation, the Patriotic Rosary, and other books by A Friend of Medjugorje.

  7. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    Country: USA
    I jumped off the couch in excitement that Our Lady is coming back. Thank you Caritas. Thank you God the Father for allowing Our Lady to come back to us and thank you Our Lady for always being there for her children. See you in 5 weeks.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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