March 17, 2022
Mejanomics Special

Our Lady is Here to Pull Us Out…

[Podcast] (57 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje tells us about how Our Lady is here to help us discern. He shares what Our Lady is here to pull us from.

Episode Transcript



“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.




These messages are for everything. It covers everything, from politics, the Ukraine, to the Vatican, to your family. They’re glasses, and they make you see clearer on everything, not your opinion, but where your truth is, so that you can understand all the circumstances.




That was a Friend of Medjugorje on March 16, 2022. Today is Mejanomics, but we’re including this as part of the Woman of Revelation Series. Today is the second to last day of the series, tomorrow being the very last broadcast of the Woman of Revelation Series.


Yesterday, a Friend of Medjugorje spoke to the pilgrims here at Caritas, and mostly what he speaks about is discernment, and this is something that everyone needs to hear about, Medjugorje believers, non-Medjugorje believers, even if you’ve been following Medjugorje for a long time, it’s good to be refreshed and also to be corrected in how people often go off of frequency. A Friend of Medjugorje will speak about that today.


So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, March 16, 2022.



But really walking with Our Lady, every day should be like Christmas. The Birth of Christ…when you come into the double doors in here, you have Our Lady looking at you carrying the Baby Jesus. And that’s what Our Lady wants us always to have that, always to have that in our heart, the newness, the birth. Every day is a conversion—a new conversion.


We’re in a position of the world that is really messed up. I don’t have to tell you that. Thank God Our Lady came in 1981. Had She not come…


We had a mini retreat after y’all left last night, and we made this just for that, but I’ll show it to you now.


Thw world has been drown into a great whirlpool


“…on this day of grace…”


And that depends on you, how you think, what your mentality is, what you’re doing, what your prayers are, your sacrificing, accepting difficulties. And we’re in a position with the world today, and you’ve heard me say it. You heard Our Lady say it. Had Our Lady not come, the world would have destroyed itself.


In 1981, Our Lady gave the message. That message was from the beginning.


February 17, 1984

“My children, pray! The world has been drawn into a great whirlpool…”


Nobody talked about this message in the beginning, from the first decades to the second decades. And you still don’t hear about it. If you heard, it’s because it’s coming through here.


“…It does not know what it is doing. It does not realize in what sin it is sinking [in]. It needs your prayers so that I can pull it out of this danger.”


So, here’s 1981, and the slowest part is in the beginning. That’s 1981. As the vortex goes more, it’s faster and faster and faster, and here, there’s no escape.


So, that’s the temperature right now. We’re at the end of it. Forty years, now we’re headed toward forty years, one, but forty years, we know, Our Lady said on June 25th, that God gave you the land.


When She said that, She’s referencing, on the 40th Anniversary, She’s going back to the Israelites to the Promised Land. She comes out of the blue and just says, “as God gave you the land.” Of course, we’re fighting right now for the Cross and the land up there. We had some earthquakes, recently, about the property. We’re still fighting for it.


And so, through this forty years of the Israelites, God fed them, took care of everything. And then, He brings them to the Promised Land, and then they had to fight for it!


Some of the Israelites were sent out to look at it. They said, “These people are big. They’re powerful. They have everything.” And they come back, and they were scared.


Our Lady said, in the message today,


“…believe in His love and mercy, because His love is stronger than every one of your weaknesses and fears…”


We’re going into a darkened area. We’ve been going into something getting more darker and darker and darker. And there’s no end of it.


I know some of you probably listened to the broadcast about Russia three or four or five days ago about the Ukraine, what’s happening. There’s no end to this. Had Our Lady not come, we would probably be already seeing buttons pushed for the nuclear right now. And it may happen anyway. We don’t know what Our Lady’s going to do, but we know we’re two days away from March 18th. I hope something doesn’t happen, because we need more time. We’re not where we want to be here, even in our mission.


Our Lady is in a hurry now. She’s speaking to us in strong ways. Every one of your weaknesses and fears is crushed through the love of God. That’s a safe haven.


“…Therefore, my children, full of love in your hearts, trust in Jesus and say your ‘yes’ to Him, because He is the only way which leads you to the Eternal Father.”


That’s not just eternity. That’s here on earth. Everybody that distanced from God…The system distances you. It’s always drawing you away from God, and we live in a culture that we can’t escape from, because it’s at the bottom of the whirlpool. And it’s always pulling on us. It’s always after us. And everybody’s tired.


So, where do we go from there? Our Lady tells us that you have to have good discernment.


We have people that’s Medjugorje people that will give a feedback like this. This is from Louisiana.


“Every night, I can’t wait to listen to your videos…”


Or, radio broadcasts. It’s not videos.


“…and the information you’re giving to us from Our Lady. Praise God for you and Caritas. Without you, we would not have the knowledge of Our Lady’s messages and how we must prepare and live our lives in order to get to Heaven. Thank you! Thank you! May Our Lord’s Mother continue to bless you and all your works.


“Love and prayers always.”


So, we have that person, and then we get other feedbacks just the opposite.


This one, talking about the same subject of the broadcast,


“I am a life-long Catholic…”


See, they’ve got to qualify themselves because they’re going to say something bad. [LAUGHTER]


“…and have followed Our Lady’s messages of Medjugorje for years since the ‘80s, but have not recently kept up daily and monthly. I have come to this site to see Her messages [INAUDIBLE] the situations now in 2022. And, of course, Her messages remain the same…”


That’s her first mistake. The messages have life. They’re not the same.


So, this other letter has got discernment one way. This person has a different discernment. Whose discernment is right?


“…Her messages remain the same. ‘Pray’…”


That’s all She’s saying? They want to put Our Lady in a little box, barbed wire, electric fences. She can’t venture out anything on us.


“…I came here hoping to hear true insights from Our Lady, but about ten minutes into the audio, I am hearing junk from U.S. politics and Trump and stolen elections…”


It takes discernment. Was the election stolen? Was it illegal? Or was it not?


“…I am hearing junk about U.S. politics and Trump and stolen elections, partisan opinions, that is not related necessarily to me, and it undermines the credibility of the presenter [us] as well as the entire site…”


Well, this person likes it. This person’s from Scotland, Canada.


“This was beautiful!…”


Talking about the broadcast.


“…It made me cry with joy to know that Our Lady is here to teach us and guide us back to truth. It is so true that we have all strayed in one way or another, that we need to genuinely repent and wanting our will to God’s will, how can we go wrong?


“I thank You, my Heavenly Mother, for loving us enough to come to save us.”


So, there’s two Medjugorje points going the opposite of somebody else that says,


“…partisan opinions, that is not related necessarily to me, and it undermines the credibility of the presenter as well as the entire site. It is a shame if there happens to be good into this audio or on this site, because I will not utilize it anymore because I heard the first ten minutes of this audio. Such a shame. You have a platform here to spread Our Lady’s messages of love, and you have tainted it. Let Our Lady’s messages speak for themselves without your commentary.”


She’s not letting them speak for themselves. It’s a contradiction! Total contradiction! These people don’t have discernment. Or, do these people not have discernment?


How do you have discernment? That’s one of the biggest problems we have in the world right today, is discernment. People do not know how to discern truth. Our Lady has talked to us about discernment.


We can’t navigate in this civilization, this world, and what’s happening, without fasting, prayer, without love, which gives discernment immediately. I can listen to something, and immediately, something’s off the track, just in discernment. The more you grow with Our Lady, the more you can see that. And these other people, their discernment is based on CNN and all the Left and all these things that they think they want to what their opinion.


So, we’re in a confrontation with this mentality. And Our Lady has to change that.


Our Lady said,


November 2, 2012

“…I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth…”


What did She say? You get discernment through truth. So, this is true, or this is true. There’s no middle ground, and this is what we’re bankrupt of in the world today. And many Medjugorje people still do not have the discernment to understand what they need to understand. But it’s because of the heart.


“…I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth…”


And then what?


“…and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son…”


To have discernment, proper discernment, is a responsibility. You have to be responsible. You can hear what the other side says, and you can pray for it. See, they’re not going to come back because they’re convicted, and they don’t want to be convicted.


But if you have discernment, you don’t mind hearing what they’ve got to say. I’m reading their letter against me and against the mission here, and you, probably, but when you’re in truth, you don’t care. But if you’re in untruth, you don’t want to hear it.


“I’m not going to listen to this anymore. I’m not coming back anymore.”


Good. Just save electricity. [LAUGHTER] I don’t care. So, they’re not gonna come no more. [LAUGHTER]


Actually, these are the letters I like the most to read because it shows you how off-base people are, and them and the left and that way and that distance from God, they always will not listen to you. But we listen to them because we know we’re on truth. It doesn’t bother us. It bothers them.


“…I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth and to strongly resist everything…”


That’s this mentality. “The messages remain the same. It’s just ‘Pray.’” See, that’s easy. “All I have to do is pray. I don’t have to do nothing.” We get letters sometimes that say, “Why are you saying this? Why are you saying that? All we’ve got to do is pray. Our Lady is, ‘Pray.’” Really?


Our Lady gave a message years ago that said “…pray and act…” And then, a couple years later after that, She says, “You pray and act.”


So, we pray. God grants us the power and the truth, and we present that truth through proper discernment, and then we act. We’re not going to just go to church and just kneel down and pray. That’s all we do. Just pray. It’s action. They’re active. The devil’s very active.


“…God’s truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son…Do not take [this] given responsibility lightly…”


What responsibility? To have the truth, and there you have discern.


Our Lady says to you,


“…I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles…”


So, you’re the truth-seekers, and you are to propagate that. You are to be encouraged. You’re not supposed to be silent. You say what you need to say.


Most bishops in the United States don’t like this place. They don’t like me. I’m not trying to make a beauty contest that they’re going to vote for me or like me or be kind to me. I don’t care. I don’t care! What I confront them with, their weakness, their cowardness, not doing anything with Biden, no excommunication…And he just recently did something blatantly against Christianity. And nobody says nothing. Nothing!


So, we’re called to be apostles, whether it goes good for us or bad for us.


So, in your walk here is to be for strengthened, to be enlightened. And don’t let people get away with things that’s false. You don’t have to debate. You don’t have to argue it. Your life has to live that, and people will come to your way. One person goes there in Medjugorje. Our Lady first appears, the villagers. Then, Our Lady gives messages for two or three years for the visionaries to form them, and then She gives it to just the parish. It wasn’t to the world. We can use that, as a parish. And that went for three years or so, to 1986. And then the whole world came there. But it all starts, everything, with one thing.


The Bible says, “From one man…” New Testament, “From one man, all the nations came.” Who’s that one man? Adam. So, God made nations. We just talked about this on the radio.


And so, Medjugorje is that way. Our Lady came to conquer the world.


We are smothered by the system. We have it in front of us, our work, the materialism, everywhere you go, whatever you do. You can’t escape it. There’s got to be some kind of purification.


But we have a situation in the world that we are so mixed with darkness and light, that sometimes, you can’t see it. The devil’s in the basement. The devil’s over here. he’s all over the places. You don’t have to do something but just walk on the street and see something evil, see something bad.


You’ve got this guy running around in New York, Washington, going up to the homeless people, in a sleeping bag, and shooting them. I mean, evil. How would somebody do that? Kick them in their sleeping bag, wake them up, and shoot them. Have you ever heard about that? Unbelievable. Shot five guys. Started in New York. One of the homeless guys that they got, everybody, all the businesses, everybody in that neighborhood place, those storefronts and the managers knew this one homeless guy. They took him to church. They gave him food. They said he was a really nice guy. The guy goes up, kicks him in his sleeping bag to make him wake up, shoots him in the head.


Where is the devil? he’s everywhere. Everywhere. He shot five people, went all the way to Washington, D.C. from there to do that.


So, we have this, and we are affected by that, and all this stuff that chokes you. It makes you not even be able to breathe sometimes, short of breath. And Our Lady’s trying to get us to escape from the whirlpool, to get on the dock, to save other people by saving you. You’re the witness. You are commissioned to be a witness. You have to be a contradiction to that. And it’s not just in your little corner. Our Lady says, “Get in your prayer corner,” yes. But She expects activity, that you put your money where your mouth is, in other words. And your money and your wealth is your grace that you pass to others.


So, we have to come with Our Lady, with Her messages, gives us breath. It gives us the ability to be strong, no matter who’s against you, whether it’s in your family, or it’s in the diocesan office of the bishop.


I don’t weigh out consequences. I know there’s things that I do. There’s things I say, things I write that has consequences. I never weigh that out. If it’s truth, you say it. Truth will get you in trouble. It killed Jesus because He was Truth.


So, the messages give us life. It gives us the ability to breathe.



The devil’s in the basement in my home. A flight of stairs is way too close. he comes for me when I’m alone, collecting debts that I don’t owe.


Follow me down where the waters run deep. I’ll let you drown in the worst of me. If my intentions are good, why can’t I come clean? If Heaven’s above where does that leave me?


Am I looking for revival? Am I dressed in other’s sin? Hold my breath until I’m honest. Will I ever breathe again?


When the world’s so heavy I can’t stand, I close my eyes and start again. Though my heart is in my hands, I won’t break. Give me faith to bend.


Am I looking for revival? Am I dressed in other’s sin? Hold my breath until I’m honest. Will I ever breathe again?


Again, again, again.


Am I looking for revival? Am I dressed in other’s sin? Hold my breath until I’m honest. Will I ever breathe again?


Am I looking for revival? Am I dressed in other’s sin? Hold my breath until I’m honest. Will I ever breathe again?


Will I ever breathe again? Will I ever breathe again?



Our Lady gave birth to the Christ Child. It was joyous, and that joy was incredible. The shepherds came there. It was beautiful.


But there’s another side of that. If you’ve got a car battery, you’ve got a positive and a negative. If you don’t have one of those, it’s not going to work.


The spiritual life is that way. You’ve got positive things. You’ve got negative things. Positive is joyful. Negative is sadness.


Our Lady knew what She was doing carrying the Savior because Gabriel told Her that. These Protestants, they all talk about the Bible and all this stuff. And I like to ask them sometimes, “What’s the most quoted Bible quote in the Bible?” And they say this, or whatever. The most quoted Bible verse is, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with Thee.” Millions and millions are being said today. They don’t think about that. There’s not even a distant second, as far as Scriptures.


So, the battery of cranking things up, and Our Lady’s at the Nativity. Her joy was tainted and mixed up with sadness. Our Lady, through Her whole life, had a deep sadness. She knew how it was going to end.


We say, “Jesus, have mercy on us.” Our Lady’s telling us, talking to you, talking to me, “Have mercy on Me.” Our Lady is suffering in Heaven, now. Otherwise, She wouldn’t be crying. The visionaries have said, “Today, She was sad.” And there’s been several apparitions where she said, “Our Lady was very joyful, and at the end, She was sad.” Or, “She came,” the other way, either way around.


So, Our Lady, the spiritual life, you’re always going to have sadness in your heart. The closer you get to Our Lady, the more you follow Her, the more sadness you’ll feel. And that sadness brings you close to Her because there’s no human since Adam until the last man dies had the sadness that the Virgin Mary had.


So, if you’re going to walk with Her—and She says, “I’ll walk with you.” “…I am beside you…”—you’re going to have sadness. Don’t say, “I don’t want that.” It’s atonement, not just for yourself, but for the whole world.


If Our Lady’s up in front of God, in front of Her Son up in Heaven, enjoys happiness, everything’s okay, “I’m in Heaven,” He’s not granting anything to the world. Our Lady’s in front of Him, begging. And She’s not smiling like, “Oh, I’m happy.” She said She’s pleading. She’s crying blood in front of Him, and it moves the Heart, because that hurts Jesus, and it hurts God Himself.


So, Our Lady, we have to have mercy for Her, because every day, every one of you, every person on earth, She is suffering for you and praying and battling for you. We have to understand that.


So, when you’re down, or you’re in a state of sadness, it’s part of the spiritual life. And again, that draws you close to Our Lady. Our Lady said that. “When you suffer, you’re drawing closer to Me,” because that is Our Lady of Sorrows. She defines it to the depth. Nobody else has ever done.


So, here is the last grand show from Our Lady, from all the way back, centuries, all the apparitions. This is it, and you are alive at this moment. And that’s why it’s critical, you have to learn discernment and make sure your discernment’s right, or you’re going to miss this, and you’re going to just sit there, “Oh, all we have to do is pray. That’s all She said. Just pray.” You know what I say about that? Stupid. Just plain stupid. They don’t know the messages. They’re not the same. And you who have followed us, you know that. We’re shown all kinds of different directions as far as that applying to your life. There’s nothing, not one day, one hour, not one second that the messages can be adapted to what you’re doing at that moment, whatever your action is. Are you loving? Not loving? Disgusted? All of it is underneath the messages. And it is a new language, because we have to have it because we cannot understand the Bible in the way it’s written.


Yes, literally, you can take it, but the interference of all the voices, all the things constantly satan has, is a tsunami against us throughout the day, from music, from the work of electronics, the televisions, the printing, the magazines, everything is an assault. Billboards. There’s always a message. Nobody’s free.


We’ve basically finished the book, Has satan Pulled Another One On You? And in that book, the therapy for cure for everything is to go outside. This book’s going to make a lot of people mad, not at me. They’re going to be angry, really angry. I can see, easily, billions of dollars of class action lawsuits through this book.


I’m making, maybe, you curious, but when you read it, it’s going to blow you away. I’ve been working on it for four years, a lot of research. Everything’s in there. And what you discern and what you know because it’s blocked, you’re going to have a change in mentality, of our school system, of how we do everything with the youth, and all the institutions of education. They need to go away, wiped off the earth. And I’m not exaggerating this. I’m telling you, it’s completely infested with satan. The whole system.


“What are we going to do?” Go down to that little school.


Tony? Is little Tony up here? Are the little kids up here? We don’t know where they are. There are no adults around here. Where are the kids?



They’re checking the chicks. The baby chicks.



Two of them…James came up the other day with little Tony, “Look at this! Look at this!” They’re two eggs. “You want these?” “Yeah, I’ll take them.” Their cognition, their experience of what they do, I would put these little bitty kids against any of the adults here that don’t live here of what they experience and what they know, and it’s through their school because it’s writings and arithmetic and reading. That’s all you need to know. You don’t have to go beyond that. If you can read, you can read and figure out everything else. And our kids do that in school, and then they go apprenticeship. They give them these big tractors. We’ve got little kids running it.


We had rented these big rock trucks. Not a dump truck. I’m talking about a rock truck, which is huge on construction sites. The dump part is as big as this right here. And the things are like a freight train. And they couldn’t sit in the seat because they were too short. They’re standing up driving that thing, forty miles and hour up and down the power line moving dirt for the buildings we were going to build up. Nobody’s going to let a seven-year-old do like that. And that seven-year-old, eight-year-old, whatever they were at the time, would get out of school at two o’clock over here, got on the rock truck…


And we had this truck rented for a month. We had two of them. And so, they would go down to the power line, and they would stay in that till two o’clock in the morning, every day, for a month.


So, they got out at two o’clock in the morning, went home and slept, and they’re back in school at seven o’clock. And they went on at two o’clock and started driving the truck the next day. We moved a mountain away. Two kids.


You say, “Oh, that’s horrible.” They loved it. I mean, if a kid loves a little Tonka truck, you can imagine what they’ll do driving the big one. [LAUGHTER] And they did this, and what they learned, the skills no other kids out there have that. And the biggest thing they learned is work is a joy. It’s a consolation. It builds esteem. It builds confidence. And from there, the work ethic—their ethics of work—is play. They’re out here doing the same thing right now. If we start working, they’re right with us, with the sawmill, whatever they do.


So, this book is going to cover a lot of ground, and a lot of the youth are messed up. They don’t have work ethics. It’s not good to go and sit in a school for hours and hours and hours, first grade, second grade, eight grade, tenth grade, twelfth grade, for twelve grades! Twelve grades! Twelve years! Educating! What do you mean educating? You just read the stuff. You learn stuff. It’s nothing! It doesn’t help you.


Our youth are messed up, and they’re even worse than they’ve ever been now because now, you’ve got this stuff. And so, you’re going to see a radical change in life. The best thing to do is change now. Don’t wait for it to happen because a lot of people are going to be drowning in the whirlpool.


So, discernment is everything.


Be praying for this book because it’s going to be a bombshell for a lot a lot of people, and a lot of people are going to feel very, very guilty what they did. And yes, you’re duped. The title of it, satan pulled a fast one on you, basically, for decades. All the colleges, wipe them out. If I was in a position to do it, wipe them out. They’re wicked.


Our Lady said,


May 2, 2009

“…Already [I have been with you] a long time I am giving you my Motherly heart…”


When She says, “…I am giving you my Motherly heart…” She’s literally giving Her Heart to your heart. She wants you to be like that. Our Lady is courageous. If She was talking to somebody on the streets about something back in Jerusalem or Nazareth, don’t think She didn’t correct people, not in a condescending way, but first, through Her Heart.


So, She doesn’t want you to have a bleeding heart, that you have empathy for what they’re doing, the way they live. But Her life and Her witness, Her witness of purity. She says,


“…I am giving you my Motherly heart…You are rejecting me…”


This isn’t the nonbeliever. This is not the atheists. This isn’t the people out there not paying attention. She’s talking to you. She’s talking to me.


“…You are rejecting me. You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more…”


We don’t even recognize sins. There’s things in 1980 that we weren’t doing, and we start following Our Lady in 1981, ’83, ’86, whenever, and we think we’re changing it. But we have the devil slithering up the sleeve, right through your shirt, entering to you through all these electronics and all these things. They’re not of God. Yes, we use things. We’ve got modern things down the stairs. But we manage it. We don’t let it manage us. And we don’t have cell phones.


You say, “How can I do without it?” That’s the trap. How can you do without it now today?


We’ve got what? Seventy-five extensions? Thirty landlines. We’ve stayed there. AT&T says, “Man, y’all are staying with it, but y’all are in the stone age.” Yep, we are. And we like it that way.


“…You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment…”


What is?


“…rejecting me. You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more. You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment…”


So, She’s showing that the world has built more and more things that we had more discernment in 1980 than we have now, and a big part of that is the agrarian life.


What is the percentage of electronics in working? Fifty percent? Sixty percent? Just typing. Just being on the computer, just doing that kind of stuff. And most of it’s for bad stuff.


So, we had more discernment then than we have now. We don’t have discernment.


The world has lost its discernment. And what does She say? You’re poor.


“…You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment. My poor children…”


We think we’re wealthy. We think we’re well-off from where everybody was fifty years ago. No, these people knew God. They knew how to talk to God. They weren’t distracted like we are today.


“…You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment. My poor children, look around you…look at the signs of the times. Do you think that you can do this without God’s blessing?…”


It’s God’s blessing. Our Lady said, “Before you work, pray for God’s blessing. When you end your work at the end of the day, ask God for a blessing for your work.”


So, if I do that, and you don’t do that, or you do it, and I don’t do that, my work’s going to be different. How do I know that? How do I discern that? I know that simply because if Our Lady says, “God bless your work,” that means it’s going to be different. Something going to come from it better, produce more, maybe bring joy, whatever. There’s going to be something different if you pray just a short prayer before your work, and then at the end of the work, something with it, as opposed to somebody that doesn’t do that.


Think about that. That’s a powerful thing, every day, when you go to work, even a task, “I want You to bless this work today.” And then at the end, “You bless it.” You may not feel it. You may not understand it, but it will be different. The work will produce some kind of fruit somehow. Who knows? Maybe somebody just watching how you did it because you were joyful or you were efficient. We don’t know.


But one thing we know, if Our Lady says those things, that gives you discernment that my work today is going to be different if I just say this short prayer and end it.


“…My poor children, look around you and look at the signs of the times. Do [not] think…you can do [it] without God’s blessing…”


People go through their life very often with difficulties. And actually, it’s like the equivalent to a train wreck, and it can be fatal.


I was talking, when I had my company out here, before Medjugorje, one of the guys was late, and he stopped at Vandiver. There used to be a payphone there. There was a railroad track right there. And he’s on the phone. He’s telling me, “I’m going to be a little bit late.” And then he started saying,


“Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!”


And he started screaming. He’s yelling on this phone.


And if you go down this way from Vandiver, you’ll see the railroad track. And there’s a parallel road that comes onto 43 right here, and it curves around. And this guy had a car. He had three kids in the car. He turned too sharp, and the tire got locked on the shoulder of the pavement, and he was on the track, and a train’s coming. And this train comes and kills all of them. Terrible wreck. They actually got the car after about a year and set it to the side of it, put a sign on it for safety.


But our lives are like this. You can name things in your life that’s a train wreck, and a lot of people don’t escape that. And it’s one train wreck after another after another.


Our Lady is here to save us, and Our Lady is here to put the barriers and the lights, “Don’t cross that.”


You can go through your life where that was a train wreck. “That didn’t work very good.” And Our Lady wants to spare you these things.


Our Lady’s discernment is the way to do that. The biggest thing you have to learn here, and the thing you need to be praying is for conversion. And conversion leads to the ability for you to discern, because you have to go through discernment today, every day, a hundred times. And just like this letter. How do you get one person so that way—a Medjugorje person—and another Medjugorje person has a totally opposite take in the situation.


So, Our Lady is here for many things, but the main thing is to change the direction of the world from its train wreck.



Laying in the silence, waiting for the sirens. Signs, any signs I’m alive still. I don’t wanna lose it. But I’m not getting through this. Hey, should I pray? Should I pray to myself? To a God? To a Savior Who can


Unbreak the broken, unsay these spoken words, find hope in the hopeless, pull me out of the train wreck. Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions, I’m not ready to die, not yet. Pull me out of the train wreck. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out. Pull me out, pull me out.


Underneath our bad blood, we’ve still got a sanctum, home still a home, still a home here. It’s not too late to build it back, ’cause a one-in-a-million chance is still a chance, still a chance. And I would take those odds.


Unbreak the broken, unsay these spoken words, find hope in the hopeless, pull me out of the train wreck. Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions, I’m not ready to die, not yet. Pull me out of the train wreck. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out.


You can say what you like ’cause see, I would die for you. I, I’m down on my knees and I need You to be my God. Be my help, be a Savior who can


Unbreak the broken, unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless) Pull me out of the train wreck. Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions, I’m not ready to die, not yet. Pull me out of the train wreck. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out. Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out.



Our Lady’s here to pull you out of the whirlpool. It doesn’t know what sin it sinks in, the whole world.


We know of this mother who packed her kids in the car. And she drove…She was stopped at the train and the track. She got out of the car. The kids are watching…


…And she stood in front of the train…


…These kids saw this…Their whole life is a train wreck…


Think about that…what they had to live with.


So, you have to have empathy for people. You don’t know what they’ve gone through, because the world has led us to unthinkable things that people do.


February 2, 2020

“…I am chosen to be the Mother of God and your mother…My children, fold your hands and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly…”


Where do you get truth from? She says,


“…My children, apostles of my love, fold your hands, [and] look at the Cross…”


You can go to the Crucifix Room down there and get truth just staring at It, just meditating on It.


September 2, 2015

“…I lived your earthly life…”


She didn’t say, “I lived My earthly life.”


“…I lived your earthly life…”


“I know what you’re going through. I know how difficult it is,” especially in this time, mega sins, mega distractions, an ungodly earth.


“…I lived your earthly life. I know that it [was] not…easy…I will teach you faith that you may know how to transmit it to others…”


That’s your job. That’s what you’re here for. It’s for yourself. You’re here for an oil change so that you can be running right for others.


“…I will teach you faith that you may know how to transmit it to others in the right way. I will teach you truth…”


There it comes back again. You can’t discern if you’re not in truth. This other person, she can’t discern. She’s not discerning. She was just stuck on, “All I’ve got to do is pray. I don’t want to hear anything about politics.”


You know what Jesus did in the Bible when the apostles said they were building a bridge in Rome? This was the news of the day. It’s in the Bible. And so, they said, “Did these guys that died on the scaffolding, was it because of their sins?” Jesus said, “No.” That’s in the Bible. What’s the purpose of that? What’s the purpose of politics or talking about it and adapting things? Jesus was talking about different things. He didn’t just say, “Let’s just pray. Let’s just pray. I’m going to be the Eucharist.” These messages are for everything. It covers everything, from politics, the Ukraine, to the Vatican, to your family. They’re glasses, and they make you see clearer on everything, not your opinion, but where your truth is so that you can understand all the circumstances.


“…I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern. I will teach you love that you may come to know what real love is…”


And that’s God, and that’s where we have to go to.


January 25, 1993, to get good discernment,


“…May every hatred and jealousy disappear from your life and your thoughts…Thus, only thus…”


Is She repeating Herself? Yes. That’s exactly what She’s doing. If somebody says it twice, they want you to…It’s not like this stupid stuff with these moms saying, “Don’t do that. One…two…three…” They should have slapped him the first time. [LAUGHTR]


Our Lady says, twice,


“…Thus, only thus…”


See, only. She says, “I’m saying this one time. I’m saying it twice, but I mean one time is what you’re going to be. I’m going to slap you.”


“…Thus, only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of [the times]…”


You’re not going to do it any other way. You get rid of hatred, jealousy from your whole life, then you can see, and you can see truth, and you can discern.


November 7, 1985

“…I am calling you to the love of neighbor and love toward the one from whom evil comes to you. In that way you will be able to discern the intentions of hearts…”


You can know, when somebody’s talking to you, you’ll know the intentions of hearts.


There’s people I see, when they’re talking to me, I know where they are, or you know somebody, a politician, or whatever they’re doing. You can discern their intentions in their heart without them telling that. You don’t believe that? She said that! You love your neighbor, from whom evil comes to you,


“…In that way you will be able to discern the intentions of [their heart]…”


That’s a big deal. That’s like being able to read their minds. You can read their heart. You know what they’re really up to. They’ve got an agenda. They’ve got something they’re planning. They can try and disguise it from you, but you know what their intentions are if you love.


On December 27, 1984

“…You, dear children, have discerned satan even on Christmas Day itself…”


We talked about that one.


So, your biggest thing here is to pray for truth. And you don’t have to pray for discernment. You just pray for truth.


Put everything in here. I know many of you have been here before, and even been on pilgrimages, but you always can get some grace, a new grace. Medjugorje has many distractions. With Medjugorje in the beginning, you could go there, there was nothing there, just the church, and it was pure.


What you’re walking on here, these grounds, and the places, the holy things Our Lady has done, will give you that virgin newness.


In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, amen.


Mary, all these words that You just gave to us, to the hearts, strengthen discernment. Strengthen the truth and living the truth.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.


Holy Mary, Mother of God…



Pray for us sinners…



…now and at the hour of our death, amen.


Our Lady Queen of Peace and Reconciliation,



Pray for us.




This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

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3 thoughts on “Our Lady is Here to Pull Us Out…”

  1. Michael Hebert

    City: Fulton
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    Our Lady’s the best example proof of the, “Efficacy of Prayer.” It’s all of those Millions upon Millions of prayers said over the Centuries which have increased Our Lady’s Fullness Of Grace. Over the years, She’s come with new Titles Given from Heaven to Her through Our Prayers. Many don’t think about this, nor do most Catholics. People have forgotten what real faith is. Our Lady’s messages are a call from Her for us to have a singular means to pray, that being with our hearts, while accepting our lot, which God gives us on our path to Heaven.

  2. tami quakenbush

    City: white hall
    State: AR
    Country: US
    I want you to know how these Lady of Revelation series have been fantastic! It has further brought me closer to our Lady I have read 2 of your books but always was a bit uncertain about you. I know now what it was . satan wanted me to have doubts about you to keep me from Our Heavenly Mother. I do not doubt you anymore. Thank you for this wonderful gift of these 30 days of opening my eyes.

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3 thoughts on “Our Lady is Here to Pull Us Out…”

  1. Michael Hebert

    City: Fulton
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    Our Lady’s the best example proof of the, “Efficacy of Prayer.” It’s all of those Millions upon Millions of prayers said over the Centuries which have increased Our Lady’s Fullness Of Grace. Over the years, She’s come with new Titles Given from Heaven to Her through Our Prayers. Many don’t think about this, nor do most Catholics. People have forgotten what real faith is. Our Lady’s messages are a call from Her for us to have a singular means to pray, that being with our hearts, while accepting our lot, which God gives us on our path to Heaven.

  2. tami quakenbush

    City: white hall
    State: AR
    Country: US
    I want you to know how these Lady of Revelation series have been fantastic! It has further brought me closer to our Lady I have read 2 of your books but always was a bit uncertain about you. I know now what it was . satan wanted me to have doubts about you to keep me from Our Heavenly Mother. I do not doubt you anymore. Thank you for this wonderful gift of these 30 days of opening my eyes.

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