February 8, 2024
Special World Report

Non-Stop. Non-Stop to Wipe Out White People

[Podcast] (28 Minutes) – Uprising across the world, people fed up with what is being forced upon them… and another sinister topic at play we need to know about. A Friend of Medjugorje explains it all in this broadcast.

Episode Transcript


This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Outside the courthouse on 5th and vine

There’s a hundred people holdin’ up their homemade signs

They say they’ll be there sunshine or rain

‘Till somebody listens, ’till somethin’s changed




They got a little more faith than the world has doubt

The earth might shake, but they stand their ground

And God only knows where we’d be without



[Friend of Medjugorje]

That’s what Our Lady is about. She is calling everybody to be believers.  The song just said the earth might shake but they stand their ground and God only knows where we would be without believers.


Our Lady has not come to us, from 1981 to now, without exactly that.  She wants you to believe.  There are so many lies, so much evil, that She has been schooling us 42 years.  Look at the world, it is in flames.  Five days ago, visionary, Ivan, had a prayer group and Our Lady gave a message.  Our Lady said:


“Dear children, you find yourself in a time of grace and I invite you all to prayer for peace in your hearts.  Dear children, work and pray for your personal conversion and work on your personal conversion.  Be and become witnesses of peace to this world and be my extended hands.  Today, also, I am blessing you with my motherly blessing.  I am close to you all and I intercede for all of you before my Son.  Thank you, dear children, today again, for having responded to my call.”


Our Lady is saying for us to be witnesses of peace in this world.  Why?  It has no peace.  We are at war.  The whole world is.  The little fires across the world are raging now, moving like a dried-up forest.


Just a little bit of what is going on across the whole world.  February 2nd, a few days ago, in France, all the French farmers protested over farming rules and regulations.  The country, Malta, hundreds of tractors blocked the streets in protest against agricultural policies.


In Belgium, farmers used their tractors to block the highway near the borders to the Netherlands, protesting prices, taxes, and green regulations.  It is filling the farms.  That is not all.  Greece, hundreds of tractors have parked outside the fairgrounds during a Greek farmers protest against higher energy costs.


Going on to February 3rd to February 5th, Italy also had a long train of farmers drive to reach Rome in protest over price pressures, taxes and green regulations.  See this cabal about farming is stretched across the world. In Spain, hundreds of farmers stand next to their tractors to protest price pressures, taxes and green regulations across Spain.


February 7th, yesterday, in Spain, farmers blocked access to the port, protesting high cost and bureaucracy.  At the same time, Barcelona, farmers used their tractors to block all the highways.  Other countries did the same thing.  Bulgaria was another one.  And the list keeps going.


Glenn Beck talks more about these protests.


[Glenn Beck]

In fact, let me play the cuts of the uprisings all around the world.  First, lets start in Ireland.  These are uprising, if you think we have a problem with immigration, we are not alone.  This is an uprising happening right now in Ireland.  They want the mass immigration to stop.


[Clip of the sounds of protests in Ireland]

This is not something that makes you a nationalist, in the bad sense.  This is happening all over the world.  People, what they are singing right here, is awful [sound of singing].


It is talking about making us a nation again.  That is all they are asking for and people are asking for it in Germany.  They are asking for it in Italy.  We want to be our own nation.  We don’t want to be ruled by all of these elites.


I am playing these today because I want you to hear them and know, this is not a Republican and Democrat problem.  It is not about Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  It is about the average person against this faceless globalist state – the elites.  Here they are in Stockholm.


[Sounds of protest in Stockholm]

And it is a group of people surrounding their version of the BBC, their state television and they are demanding an end to the leftist propaganda, tell the truth.  But you notice we are not in the streets, we are not in the streets.  Here they are in Italy, the farmers saying, leave us alone or you are going to starve to death.  We can’t do these policies.  So there they are, in Italy.


[Sounds of protests in Italy]

Do we have one, I think, from Germany as well, same group, look at this.


[Sounds of protest in Germany]

All these people just stopped the highway.  They have been in every country over in Europe.  You are not seeing these protests.  If you remember the yellow vest protests in France, they went on forever and we always saw this, every night on the news.  Why is no one covering these protests?  Because they tell you the full story of what we are really fighting.


[Friend of Medjugorje]

Ireland, they are up in arms.  Illegals coming in.  Italy is the same thing.  How’s work, all these countries, all these illegals are allowed into these countries.


Ivan said, “satan has a master intellect.”  These people are pouring in, many of them are bad people and the rest of it is social justice, which came from our Church.  A bad, bad, bad thing.


The bishops say nothing about Biden.  The wicked things that he has done, and silence.  This in on their shoulders.  Their silence has helped to destroy the United States of America.


Henry Kessinger, some time in President Nixon’s time, he gave a lot of advice.  He said, “Who controls the food supply, controls the people.  Who controls the energy, controls whole continents. Who controls money, can control the whole world.”


You see man wants to rule the world, not God.  And by that quote, we know it is satan.  August 2, 2011, Our Lady said:


“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule …”




“…begin to rule in this world…”


For what?


“…rule in this world and to destroy it…”


That is the news from Heaven.  It is infallible.  Do you wake up when you read these messages?  This is intel.  Spies do that to protect their place.  Our Lady is spying on satan, what he is doing.  Her messages are intel.


“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. …”


This intel is passed to you for it not to happen. And the next sentence is special intel on what the plan and the hope in Heaven is.  Our Lady sneaks this to us and She says, after She said, “this world and to destroy it,” She says:


“…But, according to God’s will…”


See, that is a secret.


“…But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world. …”


Our spies on our enemies give intel how to stop things and avoid things.  And She tells us,

“…But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world. …”


To many people in the world is looking up to idols.  Their cellphones are idols, movie stars, electronics, they are worshiped.  It is the first thing they go to in the morning.  And the last thing most people do in the world is go check out their idol.


June 23, 2017, Our Lady said:


“…Fight against evil and against sin and the idols of today’s world which seduce you…”


Some of the farmers’ signs they made, homemade signs, said “We are going to starve to death.”  One of the biggest idols in this world today is man.  Man thinks that he can do more than God and the way God created the world is with flaws.


A company called Impossible Foods, the CEO is Pat Brown.  He said he wants to end all animal farming by 2035.  Another company called Beyond Meat and that company’s CEO, Ethan Brown, not related to the other company, sees his company working to make this the first generation of humans to separate meat from animals.


On the sixth day of the earth, when God was making everything, He said in Genesis 1:24:


“And God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds, livestock, land crawlers and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.”


And these people think it is necessary for the diabolical green energy, they are going to save the world.  There is a company already, there are several companies, but one company has cell-based and lab-grown meat.  They have a pallet facility that produces 5000 slaughter free burgers a day.  Meaning there is no cow, you don’t have to slaughter.  You just grow it.  Man is saying to you God and what you said in Genesis 9:3, you don’t know what you’re doing.  So why did you say in this verse:


“Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you all things.”


Genesis 1:29

“Then God said, Behold, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree whose fruit contains seeds. They will be yours for food. “


If they are doing 5000 slaughter free burgers a day, you think it is going to disappear?  They are going to expand this.  Your body reacts in rebellion with GMO and its science.  And that is why so many people are sick, physically not what they should be.


All these things that are happening, this is going lead to glorifying God.  Man is going to have to look at this, I’m not going to eat a cell hamburger, GMO stuff, mass production of food.  And you don’t want to do that.


So even the farmers, the big operations, they are protesting that they are out of business, so this backfires.  The way the war has gone, it is going to result a causation, making the individual to go back to the plow.   Meaning, you will be tilling your yard and your backyard or you have a couple of acres.


Genesis says you will be getting your food mb the sweat of the brow on your forehead.  I have been all over France, many, many times.  There are 5, I think, provences.  Four of them are not so big on God.  The fifth one, the ???, are all farmers.  They feed France and they are very godly.  They pray, they go to church.  What does that tell you?  I didn’t read that out of a book, I have experienced it.


With all these things and attacks to destroy the world, there is another thing that is under attack, very much.  And people won’t say this to you.  It is a subject nobody’s giving you truth about it.


I am going to let you hear James T. Harris.  He is a talk show host.  He is black and I am glad to hear a black person say this, that you are going to hear.


[James T. Harris]

I want you to hear Biden 2012, and I also wanted to tell you when Biden uttered these words, he was sitting right next to Alejandro Mayorkas. Whaaatttt!!  Yeah! 



“Unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop.  Folks like me who were Caucasian of European decent, for the first time, in 2017, we will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority! Fewer than 50% of the people in America, from then and on will be white, European stock.  That is not a bad thing.  That is a source of our strength.”


[James T. Harris}

A source of our strength – not a bad thing.  In 2017, here is what you need to understand.  When Joe Biden was sitting on stage with, standing on stage with Obama in 2008.  Waa, Sanctuary cities, he is talking tough.  No, you shouldn’t be allowed to do that. 


And then four years later, here he is as vice president, saying a minority of majority, by 2017, that is like, it would have been five years.  Well, waa, wait a minute, what changed between the time that Biden was on stage with Obama, talking tough about no sanctuary cities and then four years later talking about a minority majority, an unrelenting stream. 


Waa, wait, hold on a second, hold on a second…let’s see if we can hear that one more time.  What did he say?



“Unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop.  Folks like me who were Caucasian of European decent, for the first time, in 2017, we will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority.”


[James T. Harris]

Woa! You mean to tell me, this is the plan?



“Fewer than 50% of the people in America, from then and on will be white, European stock.  That is not a bad thing.  That is a source of our strength.”


[James T. Harris]

Holy – not a bad thing.  A source of our strength.  In diversity is strength.  It is just the opposite.  But back to my point.  In 2008, we are talking tough, no sanctuary cities. 


In 2012, you have Joe Biden, sitting right next to Alejandro Mayorkas, the present Homeland Security, the guy who opened the border.  He is running the open borders program.  He is sitting right next to him when he says this. 


And then he makes a prediction by 2017.  By 2017, so they had the whole children coming across the border around 2012.  What happened?  How come that 2017 was off the mark?  There wasn’t an un, you know, a flow of illegals, unrelenting flow. 


What happened?  I will tell you what, once you understand this, once you put it together, you are going to get a little bit frightened at first, but then you are going to get mad, and you are going to start figure out ways of doing something about this.


[A Friend of Medjugorje]


Our Lady said, June 2, 2017


“…This time is a turning point…”


What did Biden say? By 2017 white people will down 50%. Do you know what that means? There is something that is going to change. In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima incited us to be praying.


Why did Our Lady say that? Pope Leo the 13th, he had a vision. The smoke of satan will enter into the Church. And then Our Lady comes up in 1917, and now She comes out in 2017 because Leo said the devil will be given a century.


And here it is, 2017, Our Lady says, “…this time is a turning…” From what? From satan. So there’s a great battle happening right now. Who’s behind it? We’re having right now, a liquidation of white people.  I’ve seen t-shirts, “Black is beautiful.” White people don’t have t-shirts, “White is beautiful.”


Who made the races?  Did you know that God made different races?  God had to decide His Son, what race He was going to be. And He chose white. Is God racist?  We know He’s not. So when you understand these things and you think about this, why is there a liquidation of the white race. So if you question that, you have to look at that from satan, he hates everything about Jesus Christ. He was a Jew and He was white.


Everything about Jesus, he hates. This is not about racism or white supremacy they keep talking about. Of the races, the white’s are most generous, has the most empathy. Which races are killing each other? Yes, this happens with some whites. You have Italians, Irish, English, Scottish, Norwegian, Spain—you can keep going on that.


In the United States census, in 2010, states the white population is 72 percent and black is 12 percent. So if you go back decades, it was always 72 percent and 12 percent.


So we have this liquidation about whites where Biden on the clip, after he said we’re going to reduce the population of [whites in] the United States down to 50 percent. If Obama got the second term, he would have had that. That’s his plan—the liquidation of white people.


The census is every 10 years. So in 2020, just three years after they said that, the white population, after decades of 72 percent, it has dropped down to 57 percent. That goes back to 2017, when Our Lady said, “…this time is a turning point…”


Christopher Columbus, all the Europeans and all that they did should be a recognition and grateful for what white people have done. That is not about racism. It’s about reality. Nobody no matter what race you should be, should look down on anybody or think they’re privileged.


I don’t know white people thinking that way.  But there are other races thinking that. He who has Jesus has in his heart the light. satan wants to put the whole world in fire. Going back to Our Lady’s message, June 23, 2017,100 years after Fatima, Our Lady says:


“…I come to you and presented myself as the Queen of Peace. Fight against evil and against sin and the idols of today’s world which seduces you…”


Also, Our Lady said December 25, 2016

“…Heaven is with you and is fighting for peace in your hearts, and the families and the world…”


People, we have to be one. We have to love. J.T. Harris, I think it would be good to listen to him one more time because he’s showing the hatred towards the white population.


[JT Harris]

“I want you to hear Biden, circa 2012,and I also want to tell you that when Biden uttered these words he was sitting right next to Alejandro Mayorkas. Whaaaatttt? Yeah!”



“Unrelenting stream of immigration. Non-stop. Non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017, will be in absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in

America from then and on will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing.”


[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Biden shows what truth is when he says, “this is not a bad thing.”  Which means he knows it’s a bad thing. So, he’s got to say, “it’s not bad.” It is very bad. Very bad. The song that we started with, it said,


“The earth might shake, but they stand their ground and God only knows where we would be without believers.” 



And that is what Our Lady is calling [for], no matter who you are or where you come from. But this has to stop. And that is what Our Lady is here for.


We wish you Our Lady, we love you, Goodnight.


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6 thoughts on “Non-Stop. Non-Stop to Wipe Out White People”

  1. City: Dublin
    State: Leinster
    Country: Ireland
    My local priest said ‘there is no worst deception to self-deception. I realise that that is what political correctness is.

  2. State: Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you as ever.

    I would not eat lab grown meat. I am OK with eating plant based products as they come from plants. I eat a little poultry and a little fish. I do wonder however whether or not we are going to end up – as long as we remain faithful – progressing back to our pre fall state where in Genesis we didn’t eat animals, only plants, as surely that was God’s original intention for us when we were in our higher state? This is something I have long and often considered. However, in the meantime I’m good carrying on as I am! 🙂

  3. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    Jesus said ‘a house (i.e. humanity or Family of God) divided against itself cannot stand’. We must work and pray for unity in this time of grace. This is a very serious call. Our family for one does not identify our race on any survey – it’s racist and promotes more of the same. Thank you Mother Mary for being the Mother of us all.

    1. Mary, a Friend of Medjugorje has stated on numerous occasions that there is nothing wrong with being patriotic about one’s heritage and/or race. For centuries, people have rejected any attempt to put nations into one single mass of people. It has been understood by Biblical scholars that the antichrist system will begin by eliminating borders and uniting people as one group. It is why groups like the U.N. were so opposed. A Friend of Medjugorje has written that it was God who chose out the single group of people of Israel. It was God who split the continents and separated people. Our Lady referred to Israel when She said on January 2, 2017: “My Son was the source of love and light when He spoke on earth to the people of all peoples.” A Friend of Medjugorje spoke more about that in this broadcast: https://medjugorje.com/radiowave/the-capital-of-the-soul/

  4. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    satan has to take out his strongest opponent and that is why you are seeing this war against white people. Thank you for speaking about this.

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6 thoughts on “Non-Stop. Non-Stop to Wipe Out White People”

  1. City: Dublin
    State: Leinster
    Country: Ireland
    My local priest said ‘there is no worst deception to self-deception. I realise that that is what political correctness is.

  2. State: Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you as ever.

    I would not eat lab grown meat. I am OK with eating plant based products as they come from plants. I eat a little poultry and a little fish. I do wonder however whether or not we are going to end up – as long as we remain faithful – progressing back to our pre fall state where in Genesis we didn’t eat animals, only plants, as surely that was God’s original intention for us when we were in our higher state? This is something I have long and often considered. However, in the meantime I’m good carrying on as I am! 🙂

  3. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    Jesus said ‘a house (i.e. humanity or Family of God) divided against itself cannot stand’. We must work and pray for unity in this time of grace. This is a very serious call. Our family for one does not identify our race on any survey – it’s racist and promotes more of the same. Thank you Mother Mary for being the Mother of us all.

    1. Mary, a Friend of Medjugorje has stated on numerous occasions that there is nothing wrong with being patriotic about one’s heritage and/or race. For centuries, people have rejected any attempt to put nations into one single mass of people. It has been understood by Biblical scholars that the antichrist system will begin by eliminating borders and uniting people as one group. It is why groups like the U.N. were so opposed. A Friend of Medjugorje has written that it was God who chose out the single group of people of Israel. It was God who split the continents and separated people. Our Lady referred to Israel when She said on January 2, 2017: “My Son was the source of love and light when He spoke on earth to the people of all peoples.” A Friend of Medjugorje spoke more about that in this broadcast: https://medjugorje.com/radiowave/the-capital-of-the-soul/

  4. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    satan has to take out his strongest opponent and that is why you are seeing this war against white people. Thank you for speaking about this.

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