November 11, 2021
Radio Wave Mejanomics

It is Time to Plow Under… What?

[Podcast] – (27 Minutes) Are we coming out of where we are headed right now? A Friend of Medjugorje shares a few prophetic questions that everyone needs to be asking themselves. This is a reality check that is not scary, but inspiring.

Episode Transcript


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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



From the book titled The Book of Man, states in quote this:


“Despite what the popular culture might convey, we know there is something intrinsically satisfying in being able to plant your own garden…”


Why is that? Because God said in the Garden to Adam,


“By the sweat of your brow shall you eat.”


So, if you do what God’s plan is, and you’re compliant with that, you feel the grace. And that’s why people enjoy so much growing their food or having their own garden, because it’s the only occupation ordained by God.


When I was growing up, everybody understood common sense, and they would say,


“If you don’t work, you don’t eat.”


We have people today that don’t work, not because there’s not jobs. Every company, restaurant, etc. is suffering because people do not want to work, because they get free food. They get things from the government. And if you know some of those, they may be alright right now, but they’re not going to have something to eat in the future.


I accidently came to a broadcast back in 2014 that I did, May 1st, seven years ago, and as I listened to a little bit of it, I was surprised how dead on, that if you put on the news today, it describes perfectly our economic situation.


I know a lot of you are out there thinking, “I don’t have land. What are the steps I can take now? Is there something?” Well, this broadcast gives you the something.


So, we’re going to play an excerpt from this broadcast. Take in the information to get you motivated to the steps you need to be taking now today.





What do you do on your Saturdays? Saturdays are the one day you can be putting an investment into the future. But you’re not doing anything in the future when you go to a soccer game or a football game or spend your Saturdays frivolously, going shopping. That’s the turnaround day to start establishing your future, that you can start looking, ride out into the countryside, and start thinking, why do you want to be in a subdivision? Why do you want to be in a city? Where’s the worst place to be if the economy crashes? Where’s the best place to be? Ask yourself these questions, and what you need to be doing in your life at this moment is asking a lot of questions.


We know people that just frivolously spent their time around, looking where we were going to eat on Friday and Saturday night, just doing their life, following everybody else, that now work like dogs on Saturdays with their kids and into the evening. My wife and I did that over thirty-five, forty years ago, because we were anxious in the sense of, not with anxiety, to get ourselves established, we would not have to be paying out money for food. And we made good money after we got our business going. It wasn’t that we couldn’t afford it. It’s just that we knew it wasn’t security. And that was before insecurity that everybody sees now even existed.


If you had a depression, they waited for it to come out of it, or a recession, they waited for you to come out of it. Most people in the sixties, seventies, had still first thoughts of the Depression in 1929. We went through some depressions in the seventies and then the eighties, or rather, recessions. And in those recessions, “It’s just going to be a year, year and a half, and we’ll come out of it.” We’re not coming out of what’s coming now. There’s no way to correct. There’s no way to bounce back. And any downfall we have with the economy and bounce back is only a bounce that God’s grace allows us to shake us up to make us think and make us reflect and think, “I need to change the way I’m living, the way I’m walking. And what would I think if I had nothing to eat next year and no means to feed myself, take from my sound ground to feed myself?” If that’s the case, then you will curse yourself. And if you’ve grown in holiness, if you don’t curse yourself, you’ll kick yourself, because all the stupid things you did on Saturday…And I’m saying “stupid” because what we live is totally frivolous. And you’ll be sickened by it. “…[don’t] waste time…” Our Lady said. “…you are not its [master]…” You won’t be able to correct things like you’ve done in the past, that you did something and a bad decision twenty years ago, and then three years ago, you corrected it. You don’t have the means to do it.


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What was the hurricane that hit New York? Hurricane Sandy hits up in New York. Very sophisticated structure of civilization that has food being delivered into New York, Staten Island, all over the place, constantly. An integrated system. And my son, just up there, saw people in Staten Island—wealthy people—digging in the dumpsters because they were hungry, because they couldn’t get their food to them. But they had in the back of their mind, “Food’s coming.” Why? Because they knew everything in the country still operated as it did before the hurricane hit. So, they knew, sooner or later, there would be something coming. They knew sooner or later they’d get help. But what if the economy falls, and everybody’s in the same state of a Hurricane Sandy, or a Hurricane Ivan, or a Hurricane Katrina?


Hurricane Katrina, they talked about, really damaged FEMA and our financial ability to respond it was so devastating as far as financial drain on the government. One little, tiny storm. You say it was giant. No, one little, tiny spot on the United States, the coast there. Very, very small percent of the country, took resources from all across the country and the government.


So, when everybody’s in that boat in the same way and looking in the dumpsters, and then you’re competitors to find the food first, what are you going to be doing? It’s just reason. You all know something’s coming, and you’re thinking, “Well, you know…” I don’t want to hear anybody anymore say, “Well, you know, it’s going to get better. We’re going to recover.” And I would be sick just twelve months ago to hear people saying that. Don’t you see it? You rarely hear people say that. With the attitude changing and realizing life as we know it won’t be continuing, or something’s going to change, or I don’t know, or I’m confused, or what’s going to happen? People are starting to think, but not advanced enough to say, “What’s the future?” The future is community. You want to be in this state without it? It’s very dangerous.



The read today is entitled, “Who Knew Vegetable Gardens Could Be So Revolutionary” by Dr. Mercola.


“In the U.S., backyard vegetable gardens are still viewed mostly as a hobby, an activity that you can engage in to get away from your daily grind, get your hands dirty, and spend some time in nature.


“But this is rapidly changing. Thanks to a growing movement of people who are not only in love with the process of gardening, but also the literal fruits of their labor.


“Yes, homegrown food is fresher, tastier, and often more nutritious than produce shipped from across the globe. But gardening is much grander than that, as it puts you in control of a commodity that is at its very essence survival, freedom and health.


“Growing your own food is the way of the future, ironically, by getting back to our foundational roots of self-sufficiency and oneness with nature. It’s time to start planting your 21st century victory garden.


“During World War II, many foods, including butter, eggs, coffee, meat and sugar, were rationed by the government. There were also labor and transportation shortages that made it difficult for enough fresh produce to be brought to the market. And so, the government called on Americans to plant ‘victory gardens’ in order to supply their own fruits and vegetables. It’s inspiring to look back on now, as close to twenty million Americans planted produce in every nook and cranny they could find, from rooftops and empty lots to their own backyards. And they grew forty percent of the produce in the U.S. Neighbors began to work together, planting varying crops and forming food cooperatives to share their harvest with one another.


“Unfortunately, when the war ended, so too did many Americans’ gardening efforts. Today, Americans largely attend to their lawns, all thirty-five million acres of them.


New York Times’ author Michael Poland, was one of the first to tackle the absurdity of the pursuit of lush, green lawns. Poland says,


‘These are a symbol of everything that’s wrong with our relationship with the land, over environmentally friendly and productive landscapes like vegetable gardens, meadows or orchards. Unlike a vegetable garden, which gives back in the form of fresh produce and a symbiotic relationship with soil insects, wildlife, a lawn gives nothing, yet requires significant chemical treatments and meticulous mowing and watering to stay within society’s confines of what a properly manicured lawn should be.’


New York Times’ food columnist, Mark Bittman, has pointed out that, if only ten percent of Americans converted lawns into food-producing gardens, it would supply one-third of America’s fresh produce. That’s quite impressive, revolutionary, even.


“In the 21st century, as increasing numbers of people are growing fed up with industrial agriculture, dissenting from our monopolized food system by planting your own backyard garden may be the only path to good health and freedom.


“Thomas Jefferson was a gardening enthusiast. But his passion for growing food went beyond his own backyard. Apparently, he believed that America was incapable of becoming a true republic unless twenty percent of its citizens were self-sufficient on small farms. This would enable them to be real dissenters, free to voice opinions and beliefs without any obligation to food producers who might hold their survival at stake.


“During World War II, Americans rallied together to grow vast acres of victory gardens that ended up supplying forty percent of the nation’s wartime food supply and astonishingly, a large quantity of produce, in a relatively short period of time when you stop to think about it.


“Sadly, in 2014, we are further than ever from that self-sufficient ideal that Jefferson hoped for. By contrast, Americans now tend 35 million acres of lawn, approximately 54,000 square miles. Lawns are the biggest crop in the U.S., covering an area three times greater than corn, and yet, they are essentially horticultural deserts with nothing for little pollinators to find but fatal pesticides.”


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I’ve often thought, going down the roads and seeing all the nice businesses landscaped, why did they put the money they put into that? And I used to be in that field. Why would they put all that money in there, except they don’t stop to think about, this is the time they should be planting corn or tomatoes, and put the same budget for the maintenance for their employees, which would spark an interest for most who have never done that, that, “Hey, I can do this at home.” All the companies, or if you own a company, you’re a business owner, or you had a corporate thing, why do have all this decorative lawn and décor as far as the plant species, and put it in food? If nothing else, have gleaners that can come and pick from it, or neighbors for good PR. It’s much more beautiful. There’s nothing more beautiful than a beautiful garden.


There’s a person down the road…We’d go down and watch, just pass…We’d always look at the garden. And that’s what Adam and Even did, walk in the cool of the evening of the Garden because it was beautiful. We’ve got everything in our ornamental plants, which, for the time we’re in, is mindless. If you own a company, if you work for a corporation, start suggesting this. ‘Why are we doing this?’ Look up the budget. It costs tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars just to maintain some of these things for some of these buildings. And that’s why we put on our shipping ramp here, corn every year, because people have never been so close to corn that they can touch it.


We saw a vendor here—she was a salesman. I didn’t say “saleswoman.” She was a salesman. And she walked down the shipping ramp as she was leaving, and I saw her from upstairs in the window. I was looking. She walked past the corn, and she just reached out her hand and just let a leaf of the stalk just flow through her hand. And maybe it was the first time she’s ever touched corn. But it was intriguing, because people don’t really stand next to it. They say, “Ooh, how tall that is.”


We’re not thinking people anymore. If there’s anything about the messages of Our Lady, it’s to start thinking. Start thinking when a tornado hits. Just in that area and the resources and the might it takes just to come in and correct that or help it or help people. These are specs. These are nothings. Not minimizing people who just lost their life in that. But I’m saying, on the news, people didn’t want to come here because they saw so much about tornadoes. We never saw anything. Yes, they were one hour away from here, and often we have that, and maybe just ten minutes from here. But you go by trees every day, all day long that’s been there for a hundred years. A tornado hasn’t knocked that down. But the media, you see on the screen, that little two-foot by two-foot screen, that it looks like the whole place is hit. Birmingham, Alabama is wiped off the map. Because we go to the negative.


But one thing is not going to be just a little spot is economic collapse. It’s total. It’s devastating, affecting from the highest to the lowest, from those who have the most wealth and assets and those who have the most food to the ones that don’t. You’re going to be equal. You’re going to be the same shoulder, yoke to yoke.


The bluebloods in the Middle Ages were called such because they ate off silver spoons. And silver spoons cause you to turn blue because it does something to your pigments. Silver does that. And so, all the peasants not eating off silver spoons, when the bubonic plague came, they all died. That left the bluebloods to have to go not have laborers to pay. What good’s their money? They had to get out in the gardens, and for the first time, they realized and appreciated the peasants and how valuable they were, not their money, but those they paid money to who now, they couldn’t pay to because they had to do it themselves.


Silver stops infection, and so, they didn’t get the diseases. And some of them may have been envious of the peasants who died and went on to see their glory, especially the Christian ones. And they had to toil in the field.


So, money’s not going to save you, bluebloods. The government’s not going to save you, those who don’t have money. The only thing that’s going to save you is God, and God’s sending His Messenger now to show you what to do, how to do it, how to think, and live more in harmony what was ordained from the very beginning of time with man:


“By the sweat of your brow shall you eat.”


“Well, I’ve got money.” Then buy land. Buy five hundred acres. Buy two hundred acres. Buy a thousand acres and build houses for people if you’ve got money, not to have a mentality, “Well, I’m going to put peasants there,” but to have wealth there through the people that will help you grow food, raise pigs, milk cows, make butter, that you might have it. That’s your victory. That’s your investment. You cannot have a better investment, no matter what your portfolio is, no matter how much money you have, than if you bought hundreds of acres, bought the equipment, built the barns, built everything, put people on there, would get applicants, make sure they have shared values…If you’re Baptist, and you want all Baptists, then do that. If you’re Catholic, you want all Catholics, then build ten houses. Build a little chapel there. Make a community. You can create that with your wealth. That is wealth. That’s real wealth because if something happens, you’ve got a system that they’re growing food. They’re feeding themselves. And you, being the landowner, and if you want to say plantation owner, so be it. Plantations were beautiful places. That’s why they put them in Gone With the Wind. Beautiful communities.


“What about slavery?” Well, there were sides to that. They still had family life. People are more enslaved today then they were back then. Take your choice. Am I saying to create slavery? No. But people indenture themselves, and you’re going to see people say, “I’ll be your slave.” If you’ve got a system, they’re going to be coming to you, “Just feed me.” They’ll work for food. They’ve got signs on the side of the road because it’s easy to do that now, but you’ll have people that will literally say, “You just feed me breakfast and supper. I’ll skip dinner and just let me work for you.” And that’s what an indentured servant was. People back in the slave days didn’t even refer to the slaves as slaves…As servants. Part of the family, a lot of them were. Here in the South, we had good relationships with people who were black. They were part of the family. We called them aunts. Our maid we called Aunt Maybel.


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And so, what you see, what you hear, is not all the truth. What people understand things to be…People are going to beg. White Kentuckians wanted to be slaves. Did you know that? Because they were eating, and the white Kentuckians in a little bitty hut were starving to death.


There’s people in the future that will want to put themselves in a slave position. And in these days, to mention that is dangerous. I’m not advocating slavery. I’m not saying we need slaves. So get off of that trash. Don’t come and say something like that. I’m telling you what people will be doing in the future to eat. And not only that, cannibalism. This is coming. There’s no way to avoid it. There’s no way to avoid the economic collapse. It will happen. And the economy’s recovery ain’t gonna happen. You need to get that in you. It is not going to happen. And your deepest regrets won’t be the people that don’t have a lot of money. The deepest regret will be those who had the money to set up and make some kind of plantation-style place where you could have people that you could have your kids raised with, you shared your values, and you didn’t do it. And then, your money’s worthless because you’re going to be a blueblood trying to scratch out of the soil what the people that could have been doing it and been happy with you being family with you, that you didn’t take that opportunity. Our Lady said it’s sad not to take the opportunity God gives.


This bouncing up and own of the economy is an opportunity to wake you and shake you up. Something’s wrong. Something’s amiss. Get yourself in order. Because God wants you to survive. God wants the rich to survive. God wants the poor to survive, those who have transformed their life, those who are Christian, those who are following Our Lady’s messages, because they are to build the new society, the new culture.




Somebody was telling me the other day they want to the store, and then they want to Wal-Mart, and they began to see more and more empty shelves. Can you not read the signs of the times? Do you not believe the messages Our Lady said, “Everything’s going to fall apart”? Do you not think you need to be doing something now? Do you think somebody else is going to rescue you? It is time to plow under…  what? You’ve got the answer. “I can’t do that in a subdivision or in my backyard.” You better start thinking about it. If nothing, but subsidize what’s not going to be there. And also, if not only to give you cognition and experiences, because you’re going to fail.


Our seeds, our plants, the GMO, has messed everything up. It took us two years to get hogs here and keep them alive. Why? Because genetically, they had been bred to be in airconditioned facilities. We were told we can’t raise hogs in Alabama because it’s too hot. After two years, we learned how to do it.


Are you going to have two years, or you think you have two years now? There’s a lot to learn, and we’re learning right now. We’re getting a lot of cognition. I’d rather go through difficulties now than trying to keep a hog alive when I’m starving.


We just recently lost some cattle, and it’s God giving us cognition. We don’t like it, but do you want to deal with that in the green wood or the dry wood? Because we’re in transition from green wood to dry wood. You better start reflecting. And what I’ve said over and repeatedly, get your 401(k)s, your retirements, your money, out of the bank and put it in silver. Pay the taxes. Pay the penalty. And you’ve still got something. If you don’t want to pay the taxes, you don’t want to pay the penalty, then you’re going to be penalized with nothing. It’s better to keep something than have nothing. The Miraculous Medjugorje Round is for preservation of what you work for. And you can’t eat that, but you can salvage it immediately to have more time to get your own ground and to get you closer to life-saving ways of life.


I know you’re not going to reject these words, but I am concerned you may ignore them. Everything I’ve told you today, everything you heard from 2014, put it in your heart and say to yourself, “I am going to take steps now.”


Pray for our mission. Pray for our work. Pray for our community. Pray for us to be able to save the Cross. Many of you have told us you depend on us. But we say the same thing to you. We depend on you.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

7 thoughts on “It is Time to Plow Under… What?”

  1. City: BRISTOL
    State: South Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you as ever for your sound advice.

    Also I never realised silver prevents infection!

    Wow. I wear 3 Miraculous Medals. One round my neck and two as rings. One on each hand. I completely wasted my time having the coronavirus vaccines. I listened to my husband and family and of course I need to submit to my husband so I am OK with that but he isn’t pushing me to have the booster so I am going to leave it this time. I have Our Lady’s Silver. I will be just fine.

    I am reading your book How to Change Your Husband. I hope and pray God will recreate those poor little drowned puppies for that poor little boy / man in Heaven. And I trust his little sister is in Heaven. Love is Eternal.

    1. City: Mt Pleasant
      State: South Carolina
      Country: United States
      We just moved into a new house with lots of water oaks and little sunshine. I would like to sell and get some more land to plant. I will keep you posted

  2. Natalie O'Donnell

    City: West Chester
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    Sometimes I get so upset with knowing what’s coming. We have a little yard where we could plant vegetables but my husband and I are now too old and feeble. Many years ago I had a garden, but then all the building of townhouses started around us and I couldn’t get any produce from my garden. All the wildlife like deer ate everything. We would have to build a large fence now which we can’t do.
    As for the silver rounds, my husband is a CPA and a non-believer and won’t change any retirement investments. My children live far away and unable to help.
    Sometimes I just don’t know what to do.
    Thank for these transcripts so I can read this information since I don’t hear well.
    God bless and may He have mercy on us.

    1. City: BRISTOL
      State: South Gloucestershire
      Country: United Kingdom
      My husband is a non believer too but I thank God he loves growing vegetables. We have apple trees over our dead golden retriever’s body. He feeds the apples for us. I have never tasted so delicious apples as these. You can eat them as they are or use them for cooking.

      Plant something really simple like an apple tree or anything that bears fruit or vegetables that doesn’t require too much maintenance. Maybe the deer will leave the apples? I don’t know. You could try?

      Also we forage blackberries from the open countryside for cooking or just eating. And I take elder berries and sloe berries. There is allsorts out there in the countryside at this time of year ripe for the taking.

      I am not sure how old you are but if you are active outside it will help you I promise you. I will be 58 this month. Over the summer and autumn I painted 21 fence panels in our garden and my husband has had more produce from his vegetables this year than ever.

      Maybe just grow something like tomatoes? If you cannot fence off your yard can you grow them in a porch or somewhere? Are there any vegetables deers don’t like? We have lots of deer by us and yet I can still get the berries I mentioned above so maybe deer don’t like everything? I am so happy growing things we can eat. God Bless xxx

  3. City: Huntsville
    State: Alabama
    Country: United States
    Sounds like we are in the fourth-quarter and some people have not even got to the ballpark (and I doubt there will be an overtime in this one)

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7 thoughts on “It is Time to Plow Under… What?”

  1. City: BRISTOL
    State: South Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you as ever for your sound advice.

    Also I never realised silver prevents infection!

    Wow. I wear 3 Miraculous Medals. One round my neck and two as rings. One on each hand. I completely wasted my time having the coronavirus vaccines. I listened to my husband and family and of course I need to submit to my husband so I am OK with that but he isn’t pushing me to have the booster so I am going to leave it this time. I have Our Lady’s Silver. I will be just fine.

    I am reading your book How to Change Your Husband. I hope and pray God will recreate those poor little drowned puppies for that poor little boy / man in Heaven. And I trust his little sister is in Heaven. Love is Eternal.

    1. City: Mt Pleasant
      State: South Carolina
      Country: United States
      We just moved into a new house with lots of water oaks and little sunshine. I would like to sell and get some more land to plant. I will keep you posted

  2. Natalie O'Donnell

    City: West Chester
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    Sometimes I get so upset with knowing what’s coming. We have a little yard where we could plant vegetables but my husband and I are now too old and feeble. Many years ago I had a garden, but then all the building of townhouses started around us and I couldn’t get any produce from my garden. All the wildlife like deer ate everything. We would have to build a large fence now which we can’t do.
    As for the silver rounds, my husband is a CPA and a non-believer and won’t change any retirement investments. My children live far away and unable to help.
    Sometimes I just don’t know what to do.
    Thank for these transcripts so I can read this information since I don’t hear well.
    God bless and may He have mercy on us.

    1. City: BRISTOL
      State: South Gloucestershire
      Country: United Kingdom
      My husband is a non believer too but I thank God he loves growing vegetables. We have apple trees over our dead golden retriever’s body. He feeds the apples for us. I have never tasted so delicious apples as these. You can eat them as they are or use them for cooking.

      Plant something really simple like an apple tree or anything that bears fruit or vegetables that doesn’t require too much maintenance. Maybe the deer will leave the apples? I don’t know. You could try?

      Also we forage blackberries from the open countryside for cooking or just eating. And I take elder berries and sloe berries. There is allsorts out there in the countryside at this time of year ripe for the taking.

      I am not sure how old you are but if you are active outside it will help you I promise you. I will be 58 this month. Over the summer and autumn I painted 21 fence panels in our garden and my husband has had more produce from his vegetables this year than ever.

      Maybe just grow something like tomatoes? If you cannot fence off your yard can you grow them in a porch or somewhere? Are there any vegetables deers don’t like? We have lots of deer by us and yet I can still get the berries I mentioned above so maybe deer don’t like everything? I am so happy growing things we can eat. God Bless xxx

  3. City: Huntsville
    State: Alabama
    Country: United States
    Sounds like we are in the fourth-quarter and some people have not even got to the ballpark (and I doubt there will be an overtime in this one)

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