May 23, 2024
Radio Wave Mejanomics

It is Imminent. This Culture Will Fall… Why?

[Podcast] (39 Minutes) – Going back almost 13 years, a Friend of Medjugorje tells us the indicators that many ignored and which have come true.

Episode Transcript

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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?

“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?

“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Welcome to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje. Tonight, we are going to share with you a broadcast from August the 25th, 2011.

Now this is one of the more classic Mejanomics broadcasts. Those of you who have been with a Friend of Medjugorje for a long time, you remember a lot of those formative years, in the first two or three of Mejanomics where he really laid out a lot of common sense.

And at the time, for many people who were not following the messages, not following what a Friend of Medjugorje was saying about the messages, they didn’t see this. And this was also during a period of time when even a lot of people in the Medjugorje world simply did not see a lot of what a Friend of Medjugorje was seeing in the messages.

The title of this broadcast is “It is Imminent. This Culture Will Fall…Why?” And a Friend of Medjugorje will speak about that in the broadcast tonight. So here is a Friend of Medjugorje, August the 25th, 2011.

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In 1947, a Doctor Carl Zimmerman wrote a text called Family and Civilizations. He listed eleven symptoms of a final decay of the Greek and Roman civilizations.

And throughout history we’ve seen these things replay themselves. We’ve seen over and over and over. It’s the same pattern. I know there is a study I looked at years ago that shows 65 civilizations that was studied by sociologists, and they came to the same conclusion.

The disinterest in family caused in the fall. The interest in family of monogamous relationships in marriage built the civilizations.

So Zimmerman listed eleven of these faults that will cause a fall.

  1. One he listed as No-Fault Divorce.
  2. Two was “Birth dearth,” which increased disrespect for parenthood and parents.
  3. Second was acceptance of all forms of adultery.
  4. Then, meaningless marriage of rites and ceremonies, which ours is that way today. What marriage means. People want to get married in balloons and all kinds of things. And the ones who get married in churches, just want it for the pictures.
  5. Next, defamation of past national heroes. We see that today. We don’t want to quote our forefathers. We revile them. We have revisionists have textbooks already printed waiting to go into action this school term, in public schools and Christian schools that defame our forefathers. I know George Washington, I was always taught to respect him greatly for his honesty. You remember the story. “I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down the cherry tree.” The integrity of this man was irreproachable. And even today, if you go to Mt. Vernon and places they’ll say the same thing. Yet, revisionists want to say he was wild. That if he was disturbed in his tent, he’d start shooting his gun. Where did this stuff come from? There’s a book I just received called, is it called “For the Glory,” or [I think it’s Sacred Fire.] Sacred Fire. It’s all about George Washington. It’s all about his letters of how he promoted Christianity. How he wrote pastors and praised them for their sermons and added things for their sermons. And the book is not a half inch thick. It’s not an inch thick. It’s not even two inches thick. It’s over that. Our national heroes are filled with these things—of virtue. Virtue is what makes you holy. We have a lot of national heroes that were holy. But because we’ve gone by the way of those things Zimmerman just listed and more to come, I’m about to tell you, we defame them. We have to defame them, so you won’t listen to them and you’ll listen to what they are saying.
  6. The next one is widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism and hedonism. We’ve already gone through that faze. We’ve gone through the previous phases I’ve mentioned already that was on the list.
  7. Then you go to propagation of antifamily sentiment. I wrote about that in It Ain’t Gonna Happen. About how women are harmed by having babies. They don’t do as well as those who put off having babies. Or they don’t have them at all; they make more money. That’s what motherhood’s about? That’s its purpose today? Widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism and hedonism. We’re there. And we’re beyond that.

Propagation of anti-family sentiment. That’s prevalent. What does that breed?

  1. The next on the list, nine, would be rebellious children.
  2. And then the next is increased juvenile delinquency.
  3. And then after that acceptance of alternative marriage forms. And that’s the Church that has accepted this. The Christians have accepted this. Oh, I won’t do that. I’m not for that, I’ll vote against it. But you allow people in public to put this in your face and you do nothing about this? And with the acceptance of alternative marriage forms, it doesn’t matter if its legal, its being done, comes the next and the last on the Zimmerman list.
  4. Common acceptance of all forms of perversion by abominable lifestyles. I added abominable lifestyles because that’s what he’s talking about. He’s more explicit and I won’t say it on our radio program. Even as we are describing these things we need to remain in our talk with virtue.

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And so there is an acceptance. The pinnacle, the signs to watch is when any civilization goes through these things and there is one he misses and that starts off, the first one I would list, is the violation of the Sabbath because it seemingly is non-significant, but that’s where we trip and when we get back up, we’re not on the same path.

We have about 50 other paths we can go and we are all on those paths scattered, divided, falling apart. And the further we walk down, the further it widens off from each other. And so we are a people, worldwide, of division.

Diversity is what everybody calls it. Diversity. Christianity is not filled with diversity. Christianity is filled with union. If I’m praying, my wife’s praying and we may be divided on something, and we come into union with God, He is center, we become in union.

If we’re doing the same thing as husband and wife, and our neighbors are praying and they’re praying to God and we’re divided on something, they come into union with God, we become in union because we are headed towards one central thing.

Christianity unites. It does not divide. It does not focus on diversity. This is a very sinful thing. We mention it in the pulpits. Oh, diversity. Lets respect diversity.

This is from the devil. This is from evil. This is from evil that wants to begin its rule and teach you this great lie. That’s not Jesus’ words. Jesus’ words are very clear: make my joy complete, be of one mind, one heart. How do you do that in diversity? Big lie.

And you sit there in the pew and listen to the priest on the pulpit say “diversity” from the liberal priests who give these kinds of crazy sermons from the devil. Oh, I shouldn’t be saying that?

I’m not condemning the priests, I’m saying what their philosophies are. Its wrong. Any of them is wrong. Anybody who espouses this is wrong. And so diversity leads to a “Oh, well, they live an abominable lifestyle, I don’t like it. I know its abominable. I’m against it. But what can I do about it?”

You better do something about it. The public acceptance of this is against Romans 1:32, I think its verse 32. “And they tolerated it.” That’s you and me.

You can’t tolerate this in the public where they come up with the point and stick this in your face and say you’re going to accept this. You are going to accept it in public or actions, the things we do together, abomination, public signs of that.

You accept that then you’ve accepted your own murder. Because to accept this is to accept the retribution that comes from God for this. It’s the one sign, when you reach that pinnacle, then there is nothing for God to do except for Him to come back and correct it.

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The signs are there people. It’s all there. Sixty-five civilizations studied, the Roman Empire studied, the Greek Empire studied, this is where we are and what are you going to do? You better fight it.

You don’t want to let your children see something bad or evil and we’re letting this happen in public? Relationships that are perverse, abominable? God comes back at that point.

When you reach that there’s nothing left for God to do to correct man’s conscience and his wayward ways because both the Christians and the abominables are in the same boat. We get in their boat when we accept that. “Well, I don’t like that but you know, that’s what you do.”

No, I’ve read conservative people in their talks or their writings and even the politicians who are Christians who say, “Oh, I’m against it, I don’t believe in that but you know I can’t judge that.”

Yes you can judge that! What’s wrong with you? What do you mean you can’t judge something like that. You are going to allow society to become that perverse because you say I can’t judge that?

Then don’t judge adultery, be for it. Go out there and march for with placards that say, I’m for adultery. Yeah, it’s a good thing. Just like they march for their abomination.

What are you doing Christians? Nothing. Oh, we’re going to go through the courts. We’re going to go fight. We’re going to do this. There is a time that comes to get in the Temple and turn it upside-down. And it’s about time we do that because it’s too late, really.

The only thing you can do is distance yourself from these things. Speak out against it. Don’t be silent. I don’t expect you to get out there as an individual to do it.

Our Lady said you can’t. You as an individual, you can do nothing, Our Lady just told us. “As individuals you cannot stop the evil.”

But I tell you what, if you saw something at a park and the Christians in there got up, 50 of them and confronted that, you can do something about it. And you won’t be in sin, I’m telling you. You don’t put up with it.

I was on the mountain in Medjugorje. They had told some of the people don’t go up there selling or profane the site on Apparition Mountain.

And here’s a guy about 25 setting up a souvenir shop, in the evening, not dark to sell souvenirs right there outside of where the apparition is going to be.

Here come four of the villagers, big guys, Croatian men. They weren’t 20 years old. They were 40 and 50 years old. They told the guy to leave. He resisted.

They told him again to leave. I could tell. I could understand their language, but they were saying and pointing to get back, get this stuff out of here. Now!  He refused.

The next thing I know there were four or five fists hitting on this guy. They weren’t going to let him profane that.

You’re just going to let kids see things and be profaned, that you wouldn’t let them open a magazine and see the same thing they’d be arrested for? Where is our Common Law?

This has always been against the law. It’s against Common Law. Invoke it. Attorneys out there. Anybody who has got any courage, any guts, stand up against this stuff.

What are we doing? Nothing. The signs are there for something to happen and we do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

“Oh they’re nice people.” They are the most vicious group out there. They are suicides ahead of anybody else. Their depression is above every other group of people. Their unhappiness is the same. It’s a vicious people. Very vicious.

There’s nothing good about it. There’s nothing moral or that sanctifies it. There is nothing that you can say that this will be a good for people who are not connected to it.

Abraham and Lot were told to get out. “Let me save it.” “Abraham, go and try. Do what like [Christians are] doing today, try and save it.”

And what happened? He couldn’t. What did God do? He did. And God’s a did. God did things and He’s going to did things today and tomorrow. Watch people. And you’re in the midst of it, economically is part of it. Warnings, earthquakes, things that are happening. The signs are there.

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I live in San Diego and these days the people of my area get a bit edgy as the end of October approaches. While most of the country is gathering frost on pumpkins, we are experiencing extreme heat, low humidity and powerful winds, perfect conditions for devastating wildfires that devour everything in their path.

In 2003, we lived through the firestorm that consumed more than 390,000 acres of land, destroyed 2,430 homes and inflicted 2.2 billion dollars in property damage. In October 2007, the National Weather Service issued a red-flag warning indicating that conditions were ripe for another major wildfire.

On Sunday, October 21st, while we were worshiping in our first morning service, ominous billows of smoke began to rise from the back country 33 miles away.

When I walked out of church that morning, I could see the smoke and the frightening images of 2003 returned to my mind. The San Diego Fire Department using a sophisticated new warning system called REVERSE 9-11 sent phone messages to homes that were in harm’s way.

The messages were short and to the point. THIS AREA, GET OUT. THIS AREA, GET OUT. Thousands of San Diegans evacuated their homes.

But as is always the case, some refused to leave. In an attempt to protect their home, one father and his 15 year old son chose to remain behind when the rest of their family evacuated.

Two and a half hours into the fire, Captain Ray Repue of Cal-Fire ordered them to evacuate the area immediately. The father got into his pickup truck, his son got on an ATV and they started to leave their property, but for reasons unknown, when fire engine 3387 drove onto their property, both the father and his son turned around and went back to the house.

The captain again warned them to evacuate because of the dense smoke. The father jumped on the ATV with his son but lack of oxygen caused the ATV to stall out.

Then they both climbed into the fire engine and were warned to stay in the cab while the fire fighters to continue their work. Soon, depleted oxygen, intense heat and choking smoke drove the fire-fighters to attempt their own escape but now the overloaded fire engine also stalled.

What happened next is called a burn-over. Before the fire fighters could deploy their tent-like emergency shelters inside the cab, the windows exploded from the heat of the fire advancing from the double wide home.

Fireman Brook Lenmen was trying to comfort the panic young man when ferocious flames leapt into the cab. The boy let out a terrible scream as nearly half of his body was severely burned.

He kept asking me if we were going to die, reported the fireman later. I said, no we’re not going to die. The captain ordered the firefighters and the young man out of the burning cab and they sought refuge behind large rocks on the property.

Overhead in a command airplane, Cal Fire Chief, Ray Cheney, reported hearing over his radio a primal scream from the ground below, a wrenching sound in plaintive agonized spurts. Chief Cheney was able to guide a helicopter through the dense smoke to, within a few feet of the trapped group.

Two minutes later, the helicopter lifted off with its cargo of the injured and quickly returned for the two others. All the rescued were then transported to a trauma center. The father died in that blaze. The son and four heroic fire personnel were severely burned.

As I write this chapter five months later, the young man remains hospitalized. We will never know why this man and his son chose to disregard the repeated warnings. But the point came when all warnings were futile.

There was no longer any time to run. Living in the fire zone of Southern California has made me aware of the importance of warnings.

As I look at world events through the lens of God’s prophetic Word, I have become acutely aware of the warnings sings. The warnings are useful only if we heed them.

As the prophetic clock moves towards its final strike, we must not wait until it is too late to move out of harm’s way. The admonition of Paul to the Roman believers should spur us to action.

From Romans chapter 13:11, “Knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now our salvation is near then when we first believed.” Knowing the meaning behind the events we see in the daily news helps us to understand what is going on in the world. Today’s headlines show the wisdom of Paul’s warning.

It is high time for us to wake out of sleep and realize that things will not continue to go on indefinitely as they are now. In deed, things are coming to a head.

Events are moving us towards the moment when warnings will be too late and we will be caught in the firestorm of a great evil that will trouble the world before Christ finally returns to set things right. The question for you is, are you heeding the warnings?

Are you prepared to stand before God. Have you accepted His offer of salvation? He is telling us by the events that surround us, that the window of opportunity will soon be gone. Please do not wait until it is too late.

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And that is from “What in the World is Going On?,” a book and it was written, actually three or four or five years ago, I think. But its true.

And is written, know that the warning of events on the news, what do they tell you?

One could say, well, the earthquake we just had, you know we’ve had earthquakes twenty years ago, or fifty years ago, or a hundred years ago. So why should be think differently of it now?

Because we’ve got other signs that parallel that. Nature’s always been obedient to God. Nature has no free will. Nature acts according to God. Our Lady said: “Physical laws can be suspended.”

Earthquakes can be stopped. Wars can be stopped even, which has a lot of free will in it, involved with war. If you can stop that, you think you can’t stop an earthquake?

So then, the argument is why, a hundred years ago, when maybe we were moral at that time. Well it always brings people back to humility, it always teaches people something.

But it doesn’t always mean that there is something ominous coming, unless its paralleled with these eleven things listed, with prevalent degradation.

You got those two matching up, you better be warned by that sign that something is up and something is coming and its not good. In fact the whole East Coast was just shaken about that, earthquake.

I have dared to think the thought that people are really being more thoughtful, not because just the earthquake, but because we know the economy is crashing.

We know our whole world as we know it is crashing. We know morality is decayed to a point that history tells us no civilization exists today that went through that and flourished.

You don’t flourish with abominable lifestyles. Oh, here’s a country over here that’s the grandson of Sodom. They’re flourishing. You don’t flourish. Your culture destroys itself. First Romans says, man turned, or God turned man over to himself.

Man without God destroys itself. Man doing unnatural sin does not want God. There is nothing left but to conclude that. And the thing to make your new culture is to distance yourself from this, rise up with fifty people apart and stop these things in your community.

Don’t allow it. Just since August 2nd, 2011, when Our Lady said, “Evil wants to begin to rule in this world and destroy it,” I am amazed just in that last couple of weeks how much this sin is everywhere as far as putting it in print, as far as different organizations being attacked for it, as far as having to do lawsuits.

Well, it’s just like came out of the box all the sudden. It’s been there, but it’s exponentially growing with the new school year. Do research on it.

What they are doing in teaching these children. Oakland, California, the kingpin starting in the public school system. So why am I going on and on for this?

Because, it’s a sign that we as Christians quit living the Sabbath. And through leaving the Sabbath, we quit loving God because God is not first and entertainments the first, our sports events are first, our traveling is first, our neglecting the Sabbath brought all this about.

All the way up to the pinnacle to where God’s got to come back now, to this perversion. Because from the Sabbath if goes not loving God, the first Commandment, love thy God with all thy heart.

Then you don’t love your neighbor. From there you start having, what Zimmerman said, the acceptance of most forms of adultery. And from there, the deterioration of marriage and divorce, no fault. From there you keep going, you keep climbing the ladder to where we are today.

We have plenty of opportunities to turn around. From the 70s with abortion and opening it up all the way to now. But we didn’t. So now we got the big sign. The one big thing.

And maybe we need to start tearing it back down backwards. You know, get your house in order. Get your heart in order. Start living the Christian life.

Walk the way your supposed to walk and from there make sure you’re in union with God and then you confront this sin. You confront it. You don’t let it in your community.

You fight it. You don’t let it in your schools. You do what you have to do. Fifty of you, a hundred of you. Turn the school desks upside-down. You are completely within your right when children are being molested in their heart.

It’s the same thing as adultery in the heart. It’s a physical molestation, do you understand that? Do you realize that? Or do you not have the wisdom to see it?

Then you don’t believe Jesus Christ because I tell you, he who commits adultery in the heart commits adultery. So what’s the difference? There is not any difference.

If you are allowing these school kids and these little children, their hearts to be corrupted in this thing in what they are teaching, there is nothing else.

So, we are in serious trouble. So what do you do? You have to change yourself first. You have to convert. You have to become holy, become virtuous. And then don’t tolerate these things. Leave sin behind.

What does this got to do with Mejanomics? Everything. One of the fruits from the tree we are picking is this economy.

Is this situation is economics and we won’t be able to sustain ourselves. And so yes, this is why we came with the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, the silver one-ounce piece, to put what you have into something that can convert.

We hope an abominable will get this in his pocket. Our Lady said pray for their salvation. We want their salvation. But what we won’t accept is their public behavior to be tolerated in law and in front of us.

A big difference. We’ve grown to love the sinner and love the sin. There is a blur between those two things. You can disdain the sin. You can stop the sin. You have a right.

By not doing so now, we’re not right and for two centuries, there was laws against this on the books. They are still there in many places. That’s what I was talking about, attorneys rise up and put these things. And its Common Law.

But do we have the courage and the guts to do it? Not if we’re in sin. Not if we’re not living righteous. Not if we’re not living the Sabbath. No.

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You have been listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are to help expand your thinking.

We encourage you to prayerfully look at the world around you and do not rely on the mainstream voices to tell you the truth. Do your own research. In perhaps in no other area is it more important to research then to know how to preserve everything that you have worked your life for.

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The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round is still the number one specialty round in the world. The most common word heard after people get their Medjugorje silver rounds is, PEACE. Contact Century Silver Exchange tollfree, at 877-936-7686. Again, 877-936-7686. Or contact [email protected]. Now here is a Friend of Medjugorje to continue this broadcast.


While all indicators are there, we’ve repeatedly said this week after week after week, and yet people don’t act. They want to be a little cautious. Lot wanted to delay.

The angel came and grabbed him briskly and swept him off. There was not another day to wait. And if you want to you’ll be swept with it. But there is nothing you can argue.

There is nothing you can do to persuade against truth. The truth of the matter is, we are on the verge of the abyss. You’ll be with it or get out of it.

And of course, just to get out of this and preserve your wealth and looking at it from that intention without preserving your soul and your spirit and changing morally, when we are infected with moral decay, we have to look at ourselves first, not others.

That’s where we start and by living that you become strong in conviction and the Christian principles that we’ve got to return our culture.

When I say O-U-R, I don’t mean the present culture. That’s gone. You can forget it. It’s a has-been.

It is destined, just like a week before Noah and the flood, before the flood started, everything out there. Someone came to Noah, hey Noah, you’ve got a bunch of carpenters, can you come over here.

This is five years before the flood. They see all these crews working on it. He’s paying his people, whatever. His family is there. Can you come help me fix this leaking roof? He probably wouldn’t do that for his own wife.

Why, honey, should I go a week before the flood and start doing repairs on the house? Don’t worry about this culture. It’s passing. Our Lady says, “Don’t lose time. You’re not its master.”

We’re there. And what you can do is get your spiritual house in order. Get your physical house in order because the physical environment you reside in can be conducive to the spiritual life.

And that’s why satan wants to promote this abominable abomination of sin, and I’m not talking about economics, I’m talking about the flesh abomination lifestyles.

He wants to make it prevalent so he can infect more and more decay and those who are immoral, or at least make them tolerate it and sin through tolerance.

That’s with diversity, tolerance and diversity. This is straight from the lips of the devil. When you hear it, the people who are ignorant who are saying it, they’ve been brainwashed or they are part of the system or they are really under dark spirits.

Just like Romans says, first Romans 18-32. Keep studying this, keep reading this. This tells you everything you need to know.

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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

4 thoughts on “It is Imminent. This Culture Will Fall… Why?”

  1. I am 87 Years old. I love our USA & never dreamed I would see it in this shape. Yes, I remember when everything was closed on Sunday. We couldn’t even buy gas. How things have changed & not for the better. It’s definitely a wake up call.

  2. City: Vistula Toledo
    State: Ohio
    Country: Ussr pp
    How come every Christian nation falls in history? Because Christian in history write Alexander was Great but fail to tell you he killed every man women and children in Thebes Greece. Like Gaza. If children are not exposed to virtue they are blind and fall to the empire of lies. 2024 USA = Russia 1917.

  3. Country: USA
    Gods a multiplier and an adder Satan is a divider and a subtractor. I enjoy your podcasts. I am guility of shopping on the Sabath. When I was younger growing up there were no stores open on the Sabath. Its interesting to take note all the restaurants and store closings that are all open on the Sabath. Chic filet is not open on the. Sabath and I think that company does really well. I need to rework my schedule to not shop on the sabath. Unfortunately, none of the Priests in my area encourage not working or shopping on the Lords day. Also, speaking about the gay community they are given new laws that can really get you into troubke these days trying to reach out to them about there choices . I pray for them and I research State supreme court justices and judges and politicians so I can vote morally good ones in. All I can say is if we dont want bad laws we need to vet are politicians better and good people need to run for school boards and local , state and federal positions. We need to get involved. If the 80 million disenfranchised voters in last election need to work the elections to stop the steal. No more being lazy. You have to get involved and pay attention to people and politicians that are making sinful laws. Im interested on your site you have Qanon . I follow one of there sites and other religious sites. It seems as though we have two parallel governments a bankrupt, corupt government and a government trying to reign in peace and prosperity. All of us need to pray everyday for the Blessed Mothers intentions, world peace and for the conversion of the world. God Bless!

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4 thoughts on “It is Imminent. This Culture Will Fall… Why?”

  1. I am 87 Years old. I love our USA & never dreamed I would see it in this shape. Yes, I remember when everything was closed on Sunday. We couldn’t even buy gas. How things have changed & not for the better. It’s definitely a wake up call.

  2. City: Vistula Toledo
    State: Ohio
    Country: Ussr pp
    How come every Christian nation falls in history? Because Christian in history write Alexander was Great but fail to tell you he killed every man women and children in Thebes Greece. Like Gaza. If children are not exposed to virtue they are blind and fall to the empire of lies. 2024 USA = Russia 1917.

  3. Country: USA
    Gods a multiplier and an adder Satan is a divider and a subtractor. I enjoy your podcasts. I am guility of shopping on the Sabath. When I was younger growing up there were no stores open on the Sabath. Its interesting to take note all the restaurants and store closings that are all open on the Sabath. Chic filet is not open on the. Sabath and I think that company does really well. I need to rework my schedule to not shop on the sabath. Unfortunately, none of the Priests in my area encourage not working or shopping on the Lords day. Also, speaking about the gay community they are given new laws that can really get you into troubke these days trying to reach out to them about there choices . I pray for them and I research State supreme court justices and judges and politicians so I can vote morally good ones in. All I can say is if we dont want bad laws we need to vet are politicians better and good people need to run for school boards and local , state and federal positions. We need to get involved. If the 80 million disenfranchised voters in last election need to work the elections to stop the steal. No more being lazy. You have to get involved and pay attention to people and politicians that are making sinful laws. Im interested on your site you have Qanon . I follow one of there sites and other religious sites. It seems as though we have two parallel governments a bankrupt, corupt government and a government trying to reign in peace and prosperity. All of us need to pray everyday for the Blessed Mothers intentions, world peace and for the conversion of the world. God Bless!

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