June 9, 2022
Mejanomics Special

Hurry to Proclaim It!

[Podcast] (32 Minutes) – Only for Adults. A Friend of Medjugorje speaks of very certain events happening today in which God has already shown how He has acted in the past. Most remarkable is that a Friend of Medjugorje shares exactly what God will do.

Episode Transcript

This content is only for adults.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



This content is only for adults.




There is a noise of war in the camp.



It is not the noise of war. It is the noise of song and revelry.











Woe unto thee, O Israel! You have sinned a great sin in the sight of God! You are not worthy to receive these Ten Commandments.














[INAUDIBLE] against you, Moses. You take too much upon yourself. We will not live by your commandments. We are free!



There is no freedom without the law!



Whose law, Moses? Yours? Did you carve those tablets to become a prince over us?




Who is on the Lord’s side, let him come to me.



I am!













Aaron, you have cursed us.



The people made me do.



Joshua! Joshua!




He’ll show you no land flowing with milk and honey. I’ll show you a god of gold! Come with me! Follow me!



Blasphemers! Idolators! For this, you shall drink bitter waters. God has set before you this day His laws of life and good, and death and evil. Those who will not live by the law [PEOPLE SHOUT] shall die by the law! [PEOPLE SHOUT]





In the heart of Texas…In the heart of Texas…





I never, in my life, that I would ever experience to see the world would be so depraved that it exceeds Exodus 32 verse 25. Quote,


“Moses comes down the mountain, and he saw the people running wild because Aaron had lost control…”


Verse 26 says,


“Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted: ‘Whoever is for the Lord, come to me…”


And then he told the Israelites,


“…Thus the Lord, the God of Israel, each of you put your sword on your hip. Go back and forth through the camp from gate to gate and kill your brothers, your friends and your neighbors…”


Verse 28 says,


“…That day, about three thousand people fell…”


But what you don’t know about, the clip you just heard from The Ten Commandments, the last half a minute was real! It was not a movie!


So, what was that clip at the end? It was just five days ago, June 4th, this year, 2022! How could that be? It was in Austin, Texas, up to a thousand people walking into the streets in their abominable parade, protected by the police! People literally naked, debauchery, vulgar, running wild.


People, we are in trouble.


We’re in trouble when little kids, four years old, three years old, babies, six and seven years old, are brought out to watch abominable people dancing just like they did around the golden calf.


On June 5th, in Dallas, they celebrated what they are, and they called it, “Drag Your Kids to Pride.” Abominables danced with kids, four, five and six in the most disgusting ways. It wasn’t just four-year-olds. They had babies in the laps of the parents, six months, ten months old. And these “drag queens” would take the hand of these little kids and dance with them while the parents clapped for them, encouraging them, damaging them for the rest of their life.


In the Bible, Matthew chapter 19, verse 6,


“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world.”


1 Corinthians chapter 6 says,


“Do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?”


These little children are a temple for the Holy Spirit, and they just got stained in a severe way.


This was in Texas! How did the police department, the sheriff’s department, that Texas doesn’t break this thing up?


“Well, we can’t do that.”


The way they danced so vulgarly and how they were dressed, if they policemen saw them in the bushes somewhere with a little kid acting like they did in the streets, they would arrest them for assault.


This is open! And the police are protecting them. There was a few protesters. A sheriff and a county has the power to deputize to create a posse.


What’s wrong with us? Why are we so weak that we allow this to happen? Because this is happening, they’re not going to stop. Because these people in these parades, they want you to accept them the way they are, and they want you to become the same thing.


Oh, they don’t think that? No, they’re normalizing themselves, and we’ve already gone now that they are growing in numbers.


“You can’t stop us.”


“We can do whatever we want to.”


“God, You’re not over us.”


“We can be what want to.”


A man and a woman? No. That’s decided in the womb. God decides that, not you. This is spitting in the face of God and to us.


Where does it lead to? I’ll tell you where it leads to. Genesis chapter 19 tells us where it leads to. In Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot was sitting by the gate. Two men greeted him. They were angels. Lot invited the two into his house. In verse 4, it says,


“Before they went to bed, the townsmen of Sodom both young and old…”


And then it says, quote,


“…All the people to the last man surrounded the house…”


These people are not going to stop. They didn’t do it back in Genesis. They want everybody to become what they are. That’s why they’re taking these kids.


Go google this. Go look at it.


You say, “I don’t want to see it.” I don’t blame you, but the reality is that all the people to the last man surrounded the houses. They’ll be knocking on your doors, because that’s exactly what happened.


They knocked on the door, and they told Lot,


“Where are the two men that came into your house tonight? Bring them out so that we can have relations with them.”


Lot knew that this was such a wicked thing that he says to the crowd, the whole town surrounding his house:


“I beg you, don’t do these things…”


And he says, “I have two daughters…” that he would turn over to them. Quote,


“…Let me bring them out to you. Do not do these things to these men who are under the shelter of my roof.”


Then they tried to break down the door when he closed it. And the two angels—the two men,


“…struck the men at the entrance of the house, small and great, with such a blinding light they were utterly unable to find the doorway.”


See, these people, when society doesn’t stop this abomination, it’s not going to disappear. It’s a cancer that’s growing. It’s in schools right now, kindergarten. They’re teaching these things.


You know the story. Lot is told by the angels, “We’ve got to take you out of here because God’s going to destroy this place.”


Early the next morning, they leave. They’re leaving. He says, “You have to leave. We have to leave now, because they won.” But not really. You don’t get away with this kind of sin.


We’re all sinners, yes. We go to Confession. The Christian doesn’t go in proud about their sins, nor do they say, “This is not a sin. This is who I am,” but it’s not the God Who says, “I AM.”


Lot and his wife and his family leave to the plains. The angel says, “Do not turn around and look at the destruction.”


I remember in grammar school the nuns talking about this verse, that Lot’s wife turned around and looked and turned to salt. I never could understand that. All she did, she did was turn back, and God turns her to salt. I actually thought, at that time, that’s unjust.


When I started praying in Medjugorje and I ran across this verse later, I understood exactly what happened. Lot’s wife really didn’t want to leave. She left, and when she looked back, she was longing—the dinners and whatever and the parties. So, her heart didn’t leave. Her heart wanted this in the life of Gomorrah and Sodom.


What did God do? Was it just Sodom and Gomorrah? No, there were five cities that were destroyed. The whole region of the plain, the Bible says, that


“Lot saw the smoke over the land rising like smoke from a kiln. God destroyed all the cities of the plain.”


Do you think, for one moment, God’s going to continue to let this go with these children? Babies.


We’re in trouble.


We’re done.


Our Lady’s here for a special reason. She says,


April 25, 1983

“Be converted!…”


But see, everybody’s waiting. “I’ll convert when I need to.”


The message continues,


“…It will be too late when the sign comes…Hurry to be converted…My heart is burning with love for you. For you it is enough to be converted…”


Again, She says,


“…Be converted. Hurry to proclaim it…”


We’re supposed to be speaking about these things. If She tells us, “proclaim,” She wants you out there telling people what’s going on. Denounce these things. Don’t just turn your head around and not look at this garbage.


No, garbage is organic. This is satanic. It’s lower than garbage.


She says, after about proclaiming it, She says,


“…Tell everyone that it is my wish, and that I do not cease repeating to you. Be converted, be converted. It is not difficult for me to suffer for you…” (April 25, 1983)


Uh-oh. Let’s back up. This can’t be right. There’s no pain in Heaven. But Our Lady said this,


April 25, 1983.

“…It is not difficult for me to suffer for you…”


There’s no suffering in Heaven. What is Our Lady talking about? Our Lady has asked God to allow Her to suffer to convert these souls. Our Lady has cried in Medjugorje many times.


“…It is not difficult for me to suffer for you…”


That’s an amazing, incredible statement. And then, She comes back again and says,


“…I beg you, be converted…”


And then, Our Lady says,


“…I will pray to my Son to spare you the punishment…”


So, there’s going to be punishment coming? Something’s going to happen? After that sentence, again She says,


“…Be converted without delay…”


Don’t let these people grow. You should confront them with your righteousness.


I tell you what, thirty, forty years ago, if they got out in the street like that, they would have been beat, beat down to the pavement.


“Woah, woah, a Friend of Medjugorje. That’s not peace.”


Really? Give me a break! It’s time to stand up. We’re running out of time.


This message continues. Our Lady says,


“…Be converted without delay…”


You have to convert now. You have to cleanse society. Yes, first ourselves. But our righteousness allows anger.


How can I justify the things I just said? I can justify it by Jesus Christ Himself, Who did not sin, Who went into the Temple, fashioned a whip, braided it, put it in His hand, went in the Temple and started beating the people! Literally! Go read your Bible! You think He was just dancing around real soft,


“Hey, I’ve got to do this because it’s My Father’s house,” and, “Excuse Me, I’m going to turn this table over. Please, would you get out of the way?”


He beat them out of the Temple! That’s what the Bible says!


We have to be converted so that we can stop this vile lifestyle that these people are cramming down our throats and our children, first grade and every age.


This is an assault to the heart of these children or teenagers. And they have to propagate themselves to legitimize what they’re doing.


So, after Our Lady says, “…Be converted without delay…” She’s not finished. She says,’


“…You do not know the plans of God; you will not be able to know them. You will not know what God will send…”


What does “send” mean? I’m not talking about S-I-N. I’m talking about S-E-N-D. This is the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, 1983.


“…You will not know what God will send, nor what He will do…”


“…I ask you only to be converted…” She says again.


“…That is what I wish. Be converted!…”


And then, She says,


“…Be ready…”


Be ready for what? God’s got to cleanse us. That’s Lot. “Hey, Lot. Get ready. Be ready. Something’s about to happen. Get out of here!”


“…Be converted! Be ready for everything…”


And adds to that, being ready for everything, She adds,


“…but be converted…”


Again! Then She says, again,


“…That is part of conversion…”


In this April 25, 1983 message, Our Lady says eleven times, “…be converted…” because you do not know what God’s going to send.

When you get down to the lowest denominator, that you’re exposing yourself publicly, abominations, and you, the parents, and bringing your children and babies to see this…

We’re over.


Just recently, March 7, 2022, the patriarch Kirill, leader of Russia’s Orthodox Church, says, quote,


“Pride parades are designed to demonstrate that sin is one variation of human behavior…”


He adds,


“…If mankind accepts that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if mankind accepts that sin as a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there.”


That’s been my point for this whole broadcast. We’re finished.


Do you think, really, we’re going to go back to what we’ve been doing the last several decades the way that we live?


You got it from Heaven, straight from the mouth of the Queen of Peace, “…Everything is falling apart…” (September 2, 2011) And it’s doing it right in front of your eyes.


We have to take some of the blame. We have to live in a way that will convict people, that our lives shame their lives.


They had no shame.




Not one percent.


Not a thousandth of one percent.


Reflecting on that Jesus was sinless, and what He did in the Temple, violently—not softly—violently flipped over all the tables, all the monies. Can you imagine all those coins, all the monies, going all over the floor? And he strikes these people. This happened! It’s not a fairy tale. He cleansed the Temple. What is He going to do to these little temples of the Holy Spirit—these children? What’s going to come?


A couple years ago, I was in Japan. I was a couple hours away from Akita, Japan. There’s a nun there. Her name is Sr. Agnes. And many people know about it and have gone into it. She had apparitions of Our Lady beginning in the early 70s.


I was there three months after her last apparition. Our Lady had not appeared to her for a long, long time, and She told her this was her last apparition.


The bishop investigated it. He saw Sr. Agnes’ hands bleeding, the statue in the chapel in the convent. They tested the tears. It was human tears. There’s blood that came out of the hands of Our Lady on the statue. They knew what type blood, that it was really human blood. It’s all documented. The bishop, at first, he said we have to study it. He approved it as bona fide, and it’s approved. Different doctors and different tests were done.


Our Lady gave some very incredible messages. This one is stark, very direct, and what you’re going to hear now of her in the background speaking in Japanese, explaining what Our Lady told her. And it’s not nice. It’s not going to be easy for us to live this situation. But it matches up everything and what Medjugorje’s about and what Our Lady said,


“…You will not know what God will send, nor what He will do…”


“…You do not know the plans of God…”


But Sr. Agnes was told what His plans are.


You might want to listen to this two or three times, of which her bishop has accepted to be released.




The following was told by Our Lady to Sr. Agnes in Akita, Japan on October 13, 1973.


Here is Sr. Agnes.




“My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior…”


After a short silence,


“…As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Deluge, such as one never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good, as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.


“The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the sign left by My Son.


“Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.


“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres. Churches and altars sacked.


“The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.


“The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God.


“The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness.


“If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them. With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation.”




Our Lady just told us in the last May 25th message,


“…Little children, peace is disturbed and satan wants peacelessness. That is why, may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled…”


Thank God, thank God that the Mother of God is with us. If we had to go these last three decades and into this moment now, we would lose our faith.


The first things Our Lady said in Medjugorje, repeatedly, over and over and over for the first few months, She said, “Faith is extinguishing itself.” (January 21, 1982; Spring, 1982) And that’s why She’s coming.


In that May 25, 2022 message, Our Lady said,


“…thanking God for each of you, because He permits me to still be with you, to encourage you to holiness…”


The state of the world is ripe for a serious, very serious, purification, and that’s what Our Lady’s asking of you, asking of me, that I go through purification, so that you can be a light in this peaceless world.


“…Little children, peace is disturbed and satan wants peacelessness…Be builders of peace…”


Sr. Agnes says,


“…the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Flood, such as one never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of mankind, the good, as well as the bad…”


That’s some heavy stuff, and it’s real, and it’s approved, and it’s prophetic because she says,


“…the devil will infiltrate even the Church…”


That’s back in 1973, and we know we have problems in the Church, all the way to much of the top.


God is the same God today of what happened in Sodom. Sin raised up so much, man forced His hand. We’re in that moment. We have forced God’s hand to do something.


When you start propagating your abomination into children, something’s going to happen. Something’s going to happen.


The difference from us versus those who are proudly marching, we know we sin, and we repent. They deny sin, and do not repent, and that’s the difference. And how do I know that? Because Proverbs 16 says, verse 5:


“Every proud man is an abomination to the Lord.”


Verse 18:


“Pride goes before destruction.”


We pray for you. Become more serious with Our Lady, more serious with Her messages. Remember when Our Lady says, “…Look around you, my children…” (June 2, 2011) “Go out on the streets. See how many are glorifying God.” (November 6, 1982) We just experienced that a few days ago. The glory is not there anymore.


We pray for you. We love you. We wish you Our Lady. Good night.




This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

20 thoughts on “Hurry to Proclaim It!”

  1. Brenda Ahmann

    City: Moscow
    State: ID
    Country: USA
    I feel so immobilized when it comes to sharing these messages. My kids don’t want to even hear of it, our brothers and sisters and their kids are so into the world that I just don’t know what to say to them. How can we begin to invite people to repent? I feel a great fear of man and their attitude on all this- it just stops me from being a light. I know we are light by the way we live, but I can’t see it working.

  2. As with all writings of a Friend of Medjugorje, this is so profound! We can not as a society continue to live in sin offending God and expect us not to be punished. Pray, Pray, Pray for out country to be converted to Holiness!

  3. City: Tulare
    State: ca
    Country: usa
    May all people truly humble themselves through God’s grace and mercy. I pray we all take to heart the eternal truth and revealed dire consequences. This our final short time of repentaance. I pray we all slow down and absorb more, even in our prayerlife and even when we don’t feel like praying. That we move into Godly action with the boldness and urgency! Thank you Caritas.

  4. Karen Hanrahan

    City: Troy
    State: NH
    Country: USA
    I try to warn my family……..I actually try to tell them how far things have snowballed since I graduated in 1973. The blatant “in your face” arrogance of the parades, and [abominable] story hours in public libraries, and absolute indoctrination of our precious and innocent children, is mind-boggling to me! And I am broken-hearted that my adult children don’t see anything wrong with it! We must pray even harder! I did not know about what happened in Texas. Honestly, I am shocked it happened there of all states. May God have mercy on us all. By the time the repercussions of all of this begin, it will be too late to convert! Thank God He has allowed Our Lady to be with us all these years. God bless the Caritas Community for standing strong against evil!

  5. Kelly Rechtlich

    State: Missouri
    I just quoted this scripture to my family. And they scoffed me. They consider me a doomsayer. But the times are similar to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible gives this warning. That the end of time will be like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. But God rescues those that are faithful. Woe to those that are not believers. It appears only Lot and his daughters escaped. My husband says those cities were completely evil and he feels that we are not near those days. I don’t know. My husband worries about me and doesn’t want me overwhelmed with these thoughts. But I know my God and he is growing angry a righteous justice and my Jesus and Mary are suffering for us. We need to offer much in reparation for the sins of this earth. I long for my heavenly home as the sin hurts my heart.

  6. It’s so scary to think my 3 beautiful grandchildren have to live in this awful world I can see the beauty that God made for our salvation in nature and how he provides for us let’s us all be grateful and pray our thanksgiving to God

  7. Joan Sullivan

    City: Christchurch
    State: NZ
    Country: New Zealand
    I will start sharing it Its so horrific It scares me

  8. City: Scotland
    State: ON
    I am so so sad about what is going on and how we can not see what they are doing to the children. I heard of people bringing their children to the parade and I was appalled. Actually, I was more than appalled and did say to a few family members that it made me sick and that it was so wrong. God have mercy on us!

  9. Darlene Gaspar

    City: Abbotsford
    State: British Columbia
    Country: Canada
    I will pray more rosaries in the future. We are moving to Alberta from British Columbia and I am so busy packing. Looking forward to getting settled in Alberta and praying more for the world. Thank you for these broadcasts. I am on board with all of you.

  10. Mary E Wiseman

    City: Alabaster
    State: AL
    Country: United States
    Excellent broadcast!

    Matthew Chapter 19 Verse 6 hits the nail on the head. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world.”

    I heard Mark Robinson, Lt. Gov. of Georgia say to a congregation: “Two plus two doesn’t equal transgender, Start teaching kids how to read instead of how to go to hell.”

    This is a fight between Good vs. evil. May Our Mother continue to visit us and that we all start heeding her words. May God have mercy on all of us.

  11. David Pawlitschek

    City: FRAZEE
    State: Minnesota
    Country: USA
    I do believe that it ( IS TIME) for God’s Judgement to come upon us!!! So – Tired of living under stolen leadership.

  12. Please read Matthew 25:36-44 The Unknown Day and Hour

    We must always be prepared because we do not know the day and hour the Son of Man will come.

  13. Susan Philipp

    City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, I had not known about these abominations in Texas – Austin & Dallas. Texas is a Red State, so you can’t even imagine what is going on in CA, NY, IL, DC, VT, PA, CO, OR, WA, MN MI, MA, NC, CT, ETC. The family is in disintegration , our shepherds are weak or worse wolves in sheep’s clothing. We all need to pray incessantly for our priests and laity. TAKE ACTION with prayer and rosary rallies. God bless us all to be strong and full of hope and faith in God. Thank you our Blessed Mother for 40 years and FOM for Our Lady’s Messages.
    Love 💕 Susan

  14. City: Spring Valley
    State: CA
    Country: USA
    I have said it in group discussion that we are such sinners, just like in the old testament. People think I am
    crazy saying that. I guess I need emphasize it more. I pulled back because criticism. Not good, the devil is at work.

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20 thoughts on “Hurry to Proclaim It!”

  1. Brenda Ahmann

    City: Moscow
    State: ID
    Country: USA
    I feel so immobilized when it comes to sharing these messages. My kids don’t want to even hear of it, our brothers and sisters and their kids are so into the world that I just don’t know what to say to them. How can we begin to invite people to repent? I feel a great fear of man and their attitude on all this- it just stops me from being a light. I know we are light by the way we live, but I can’t see it working.

  2. As with all writings of a Friend of Medjugorje, this is so profound! We can not as a society continue to live in sin offending God and expect us not to be punished. Pray, Pray, Pray for out country to be converted to Holiness!

  3. City: Tulare
    State: ca
    Country: usa
    May all people truly humble themselves through God’s grace and mercy. I pray we all take to heart the eternal truth and revealed dire consequences. This our final short time of repentaance. I pray we all slow down and absorb more, even in our prayerlife and even when we don’t feel like praying. That we move into Godly action with the boldness and urgency! Thank you Caritas.

  4. Karen Hanrahan

    City: Troy
    State: NH
    Country: USA
    I try to warn my family……..I actually try to tell them how far things have snowballed since I graduated in 1973. The blatant “in your face” arrogance of the parades, and [abominable] story hours in public libraries, and absolute indoctrination of our precious and innocent children, is mind-boggling to me! And I am broken-hearted that my adult children don’t see anything wrong with it! We must pray even harder! I did not know about what happened in Texas. Honestly, I am shocked it happened there of all states. May God have mercy on us all. By the time the repercussions of all of this begin, it will be too late to convert! Thank God He has allowed Our Lady to be with us all these years. God bless the Caritas Community for standing strong against evil!

  5. Kelly Rechtlich

    State: Missouri
    I just quoted this scripture to my family. And they scoffed me. They consider me a doomsayer. But the times are similar to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible gives this warning. That the end of time will be like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. But God rescues those that are faithful. Woe to those that are not believers. It appears only Lot and his daughters escaped. My husband says those cities were completely evil and he feels that we are not near those days. I don’t know. My husband worries about me and doesn’t want me overwhelmed with these thoughts. But I know my God and he is growing angry a righteous justice and my Jesus and Mary are suffering for us. We need to offer much in reparation for the sins of this earth. I long for my heavenly home as the sin hurts my heart.

  6. It’s so scary to think my 3 beautiful grandchildren have to live in this awful world I can see the beauty that God made for our salvation in nature and how he provides for us let’s us all be grateful and pray our thanksgiving to God

  7. Joan Sullivan

    City: Christchurch
    State: NZ
    Country: New Zealand
    I will start sharing it Its so horrific It scares me

  8. City: Scotland
    State: ON
    I am so so sad about what is going on and how we can not see what they are doing to the children. I heard of people bringing their children to the parade and I was appalled. Actually, I was more than appalled and did say to a few family members that it made me sick and that it was so wrong. God have mercy on us!

  9. Darlene Gaspar

    City: Abbotsford
    State: British Columbia
    Country: Canada
    I will pray more rosaries in the future. We are moving to Alberta from British Columbia and I am so busy packing. Looking forward to getting settled in Alberta and praying more for the world. Thank you for these broadcasts. I am on board with all of you.

  10. Mary E Wiseman

    City: Alabaster
    State: AL
    Country: United States
    Excellent broadcast!

    Matthew Chapter 19 Verse 6 hits the nail on the head. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world.”

    I heard Mark Robinson, Lt. Gov. of Georgia say to a congregation: “Two plus two doesn’t equal transgender, Start teaching kids how to read instead of how to go to hell.”

    This is a fight between Good vs. evil. May Our Mother continue to visit us and that we all start heeding her words. May God have mercy on all of us.

  11. David Pawlitschek

    City: FRAZEE
    State: Minnesota
    Country: USA
    I do believe that it ( IS TIME) for God’s Judgement to come upon us!!! So – Tired of living under stolen leadership.

  12. Please read Matthew 25:36-44 The Unknown Day and Hour

    We must always be prepared because we do not know the day and hour the Son of Man will come.

  13. Susan Philipp

    City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, I had not known about these abominations in Texas – Austin & Dallas. Texas is a Red State, so you can’t even imagine what is going on in CA, NY, IL, DC, VT, PA, CO, OR, WA, MN MI, MA, NC, CT, ETC. The family is in disintegration , our shepherds are weak or worse wolves in sheep’s clothing. We all need to pray incessantly for our priests and laity. TAKE ACTION with prayer and rosary rallies. God bless us all to be strong and full of hope and faith in God. Thank you our Blessed Mother for 40 years and FOM for Our Lady’s Messages.
    Love 💕 Susan

  14. City: Spring Valley
    State: CA
    Country: USA
    I have said it in group discussion that we are such sinners, just like in the old testament. People think I am
    crazy saying that. I guess I need emphasize it more. I pulled back because criticism. Not good, the devil is at work.

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