November 4, 2021
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Do Memories Last Forever?

[Podcast] – (31 Minutes) A Friend of Medjugorje steps back in this broadcast and poses major questions to reflect on our past and our future. Not the typical Mejanomics, this broadcast is for you to leave it as a different person.

Episode Transcript


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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”





This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.




I hear the cottonwoods whisperin’ above, Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love. The old hootie owl hootie-hoo’s to the dove, Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love. When he comes near, my heart beats so joyfully.
You’d think that he could hear. Wish I knew if he knew what I’m dreaming of. Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love.


Whippoorwill, whippoorwill, you and I know, Tammy, Tammy can’t let him go. The breeze from the bayou keeps murmuring low, Tammy, Tammy, you love him so. When the night is warm, soft and warm, I long for his charms. I’d sing like a violin if I were in his arms. Wish I knew if he knew what I’m dreaming of. Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love.




This song, of course, was released in 1957. Those of you who are listening to this, and you know this song, it’s part of your life growing up as a child, to adulthood, to the age you are at now.


While you were hearing these words, what memories came into your heart? What does it make you think of? A sweeter time? A more beautiful time? Did it make you think of something that you lost? The past came bring in memories of something you forgot about, and it’s important.


Our Lady’s trying to get us to reflect on our lives and where we’ve gone to.


In the last few years, we’ve reached the peak, and now, we’re going on to the other side of the peak, and there’s a lot of dangers. As we go downhill, you have avalanches, and we’re headed for all these things.


What are we creating today, in our life, through Our Lady’s messages? We live in a different world than Tammy lived in. Everything was bright. Everything was new. And there was a whole lot more joy than we see today.


So, what kind of things did you remember? Were they positive memories or negative?


When we looked at this song, there was a comment underneath it, and it said this about the song. Quote,


“Something about this song makes me sad and longing for the early time. Life was happier, simpler. All my family was alive, and we were close. Now, I’m the only one alive from my immediate family. Those long-ago days were the best.”


There are things in our heart that can be conjured up by a song or a smell or going back to your old neighborhood, or going past a cemetery. Those things, those memories come back up. These memories that we create on earth, are they going to last forever? What’s the answer? Yes. How do we know that? We know that because Our Lady remembers Her life on earth with Jesus when He was little. She actually told some message about a beautiful memory. And Our Lady said,


August 2, 2016

“…My Son, when He was little, often said to me that there will be many who will love me and call me ‘mother’…”


What a memory that is. But you know what She said right before this sentence? She says,


“…prayer gives you [the] strength for the interior battle…”


Did you have an interior battle when you heard this song, “Tammy,” like this woman said?


“…Life was happier and simpler. All my family was alive and we were close. Now, I’m the only one alive…”


You made memories decades ago and yesterday and today and tomorrow and decades ahead of us. Are these memories going to be cause for you to have interior battles, and thereby say just what this woman said?


“…Those long-ago days were the best.”


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We have Our Lady with us. We’ve just walked forty years with Her. Are your memories tragedy or joyful? Our Lady’s now trying to get us, through Her messages, to make us understand what kind of memories are we putting in our repertoire. Just the words of whippoorwill, of the bird in Spring, brings many memories, just even when you hear it, especially if you live close to nature as we do. The breeze blowing through the cottonwoods whispering above us. We were always making memories, even one minute ago.


Why is this important? Because the way we live, or the way we don’t live, we’re going to have memories of horror, or either, memories of delight.


Our children here at Caritas are constantly making beautiful memories, good memories. The way they play creates memories.


I had a happy childhood, and many of you have that, and many of you have not had that. But we’re walking with Our Lady right now, and everything you do is going to determine a happier life, a simpler life, that gives you consolation as you grow older.


Have you looked at the youth and thinking about them? All the way to adulthood? They’re not creating any beautiful memories because most of their time is occupied with technology and too much investments in education, homework, at the cost of lost skills. The youth are not learning anything except things in their mind. What kind of memories does that bring to you? There’s going to be great regrets.


Our Lady’s trying to give us a new way of life. On June 25, 2006, an anniversary of the apparitions, She says,


“…I thank you for all [your] prayers…you will not regret it, neither you nor your children…”


See, Our Lady’s wanting to guide us, that we have a beautiful memory. And She supports with the following words, continuing, saying,


“…God will reward you with great graces and you will earn eternal life. I am near you and thank all those who, through these years, have accepted my messages, [and] poured them into their life…”


What does She mean by that? She wants to pour in the message to you, of good memories, consolations, that I did what She wanted me to do.


Our Lady’s coming here for an outpouring of graces to put into your soul. She said,


June 2, 1984

“…pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on your families…and you shall not regret it…”


We are living too many regrets because we don’t have solid, holy, good memories. I’m not talking about just boisterous laughter, but a laughter that’s filled with peace, joyful.


The Woman of Revelation is on a crescent moon. Is She not going to have any memory of what you’ve done on the earth, that She asked for you? Is She smiling all alone there by Herself because no one’s really coming to Her? You say, “Yeah, well, there’s been millions going to Medjugorje.” There’s over seven billion people in the world. Everybody’s talking on the news about everything, how bad things are. And Our Lady is here because exactly what’s taking place, because She wants you to be happy, and She doesn’t want to be smiling alone. But what we live and don’t live for Her depends on Her having a delightful memory, or if She comes in the wind, it’s a moan. She doesn’t want to have a memory all alone in the moonlight.


The woman who wrote about “Tammy” was dreaming about the old days. You can only dream like that because life was beautiful then. You all have some good memories, some bad, and you and I both can remember the time that you would say, “I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again.” We don’t want regrets. We don’t want to look at the future with fatalistic warnings. Our Lady wants a sunrise to us through Her Son. We must think of new life.


September 25, 1998, Our Lady said something beautiful.


“…Today, I call you to become my witnesses by living the faith of your fathers…”


She didn’t say “mothers.” She said “…fathers…” because we’ve lost that from the fathers, not necessarily by their fault, because, like this song, “Tammy,” women back then had really sweet dispositions.


Our Lady continues,


“…Little children, you seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls you to convert and to return to the way of truth and salvation…”


So, we have to wait for the sunrise, and we must think of the new life, because the dawn will always come. So will be the memory that you made the day before.


So, as a new day today, you have to begin living and creating beautiful memories.


August 2, 1981 was an incredible memory. Our Lady told Marija to go to the Gumno, at midnight, from her house and take a group of people. And there was not a sound from the pavement when they walked to the field of the Gumno. People who touched Our Lady, when She told them they could touch Her, what an incredible experience. But some of the experiences of that memory, when they touched Our Lady, turned Her gown black. The others didn’t. There’s a group there that had joyful memories and a group there that had sorrowful memories. Our Lady wanted them to touch Her, and it was as if She said, “If you’ll touch me, you’ll understand what happiness is. Look, a new day has begun.”



Midnight, not a sound from the pavement. Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone. In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet, and the wind begins to moan.


Memory, all alone in the moonlight. I can dream of the old days. Life was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again.


Every streetlamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning. Someone mutters and the streetlamp sputters, and soon it will be morning.


Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life, and I mustn’t give in. When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too, and a new day will begin.


Burnt out ends of smoky days, the stale, cold smell of morning. A streetlamp dies, another night is over. Another day is dawning.


Touch me, it’s so easy to leave me, all alone with the memory of my days in the sun. If you touch me, you’ll understand what happiness is. Look, a new day has begun.


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Are you speechless? You may want to listen to it a second time. After this broadcast, play it again. That’s from the seventies. It’s prophetic. Barbara Streisand, telling a story of Medjugorje, because that night, there were good memories and bad memories. Our Lady doesn’t want us to be haunted by bad memories. And the best way to do that is do what She says to do. She said,


July 25, 1993

“…Dear children, offer novenas, making sacrifices wherein you feel the most bound…”


That’s in 1993. Our Lady just told us, October 25th,


“…they want to put you in bonds and…use you, it is not from God…”


That’s going to be a bad memory. She tells us for that good memory, the novenas, sacrifices, “…wherein you feel the most bound…” And then She adds,


“…I want your life to be bound to me…”


That is a good memory. You’ve got a good Mother.


She continues,


“…I am your Mother, little children, and I do not want satan to deceive you…[and] lead you the wrong way…”


The good memories are from novenas, making sacrifices and being bound to Our Lady, because novenas and prayers lead you to a good way of life that creates beautiful memories. The bad memory is being led the wrong way by satan.


On June 25, 2001, Our Lady does something that surprised Marija. I was with her. She was shocked. It was an incredible, happy memory, because Our Lady gave them an anniversary gift. Do you know what She did? She started bringing up memories, and She started teasing them about funny things that happened in the beginning of the apparitions. Our Lady asked Marija,


“Do you remember when Vicka sent the rainstorm down upon Me?”


What Our Lady’s referring to is, when the visionaries thought it might be the devil appearing to them on the third day…So, Vicka brought holy water and shook the water towards the apparition.


Our Lady said, also, to Marija,


“Do you remember all those tests the doctors made you take? And at the end, they said you were all normal.”


Our Lady then teased Marija, saying,


“But we know differently, don’t we, Marija?”


And then, Our Lady winked.


I remember, Marija was so moved at the tenderness of Our Lady sharing the intimate memories, that Marija wept tears of joy when the apparition ended. And then she found out later that Ivan and Vicka also were given the gift of memories from Our Lady on the twentieth anniversary.


So, creating memories is really up to your prayer, your fasting, your life, following Our Lady, or not doing that. There’s going to be so many regrets. Our Lady said, August 25, 1997, “Now you do not understand, but soon will come a time you will lament for the messages.” Why? Because, did you make good memories or bad memories that come to you as a ghost.


My son just got married this past weekend, and you know, at the rehearsal dinner, a lot of people who want to speak, they stand up and speak. So, I purposely decided just to speak last. So, my wife, you know, she said her thing, and some people expected that I would say some kind of long speech.


Earlier that day, I decided, “What can I say? Look at our conditions of the society. And they’re getting married. What am I going to say? How can I say something truthfully and not ignore the world?” So, I wrote something that would shock everybody, not the purpose to do that, but to remind of what moments we are living in. I usually don’t write down what I’m going to say, but I decided to write this down. So, I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket, and this is what I read:


“We all know the world is in a dark place. We all know the Bible says, ‘They were eating, drinking and marrying until the day Noah entered the ark.’ May Joshua’s and Halie’s marriage always be in the ark, safe from the storms of the world.”


It was silence, but that’s a good memory.


Several people came to me afterwards, like, that was the most profound thing said. It was a struggle for me because I know the world and the conditions, and they’re marrying. And we’re in trouble, and everybody’s going on about life. We’re at that moment, we have to get on the ark. The messages is the boat that’s going to save you.


And you always know, at a wedding, everybody’s cheerful, but my memory is mainly what we got from Heaven because She blesses everybody on the earth. So, everybody got it at the wedding.


When you have an event like that, you reflect. And I was thinking about the forty years we’ve walked with Our Lady. Everything we’ve been through, with my children, with my wife,  the Community. And of course, at weddings, there’s always this toast, and you toast to the ones that are loved ones, and especially those we lost through corona. The era of the “Tammy” song, we didn’t know pain as we do now. There was a time when we believed in forever, and everything would stay the same. Do you think that now? We’ve gone from good memories, that everything climbing to the mountain, and now, on the other side of it, we’re already having bad memories, and we see newer ones coming. The only way to change them is through Our Lady and walking with Her.


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I don’t know why, but I’ve been yearning for December, more than any Christmas I can remember, except when Our Lady appeared with Baby Jesus in our loft. Our Lady’s teaching us, and we’re going through memories, that everybody hurts sometimes, but Our Lady’s showing, “If you walk with Me, it’s going to be alright.” And it is a struggle to have good memories because the world has never been so lost with so much satanic evil inventions and prodigies. The world has never experienced what we’ve experienced in walking the forty years with Our Lady toward the Promised Land, what She wants to give to us, a new way of life, a life of memories that will be our consolation for eternity. It’s your decision what you want to remember, because memories always bring another memory.



Here’s to the ones that we got. Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we’ve been through. Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on the way. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories, and the memories bring back, memories bring back you.


There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain, when I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same. Now my heart feels like December when somebody say your name. ‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah.


Everybody hurts sometimes. Everybody hurts someday, ay-ay. But everything gonna be alright. Go and raise a glass and say-ay.


Here’s to the ones that we got. Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we’ve been through. Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on the way. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories, and the memories bring back, memories bring back you.


Doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo. Memories bring back, memories bring back you.


There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost, when I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah). Now my heart feels like an ember and it’s lighting up the dark. I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never drop, yeah.


Everybody hurts sometimes. Everybody hurts someday, ay-ay. But everything gonna be alright. Go and raise a glass and say-ay.


Here’s to the ones that we got (oh). Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we’ve been through (no, no). Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on the way. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories, and the memories bring back, memories bring back you.


Doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo. Memories bring back, memories bring back you.


Doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo (Ooh, yeah). Memories bring back, memories bring back you.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, doh, doh. Memories bring back, memories bring back you.




The famous author, Mark Twain said, quote,


“Only two things we will regret on the deathbed, that we are little loved and little travelled.”


I heard about Medjugorje in 1983. I went there in 1986. I was fortunate to walk with Our Lady, making changes in my life and direction. I cherished all these moments with Our Lady. And I know, at the end of my life, I will be consoled that I was loved by Her and repeatedly travelling across the world, propagating Her mission. I will die with a rich treasure chest of memories, because memories are so much a part of our lives. There was over a quarter million comments on this song. I read several of them. But one caught my eye, and he wrote,


“The saddest part of life is when the person who gave you the best memories becomes a memory.”


What is it going to feel like when Our Lady quits appearing, and Her apparitions, we only have the memories of it? Make the most of this moment. It’s not going to be coming back. There’s no replay, no reruns. It’s now. Love is with us because She is love.


Listen to this broadcast a second time and spread it out, to bring back memories of your memory and to make good future memories with the time we have left with Her.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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20 thoughts on “Do Memories Last Forever?”

  1. City: Prescott
    State: Arizona
    Country: USA
    Thank you for this beautiful presentation–so fitting at this time. I often thank God that I was blessed to live in the “Tammy” generation, and to experience the innocence of those times. We can never have those times back again, but the memories will remain. I loved the correlation of the son “Memories” and Our Blessed Mother. It is so crucial to be close to Our Lady now, who will see us through these difficult times ahead. Thank you again. God bless.

  2. City: Miami
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    I heard this broadcast Friday night just before going to sleep and was truly WoWed.! I listened twice.

    The song talks about…A new day.
    I thought about that new day message as soon as I woke up, opening my eyes to the most beautiful sun-shine.
    What came to mind was A New Way!
    So that’s what I feel this broadcast is about. Each day we have, we awaken to a new day, and if we choose, a “new way” whereby we draw nearer to Our Lady, and Our Lord, and leave behind the old life, the old way of thinking, and even the old way of doing.
    This broadcast is definitely one of my favorites. I love this song and now it has a deeper meaning, bringing to light so many things. Again, wow.

    If listeners enjoyed this one, I’d recommend listening to the March 18th, 2021 broadcast. Everything you ever really need or needed to know is in Our Lady’s message that day – – – and the insight from Our Friend in that presentation, is, very very special.

  3. I always look forward to listening to Friend of Medjugorje’s broadcasts. May God thrice bless you, your family and staff, now and for always, together with Mother Mary, all the angels and saints in heaven and all the holy souls in purgatory.

  4. Jennifer Petsche

    City: Oak Harbor
    State: OH
    Country: USA
    Our Blessed Mother answered a request from me through this broadcast – truly! When I read in the Medj books of messages, I purchased, that the children had said the Blessed Mother has a great sense of humor, I was thinking, I wish they would have given an example. So, a few times, as recently as about 2 weeks ago, I told our Mother that I would like to know that side of her and wished they would have provided an example and.. well, you know the rest – Like Marija, I cried tears of joy and thanked her. And last, I too, have been looking forward to and have a longing for this coming Christmas, like no other – it is a heart longing and I feel a strong call to be spiritually prepared. I am starting the Christmas novena early and it will be for our country.

    Thank you for publishing the messages and for these broadcasts.

  5. City: Melbourne
    State: Victoria
    Country: Audtralia
    Thank you memories are very precious, especially when I went to medjugorje. It will always be close to my heart. Thank you God Bless.

  6. Kimberly Licatino

    City: Delcambre
    State: La
    Country: USA
    Memory’s ……… When was the last appearance from Our Lady Of Peace in Caritas? Who did she appear to and what was the message? Thank you and may God Bless you all!

  7. Sandi Dawn Abell

    City: Meadowbank
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    My childhood was a happy one up to the age of eleven, then my mother died and she was only thirty-five, a beautiful woman, a loving mother, and even today I miss her. Our Church has an alcove where we have placed photos of our deceased, my beautiful mother is there near me when I am at Mass, she is a happy and sad memory and I pray that we will be together in Heaven with my beloved Lord.
    Thank you for such a beautiful post, Mary our mother blesses you and loves all at Caritas, pray for me, blessings and love.

  8. City: BRISTOL
    State: South Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you. This is one of the most beautiful writings I have read from you.

  9. City: Los Angeles
    State: Ca
    Country: Usa
    Thank you all for the effort, dedication, sacrifices, prayers and love that you share with us daily. It is a commitment and it’s highly valued and appreciated not taken for granted. My memories have been the basis or causes of nightmares, suffering and many tears. Our Lady has been my sweetest memory and being in the presence of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament too. As silly as it sounds I now recognize that the thoughts of my unworthiness and self rejection were from the evil one attempting to prevent my healing and happy new memories. Those who have suffered abuse relive those horrific events they don’t remember. Now I see clearly that seeing the past abuse as happening to another version of me is Our Lady’s gift. I have prayed my rosary since I was a teenager daily and although I was a mess Our Lady saved me and put me back together. As a consequence my relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has completely turned around and is very spiritually intimate and joyfilled. Thank you so very much once again for this article it’s a gift of love.

  10. City: . Methuen
    State: MA
    Country: United States
    We were the true meaning of family. We celebrated everything. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays. We were 4 children that became 18 grandchildren ( not counting great-grandchildren. We knew all our aunts, uncles, and cousins and what was going on in their lives. It was wonderful. Today I have a greatgrandchild I’ve only met through Duo. My grandson is at odds with his Mom and is keeping his children away. How sad is that? And my understanding is its going on in my siblings families. I really don’t understand because these children knew all the family and how great that can be. It’s truly sad. They all need God and our Lady in their lives but they don’t see it.

  11. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    Very profound message and very true. We have the memories of the ones we have loved and lost. Now for a very serious statement, when you pray, when you sacrifice, go to church, when you truly believe in Our Heavenly Mother guess what? She will be right by your side to walk with you everyday of your life! If you pray to your loved ones they will be with you as well, walking with you through this earthly life. It takes faith and true belief to hear them when they speak to you. You can achieve true peace here on earth but you must PRAY constantly and make everything you do a gift of prayer. I’ve been blessed repeatedly by Our heavenly Mother, her gifts to myself and my family are wonderful. We can’t begin to thank her enough, so once again, say thank you with a prayer. Have a conversation with her or a loved one you miss, talk to a friend who passed away, say good morning to your loved ones in Heaven. They do hear you and they will respond but you have to be open your heart, your soul, to be able to hear them.
    May God bless everyone and May our Heavenly Mother watch over us all.

  12. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Thanks so much for the reminder. I look forward to Mejanomics each Thursday evening. It did not disappoint tonight. The music from a distant past where people had God as the centerpiece in their lives, and modesty in dress and behavior was expected. I loved the walk down Memory Lane. I was in New York City when the musical “Cats” opened in the early 1980’s on Broadway. I had the luck to see Betty Buckley perform “Memories” and I will never forget her electrifying performance. God bless the Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community. Love, Susan

  13. City: Bellmawr
    State: NJ
    Country: USA
    Wow! This one brought me to tears…I will be blessed with a new grandson in January, but I felt the happiness stained with sadness for my grandson and the world he will be entering. I pray for guidance, strength and peace from our Lady so that she will continue to help me Bring the good memories to all my loved ones. May God continue to bless us all in the coming days.

  14. Bridget Thorton

    City: Birmingham
    State: England
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you so much for your help.
    Our Lady of Medjugorje is precious to us.

  15. City: Dedham
    State: MA
    Country: United States
    I loved this broadcast. It hit home in so many ways. My wife and I were married January 5, 1985 and Memory sung by Barbra Streisand was our song. It has always had meaning to me, yet tonight you gave me food for thought about it. It’s funny how life has its ups and downs, but what we remember most are the happy times. They say having someone to share things with will multiply the joys and divide the sorrows, and I think that’s true. The so really resonated tonight as you helped me explore It’s meaning. Thank you

  16. City: Brentwood
    State: TN
    Country: United States
    Thank you for everything you do to get Our Lady’s messages out to the world and for all of your sacrifices! My family and I feel the graces flowing! Prayers for all of you in the Community of Caritas!

  17. City: Sulphur
    State: LA
    Country: USA
    We are so blessed as God’s Children to have our Lady leading and guiding us in every way possible. We are so blessed to have A Friend of Medjugorje sharing these moments so that we will have happy memories and how memories can lead us closer to Jesus and not just a wasted time.
    Praise Be Jesus and Mary Always and Forever!

    1. City: Margate
      State: Qld
      Country: Australia
      Thank you “Friend of Medjugorje” for this beautiful broadcast,I just left my family who live in another state,i struggled to get back home,because of closing border and the pandemic,i had an extended unplanned holiday,we celebrated Easter,mother’s day,father’s day,my mother and father’s birthdays,my child,my own and my siblings birthdays,i remember what Our Lady said that nothing is by chance,i was meant to create those beautiful spent with my family,because i am not sure whether i will be able to go back and visit,because you can’t travel freely now.I wrote a thank you card,and what i wrote was exactly what you said,we are all creating lasting memories.Thank You Mother Mary for the joy and hope You bring to us with each message,thank You for allowing me to come home,my answered prayer was on the 25th of October,i sent a prayer request to Caritas Birmingham.That’s a memory i will never forget.

      1. City: Hancock
        State: Michigan
        Country: USA
        It’s sad that your country is closing everything down. Just continue to Pray that our Lady and our Heavenly Father will come to intervene soon. Many are suffering similar problems across the world.
        God bless and Peace to all – Amen

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20 thoughts on “Do Memories Last Forever?”

  1. City: Prescott
    State: Arizona
    Country: USA
    Thank you for this beautiful presentation–so fitting at this time. I often thank God that I was blessed to live in the “Tammy” generation, and to experience the innocence of those times. We can never have those times back again, but the memories will remain. I loved the correlation of the son “Memories” and Our Blessed Mother. It is so crucial to be close to Our Lady now, who will see us through these difficult times ahead. Thank you again. God bless.

  2. City: Miami
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    I heard this broadcast Friday night just before going to sleep and was truly WoWed.! I listened twice.

    The song talks about…A new day.
    I thought about that new day message as soon as I woke up, opening my eyes to the most beautiful sun-shine.
    What came to mind was A New Way!
    So that’s what I feel this broadcast is about. Each day we have, we awaken to a new day, and if we choose, a “new way” whereby we draw nearer to Our Lady, and Our Lord, and leave behind the old life, the old way of thinking, and even the old way of doing.
    This broadcast is definitely one of my favorites. I love this song and now it has a deeper meaning, bringing to light so many things. Again, wow.

    If listeners enjoyed this one, I’d recommend listening to the March 18th, 2021 broadcast. Everything you ever really need or needed to know is in Our Lady’s message that day – – – and the insight from Our Friend in that presentation, is, very very special.

  3. I always look forward to listening to Friend of Medjugorje’s broadcasts. May God thrice bless you, your family and staff, now and for always, together with Mother Mary, all the angels and saints in heaven and all the holy souls in purgatory.

  4. Jennifer Petsche

    City: Oak Harbor
    State: OH
    Country: USA
    Our Blessed Mother answered a request from me through this broadcast – truly! When I read in the Medj books of messages, I purchased, that the children had said the Blessed Mother has a great sense of humor, I was thinking, I wish they would have given an example. So, a few times, as recently as about 2 weeks ago, I told our Mother that I would like to know that side of her and wished they would have provided an example and.. well, you know the rest – Like Marija, I cried tears of joy and thanked her. And last, I too, have been looking forward to and have a longing for this coming Christmas, like no other – it is a heart longing and I feel a strong call to be spiritually prepared. I am starting the Christmas novena early and it will be for our country.

    Thank you for publishing the messages and for these broadcasts.

  5. City: Melbourne
    State: Victoria
    Country: Audtralia
    Thank you memories are very precious, especially when I went to medjugorje. It will always be close to my heart. Thank you God Bless.

  6. Kimberly Licatino

    City: Delcambre
    State: La
    Country: USA
    Memory’s ……… When was the last appearance from Our Lady Of Peace in Caritas? Who did she appear to and what was the message? Thank you and may God Bless you all!

  7. Sandi Dawn Abell

    City: Meadowbank
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    My childhood was a happy one up to the age of eleven, then my mother died and she was only thirty-five, a beautiful woman, a loving mother, and even today I miss her. Our Church has an alcove where we have placed photos of our deceased, my beautiful mother is there near me when I am at Mass, she is a happy and sad memory and I pray that we will be together in Heaven with my beloved Lord.
    Thank you for such a beautiful post, Mary our mother blesses you and loves all at Caritas, pray for me, blessings and love.

  8. City: BRISTOL
    State: South Gloucestershire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you. This is one of the most beautiful writings I have read from you.

  9. City: Los Angeles
    State: Ca
    Country: Usa
    Thank you all for the effort, dedication, sacrifices, prayers and love that you share with us daily. It is a commitment and it’s highly valued and appreciated not taken for granted. My memories have been the basis or causes of nightmares, suffering and many tears. Our Lady has been my sweetest memory and being in the presence of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament too. As silly as it sounds I now recognize that the thoughts of my unworthiness and self rejection were from the evil one attempting to prevent my healing and happy new memories. Those who have suffered abuse relive those horrific events they don’t remember. Now I see clearly that seeing the past abuse as happening to another version of me is Our Lady’s gift. I have prayed my rosary since I was a teenager daily and although I was a mess Our Lady saved me and put me back together. As a consequence my relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has completely turned around and is very spiritually intimate and joyfilled. Thank you so very much once again for this article it’s a gift of love.

  10. City: . Methuen
    State: MA
    Country: United States
    We were the true meaning of family. We celebrated everything. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays. We were 4 children that became 18 grandchildren ( not counting great-grandchildren. We knew all our aunts, uncles, and cousins and what was going on in their lives. It was wonderful. Today I have a greatgrandchild I’ve only met through Duo. My grandson is at odds with his Mom and is keeping his children away. How sad is that? And my understanding is its going on in my siblings families. I really don’t understand because these children knew all the family and how great that can be. It’s truly sad. They all need God and our Lady in their lives but they don’t see it.

  11. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    Very profound message and very true. We have the memories of the ones we have loved and lost. Now for a very serious statement, when you pray, when you sacrifice, go to church, when you truly believe in Our Heavenly Mother guess what? She will be right by your side to walk with you everyday of your life! If you pray to your loved ones they will be with you as well, walking with you through this earthly life. It takes faith and true belief to hear them when they speak to you. You can achieve true peace here on earth but you must PRAY constantly and make everything you do a gift of prayer. I’ve been blessed repeatedly by Our heavenly Mother, her gifts to myself and my family are wonderful. We can’t begin to thank her enough, so once again, say thank you with a prayer. Have a conversation with her or a loved one you miss, talk to a friend who passed away, say good morning to your loved ones in Heaven. They do hear you and they will respond but you have to be open your heart, your soul, to be able to hear them.
    May God bless everyone and May our Heavenly Mother watch over us all.

  12. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Thanks so much for the reminder. I look forward to Mejanomics each Thursday evening. It did not disappoint tonight. The music from a distant past where people had God as the centerpiece in their lives, and modesty in dress and behavior was expected. I loved the walk down Memory Lane. I was in New York City when the musical “Cats” opened in the early 1980’s on Broadway. I had the luck to see Betty Buckley perform “Memories” and I will never forget her electrifying performance. God bless the Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community. Love, Susan

  13. City: Bellmawr
    State: NJ
    Country: USA
    Wow! This one brought me to tears…I will be blessed with a new grandson in January, but I felt the happiness stained with sadness for my grandson and the world he will be entering. I pray for guidance, strength and peace from our Lady so that she will continue to help me Bring the good memories to all my loved ones. May God continue to bless us all in the coming days.

  14. Bridget Thorton

    City: Birmingham
    State: England
    Country: United Kingdom
    Thank you so much for your help.
    Our Lady of Medjugorje is precious to us.

  15. City: Dedham
    State: MA
    Country: United States
    I loved this broadcast. It hit home in so many ways. My wife and I were married January 5, 1985 and Memory sung by Barbra Streisand was our song. It has always had meaning to me, yet tonight you gave me food for thought about it. It’s funny how life has its ups and downs, but what we remember most are the happy times. They say having someone to share things with will multiply the joys and divide the sorrows, and I think that’s true. The so really resonated tonight as you helped me explore It’s meaning. Thank you

  16. City: Brentwood
    State: TN
    Country: United States
    Thank you for everything you do to get Our Lady’s messages out to the world and for all of your sacrifices! My family and I feel the graces flowing! Prayers for all of you in the Community of Caritas!

  17. City: Sulphur
    State: LA
    Country: USA
    We are so blessed as God’s Children to have our Lady leading and guiding us in every way possible. We are so blessed to have A Friend of Medjugorje sharing these moments so that we will have happy memories and how memories can lead us closer to Jesus and not just a wasted time.
    Praise Be Jesus and Mary Always and Forever!

    1. City: Margate
      State: Qld
      Country: Australia
      Thank you “Friend of Medjugorje” for this beautiful broadcast,I just left my family who live in another state,i struggled to get back home,because of closing border and the pandemic,i had an extended unplanned holiday,we celebrated Easter,mother’s day,father’s day,my mother and father’s birthdays,my child,my own and my siblings birthdays,i remember what Our Lady said that nothing is by chance,i was meant to create those beautiful spent with my family,because i am not sure whether i will be able to go back and visit,because you can’t travel freely now.I wrote a thank you card,and what i wrote was exactly what you said,we are all creating lasting memories.Thank You Mother Mary for the joy and hope You bring to us with each message,thank You for allowing me to come home,my answered prayer was on the 25th of October,i sent a prayer request to Caritas Birmingham.That’s a memory i will never forget.

      1. City: Hancock
        State: Michigan
        Country: USA
        It’s sad that your country is closing everything down. Just continue to Pray that our Lady and our Heavenly Father will come to intervene soon. Many are suffering similar problems across the world.
        God bless and Peace to all – Amen

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