The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
We have 434 bishops in the United States, both active and retired, and we only have 5 that are speaking out, and they have to limit what they do themselves.
With all the power of the bishops, they can change the country, and thereby, change the world.
But they’re not doing it.
They won’t speak out.
There are many of those that are in the middle, others on the left, and on the right, they still don’t speak out.
The peasant in the pews are getting very, very sick of this. And all the groups of the bishops have divided this country. You’re doing Masses in Spanish, thereby, suppressing these people.
I said recently on the radio, my father spoke only Italian. When he got to first grade, no English, there was no English teacher. He had to listen and learn.
One of the gifts and the blessings from God, we have one language. The citizens in Alaska can talk the same people in the same words in Miami. But Miami is being overrun of another language.
It’s the devil. And you bishops and what you do with this is causing division.
It’s good to be able to speak Spanish if you can. But you must have English to the unity in this country going forward.
I know many people, even the priests and the bishops, will not like what I say. I don’t care! You’re wrong; I’m right! I’m sick of this division.
You’ve got one president in Hungary puts down the bishops by what he says. His name is Viktor Orbán. He just said, “Hungary will defend its home, its language, its culture, and we will not give into Western European imperial ambitions.”
The prime minister just gave a speech. Every speech he has made in the past he has reflected on these points. He said European current affairs and their impact on Hungary, he’s fighting against.
He is saying the EU is rich, yes, but they also are weak. He says it’s isolating itself in a world with many uncertainties.
He says the United Kingdom, France, or even Italy, will be no longer.
If you might be thinking that I’m politicizing Our Lady’s actions and Her messages, you’re dead wrong if you believe that.
Our Lady is here for us to see what we haven’t seen. And this prime minister, he’s got more common sense than the whole bishops and many people even in America.
Viktor said,
“The balance of global power is shifting in such a rapid way that the world has never witnessed before…”
Sounds like Our Lady. “I’m going to give messages as never before in history of the world from the beginning.” (April 4, 1985)
He says, quote,
“The U.S.A. dominance of world stage is constantly waning…”
Why? Because spirituality and not being strong, by our shepherds, through your social justice, sprinkled with socialism.
Orbán talks about China, its politics, its economy, its great effort for military rise (7:06) that China wants to end centuries of humiliations.
He says China despises the West global values.
The prime minister maintains that,
“The world is heading towards a collision, which can only be prevented if world leaders find a new balance.”
I say, it’s not the leaders. I say it’s the bishops! That’s where it starts. You can have the best leaders you want. But you’ve got the bad shepherds whose silence, who said nothing, they birthed and opened these doors to these things.
The Bishops’ Conference, they have to have these studies so they can give their exhortations. Like we need more papers? We’ve got the Bible we got 2,000 years ago and 2,000 years of Christendom. And you’ve got to go into these stupid things.
Oh, here comes another paper, another study, another panel…
Just step out, bishops and start speaking out! Run your diocese. Get out in the streets! Speak against these things that are happening. You’ve got a prime minister saying way more than what you’re saying.
But no, you’ve got to go through exhortations. And you put your hands together, “We’ve got it covered now.”
Garbage! You’re putting out garbage! You’re destroying this country and through this country, the devil will destroy the world! Not the other bishops around the world. I’m talking about the United States.
Let’s go back in history, back in the 1300s. A statement was made about you today. And everybody listening to this, write this down and put it on your refrigerator. Mail it to the bishop once a month. You’re not a shepherd. You’re a wolf!
Is that hard? Well, what about a little woman? And she’s a Doctor of the Church. And this statement is medicine, and this is what you’re doing. And this doctor, she’s a doctor. She’s giving you the medicine. Make your bishops memorize this. Keep it in his face.
St. Catherine of Siena, she says,
“We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent. Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence.”
And that’s your sin. You say nothing. And us peasants in the pew, we hear nothing.
I respect the office of bishop. I’ve said this many times. And I’m a peon, but I’m not going to be silent, because you own this problem, all the difficulties we have.
If I was a bishop, it would take me a week to clean everything up. All you need to have is guts.
“We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent…”
She’s saying—St. Catherine—just be silent, because what you’re saying and what you’re putting out is worthless.
Instead, Catherine says,
“…Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence.”
She’s a Doctor, so you can’t be mad with me. She’s saying to you now, 2023, right now! Right now, bishops! You’re killing us! You’re killing our Church. And now, we’ve got just somebody appointed for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. And its been said, our Church is going to be shifting into a radical different direction.
But you just have your meetings. Just write your exhortations. Go to Mass. Right before Biden’s swearing in, they had their meetings. “Oh, yeah, we’re supposed to be happy with that.”
I’m not. And I’m angry with you. You are derelict of your responsibilities.
You can be safe and just do Confirmation and just do the Sacraments, because that’s be safe. You’re not going to rile anybody up.
Rile people up! Do something! Forty-two years of apparitions, for what? Because our Church, quote, Catherine, “is rotten because of silence.”
Here is a prime minister speaking out so strong. He says,
“We have a common home, a common language, a common culture. These form the basis of our freedom and our well-being, which we have to protect. We will not give in to its political and financial blackmails and make compromises because we insist on defending our rights.”
Our bishops are not doing our rights. They’re not protecting us.
But we’ve got a model, prime minister Viktor Orbán. He has now set out to demonstrate the defender of Hungary, of its own particular vision of Christian identity. The Hungarian Parliament passed a law that included a ban on showing abominable content or gender assignment to minors. It’s across the libraries across America.
Where are you bishops to call your diocese to follow you into libraries and pull this off the shelves?
“Oh, nobody’s going to come in.”
You’ll have the whole diocese following you. You don’t get it.
“Oh, you might go to jail.”
Too bad. Because you haven’t done this, you are going to jail, because that’s where they’re going now. Because you’re so weak, we are going to be run over as Christians.
So, Viktor said they have a series of bills against the LGB people. Not one, bishops, but a series of bills. All the bishops should gather together and go into Congress. Disrupt it.
“Can’t do that.”
Jesus did that. Is that what you’re afraid of? You’ll get killed? Jesus wasn’t.
So, Viktor and the prime minister with the parliament has made these moves, a series of bills. Not just one. They’re shutting it down, the LGB community. They got backlash from Brussels because they’re liberal. And they were going to take legal action to them over these measures.
The Prime minister is passing several laws while you bishops are silent. St. Catherine, has more to say to you, bishops, just as she did to the popes and bishops in her time. Being as doctor of the Church, her words as still applicable to you at this time, even more. This is what she says:
Saint Catherine speaks to the popes and bishops:
“Since [Christ] has given you authority and you have accepted it, you ought to be using the power and strength that is yours. If you don’t intend to use it, it would be better and more to God’s honor and the good of your soul to resign…If I were in your place, I would be afraid of incurring divine judgment.” Later in her letter she continued, “Cursed be you, for time and power were entrusted to you and you did not use them!”
Our Lord, speaking to Saint Catherine of Siena:
“They [the abominables] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen human nature]…but they do even worse when they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea but, is disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures have chosen as their lords.
For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities were destroyed by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear their iniquity…
It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because they find pleasure in good, but rather because their nature is angelic and flees upon seeing such a repulsive sin being committed. For while certainly it is the devil that first strikes the sinner with the poisoned arrow of concupiscence, nonetheless when a man actually carries out such a sinful act, the devil goes away.”
Saint Catherine, as you just heard, Jesus told her that the sin is even disgusting to the devils! What else do you need, bishops, to loosen up your tongue to speak like St. Catherine? Going back to the great Prime Minister of Hungary, he states, “Europe embraces diversity, that the children’s future is at stake,” and Christian value, basically, will be destroyed. And they have to be protected.
Their laws have changed everything in the schools to protect the children from the propaganda of LGBT garbage.
Where do we start at? Our bishops are to demand. Our Catholic president and the first lady, how about starting with excommunicating.
“Oh, we can’t do that.”
Really? You can do it. You don’t have to have any meetings. It’s very simple.
“Oh, we’ve got to have a study. We’ve got to have evidence.”
One thing is easy to go look at and excommunicate the president and the first lady. Just go on Google and look at the video, “Pride Day on the White House lawn,” of which the president and the first lady spit in our faces, and your face as a bishop, that they’re 100% for LGB, transgender. End of story! That’s it.
Wherever you see a bishop, start saying that in his face. Excommunicate these two people! And that’s a shot heard around the whole world. It’s all you have to do. That’s it! And you probably are disgusted at me. I don’t care. We send our material to 120 countries. We have people, every day, changing and converting. I’m not talking about one person, ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people. Go on our website, Mej.com, M-E-J, and look at the feedbacks. Twenty years of writings and broadcasts. People who have lost God and came to conversion through this mission because we are following the Queen of Peace, the Virgin Mary of Medjugorje and have place ourselves under Her mantle, that you’re scared of, most of you. “Can’t talk about that.”
But I talk about it, and we’ve got a mission with 65,000 square feet, four stories, and print shop sending things all over the world.
Anybody in my position would be careful what they’re saying because your mission could get hurt, or somebody stops their donations. I don’t care. This doesn’t bother me. What bothers me [is] if we don’t put out truth.
We have no doubt that we are affecting millions of people now and to the decades and centuries coming.
The youth are in a difficult situation. They have little purpose on earth except entertainment, electronics. Many of them don’t even know how to work, and it’s a crisis.
A Protestant pastor I ran across, he was addressing the youth today. Pastor Andrew Isker. He’s got a lot to say. This follows now.
The following is an excerpt from an article titled, The Meaninglessness of Modern Life, by Pastor Andrew Isker.
The article begins,
“Our young people believe they have no other purpose on this earth than to seek pleasure and entertain away their boredom. Tens of millions in our country live this way. Is it any wonder that people have never been more anxious, depressed and wanting to end their life?
“The days of our youth, when all our ancestors formed families and built with a mind to the future, are wasted by millions. Looking at fertility statistics, nearly half of American women under 45 are childless. This portends a time will come when a majority of people are totally alone, with no stake whatsoever in the future. A people who will die alone and who will have devoted their life to nothing but conspicuous consumption.
“This is how civilizations die or are overthrown in cataclysmic warfare and conquest. More often, they lose the will to live and die. Everyone assumed the good times would continue on indefinitely and the next generation would simply inherit it. We came of age where everyone was living as if the good times were still here, but the fact that they were gone and never coming back was something that escaped everyone.
“At the same time, all the things that give life meaning were taken from us and in many cases are vilified. A generation grew up being taught that pride in your heritage as an American is the very grave sin of “ethnocentrism” and very near kin of the unforgiveable sin of racism. Implicit in this idea is that it is good for America to simply die off and be replaced by random human beings from across the globe.
“Whether you are on the far left or a conservative evangelical, this generation is brought up believing the world is soon going to end from global warming.
“It might seem like we are never coming back. In many ways this is true. The old America is gone.”
You just heard him say,
“It might seem like we are never coming back. In many ways this is true. The old America is gone.”
Our Lady was just in the Field. She was present of us doing the Consecration of the United States of America.
Our Lady calls young people who love their country, love their people, love their place, and love their heritage. That’s gone away.
Our Lady’s looking for young people, to pull them away from the system that is choking them to death, the electronics, and wasting time uselessly, that gives you the ability to grow.
Pastor Andrew continues,
“These are young people who have seen the worthlessness of living for nothing except to consume and be entertained. Young people who realize what must be totally despised. Young people who recognize that their lives are about so much more than going to nice bars and restaurants with friends week after week. Young people who have rejected the path of least resistance offered to them and instead chosen the way of life our ancestors pursued. A life of dedication and duty. A life of honor. A life that produces life. They have instead sought out a life that rejects our world’s banishment of the transcendent and looked to the heavens to pursue the glory of God. No longer is the meaninglessness of modern life acceptable to them. They seek out what the Lord has created them to be.”
I stop at that point. What you can see he is saying, in so many ways, because he’s not talking about Our Lady, it is Our Lady who is raising up those who carry forth the torch of civilization.
Our Lady has said to the youth, “I am guiding you into a new time.” (January 25, 1993)
Pastor continues.
“The events of the past few years have caused many of them to reorganize and reorient their lives around building communities that will survive what is to come. Just as ancient Christians lived in a polis, a city, inside the polis, so too must we today. And not just communities of Christians generally, including those enamored with the world, but those who see the time of day. God has orchestrated events such that we are forced into doing so. No longer can we remain comfortable and complacent like those who love the world of filth.
“We must become like the Pilgrims who first settled in America. But unlike them, there is no wilderness of the New World to settle. We must re-found our Nation even as the decaying one has not yet fully surrendered to ruin. This mission is the antidote to modern ennui. The mission of Christians is to rebuild what we have lost and carry forward the inheritance we have been given – a mission to build a parallel Christian society. Far from despairing at the death of the nation we love, we can devote ourselves to rebuilding it anew. And while the lovers of the world breathe their last gasps alone and terrified with nothing but faded memories of brunch, we will go to glory surrounded by our children’s children who will take up the mantle of building a new Christendom after we have gone. That is a vision of the good life. That is the vision of a life well spent. And that is what we pursue.”
Did you hear what he just said?
“…we will go to the glory surrounded by our children’s children who will take up the mantle…
This is a Protestant. How did he get that in his verbiage. And without him knowing about it, he’s talking about Our Lady’s Mantle. Who else is using that verbiage? Our Lady is! He’s talking about Our Lady. And bishops, you don’t need to accept it.
“Oh, yeah. Medjugorje’s happening. No big deal.”
August 25, 1997: “Now you do not understand why I’m here, but soon the time will come when you will lament of my messages.”
And that’s what’s happening. It’s passing you bishops, through your silence, and you hear this Protestant pastor and others giving a teaching that’s aligned 100% with Our Lady’s messages, and they don’t even know about it.
“…we will go to the glory surrounded by our children’s children who will take up the mantle of building a new Christendom after we have gone. That is a vision…”
What is Our Lady? What does Marija see? A vision. But the vision Marija sees is physical. She can touch Our Lady. She can talk to Her. Our Lady has kissed Marija.
“…That is a vision of the good life. That is the vision of a life well spent. And that is what we pursue.”
And that’s not what you do. You don’t pursue the ways of Our Lady. People from another denomination has more wisdom than you have, bishops, and all your names after your doctors and all this an bachelor, whatever you’ve got, means nothing to me, because in third grade, for me, I flunked everything. Seventy-two Ds and thirteen Fs. I don’t want no title behind my name, and I’m not scared. Whatever you threat, however much you despise me, I’m doing this to convict you. And if you don’t get convicted now, you will greatly be in lamentations. That’s from the Mother of God, and it’s coming to you now. You will tear your hair out.
“…That is the vision of a life well spent. And that is what we pursue.”
So you, who have been following Our Lady, don’t worry about what people think about you, if they hate you, despise you. Remember the Scriptures, “They persecuted Me first.” “No student is greater than his master.”
Woe to you. Woe to you. Woe to you.
“We’ve had enough exhortations to be silent. Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence.”
St. Catherine, 1380, Doctor of the Church.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
14 thoughts on “Disgusting Even to the devils”
City: Charlottesville
State: VA
Country: USA
Our Blessed Mother also warned at Fatima that the Church will convert, but it will be too late. Our bishops are in desperate need of conversion!
A Friend of Medjugorje is preaching fire and brimstone because he cares for your soul and LOVES the Church as Our dear Lord did. Can you not seethe anguish your silence is causing us?
History tells us repeatedly that far too often bishops only care about the comfort and prestige their episcopal office grants them. James 3:1 warns; Those who teach should expect a stricter judgment. You all are in your twilight years, living on borrowed time. Many think they can barely slip into Purgatory, but the line between here and hell for a silent bishop is very slim according to St. (Dr.) Catherine of Sienna. How many bishops could have saved themselves by first saving the little children from demonic influences going unchecked by our bishops. You MUST resist prestige, fear of speaking out, looking at others’ actions and even donations from unscrupulous sources that don’t align with teachings given to us by the Almighty Himself.
No deviant lifestyles worse than Sodom & Gomorrah, no allowing schools – especially Catholic ones – to mutilate children or groom them, no baby butchering, no “nidation” from birth control, no desecration of the Eucharist by giving the most pure Body & Blood to modern-day Judases like Biden. Enough is enough! The world is watching, waiting to cheer seeing Bidenexcommunicated! Follow the lead of the holy Ugandans led by their president and say no, we truly believe our faith is sacred. Think carefully about your willingness to be martyred to save your flock from mortal danger-b4 it’s too late! How many of us will sacrifice our own lives for our children. I pray you do likewise.
City: Garden Village
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
I Like the way your narrator presents his case. I wish more Bishops would speak out about what is wrong with the system’s information disclosure program. Are they afraid they will get fired? Who knows fore sure what will happen. Does anyone care or all those Bishops indifferent. None of them are making a case for what to do. Most people must pray the Rosary if they the current times to be brought to an end. Bye for now.
Yours in JMJ,
Angus A. Stevens
Thank you for this powerful message. Jesus had a prayer that we all be one. When we had the Latin mass we worshipped in the same language. Odd how they are attempting to do away with the Latin mass and have us offer masses in spanish. To me these two acts simultaneously is just another attempt to divide us. I would like to think that the Bishops could unite us around the Truth about serious mortal sin, I don’t see that happening in my diocese. I would like to think they could unite us on the True Presence of the Eucharist, especially during the Eucharistic Revival, but sadly even this is getting watered down.
Thank you for your boldness and conviction, and please continue. It may not be winning over Bishops, but it is giving many of us courage and strength and helping those seeking.
God Bless.
City: Lake City
State: Florida
Country: USA
Dear FOM, I just returned from a family reunion with old friends, children, and grandchildren with much conspicuous consumption. It didn’t’t make anyone happier but it was sprinkled with only one home cooked dinner in 5 days. Demanding and cranky children 2 – 9 years old and adults whose demands could not be met but thanks to Our Lady, I saw the love 💕 and overlooked the excesses. You described perfectly the unhappiness and loneliness of many who never read Matthew 6:24-34. Even the devils are pure spirits and disgusted by our behavior. I am now snapped back to reality and eager to transform my life, and by example, the lives of my loved ones and those in desperate need of conversion. God bless you and the Community of Caritas. 💐 Susan
City: Aurora
State: IL
Country: United States
Very true, indeed. I had attended a gathering for the cancelled priests and their bishops are the one cancelling these brave priests because they are unmasking the lies. It is very sad what’s happening in our church right now. The homilies are controlled , if the preacher goes against the grain, he will be immediately silenced. As FOM wrote before, the homilies are just to tickle and very rarely convict.
We had feast days of saints Bishops and Martyrs in olden times. It seems that its a dying saint titles.
City: GardenCity
State: NY
Country: USA
Thank you for your very good message. May God bless you.
State: Mrs.
Country: United States
Thank you for sharing this …I agree 100% may God bless you!
City: Hancock
State: Michigan
Country: USA
What a great broadcast once again! We need to be bold and take up our cross to follow Jesus. Get away from all the distractions of social media and get back to the basics. God bless our country and help out Religious leaders. Amen
Country: CANADA
Dear Sir, I read your message. I did not find anything there to dispute. How do you put meaning into life that is worthwhile? Meaninglessness of life is a bore. Life needs a purpose… To know love and serve God. Be fruitful and multiply. Do the will of God, now, today and forever.
Yours in JMJ,
Angus A. Stevens
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: UK
In all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle England is Our Lady’s Dowry and was re dedicated to Our Lady recently – miraculously a dedication long planned for Spring 2020, long before any pandemic was ever on the horizon. Who could ever have planned such a thing??? NOTHING IS BY CHANCE. Such strange timing means God means business in England I believe.
What is bound on earth is bound in Heaven so somehow in the the coming upheaval I am confident our nation England will survive protected by Our Lady.
City: Dublin
State: Leinster
Country: Ireland
The last Thomas Harris book foresaw eerily a ‘coming upheaval’. What Wales needs, is martyrs. It is a time of expiation; where anyone, who God randomly picks, atones for The World’s casual behaviour.
City: Punakaiki
State: Runanga
Country: New Zealand
Wonderful words from the US of A. The same thing is happening in our country but on a smaller scale. There are only 5 million of us but exhortations are regular. May God bless you in your great work.
City: Jay
We are with you and our Lady
City: Rochester
State: NH
Country: USA
Thank you for Your messages. God bless you.