City: Ashland
State: WI
Country: United States
I did get rid of my television viewing in 2000 and only watch movies (good ones) for families. I have a smart phone that is only used for phone and texting. I know people are being so obsessed and possessed by the smart phones they have. I work on a psychiatric unit and a chemical dependency program. Many of the patients are now bold enough to admit that they belong to satanic cults and worship satan. Satan’s time is nearing the end and Satan knows this. I boldly wear the miraculous medal at all times and at work the demons have told me to leave their rooms so as to not hurt me. Our Lady has the greatest power over the demons and I pray at least one rosary a day and if at all possible four rosaries (one for each mystery). Thanks be to God we can be the children of light even in this dark world. Remember God is like the sun, even the children of darkness can not imagine NO SUN. PRAY, FAST and TRUST GOD, JESUS, MARY and the SAINTS. St. Joseph is the terror of demons, etc. I’m praying for you. Pray for me.
February 27, 2024
Episode Transcript
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
8 thoughts on “Darnel”
City: Morgan, Vt.
Country: USA
Mary most Holy be our salvation! Lead all your children to Thy Son, Jesus.
Help us we pray! -
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
I am thankful that I have time this lent to fast and pray more especially for forgiveness for sins but also for the end to the horrible wars going on in the world. I also would like to see the end to abortion . I can’t understand how governments allow and finance the killing of innocent children in the womb -
State: RI
I love how FOM has such indepth precepetion of Our Lady’s messages! Two weeks before this message was given to Marija, I felt a tug in my heart to start going to mass daily again like I used to. I’m going daily again, praying mainly for my son and daughter. Thank you Jesus and Mary! Jesus, Mary I love you! Save souls! Last night while reading the Pieta, I was praying the 15 prayers of St. Bridget, and I was on the ninth prayer. I prayed the Our Father , the Hail Mary then on to pray the 9th prayer and all of a sudden my vision got blurred a little, so I rubbed my eyes,(it was late, I was tired) looked down and still blurry, and I rubbed my eyes again (determined to finish all the 15 prayers). Then looking at the page again, I saw the words crystal clear and just really popped out at me…and the 9th prayer starts…O Jesus! Royal Virtue, JOY OF THE MIND! WOW, and this episode is talking about the messaages and in particular how our Lady told us “…Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus…” JESUS IS OUR JOY OF OUR HEARTS AND MIND!! I just really wanted to share this and how Our Lady gives us revelations, it is so awesome! I Love Our Lady!! Needless to say I didn’t go to sleep after that I was wide awake and kept on praying beacuse I used to know all these prayers by heart at the start of my conversion. I’m sharing this because if your prayer life has gotten tired because there is darnel around you, renew your hearts and your prayer life! Also, if you don’t have the Pieta prayer booket, get one, and add to your daily rosary! Powerful! Thank you FOM and God bless you and the community! Jesus, Mary I Love You, Save Souls!! -
City: Ontario
State: ON
Country: Canada
This is a good one! Thank you FOM! Interesting that more females are possessed today whereas in the Bible it always mentions men being healed of possession. In regards to Divine Mercy Sunday, if you follow the instructions for that day. Confession, Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, intentions of the Holy Father etc., All your purgatory time up to that day is erased. God is so full of mercy. Thank you Jesus! The most important thing we all need to do is make a perfect confession. If you ever think ‘oh I feel like I’m forgetting something’, do a complete General confession. I’m telling you this from personal experience. I asked St. Padre Pio to help me make a good confession, he did, he showed me 2 sins I never confessed because I forgot them. You go through your whole life, as far back as you can remember. I wrote down everything. It’s hard! but knowing that any unconfessed sin is going to be revealed to every one on judegement day will be worse. Do not be afraid! Our Lady said she is with us and she loves us with the immeasurable love of Jesus! 🙂 The Holy Family is with us during these difficult times. God bless you all! -
Country: USA
I think possesion from abortion is also a possibility. I read where 25 percent of women have one. God is a merciful God, and confession can heal the Soul. With the possibility of the secrets coming out, I would Love if you could do a podcast on talking about Divine Mercy Sunday. If you go to confession either 7 days before or after, This year Divine Mercy falls on April 7, and take Communion and Pray for the Pope that day I believe all your sins are forgiven, If Im wrong please correct me. This could be very important, Divine Mercy Sunday, this year as the Illumation of Conscience or the Warning could be close.-
Dawn, during the Holy Year of 2000, a Friend of Medjugorje addressed how an “indulgence” works, which is what you are referring to. A Friend of Medjugorje explained that, yes, your sins are forgiven and time in purgatory is eliminated, however, it works by God creating circumstances in your life to purify your soul. You are not getting a “free pass” so to speak, but the opportunity to be purified during your lifetime. A Friend of Medjugorje used the example that even the good thief was not given a free pass, but had to undergo crucifixion in order for his sins to be forgiven completely.
City: Florence
State: Tx
Country: USA
Why is this theology of the Chaplet and Feast of Divine Mercy not better instructed. Nowhere have I seen a pamphlet nor have I heard any interpretation from St.Faustina’s Diary explained this way that God, by virtue of doing all the parts of fulfilling the Chaplet of Divine Mercy feast day , will be granted opportunities to suffer the reparation of the sins confessed in fulfilling the Chaplet and Feast of Mercy. I thank you for the understanding NOW, but this needs to be more thoroughly taught so that more souls can truly be in a renewed Baptismal state.
8 thoughts on “Darnel”
City: Ashland
State: WI
Country: United States
I did get rid of my television viewing in 2000 and only watch movies (good ones) for families. I have a smart phone that is only used for phone and texting. I know people are being so obsessed and possessed by the smart phones they have. I work on a psychiatric unit and a chemical dependency program. Many of the patients are now bold enough to admit that they belong to satanic cults and worship satan. Satan’s time is nearing the end and Satan knows this. I boldly wear the miraculous medal at all times and at work the demons have told me to leave their rooms so as to not hurt me. Our Lady has the greatest power over the demons and I pray at least one rosary a day and if at all possible four rosaries (one for each mystery). Thanks be to God we can be the children of light even in this dark world. Remember God is like the sun, even the children of darkness can not imagine NO SUN. PRAY, FAST and TRUST GOD, JESUS, MARY and the SAINTS. St. Joseph is the terror of demons, etc. I’m praying for you. Pray for me.
City: Morgan, Vt.
Country: USA
Mary most Holy be our salvation! Lead all your children to Thy Son, Jesus.
Help us we pray!
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
I am thankful that I have time this lent to fast and pray more especially for forgiveness for sins but also for the end to the horrible wars going on in the world. I also would like to see the end to abortion . I can’t understand how governments allow and finance the killing of innocent children in the womb
State: RI
I love how FOM has such indepth precepetion of Our Lady’s messages! Two weeks before this message was given to Marija, I felt a tug in my heart to start going to mass daily again like I used to. I’m going daily again, praying mainly for my son and daughter. Thank you Jesus and Mary! Jesus, Mary I love you! Save souls! Last night while reading the Pieta, I was praying the 15 prayers of St. Bridget, and I was on the ninth prayer. I prayed the Our Father , the Hail Mary then on to pray the 9th prayer and all of a sudden my vision got blurred a little, so I rubbed my eyes,(it was late, I was tired) looked down and still blurry, and I rubbed my eyes again (determined to finish all the 15 prayers). Then looking at the page again, I saw the words crystal clear and just really popped out at me…and the 9th prayer starts…O Jesus! Royal Virtue, JOY OF THE MIND! WOW, and this episode is talking about the messaages and in particular how our Lady told us “…Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus…” JESUS IS OUR JOY OF OUR HEARTS AND MIND!! I just really wanted to share this and how Our Lady gives us revelations, it is so awesome! I Love Our Lady!! Needless to say I didn’t go to sleep after that I was wide awake and kept on praying beacuse I used to know all these prayers by heart at the start of my conversion. I’m sharing this because if your prayer life has gotten tired because there is darnel around you, renew your hearts and your prayer life! Also, if you don’t have the Pieta prayer booket, get one, and add to your daily rosary! Powerful! Thank you FOM and God bless you and the community! Jesus, Mary I Love You, Save Souls!!
City: Ontario
State: ON
Country: Canada
This is a good one! Thank you FOM! Interesting that more females are possessed today whereas in the Bible it always mentions men being healed of possession. In regards to Divine Mercy Sunday, if you follow the instructions for that day. Confession, Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, intentions of the Holy Father etc., All your purgatory time up to that day is erased. God is so full of mercy. Thank you Jesus! The most important thing we all need to do is make a perfect confession. If you ever think ‘oh I feel like I’m forgetting something’, do a complete General confession. I’m telling you this from personal experience. I asked St. Padre Pio to help me make a good confession, he did, he showed me 2 sins I never confessed because I forgot them. You go through your whole life, as far back as you can remember. I wrote down everything. It’s hard! but knowing that any unconfessed sin is going to be revealed to every one on judegement day will be worse. Do not be afraid! Our Lady said she is with us and she loves us with the immeasurable love of Jesus! 🙂 The Holy Family is with us during these difficult times. God bless you all!
Country: USA
I think possesion from abortion is also a possibility. I read where 25 percent of women have one. God is a merciful God, and confession can heal the Soul. With the possibility of the secrets coming out, I would Love if you could do a podcast on talking about Divine Mercy Sunday. If you go to confession either 7 days before or after, This year Divine Mercy falls on April 7, and take Communion and Pray for the Pope that day I believe all your sins are forgiven, If Im wrong please correct me. This could be very important, Divine Mercy Sunday, this year as the Illumation of Conscience or the Warning could be close.
Dawn, during the Holy Year of 2000, a Friend of Medjugorje addressed how an “indulgence” works, which is what you are referring to. A Friend of Medjugorje explained that, yes, your sins are forgiven and time in purgatory is eliminated, however, it works by God creating circumstances in your life to purify your soul. You are not getting a “free pass” so to speak, but the opportunity to be purified during your lifetime. A Friend of Medjugorje used the example that even the good thief was not given a free pass, but had to undergo crucifixion in order for his sins to be forgiven completely.
City: Florence
State: Tx
Country: USA
Why is this theology of the Chaplet and Feast of Divine Mercy not better instructed. Nowhere have I seen a pamphlet nor have I heard any interpretation from St.Faustina’s Diary explained this way that God, by virtue of doing all the parts of fulfilling the Chaplet of Divine Mercy feast day , will be granted opportunities to suffer the reparation of the sins confessed in fulfilling the Chaplet and Feast of Mercy. I thank you for the understanding NOW, but this needs to be more thoroughly taught so that more souls can truly be in a renewed Baptismal state.