City: Erie
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Our bishops need to lead us to salvation and not lay low and play safe.
June 13, 2023
Cricket Bishops
[Podcast] (65 Minutes) – Only for Adults – In this broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje shines a bright light on the many failures of shepherds to protect the flock. Current events exposed in this broadcast tell us the full story.
Episode Transcript
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This broadcast is only for adults.
This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje
The United States dollar took another pounding on German, French, and British exchanges this morning, hitting the lowest point ever known in West Germany. It has declined there by 41 since 1971, and this Canadian thinks it’s time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people in all the world. As long as sixty years ago, when I first started to read newspapers, I read of floods on the Yellow River and the Yangtze. Well, who rushed in with men and money to help? The Americans did, that’s who. They have helped control floods on the Nile, the Amazon, the Ganges, and the Niger. Today, the rich bottom land of the Mississippi is underwater, and no foreign land has sent a dollar to help. Germany, Japan, and to a lesser extent Britain and Italy, were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of those countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.
When the franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris—and I was there, I saw that. When distant cities are hit by earthquake, it’s the United States that hurries into help; Managua, Nicaragua is one of the most recent examples. So far this spring, 59 American communities have been flattened by tornadoes—nobody has helped. The Marshall Plan, the Truman Policy—all pumped billions upon billions of dollars into discouraged countries, and now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, war-mongering Americans. Now, I’d like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplanes. Come on, now you—let’s hear it! Does any country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing jumbo jet, the Lockheed Tristar, or the Douglas Ten. If so, why don’t they fly them? Why do all international lines except Russia fly American planes?
Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or a woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon, not once, but several times, and safely home again. You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at. Even the draft dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They’re right here on our streets in Toronto. Most of them, unless they’re breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend up here. When the Americans get out of this bind, as they will, who could blame them if they said, Let somebody else buy the bonds. Let somebody else build or repair foreign dams, or design foreign buildings that won’t shake apart in earthquakes. When the railways of France and Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both of them are still broke. I can name to you five thousand times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name to me even one time when someone else raced to the help of the Americans in trouble? I don’t think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake. Our neighbors have faced it alone. And I’m one Canadian who is tired of hearing them kicked around. They’ll come out of this thing with their flag high, and when they do, they’re entitled to thumb their noses at the lands that are gloating over their present trouble. I hope Canada is not one of these. But there are many smug, self-righteous Canadians. And finally, the American Red Cross was told at its 48th annual meeting in New Orleans this morning that it was broke. This year’s disasters, with the year less than half over, have taken it all, and nobody, but nobody, has helped.
This was a big song at the end of the 60s, going into the 70s. There was so many negative things, how bad the United States was at that time. Everyone loved this song. Why? Because somebody out of the United States was telling the bad people that America was good. There’s another person making a statement from another country, like the Canadian did, and it is Marija. She was being interviewed by a reporter in 2013, when she was here for July 1 – 5. He asked her about living under Communism. Marija responded:
“I came for the Fourth of July to celebrate freedom.”
And she said, “When we were under Communism, we looked to America for freedom. We pray that this nation can go back to God.”
And then she said something incredible.
She said, “It’s not God bless America. It’s that America can be a blessing to the world.”
It was a beautiful statement. We have to realize satan hates America, because it is good. Its foundation is of holy reasons. What Marija is really saying is that the world depends on America. satan knows he has to destroy America to destroy the world. And that’s what’s happening right now. Don’t turn against this nation. It was raised up by God, by our Forefathers, and it is not a democracy. It is a republic. You have to correct everybody when they say it is a democracy. It is not. It has never been that and by accepting that from the teachers, for the reporters, they are turning it into that, which means we will crash. How do we know that? Because the Founders have said that it would crash. Noah Webster, a founding father, he said, “Our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament and the Christian religion.” So now, that gives you the base and understanding why satan hates this country. If that is not enough for you, another founder of the United States, James Madison, he says, “Democracy is the most vile form of government…it is incompatible with personal security or rights of property.” We have bought the lie that we are a democracy. Is that not enough?
Another founder, John Adams, he said: “Democracy, while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy.” He said it doesn’t last very long. He said, “It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”
And he ends with this statement, saying, “There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” That is just a sampling. I don’t understand why people have bought this and that the schools and the teachers, the bishops have not the wisdom, the understanding that every time you say that or you let somebody else say that, you are destroying this by accepting that this country is a democracy. And the left has been very, very successful in training you to believe that. These clips are evidence that we have turned into a democracy because we are on the road of destruction. There is another song out there and it is a song about the Commies are coming. Some of you who are older, who remember, it was a popular song. The Commies, the Commies, the Commies are coming. That is what has happened. They are atheists and it is diabolical. And they expound what you are about to listen to. What you are about to hear is a series of clips, only for adults.
This broadcast is only for adults.
Giant Target lost $10 billion of market value in ten days, as customers push back on the company’s pride line. “I feel that they are getting too extreme with this whole woke agenda and they just need to ease off because they are going to lose a lot of customers.” Viral social media posts show pride products geared towards children. The company’s stock value is down as it takes criticism from both sides of the political spectrum.
Who is the most powerful people in the United States and really in the world? Is it the President of the United States? Is it in the Senate, the House? The most powerful people in the United States, that can change things if they stood up and not be so cowards and speak out and who have been over educated, intellectual instead of common sense. Our Lady says:
“My Son is the light of Common Sense.”
And what these powerful people are cowards and have no common sense and live a lie. It is our bishops. You have put us in a position of being a democracy. We continue the damage as their report card. The crickets are louder than you are, with their little bitty brain.
It is becoming sincerely a deep mental illness, a mental illness. What, I went to Target on Friday. Very small percentage, less than 1% of the population. Let me say it again, less than 1% and you would think we are a country made of trans people. And I would suggest, we stop it right now.
Thank you, bishops. Their silence, have you heard anyone talking anything about this?
On September 2, 2011, Our Lady says:
“…I am especially praying for the shepherds that they maybe worthy representatives of my Son and lead you on the way of truth…”
Thank you, bishops for not doing that. And thank you for being silent. Thank you, bishops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is on your back. Thank you, bishops. We are so proud of you. You can join the pride parades. That was Glenn Beck. He said more in that little clip than any of the bishops have said. Here is the guy, gives us statistics, that way just a tiny, tiny group of people is defeating us. Because our shepherds are not with the Son of God.
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April 2, 2012
“…Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that in their thoughts they may always be with my Son…”
Why is She saying that? If they are with Our Lady’s Son, Our Lady wouldn’t be saying that.
I’ve said to you before, the greatest advice anyone can give you is live not by lies. Do not live endorse or associate with anyone who is telling lies. And right now, our entire society is lying. Remove yourself from that.
You peasants in the pew, if you heard from the pulpit, from a bishop, we would be clapping by such a homily. Just what Beck said in a couple of minutes. But you are totally silent.
I mean I about lost my mind. Walking down the isles of Target, and I saw all of this, all of this trans stuff and rainbows everywhere. And I am like, can we please have some balance in our lives?
Thank you, bishops. You don’t have any guts to tell the truth. And I would say, silence is lying.
Thank you, bishops for what has happened.
The Los Angeles Dodgers sparked intense public backlash after the team reinvited a drag group known for mocking Christians and nuns to their annual pride night and gave them an award – right – an award. The problem I have with this is what you are saying, because Christ means a lot to me. And that is what bothers me, that’s not, I don’t think that would be allowed in our churches. And then their motto is, “Go forth and send some more.” Here is what I think. There are 4 million Catholics that live in L.A., that doesn’t include the Protestants who love Jesus too. And so why would you do this? If you are a business, if you’re a sport entity, why would you support such controversial and political pushes and campaigns? Because we say what happened with Bud Light and what is happening with Target, they are losing millions, billions of dollars. The same thing is happening with the Dodgers, and then you have the players who are standing up against this. They are saying, what about us, we play for this team and we are Catholics. By including, by honoring such an irreverent group, such a patiently offense group, that irreverence to openly support mocking a religion when it is so deeply persona and so deeply fundamental to those of us Christians, that is so appalling to me and it makes me never want to go to a MLB game down there again.
That would be great if the bishops gave instructions to all their priests to say what that woman said. But you don’t hear it.
Just tippy-toe – let’s not offend people. Let’s don’t get in the middle of stuff. Yes, let drag queens dress up like nuns. Us, peasants in the pew are not okay with that, but you are, because you do nothing. You own this and you let it be birthed.
It’s time for 95% of this country to retake corporate America with the power of our wallet. Because we haven’t done it in the past and now I feel like we are finally getting there. One day, these woke companies are going to realize that 95% can buy a whole lot more than 5%. Which is better, to be boycotted by 5% or to e boycotted by 95%? Here is something nobody is talking about though. Why does the media keep on insisting that this is a conservative boycott? You know, with what is happening with Bud Light, Target, and Disney, that these are conservative movement boycotts. Because look, for their stock to talk, well it’s been taking in the last couple of months, that tells us right there that its way bigger than just a conservative statement. There is obviously some moderates. There is obviously some liberals that involved to who are sick of the woke push. And here is what I want to make clear, we are boycotting the company that pushing the pride collection. And here is what the leftist extremists don’t get about us right here. It is not a boycott. Y’all talk about a boycott as if it is going to be 6 to 8 weeks. It is forever. We ain’t ever coming back. You know, nobody’s going to be 6 to 8 weeks and we are going back to buying Bud Light. Six to eight weeks we are going to be walking back into Target. It doesn’t work that way with our side. We are done forever. You are not allowed to dictate how we spend our money. And that is the bottom line. If you understood freedom, you would get that. You are never getting us back, but we do thank y’all for making local businesses great again.
Okay bishops, are you calling for a boycott? Are you going to Target, clothed with your bishop’s robes. You know how many thousands Catholic people and Protestants and non-believers and you walk up that door at Target, you open it, you have thousands of people behind you. And you walk through every isle, blessing it with Holy Water and doing an exorcism with thousand of people behind you. Go to jail. Are you scared? Are you that sissy? It would be incredible, worldwide, one bishop calls his diocese, meet me here, whatever street it is. Don’t let Target know or any place like that, that does this. But no, you don’t do that because you don’t have the guts. I have said it before, we are a bunch of eunuchs. I’m not degrading your position. I respect it. Because you don’t respect it. And you don’t fulfill what you are supposed to do. Christ called you. Jesus Christ called you and because you are not doing what you suppose to do and what He calls you for, you are AWOL. Shame. It is time for you to be shamed by us peasants who are nothing. I can’t find anywhere where one bishop across this country said something about that. Oh, we have to be careful. We may lose our tax exemption. That is not a worry. What you should be worried about is the guillotine for you, because that is where we are heading. Like the nuns, who the trans dressed up as nuns at a Dodgers game.
Restaurant chain Chick-Fil-A received backlash on social media as Conservatives learned that the firm’s corporate office advances a number of diversity initiatives, a revelation which came as branches like Bud Light and Target face criticism for embracing woke ideology. Social media users noted that Chick-Fil-A which has a long-standing reputation as a firm run on the bases of conservative and Christian principles, higher Eric Reynolds as vice president of Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Chick-Fil-A prominently features a number of diversity programs meant only for females and members of racial minorities. Beyond collaboration with various national diverse professional development organization such as the Woman’s Food Service Forum, the National Black MBA Association and the Association of Latino Professionals of America. The company also seeks to develop quote “mentorship development and partnership opportunities for minority owned businesses to strategically gage with their supply chain. Chick-Fil-A additionally includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in its employment nondiscrimination statement, along side race, sex, religion and veterans status.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.
Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.
Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one bites the dust.
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Chick-Fil-A is another who bite the dust, whoever wants to be next, because we are going to do the same thing. And if you change your mind, so that we come back as customers, forget it. You are dead. You will be another who bites the dust. Everything is passing. Everything is falling apart. Only the glory of God is remaining. Look what is happening. We are seeing this. Our Lady said it on September 2, 2011, and it is happening. Go ahead, do what you are going to do because you are just going to be another in the dust.
So you may be shocked that a communist started a printshop. You supported it, donating ten million dollars. One of the finest printshops and productions in the Southeast. Not the largest, but the finest. We have printed over 61 billion pages of materials that is in houses across the world. Why am I saying communist started it, because Monsignor Egan, in 1960s worked with Saul Alinsky, a communist. They were very close. Alinsky was a hero to a lot of people who were on the left. Alinsky, in 1972, said quote, he, “would choose to go to hell.” And then he said, “hell would be Heaven for me.”
Obama referred to Alinsky and what the bishops were social justice, aliened with Alinsky. Monsignor Egan got so big, his editorials is in every Catholic newspaper. He was in the Diocese of Chicago. Now from there, he did an editorial weekly. I would read that in the 60s and 70s. And I rejected it. He wrote about how great Russia was and so I wrote to our local Catholic newspaper and they published it. The letter was refuting everything Egan said. They cut out and they edited what I said. And I was hot. My voice was neutralized. I was angry. And at that point, I realized we don’t have a voice. I don’t have a voice. Here we are a Catholic, Communist, Social Justice bishops allowing this garbage. The mayor is now Communist nuns and so that, I realized, we cannot rely for our voice to go through those people and those avenues because they are either not going to publish it or they are going to cut it and bane it. So we got one of the nicest printshops in the whole Southeast. Not the biggest, but you who feed on this, have grown and have your eyes opened of what we promote. All this, you are hearing right now, lays at the feet of the bishops because none of this would be happening if they were protecting the flock. And we are bleeding, we are bruised. These poor little kids and what they are doing with them. And the crickets are louder than the bishops.
Long consider the place to turn for family friendly entertainment, recent moves in statements by the Walt Disney company, indicate a turn towards a cultural agenda that threatens that legacy and possibly its future.
Back in March, Disney made headlines for publicly opposing a Florida law that bans public school lessons, including sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Since then, top executives have signaled a great shift towards telling stories that explore those topics.
“I don’t have to be afraid to like lets have these two characters kiss. Let’s in the background, like, I was just, wherever I could just basically adding queerness.
“And now we know, you know, as my son texted me this morning, you know Gen Z is 30 to 40 percent queer than the other generations, moms. So Disney better get with it.”
Burk went on to express support for increasing LGBTQ characters in entertainment content, with the goal of 50 percent of all regular and recurring roles across the Disney universe coming from quote, “underrepresented groups.” The Disney picks are film Lightyear out this month, features a lesbian couple, and Thor, Love and Thunder due out in July, has major LGBTQ lead character.
“Intolerance takes many forms. Tonight one of America’s top Christian leader is calling for a boycott for a soon to be released film, Beauty and the Beast That is because it features an openly gay character, a first for Disney.”
Bill Condon says the movie ending will have an exclusively gay moment, prompting a blacklash from influential evangelical preacher, Franklin Graham. He told his followers to boycott the film because it is quote, “Trying to push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of your children.” Watch out! This Alabama drive-in already told its customers it won’t show the movie. “My salvation isn’t about money. It’s not about man. It is what God wants me to do.”
Did you catch that? Alabama? A theater is not going to play it. Why do you think that is? Our Lady has had 204 apparitions here. The Pew Research Study said that Alabama, Birmingham, was the most Biblical place in the whole United States. It is not by chance because Our Lady says, “Nothing is by chance.” That is why Our Lady is calling you to come here in July…
The forty square mile special Disney self-governing area was created in 1967, just before construction began. It exempts Disney from certain taxes, fees and regulations, minimizing state oversite. The move to revoke the district was triggered by Disney’s opposition to a new Florida law, limiting what public schools can teach about sexual orientation and gender identity, particularly to younger children. The company says it would cease all political donations in Florida, pledging, “Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts.
In the Bible, in the Book of Romans, chapter 1:18-31, makes it explicitly clear that all this garbage about the trans and all these other things, how vile and deadly the path of what the world is on.
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.”
I would be happy if we just had cricket bishops, just make enough noise, just like that. Now, we have migrants coming in. So what am I going to say about the bishops? What are you going to say about the bishops? Bishops, what are you going to say about yourselves? Are you going to say, and look at your hands and the red. Why would there be red? What is red? It is blood. These people, many of them are going to kill people. The bishops have encouraged this. The destruction of the United States of America. Bad people coming into this country, a murdering people, stealing, drugs. They don’t want to be citizens. And not one bishop has said this has to stop. But it is too late. You start saying now, you should have said it years ago. The destruction of the United States of America has come from the American bishops. You have blood on your hands. And basically, other countries, they are doing the same thing. We are in a crisis, not of the drugs, not of the communists, not of the illegals. We are in a crisis of cricket bishops. And now we have a thing that we can thank the bishops because these illegals are going to get housing. Is that okay, bishops? Listen to this clip, where they are going to put the people.
“You can be compassionate, but you can’t be foolish.” As more than 8000 migrants have arrived in Chicago since August of 2022, and that number is still going up. “We are inviting in like a magnet, everybody come here, collect all your freebies. We are going to give it to you. Every sucker in here is going to pay for it.” “Who is paying? Nobody wants the answer. The police department is going to make frequent visits here. Which means, if they are making frequent visits here, they are not out there.” “There is plenty of resources to staff, providing the safety, so Wright College is part of our community. So to understand that.” “It is insulting that you would consider such action about a forgotten community that none of you live in. I am just outraged. I am outraged and I don’t understand why our community was chosen. It is a slap in the face that we, as citizens of the United States of America do not have the resources and support, but you are going to bring people who are not citizens here, in our community and our buildings that we pay taxes for, that you took away from us. That is completely unacceptable.”
Parents at BS172 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, say of meeting with the representative of the mayor’s office last night, failed to provide them any clarity.
“If you look across the street, this is a city owned building. It used to be an HRA building and this facility can be used for that purpose and not put our children in a situation that they have placed them in now. Schools should not be shelters. These are 2 different things. We are hugely welcoming community. We have a full shelter for asylum seekers, exactly across the street from our school. We have done our best to welcome them with open arms, but this is different when it is your school, which is small children used as a shelter. There are so many alternate places. We have complied a list. Please Mayor Adams, use those places before you start using schools.”
“It is a little bit dangerous for strangers that we don’t know in our gym.”
So, bishops, it is so sweet and so nice that in New York, the mayor has a great idea, bishops. I am sure you will agree with him. For private houses, to resident for the immigrants, people that you don’t even know if they are criminals, dope heads, and they are pushing for this. They are going to pass a law for this. Bishops, are you going to let them sleep on your floor, your couch? Maybe in your bed, that would be nice? And all the people are going to be happy. No, they are mad. Just like what you heard in the last clip. They are justified. Woe to you bishops.
You are watching brazen retail theft. The suspects are so sure they won’t get caught, that some even get aggressive when stopped, as this surveillance video from Home Depot shows. Most likely these people aren’t shoplifters or people who steal items for their own use. Instead, it is a bigger problem, known as organized retail crime, with criminal working together to steal for profit. You have seen the videos of brazen smash and grabs like these, often carried out in broad daylight. “It is an absolute threat.” A Chicago area, Louis Vuitton, raided by 14 hooded suspects, making off with over $100,000.00 worth of luxury items. A flash mob style heist at an Oakland area Nordstrom. This New York jewelry store, windows smashed with hammers. Federal authorities and retailers are now sounding the alarms about the growing danger of organized retail crime, that is sweeping the country. “They know exactly what stores to hit, what businesses and residences to hit, when and where.” Coordinated groups are targeting stores. Millions of dollars worth of goods. Retailers say they are growing more violent, putting shoppers and workers at risk, some times with tragic consequences. “What goes through your mind when you realize that your dad was essentially killed over 3 power washers?” “You can’t imagine that any piece of equipment at Home Depot is worth a life.” Authorities say organized retail crime is large scale theft of mostly high value items from handbags to power tools, which are often then illegally resold online. “They are very much organized in the sense that they are doing it for the profit. Obviously the profitability is the key here.” Companies say this type of crime is reaching unprecedented levels, jumping more that 26% in 2021 and forcing the average family to pay an estimated $500 more each year on goods. “It is growing double digit year over year.” “This is professional shoplifting?” “One hundred percent.” Big box stores like The Home Depot have been hit especially hard. They tell us they are investigating hundreds of cases this past year along and losing billions. The retail giant, opening up to ABC News, showing us exactly what’s being targeted. “You have a special name for this part of the store?” “Yeh, this is our, this is what we refer to our billion dollar isles – billions and billions of dollars worth of sales in this product and then about a third of our loses from theft and fraud’s perspective come from power tools particularly.” Thieves are taking anything from leaf blowers to metal wire. “And how much is a spool like that worth?” “A full spool can range anywhere from $1000 to upward to about $3500.00.” “Why do you believe that you have seen such an uptick?” “Covid aside and the pandemic aside, which kind of emboldened some people wearing masks or the online proliferation. At about 90 % of our organized retail cases involves some type of online selling platform. Opioids and fentanyl continuing to drive the need for fast cash.” And homeland security officials say the organizations have suspected ties to drug trafficking and terrorism financing. “There are crime syndicates that could be tied to local gang networks that maybe have established networks either from the Chilean or Columbian threads or Romanian crews coming in from Eastern European that are countable in certain cities.” According to the company, this one crew robbed various stores more than twenty times, allegedly stealing a total of $135,000.00 in merchandise. At least 2 of them have since been arrested on robbery and larceny charges. Their cases are pending. Home Depot also tells its employees not to stop robberies in progress, warning of the dangers.
Save the planet, starve the people. This one is from Ireland, y’all. Looking to kill 200,000 cows to fight climate change. Are U.S. herds next? In the latest effort to reduce emissions from agriculture, Ireland said it may kill 200,000 cows. Meanwhile climate activists have American farmers and ranchers in the crosshairs. Y’all, control the food, control the people. This week we are going to be talking about food prices on your food. Climate activists are coming for the livestock producers and farmers. And we have heard Bill Gates talk about it. We have heard Joh Kerry talk about it and we have heard lots of people talking about it. European government have been targeting agricultural industry for several years. In an effort to reduce nitrogen pollution, Reuters reports the European Union, last month, approved the 1.6 billions dollar Dutch plan to buy out livestock farmers. Oh, they are going to use your tax money to starve you to death. What a brilliant plan. And either we are going to watch all of this unfold on youtube and social media, or we are actually start taking to the streets and do something about it. Special president envoy for climate, they are trying to trick you into just killing yourself. They want you to just go along with climate change, in the sake of saving the planet. And they want you to literal starve yourself to death. Kind of like the jab, they wanted you to fear it so bad, that you would literally take it out of fear. And now people are dropping, dead all over the place, died suddenly.
Oh, Friend of Medjugorje, now you are stepping over the line. You are going to blame the bishops for this now – climate change – global warming? Yes, I am. And there is evidence a long time ago, how this started. Climate change, global warming – I worked with the scientists for a whole year, debunking it. Back in 2006, I wrote a book called Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. They were getting this thing off the ground and it didn’t work. And you know what they said, it is in the book. It is documented way back then that they could not launch this agenda. We have to go through an entity that is global. It is the Catholic Church. Well, how are they going to do this? Let’s have a big Pow wow with St. Francis, because he loved the earth and the birds and the animals and everything and the environment. Let’s do this meeting to launch this thing, Global Warming, now Climate Change, in Assisi. They went there. I have the documentation. Go get that book. IF you don’t have the book, call Caritas and order it. All this, 100% of bishops. That was exposed almost 2 decades ago. It can’t be refuted. Nobody has documentation of that. If you have that book on your shelf, you are going to be shocked when you read it, where all this has come from. Ivan said the devil has a master intellect and he knows he has to go through the Church to do what he needs to do. Our Lady tells us about the bishops. On February 2, 2013, that we have to fast. Who do we have to fast for? The shepherds. You know what the Bible says? These devils cannot be driven away except by fasting. I preface this message because Our Lady’s messages are very positive for the future. February 2, 2013:
“…Pray for your shepherds so that through your fasting and prayer, they can lead you in love…”
If they are leading us in love and truth, and not what you just heard of, I would not call you for the seriousness, you have to fast for the shepherds. In other words, there is something that needs to be corrected. Let’s go to the next year again, on February 2nd again, but 2014:
“…Pray for your shepherds that the ray of God’s grace may illuminate their ways…”
If they are illuminated, we don’t have to be praying for the rays of God to grace them. You see how Our Lady is sweet. She loves Her shepherds. We love the position of the shepherds, and we want them to feel that in the right way.
June 2, 2014
“..Pray for your shepherds that they may always lead you…”
Uh-oh! Does that mean that sometimes they are not leading us? Maybe sometimes? No, She said the words:
“…that they may always lead you with a pure heart and the way of truth…”
You just heard of this whole broadcast and there is not a lot of truth with what they are putting out, because it is a lie. Even if you know truth and you are silent and crickets are louder than you are, it is untruth.
July 2, 2014, Our Lady said:
“…I am always alongside your shepherds…”
See that is Our Lady. She is trying to resurrect them. She wants them on the right path.
“…I am always alongside your shepherds and I pray…”
That’s Her.
“…I pray that they may always be an example of humility for you…”
If they are already humility and they are an example of that, She does not have to say, always to be an example. The bishops have the grace to have the strength of the light of Jesus. But Our Lady says January 2, 2017:
“…Pray, always pray…”
You see how She said that? How She began that sentence?
“…Pray, always pray…”
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She says it twice. Why? Because She wants you to understand what you have to pray.
“…Pray, always pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength to be the light of my Son…”
Maybe they are not. I’m a sinner. You are a sinner. I am not a bishop. I am a peon. I am a peasant. But I am willing to stand up to the bishops. Did you know, I was going to be condemned and the Department of Vatican, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. There was a meeting in there and I was going to be condemned for one of my writings. The book of They Fired the First Shot. The left got it. They got it to somebody in the Church and they were going to do it. I am a flunky and I am up there in the Vatican. They have a meeting. The book was going to be condemned. I was going to be condemned, just like a heretic. Gerhard Müller and several people were taking action and one bishop stood up. How do I know this? Because that bishop told me. This bishop is a very good bishop and this bishop told me, there is probably only 5, 6, or 7 good conservative bishops. So I have been around the block. I know what I am saying now. People could say, who do you think you are? I am nobody, but the words I say is something because it is based on Our Lady and what She is showing. I love being Catholic. I will die being Catholic. I will never go against it, but Our Lady is putting me in many, many different situations and I have met several of the cardinals and the bishops privately. And I am a flunky. But if you come under Our Lady’s mantle, you become somebody. So I say to the bishops, I admit I am an idiot, but if I know these things, and you don’t, and you have a degree, what does that say about your degree? And I can say, Jesus was angry with his bishops back then. They would call them the Pharisees. What you are about to hear now, happened two days ago, at the White House, on the front lawn. It is possessed by those who really hate God.
Distinguished guests, the president of the United States and Dr Jill Biden.
Welcome to the White House and happy pride. The pride celebration is always one of the most exciting events at the White House. But this year we wanted to something a little different than before. Not just a reception that recognizes the leaders and activists of this movement, but an all American picnic here on the South Lawn. Celebrating you, America’s LGBTQ families.
You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. And you belong. As I made clear, including in my State of the Union Address, your president, my entire administration, has your back. We see who you are, made in the image of God, deserving of dignity, respect and support.
What have you got to say about yourselves, bishops? This is spitting in your face, stopping us in the pew. A Catholic president, a Catholic first lady, who should be and must be excommunicated. You don’t have the guts. We challenge you to do that, we demand you to do that. You owe it to us. And us, are the people, know that we must confess. And those 2 Catholics, first lady and the president, deny the sin. You are derelicts of your job and your position. Everybody listening to this and you bishops get this, you have abandoned the flock. You are not even worthy to have the name of shepherd. This next clip is from Uganda and what they do for those who are abominables and the law they passed. One newspaper said 20 years in jail for being abominable.
Uganda recently passed a so called Kill the Gays law, prompting some Ugandans to flee for safety. Biden has described that law as wrong and shameful. But it has supporters.
I want to warn you about something. You are not free to transgender. You are not free, as a doctor, to mutilate. Those who do so are criminals, and you will pay for the consequences, both in civil punishment and eternal punishment. When the wind changes, and it is going to, you doctors who mutilate, will be dealt harshly. Our Lady sign is the wind and when you see the wind change direction, you will see Our Lady change to the Woman of Revelation, crushing all evil by Her Heel. Woe will it be to you who have not converted. I love our nation because it is under God. First, the words you are about to hear is from the actor, the Catholic, Jim Caviezel. He quotes an excerpt from Reagan and others and his own. This is what July 1-5 is about. To be in the presence of Our Lady, to have in our hearts what you are about to hear.
We are heading into the storm or all storms. Yes, the storm is upon us. Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot buy our security of one nation under God, our freedoms in Christ our Savior, from the threat of the devil any longer. There is no argument over the choice between peace and war. But there is only one guarantee of the way you can have peace and you can have it In the next second. Surrender. Admittedly there is a risk in any course we follow other than this. But every lesson in history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement. And this is the specter our well-meaning Christian liberal friends refuse to face. Our priests, our pastors, and now sadly even our Pope, that his policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives us no choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. IF we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we will have to face the final demand, the final ultimatum and what then? When satan has told his own, he knows what our answers going to be. He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of his cold war and some day when the time is right, to deliver his final ultimatum. Our surrender will be voluntary because you see by then we will have been so weakened from within, spiritually, morally, economically, he believe this because from our side, he has heard voices pleading for peace at any price. Or better red than dead, or as one commentator put it, he would rather live on his knees with his mask on than die on his feet. And there in lies the road to war because those forces don’t speak for the rest of us. You and I know it and do not believe that life is so dearing and peaceful sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for well where did this begin? Just in the face of this enemy or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the Pharoah. Should Christ have refused the cross, should the patriots of Concord bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard around the world. The martyrs of history were not fools. And our beloved dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis did not die in vain. Where then lies the road to peace, you say. Well it is a simple answer after all. If you and I have the courage to tell our enemies there is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which evil must not advance. And this goes for our beautiful, beloved Constitution as well. Just barely hanging in there by a lifeline. Do we even believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? You know, there are no coincidences in why it is in that order. Because without your life, you have no liberty. And without your life, you have no happiness. That all men are created equal, ladies and gentlemen, not born equal. Winston Churchill said that the destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move throughout the world, we learn we are spirits—not animals. And he said that there’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty. My fellow Americans, you and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this the last best hope for man on earth or we’ll send sentence them to take the last step into thousand years of darkness. We are at war now with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind and it’s a long climb from the swamp to the stars. And it has been said if we lose this war and in so doing, lose this great way of freedom of ours, history will record with greatest astonishment that those of us that have most to lose to the least, to prevent it from happening, well I think it is high time now we ask ourselves we still even know the freedom that were intended for us by our founding fathers. Every generation of Americans needs to know that freedom exists not to do what you like, but having the right to do what ought. My fellow Christians, warriors, set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation, be saints. We were made to fit in. We were born to stand out. God is the freedom that I wish for you. Freedom from sin. Freedom from our weaknesses. Freedom from the slavery that sin makes out of all of us. That is the freedom that is worth dying for. Carter reminds me of the words that Mel Gibson first intoned in his Academy award winning film, Braveheart. When he said to his ragtag army, and I say to you tonight, I see before me a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You’ve come to fight as free men and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? This man says no, we run and we will live. Yep, fight, you may die. Run and you will live for at least awhile. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies, that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom! You! You! You! You! We must fight for that authentic freedom and live, my friends, by God we must live and with the Holy Spirit as your shield and Christ as your sword, may you join St. Michael and all the angels in defending God and sending Lucifer and his henchmen straight back to hell where they belong.
Just in the last four days, five days, we have put out 130,000 pieces of mail, just the postage has cost us $83,000. We need help. We are willing to put our necks out and say what say, but if you don’t partner with us, we can’t reach the masses. We have got printing presses and all these things. Our Lady has put us in a position to speak what nobody else will say. The filth that is in the White House lawn is desecrated. Partner with us, with your prayers and your donations. We immediately need help. Donations are needed to continue to put out the call for thousands of people to come before Our Lady. You can call 205-672-2000 or you can go on – that is We will be praying for you and all those who are coming. Do everything you can. Tell everybody call. Our Lady’s message, May 25th was a call – this call. I am convinced that this time and this moment, that Our Lady is calling you here for July 1-5, to consecrate yourselves, your families, your nation, and She wants you here, Her children, to bless you and give what you need. Spread this to everybody, tell everybody. Call people, call in talk shows. Do whatever you have to do to save a nation and its people and our Church. A lot is on your shoulders. Be on your knees. Pass along this broadcast. Encourage people to go to it. We are looking forward to seeing you here. And Our Lady, I can say, the same for you.
I wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good Night.
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6 thoughts on “Cricket Bishops”
City: Bardstown
State: Ky.
Country: United States
That was awesome! -
City: Huntsville
State: AL
Country: USA
I was very moved by this latest podcast. It has stirred up my patriotic spirit and given me a desire to praise God and thank you and Our Lady fir all of your efforts to save this nation. I, too, wish our bishops will wake up soon and destroy this woke agenda. They have the power to to inspire and raise up a generations of Catholics who are not afraid to defend our faith, it’s truths and our nation, which is chronically under attack. I just glanced at the crucifix in my kitchen, touched the corpus and asked Jesus to give me his kind of courage to stand up for faith, God and this glorious country. I just made a donation for your latest cause, the reconsecration of our nation back to God. I love you guys and look forward to your next podcast. I pray everyday for courage and that I will be everything God needs me to be when things get tough and those who don’t know Our Lady and her Son begin to panic. Thank you for your constant reminders to renew what is most important in my heart and my life. I hope the bishops begin to wake up, put on the armor of God and begin shepherding their flocks! Thank you for everything you do! -
City: Al
State: Al
Country: Usa
Bravo 👏 I hope you can make this into a documentary, see if epoch times will interview you. The republican s should be educating the public with the truth,like this. Prior to the 24 elections they must start! We can change this country around with God’s grace if only we begin nationwide. If we can get some mainstream media to cover more than half of this nation who believes like your broadcast details. Thank you for all you do. -
City: Abbeville
Country: United States
I am so tired of this garbage being shoved down our throats. We really need to pray very hard for our country. -
City: Loranger
State: LA
Country: USA
Im sick to my stomach over the lack of guidance from our Bishops! I love my little church parish and our Priest is awesome. How do we go about supporting him/our parish without supporting the mockery that is now the Vatican and the USCCB?
Go Uganda!!
6 thoughts on “Cricket Bishops”
City: Erie
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Our bishops need to lead us to salvation and not lay low and play safe.
City: Bardstown
State: Ky.
Country: United States
That was awesome!
City: Huntsville
State: AL
Country: USA
I was very moved by this latest podcast. It has stirred up my patriotic spirit and given me a desire to praise God and thank you and Our Lady fir all of your efforts to save this nation. I, too, wish our bishops will wake up soon and destroy this woke agenda. They have the power to to inspire and raise up a generations of Catholics who are not afraid to defend our faith, it’s truths and our nation, which is chronically under attack. I just glanced at the crucifix in my kitchen, touched the corpus and asked Jesus to give me his kind of courage to stand up for faith, God and this glorious country. I just made a donation for your latest cause, the reconsecration of our nation back to God. I love you guys and look forward to your next podcast. I pray everyday for courage and that I will be everything God needs me to be when things get tough and those who don’t know Our Lady and her Son begin to panic. Thank you for your constant reminders to renew what is most important in my heart and my life. I hope the bishops begin to wake up, put on the armor of God and begin shepherding their flocks! Thank you for everything you do!
City: Al
State: Al
Country: Usa
Bravo 👏 I hope you can make this into a documentary, see if epoch times will interview you. The republican s should be educating the public with the truth,like this. Prior to the 24 elections they must start! We can change this country around with God’s grace if only we begin nationwide. If we can get some mainstream media to cover more than half of this nation who believes like your broadcast details. Thank you for all you do.
City: Abbeville
Country: United States
I am so tired of this garbage being shoved down our throats. We really need to pray very hard for our country.
City: Loranger
State: LA
Country: USA
Im sick to my stomach over the lack of guidance from our Bishops! I love my little church parish and our Priest is awesome. How do we go about supporting him/our parish without supporting the mockery that is now the Vatican and the USCCB?
Go Uganda!!