City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
“The WISH I WOULDA IDA Club” is probably the worst club to be a member of. I vivantly remember, 22 years ago, waiving my mom goodbye as she boarded a bus for her journey to Bosnia. That was around the year 2002. I was 26 yrs old. In 2012, I remember my mom bringing Medjorgie to our attention again. She gave me the book, They Fired the First Shot. I read it and remember thinking that the book was a very “interesting” read. Now, at 48 I wish I would have done something! But I remind myself, we can’t change the past but we can shape the future. I’m a field angel, we have purchased some silver, we are on a monthly auto draft for purchases, we have started a garden, we have chickens (we only have a little over an acre) and we are doing what we can. I pray I become a much better student and I pray for this community of wonderful and anointed people. May God Bless You all and have a wonderful upcoming week!
October 20, 2022
Can You Feel It?
[Podcast] (26 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje revealed a remarkable thing about fasting that should make us reflect about our future and what we want to be yoked to.
Episode Transcript
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
The Lord giveth, the Lord takes away, cleans you out and leaves you looking for change. On your knees losing it all, like the trees losing their leaves in the fall.
I know you’re bare. I know you’re cold. But you’re not alone, no.
Can you feel it? Change is coming. Someone’s working on a plan. There’s a reason for your suffering. Hold on just as long as you can. ‘Cause when you’re down to nothing, God’s up to
Something good, something new, something better for you.
Can you feel it?
Change is coming.
Can you feel it?
If you do nothing, you’re preparing to lose it all.
Change is coming.
It’s easy to see.
It’s easy to feel it.
That was a Friend of Medjugorje on December 1, 2011. This is Radio WAVE Mejanomics.
The title of tonight’s broadcast is Can You Feel It?
In tonight’s broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje actually reveals something very remarkable about fasting. And as many of you across the world have just finished the nine-day bread and water fast with a Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community, we saw it as a big opportunity to be able to share this with you tonight.
And so, what a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about is something which we should be reflecting about for the future.
So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, December 1, 2011.
We picked this morning’s message at Caritas as we usually do at our morning prayer at random, the message of March 18, 1989. In that message—it was Mirjana’s annual apparition. And of course, 1989 was years ago. But it was the description before the message is what struck me. And it said Our Lady was very sad. Or rather,
“Our Lady appeared sad, very sad. This is rare. Our Lady then said:”
Her message.
But what would make Her said when She’s coming to the world and often is very tranquil, in peace, and very happy on the mountains?
On another March 18, 1994, Mirjana had her annual apparition. And Our Lady said,
“Dear children! Today my heart is filled with happiness. I would like for you to find yourselves in prayer every day, as today, this great day of prayer…”
I wasn’t in Medjugorje for that apparition. I read the message with interest. I had to look to the news and did some research. What happened that day? Did the Pope declare something? Did something change in the Church?
Why did Our Lady say,
“…I would like for you to find yourselves in prayer every day, as today, this great day of prayer…”?
Something happened that day.
Did Our Lady mean the week before? The month before?
She said, “this great day of prayer.”
People can say, “Okay. Well, if I picked a message at random, and I was into prayer, that would reply to that.” Yes, it does. But when Our Lady gave that message, it also had the meaning in the time of the moment.
A couple months later, I was in Medjugorje, and I referred this to Mirjana and asked her, “What happened that day? What was going on? Do you know why She did this?”
And she thought for a minute, and I gave her the message and told her, and she said, “Oh, yes, yes.”
She said, “We had fifty people in the room that prayed for three hours straight, very intensely.”
Can you imagine fifty people, and Our Lady declares something for the whole world, that this is a great day of prayer?
Fifty people!
If one man, Elijah, can open up the heavens, or close the heavens, rather, and three years later, with his prayers, to open the rain back to come back down upon the earth from the drought, what can one man do?
So, fifty people did this.
So, this morning’s message, what did Our Lady mean when She gave the appearance…Or rather, did She give the appearance, the sad, very sad, acting?
“Today, I’ll just come and give a message. I’m going to be real sad.”
She’s in our moment. She’s in our time.
Our Lady gave a message,
August 6, 1982
“…I will give you yet some concrete messages for our time…”
We know there’s no time in Heaven.
Our Lady’s entered into our time! She’s speaking in those terms.
The great day of prayer, She was in our timeframe. And it’s with keen interest that you should read that message or listen to it.
“…concrete message for our time…”
She’s with us. She’s in our timeframe.
Can you feel it?
Can you see what’s going on?
Our Lady wasn’t sad without a reason. What happened at that moment. What happened that day that made Her sad?
Well, we read the message, and we can have insights in that.
She went on to say,
“…by your prayers the unbelievers, those who do not have the grace to experience God in their hearts with a living faith…”
She had preceded that, “I want you to pray.”
“…My wish is just to warn you…as a Mother. I beg you for people who do not know about the secrets… I want to tell you how I suffer for all because [of them] I am the Mother of all.”
She asks us, preceding that,
“…to help by your prayers the unbelievers…”
Had a family been praying for their loved one for salvation, and that person died and went to hell?
Was it a day at that moment that several people went to hell that She had been interceding before God that She didn’t win the grace for them to have salvation?
I know a priest…Actually, it’s Father Petar who’s going to read the Secrets. He told of a story of a woman dying and wouldn’t let a priest in the room. When priests came, she ran them out.
The family continued to pray for her salvation.
Later, when she was about to die, they had called him about…because he said, “Call me when she’s at the throes of death.”
He comes in. He brings a crucifix. He puts it lovingly in front of her. She stares at it. He says,
“All you have to say is Jesus. Just think Jesus.”
And there she was, at the porthole of death, looking at this crucifix. The family was watching all intensely.
She spit on it and died.
Our Lady sad?
Probably because that day, that moment in time, there were souls lost that went into hell.
So, Our Lady gives us things in these messages that we can take to the bank. We can see our future. We can know what’s happening in our time.
Physical changes, Ivan said! Our Lady said, “Get ready.” (April 2, 2010)
Those two things, after Ivan said,
“Our Lady and I have talked a lot this past summer.”
“You’ll see physical changes on the earth, all over the world.”
Obviously Ivan knows what he’s talking about. You correlate that with Our Lady saying, “Get ready.” “Change the direction of your life.” (March 25, 1990) Our Lady says, “I bring you into a new time.” (January 25, 1993)
These are all about prepare. Preparation!
What can you be doing now that you should be doing that you wish you would have done if you do nothing now and lose everything?
We’re not talking about prosperity doctrine. We’re not talking about saving yourself. We’re talking about stepping into the future of the way of life, now, in the greenwood, while you can do it, and while you’re spending your efforts to do so, may take a year later that you can do it, or can’t ever achieve it.
Something’s going to change. You have all the evidence! Our Lady doesn’t tell us things without having a good purpose for us.
In this message of where She’s said, She said…I skipped this part. I don’t think I read that part.
March 18, 1989
“…I do not want to threaten again! My wish is…to warn you…as a Mother…”
God cannot tolerate the condition of the culture that’s dying, that will later be known as a civilization. It’s not going to be.
Back in 1986, my first trip back to Medjugorje, I went and immediately saw a priest I knew, very fond of, and I told him about the trip. And I said, “Our Lady asks us to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water!”
He had this tortured look on his face. He says,
“That’s dangerous!”
I said, “What are you talking about, Father?”
He says, “Well, it’s dangerous to do that.”
I said, “No, it’s not.”
He said, “That’s bad for your health, fasting like this just on bread and water.”
Somebody else was in, and they chimed in with him in agreement.
I was shocked.
I accepted it. I was being little children. The Mother said to do it. I can’t be bad for my health!
And we split from there. Actually, we got in some big adversity over this and other things, because he didn’t want to do it.
Our Lady can’t say to us, “Fast on Wednesday and Fridays,” (August 14, 1984) for just a singular purpose that this is good spiritually, help us to resist temptations and strengthens the soul.
What else does it do?
It’s got to be healthy!
It’s got to be physically good.
Yesterday, I didn’t have time to eat. I didn’t eat anything, and the only thing I could find yesterday afternoon late toward six o’clock, or five o’clock, was chips. I never had an opportunity to eat bread.
I didn’t feel deprived.
I was thinking about that this morning.
I felt conditioned.
Are there going to be days we won’t be able to eat?
Has man always had it readily available that he ate breakfast, lunch, and supper?
A French friend of mine was here in the 80s, and he says,
“You know, you Americans, you eat big breakfast, big lunch and big supper.” He said, “That’s not healthy.”
I didn’t understand what he was talking about because that’s how we lived.
Do you not think man was made by God to be able to skip a whole day of eating, when he’s traversing across the wild country, or because something wasn’t ready or because the conditions made it…storms, he couldn’t get out and do what he needed to do to go hunting? A gatherer? A life agrarian where everything was always perfect, always had everything on the table?
My dad worked, as self-employed, an he didn’t always have money. And we didn’t know it. We didn’t feel deprived, but there were many times we ate grits for supper, and that’s all we had.
I know in the South, up north, you call it porridge or whatever you call it, but we call it grits.
And my dad, to cover that up, would tell us the story of the three little bears. But really, what he was trying to hide was our poverty.
And this wasn’t once or twice. I mean, this was every other week, sometimes twice a week. He had no cash. My mom couldn’t go to the store to get anything.
And we were satisfied. We didn’t know. We were used to eating in that kind of condition. We were used to having bread. That was our snack.
So, do you think Our Lady knows, at the moment, this great day of prayer, that Our Lady’s sad because some people went to hell, that perhaps our fasting is preparation for the future to learn that you can’t have everything on a whim that you want it, that your body, physically, health-wise, is being conditioned for something other than just spiritual?
There is no way Our Lady’s asking us to fast solely and only for spiritual reasons. She’s a Mother. She knows what’s good for us.
Fasting is good for you health-wise. Fasting is good for you spiritual-wise.
You’ll never follow God, you’ll never go with His instructions without reaping these benefits.
And so it is, we have Our Lady giving us messages, that there’s two paths to follow. Just November 25th.
“…Everything that is around you, little children, leads you towards worldly things but I desire to lead you towards a time of grace, so that through this time you may be…[able to be]…closer to my Son…”
You can make decisions now, and Our Lady’s promptings is getting you to do that.
I’m amazed at how few people still don’t act on this.
Oh, yes, we have a large following of a lot of people doing it, but how many people out there are not doing it? How many people are still listening to this and procrastinating? Why are you saving money in cash when every sign out there, every indication, as Our Lady showed in Her apparition—sad—as Our Lady showed in the apparition another time—very happy—that these were consequences, in our time, Her with us, that you can’t see the economic situation is not going to last? It can’t last. There is a judgment against it. That judgment is from God. God’s judgment comes when something’s gone astray and can’t be corrected.
We had an opportunity 25 years ago.
Can you imagine, the bishops of the world were told, “Consecrate Russia, or she’d spread her errors throughout the world”? We’re still suffering, even though communism in that country’s gone away, per se. We’re still suffering from there errors.
And the King of France, King Louis…His father was told, when the Sacred Heart was revealed in France, that if France consecrated it to the Sacred Heart, it would spare France.
It didn’t, and we had the French Revolution. And that started the beginning decline of Christianity, the de-Christianization of the world. All from France.
And all we had to do was something simple.
Our Lady said to do it—consecrate it—and put this in action.
If you read in It Ain’t Gonna Happen, you know in the back of the book about the Cross on Cross Mountain.
You know what St. Catherine—Sr. Catherine—at Rue de Bac, who received the Miraculous Medal, was told to do, or told the confessors to do, and they didn’t act on it!
This is a rejection of God. We think it has to be just sin. Sin comes along. God gives us something simple.
“Hey, here’s a picture of My Sacred Heart.”
And the theologians and the doctors and lecturers of that day rejected and ridiculed this. The king wanted to do it, but he couldn’t get the clergy to enact this.
We couldn’t get, as a result of Fatima, the consecration of Russia.
And now, we’ve got Medjugorje, Our Lady’s coming and telling us what to do, and we won’t do it! A simple message!
She gave us one, simple message that said, confession, “…Monthly Confession will be a [cure] for the…West…”
This, actually, I think, is in the same message I was quoting. In that message, Our Lady said,
“…Do what I have told you…”
Isn’t that interesting? This is exactly what I’m telling you, what She’s saying.
“…Do what I have told you. They are numerous who do not observe it…”
Speaking about the messages. And She goes on and says,
“…Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West. One must convey this message to the West.”
“One must consecrate, to the Sacred Heart, France.”
“One must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart.”
And we reject it. We got the solutions.
I’ve read that message, given in 1982, and wondered, what if the bishops declared, “Everybody is to go to Confession. Everybody.” We wouldn’t be suffering what we’re headed toward right now, the tortures that’s coming, the difficulties, the crosses, because man rejects it. Who rejects it? Actually, the higher echelon rejects it.
God’s coming to purify the Church, and with the Church, coming to purify the world.
The Church is under judgment, and thereby, the world’s under judgment, because the world really becomes what the Church is. If the Church is strong, we’re holy. If it’s weak, we’re unholy.
We need to recognize that we got judgment when France didn’t consecrate itself to the Sacred Heart.
The world got judgment when Fatima wasn’t consecrated to Russia.
And now, in Medjugorje, the ignoring of Confession, which easily, the bishops could do across the whole land for the whole West, we’re under judgment.
I know a couple that came here several years ago who ended up coming for counseling because they had plenty. They had gotten in good shape, financially, had a nice, beautiful place. And they started indulging in what they had.
This resulted in this laxing. And they never had any marriage problems. They started having marriage problems. They ended up getting divorced. They ended up even starting other relationships with other people.
Through counseling, they came back together. They got remarried, and they’re okay now.
But he told me, “We never had any problem until we self-indulged.”
Just because you have things or money or whatever, even if you’re middle class or even if you’re in poverty, to indulge in things is to replace God. You indulge in God, His ways. Otherwise, you come under judgment.
And God’s not a wrathful judge. Mirjana said that she thought He was that way until she saw the apparitions of Our Lady and she was taught that He was a loving God.
But how long will a loving God not love us enough to correct us like a father correcting his child who’s gone wayward?
We’re so wayward that there’s nothing left for God’s love to do except to chastise us and correct us.
So, we are under judgment.
We’re here, now, and now is the time to act for the future, if you want a future. Use this time, that it might go well for you. This is the time of grace.
I’m astounded of what people are holding onto and not acting on the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Rounds, where they can first seek God, first His Kingdom, and that’s not the goal. The goal is to get you into another way of life. That may be the bridge that goes over the stream to get you to the other side of the river. And on the other side of the river may be your little plot of land or a simple, more simple life, a way of life that brings your autonomy underneath God and you, rather than you and man.
Who do you want to be yoked with?
Jesus says, “My yoke is light.” Well, no yoke is really not easy to take. A yoke’s difficult.
But who would you rather be yoked with? And that’s really what this boils down to. The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds is the means to get to that point. If you can do it today, and you go buy you a plot and just change your life, do it. But that’s not an easy decision.
The thing people aren’t acting on that could, is they’re holding their wealth in dollars or investments or things that’s ludicrous! It’s under judgment. Get out of it. Put it in what’s real, not with the ultimate goal to be having that stored up in a shoe, big boot, or something, but to use it for the transmission of the messages. One of them is conversion, through the Miraculous Medal, to be dispersed to get you to another way of life. You can do that today, right now. But you can’t go out and get your homestead or do whatever you want to do. That takes time.
And so, this is a transitional thing.
And that was a Friend of Medjugorje, December 1, 2011.
For the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round, you can contact Century Silver Exchange, toll free, at 877-936-7686. Again, that’s 877-936-7686. You can email [email protected] or go to and click on “Contact.”
Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays income taxes on its earnings. If there is any earnings left over at year-end, it may make a dividend distribution to Caritas to further its mission efforts.
And so, to conclude, here again is a Friend of Medjugorje.
Our Lady just told us, “Your life doesn’t belong to you alone. It’s to be spent in bringing other to Eternal Life.” (December 25, 1992) That’s what you are to use it for. You’re not free to spend your money as you want. I don’t care if you’ve got a hundred billion dollars. That’s not your choice.
You can do it. You’ve got free will, but God gave that to you by His blessing He shared with you, and you are to share that blessing.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
2 thoughts on “Can You Feel It?”
City: Phoenix
State: Az
Country: USA
Amen! Faith is the gift. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Eternal life that Our Lady comes and shares with us in O U R time. 💕 So we are called All to share this great gift. Through prayer, fasting, penance, almsgiving. Conversion. All we are given is today, let us make it blessed. Let us share our blessings this joyous season. Let us witness as Our Lady does. Jesus IS LORD! Our Lady is our Mother! Ave Maria! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for US. Pray for Sacramental marriages to flourish, that children may be blessed through them once more. *Eternal Father , I offer you the most precious blood of your Divine Son Jesus. In union with all masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for poor sinners everywhere, for those in my own home and within my family, Amen.
2 thoughts on “Can You Feel It?”
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
“The WISH I WOULDA IDA Club” is probably the worst club to be a member of. I vivantly remember, 22 years ago, waiving my mom goodbye as she boarded a bus for her journey to Bosnia. That was around the year 2002. I was 26 yrs old. In 2012, I remember my mom bringing Medjorgie to our attention again. She gave me the book, They Fired the First Shot. I read it and remember thinking that the book was a very “interesting” read. Now, at 48 I wish I would have done something! But I remind myself, we can’t change the past but we can shape the future. I’m a field angel, we have purchased some silver, we are on a monthly auto draft for purchases, we have started a garden, we have chickens (we only have a little over an acre) and we are doing what we can. I pray I become a much better student and I pray for this community of wonderful and anointed people. May God Bless You all and have a wonderful upcoming week!
City: Phoenix
State: Az
Country: USA
Amen! Faith is the gift. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Eternal life that Our Lady comes and shares with us in O U R time. 💕 So we are called All to share this great gift. Through prayer, fasting, penance, almsgiving. Conversion. All we are given is today, let us make it blessed. Let us share our blessings this joyous season. Let us witness as Our Lady does. Jesus IS LORD! Our Lady is our Mother! Ave Maria! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for US. Pray for Sacramental marriages to flourish, that children may be blessed through them once more. *Eternal Father , I offer you the most precious blood of your Divine Son Jesus. In union with all masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for poor sinners everywhere, for those in my own home and within my family, Amen.