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Thank you very much for this FOM! Our Lady gave such a short, serious message. Our rosary group is praying for Our Lady’s intentions every Sunday afternoon. When covid hit a group of us met for rosary and prepping ideas. For those who could afford silver, they bought some. Some bought canned goods and other necessities. We looked up ways to heat our home in case the grid went down. (Check out Crisco) Candlemas is coming up February 2nd. Keep the blessed candles. We canned many things, which can be done year round.
Thank you Eternal Father for helping us these many years, through Our Lady’s messages. God bless you all dear friends, let’s make this Lent a special one for Mama. 🙂
January 25, 2024
An Ominous Omen
[Podcast] (54 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje walks through the very short message given by Our Lady on January 25, 2024. While many may miss the meaning of Our Lady’s words, here, a Friend of Medjugorje shares what Our Lady was really trying to convey to us.
Episode Transcript
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Our Lady’s January 25, 2024 monthly message to the world through Medjugorje visionary, Marija.
This is the message:
“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.”
Where’s the rest of it?
That’s it?
“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.”
Not even the words, “Thank you for responding.”
What is this about?
It reminds me of my mother when I did something wrong, or my brothers, and she would say,
“You wait till your dad gets home.”
We knew what that meant. And I can tell you this,
“Dear children! May this…be a time of prayer.”
You should be nervous about this just like we were when my mother warned us what’s coming.
Our Lady, the less She says, She says the most. She’s got long messages. When She gives a message like this today, you better wake up fast, and you better be praying.
Today’s message of January 25, 2024 is the third shortest monthly message of Our Lady’s 25th messages, spanning more than 37 years from 1987 to 2024.
Today, Our Lady has given 444 25th messages. Our Lady’s shortest message, and also for the first time She ever shortened the 25th message was on October 25, 1991. Our Lady said,
“Dear children, pray, pray, pray.”
That’s all She said.
You know what was going on? The war for Croatia’s independence from communist Yugoslavia was raging.
When Our Lady gave this message, bombs were hammering Dubrovnik and other places full force.
Now, we come to the second shortest 25th message, was not given by Our Lady. Instead, it was Baby Jesus. Marija said that Jesus spoke with authority. He said,
“I am your peace. Live My Commandments.”
At that time, I had just released my book, They Fired the First Shot. That book exposed many evils and also agendas that were in place to destroy the Church and the nation.
Today’s message of January 25, 2024 is the third shortest message. That is a message! You’ve got to contemplate this. You’ve got to go deep in this, even though it was only ten words! By doing this, Our Lady is giving a great meaning to us. It’s an omen and an ominous warning of events that can happen. The degree of what can happen depends on our prayers. That’s why She said,
“…May this time be a time of prayer.”
The fourth shortest 25th message was on March 25, 2023. Our Lady said,
“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you.”
Wow. March 25, ’23, today She says the same thing? What happened then?
In March, in March 25, ’23, Russia was ramping up to go to war with Ukraine.
The fifth shortest message was given on July 25, 2009. Our Lady said,
“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer for you…”
Your Mother’s saying, “Wait for the God-Father.”
She added to this message,
“…Thank you for having responded to my call.”
What was coming?
Obama had just began his first term in office of the presidency and systematically began to radicalize the U.S. government, the FBI, the CIA, and it goes on and on. That brought us to where we are today.
I had just released the book, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, warning of what was coming. If you haven’t read that book, you need to call Caritas and order it. If you read both They Fired the First Shot 2012 and Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, these two books will open your eyes to understand that Our Lady’s words of January 25, ’24 are an omen, responding to Our Lady’s call to make good use of this time as a time of prayer.
The writing is on the wall. The food supply line is going to disappear. How are you going to be eating? More and more people every day are waking up to that. You have people that don’t want to work, and they don’t know how to work. And it’s young people. They have no skills they think that they can go to college and get what they want. Not the case.
Yesterday, Michael Berry talks about the situation about the youth not wanting to work. So, we’re going to play this clip and several other clips are going to follow that that show the situation we’re in right now is not good.
Here’s Berry.
The north Houston processing facility for packages for the U.S. Postal Service has just collapsed!
You know what’s interesting, flying around, I had a stewardess tell me—or flight attendant, whatever they call them—told me that—off the record, which I’m not giving that person’s name—that the reason for a lot of these delays is they can’t hire people to throw bags. And I will tell you that one of the reasons that rich people want more illegal immigration is because in third world countries, you’ve got rich people and poor laborers. And you create a welfare state because people on welfare don’t lead revolutions. You want to keep them just fat and happy enough. Give them some drugs, put plenty of them in prison, or at least used to. Put plenty of them in prison, give them a welfare or low-paying job, give them some professional sports that keeps them distracted, keeps them real focused, distracted. “Hey, that’s my team! My team!”
It’s very cynical, but it’s real. And she told me that the problem is, they don’t have guys to throw bags. They don’t show up.
This is going to be a trend that is only going to get worse because it’s a major cultural trend. The quality of the employee—I talk to a lot of small business owners—the quality of the employee you get now is terrible. It’s hard to hire because what they do is they apply, and they want you to sign so they can get all their benefits, that they’re looking for work, but they’re not looking for work. And then, they show up. They immediately want to get paid more than they’re worth, and you can’t make that work for your numbers. Everybody thinks that employees ought to get paid more money. I hear this all the time.
“Okay, would you like to pay more for your pasta?”
“Well, no!”
You don’t understand. The restaurant business is not where you get rich. You have to have so many units to ever make any money. It’s not where you go to get rich. Almost all of them close. They all close eventually. It’s just how long.
But we’re seeing this, things we used to take for granted and never question, “Oh, I want to hop on a plane and go somewhere,” people that I never meet will process my bags. You see the lady at the counter take your bags. She did her job. But you don’t know what happens after that. And of course, you’ve known for a long time, undercover cameras and things, somebody’s tossing that stuff around. They don’t care. And you hear the stories about a bag being lost here and a bag being lost…We’ve all had that experience.
I’m talking about absolute collapse of the ability to function our economy.
I mean, this is a real problem in this country, and it will not get better, and we’re not birthing more generations out of our high schools to do things. You know what we’re doing? We’re sending young people out of high school to go to college, as if that’s going to change anything. What’s that going to do? It’s going to make them an indentured servant. They’re going to be broke for the rest of their lives. They’re going to take on so much debt, so much debt, that when they finally do start working, they’re literally depressed at what they have to pay. So, they borrow for a car, they rent an apartment, and they pay 500, $700,000 a month for a student loan for a degree they never got, but it wouldn’t make a difference anyway, even if they had a degree.
And just about the time it feels like the system has dragged them down, the democrats will say, “We will make your student loan go away.”
“I’ll vote for that!”
This is the fall into third world socialism. This is how it works. And then you get in that cycle, and you can’t get out. Your entire economy is built on that cycle.
So, listen to this right here. KHOU.
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After watching KHOU Sunday Night, Melinda Martin reached out to us. The reason: she learned she’s not alone in dealing with packages stuck at the USPS north Houston distribution center.
I stayed up to watch, and sure enough, it talked about exactly what I was encountering.
She’s been waiting on two different medications. One was supposed to get to her on January 10th. But that didn’t happen.
And that was the first problem that I encountered.
Then, another medication expected to arrive January 20th didn’t come either.
But when you go to check the tracking on the website for USPS, it shows that both prescriptions are delayed, and their location is in Houston.
Martin has been getting her medications delivered for about three years now, and she’s never had any problems like this before, and finds it all frustrating.
Well, you look at the tracking to realize, Okay, there’s a delay. And then, you’ve got to call the pharmacy and talk to them and say, “Well, you know, here’s the problem.”
KHOU has spoke to businesses being impacted by the delays, one of them deciding to go take a look at what the hold up is. Driving to the distribution center and capturing this.
Right after Martin Luther King day, I went there, and it was a complete mess. As you can see, with the pictures, there’s boxes stacked up…
With packages continuing to be delayed, Melinda Martin, like many, want something to be done soon.
These packages are sitting somewhere and stacking up, and people, and I know I’m not the only one.
When you look around at our economy, cities that can’t fill potholes, cities that can’t fix basic water main breaks.
You go into retail operations where you have to interact with a person. Good God, what I wouldn’t give to pick up a phone and call, cell phone, cable T.V., something, a get a human being on the other line. It is rotting out at the core! We’ve taken this for granted for too long. And what we’ve taken for granted is that our high schools…
Well, that our households are producing young people that can be the next line as we move forward in this game of Tetris, can be the next line in our economy.
And now, what we’re witnessing is like after World War II, and especially in Russia after World War II where they wiped out a generation. The young people that are coming up…My friend, the plumber, says, “You don’t meet a plumber under forty years old. Where are they? Who are they?” You’re going to get a lot of unlicensed plumbers. You’re going to get a lot of unlicensed plumbers from Latin America that are going to come in and make a lot of mistakes and create dangerous situations. Electricians, car mechanics. It is a back-loaded labor force. You walk into any mechanic shop, everybody in there is sixty and up. You walk into any manufacturing facility, everybody in there is sixty and up. You walk in and just start—put your phone down—and start studying the labor force. And I don’t mean, are they black, are they white, are they men, are they women…Start studying the labor force and ask yourself, “How did that person end up where they are?”
When I was growing up, and granted, I didn’t have the same upbringing as those of you who grew up in Houston or big cities. I realize the small-town Americana Norman Rockwell that I lived is not realistic. I get that. I do, I really do. I’ve come to learn it. But do you realize, when I was growing up, people would end up…And this is also the compression that happens in the economy in a small town. Bob Phillips, a Texas country reporter, did a piece on the manager at the Waffle House in Orange. This woman, I doubt she graduated high school. She runs that Waffle House, I mean, like General Patton. She’s got that…And people love it. They come to the Waffle House. They say, give her a big hug. Everybody in town loves her.
Used to be, and in a smaller town, people end up below where they would be in a bigger economy and a big city, because that’s all there is—the assistant manager at the Kentucky Fried Chicken. Right? The assistant manager at the Sears. Because that’s all there is. Or you go to work at the plant.
But I’m going to tell you, in a big city, it’s like we’ve hollowed out the labor force. It’s like we had a war and wiped everybody out. You walk into places now, and the people, they can’t make eye contact. They clearly have no commitment to the job or to customer service. They have no ability to communicate. I mean, the ability to communicate, so critical, and they’re not able to do it. And I don’t say that to put them down. We don’t use that phrase anymore, “put down.” I’m like, that’s an old phrase. I don’t say that to put them down or belittle them or…It’s not based on race. It’s not based on I’m old and they’re young. That is to say, it’s going to be a real hard slog if you can’t communicate.
There is a huge problem. The youth, they do not want to work. They want to play with their cell phones. They’re useless. I don’t care what you think. They’re useless. I don’t care how much you believe in college. It’s a bad thing to go. You don’t need to do that. I didn’t do it. It does nothing for you. It’s a waste of time.
If you want to know what to do after high school, go to a vocational school. You can learn carpentry, welding, all kinds of things. I went for three months. I did that after high school. I wanted to learn how to weld. Bought me a new truck without a bed, and I made it. Eighteen years old. I saved a lot of money. You need skills.
The youth are learning nothing, and they think they can go to college and get a piece of paper. Those jobs that they’re doing now is going to go away.
What the future is, is agrarian. How do you get there? What I’ve said over and over, cash out your retirements, take your investments. I’m telling you, you have to do this now, because a dark, dark cloud is coming your way, my way, every way across the whole world, not just the United States.
Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He’s got something to say.
We’ve got some clips from him. He just made some important points of what’s going to happen and about the collapse of the food chain. He’s got a lot to tell you. Listen to it carefully what he’s saying. Some of the points he makes, he repeats it, but you need to learn it! This is teaching. Why? Because,
“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.”
Our Lady gave a message years ago that said, “In prayer, everything will be clear to you.” (October 20, 1984)
Another message She talked about, “After prayer, you’ll know what to do.” (April 24, 1986)
And these clips of what you already heard about will help you.
It’s the end of America. I’ve been saying to people, silver is still fifty percent it’s all-time high of fifty bucks. It’s twenty-five bucks.
So, the question is, if a can of tuna is twenty-five bucks, what does silver go to? And that’s what I’m concerned about.
But it gets worse. It just gets worse.
Well, there’s this guy, Jordan Peters, and he’s a Canadian. And he talks about, he says, “You think tough men are dangerous. And Trump was a tough man.” But he says, “Watch what weak men will do.” And this guy, Biden, is the worst I have ever seen. The man is senile. And today, what’s happening is Russia and China are now ganging up on the U.S. It’s really a dangerous world right now. It’s getting worse. I was a bit optimistic, but now, we have the weakest, most corrupt government.
You know, what happened to Hunter Biden’s laptop? If the FBI loses his laptop, there’s something really sick inside this country.
And so, that’s kind of what I gauge all my macroeconomics on is, where’s Hunter Biden’s laptop? I mean, how can the FBI lose it?
We have no financial education in our schools. That’s what I’m concerned about.
My biggest concern with Russia and China are ganging up on us…As we all know, America produces nothing anymore. We produce bubbles, you know. We just blow air bubbles. So, we now have this bubble in real estate and stocks and bonds. And when Biden took the Keystone Pipeline, XL Pipeline, off the, just wiped us out here, inflation goes up, and the average American doesn’t have a thousand bucks. Forty percent of Americans don’t have a thousand bucks. And so, an inflation goes up, we’re going to wipe out fifty percent of the U.S. population, and that is when revolution starts.
If and when, and it will come down to the stock market crashes, the 401(k), the old guys like me, are toast. You know, we don’t have a retirement. Our pensions are bust.
So, what we have are three things, is our treasury is out of control. We’ve lost it. Our entitlements are out of our control. And now, we’re at war in the defense department.
So, our debt to GDP is out. So, every time…I wish I could have some good news.
So, that’s why I did the tuna can to a silver eagle comparison. We’re in trouble.
As we all know, there’s insiders to every deal. I don’t have any stocks. You know, I don’t invest in the stock market. But they’re my companies on the stock market. So, the best deals are always done early. So, when people say, “Do you invest in bitcoin?” Uh, yes, when it was $6,000.
We’ve got to know what’s real today, and that’s what I’m saying. We have the weak leadership in world history. America’s in serious trouble.
So, I want to find out what’s real. And China and Russia are now ganging up on us. We went to Venezuela and Iran to buy oil from them, and this guy Biden cuts off our oil supply.
Everybody talks about intrinsic value. What is intrinsic value? I can eat tuna. That’s valuable. And if you’re starving, I’d rather have a can of tuna. I like to make fun of things, because otherwise, people can’t hear you. They get too serious about this.
So, I’m just saying that we’re in serious trouble, and it’s getting worse. That’s what terrifies me.
If they go to the government crypto, government bitcoin or whatever they call it, it’s big brother at that point. They’re going to be knowing everything you’re doing.
For years, I’ve been buying those green cannisters of silver coins because the government can’t trace them. I can use them for money. So, I can go anywhere in the world with a silver coin and spend. I can go with a gold coin and spend it without being traced. Not that I’m hiding anything. I’m just sick and tired of this government. I don’t trust them.
As I said, if Hunter Biden’s laptop disappears in FBI custody, we have a serious, serious, serious internal problem here.
And so, that’s why I did a tongue-in-cheek tweeted
that I’d rather have a can of tuna right now than a silver coin, just to get ridiculous, get ridiculous, because I can eat tuna. I cannot eat that silver coin [LAUGHS] But I can spend it.
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Listen to my words, and listen to his words. “Give me a can of tuna when I’m starving rather than silver.”
Silver is a gateway to make sure you can save what’s going to be taken away from you, and you can do that now, today.
You listen to this, tonight, let the first thing in the morning, you cash everything out and put everything into silver.
People are waking up because the first step you have to take is liquidate for the safest thing, because you’re going to wake up one morning, maybe tomorrow, all your retirement is gone. Forget the taxes and the penalties. Get what you can get. I am telling you. I’m begging you that.
Century Silver is here. Before we started this broadcast, we were talking about, in the last few days, that the phone is ringing off with Century Silver. What are people telling you?
Well, just to give you one example, we had a doctor call us two, three days ago. He wanted to do $150,000. His daughter tried to stop him. She started calling us. She started interfering. And he actually negotiated his way around with a different phone and started making the calls to us without her knowing about it. But just in the last six days…
Wait, wait, wait. His daughter?
Yeah, that’s right.
See, this young generation, they’re idiots! I don’t care what you think I’m saying. They don’t understand things. They think they can have a little card, and they can go on their cell phones they can get their Starbucks coffee.
They’re idiots!
You’re exactly right, and in this guy’s example, you know, they’re more than just idiots. They become your enemy. And they’re your enemy. A lot of times, people have told us that they don’t even tell their kids about the silver exchanges that they’re making for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round because they say, “My kids just don’t get it,” and they’re going to try to interfere or they’re going to try to stop me, or they’re going to try to take it and sell it. They just don’t get it.
So, in this doctor’s case, you know, his daughter just wasn’t an idiot. She was becoming his enemy, and she was putting everything he had at risk. $150,000 completely at risk. He was going to lose it all. And just in, like, the last six or seven days, we’ve had somewhere between seven and eight hundred thousand dollars come in to be exchanged for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round. People are on fire with the broadcast that a Friend of Medjugorje did last week, where he talked about what’s called The Great Taking, the confiscation of all stocks and bonds and everything out of your retirement account, your 401(k). None of that stuff is safe. And you heard Kiyosaki say it too. The guy’s a multi-millionaire, maybe a billionaire. He doesn’t even touch the stock market.
Kiyosaki said fifty percent of households in America don’t even have a thousand dollars. Our Lady is waking us up at this time. You may say just one thing’s going to happen. No, it’s domino. If you’ve got five hundred dominos, and you push one down, you’ve got five hundred, they all go down. That’s what’s going to happen. Everybody’s played with that, except the young. They don’t even know what they are. We used to play that all the time.
So, you’re almost to a million dollars exchanged, pieces of paper to silver.
Kiyosaki, he’s going to explain more now. He talks about gold, but that’s for multi-multi-millionaires. You’re not going to buy a cow with gold nor a pig. Silver is the means that you will be trading for food. But better than that, more important than that, is your system, your food supply line has got to be underneath your management. Get your retirement money, buy a trailer, buy five acres. Get out of debt.
You say, “Oh, a Friend of Medjugorje’s been saying that.”
I’m not going to shut up because I want you not to starve to death.
Here’s the next clip.
America has stopped producing products. We produce bubbles. Now, the good thing about a bubble is when they burst, everything goes on sale. And so, in 2008, I waited till about 2010. I borrowed 300 million because debt is money, as you know, after ’71, and I began buying real estate at bargain prices.
So, just recently, the repo market inverted again which means we’re going down. It means recession’s ahead. But my concern is, now revolution, because when people can’t afford to eat tuna, we’re going to have rioting.
So, it’s a whole different type of bubble burst. When Biden took us off the Pipeline, oil prices went up. Oil produces fertilizer. And when fertilizer is no longer cheap, people can’t produce food. And the average American has nothing. Forty percent of Americans have nothing. Inflation is going to make them very upset. A stock market crash will bring down the baby boomers. So, we’re in serious, serious trouble here.
So, I’m just being ridiculous in my tweets because it’s better than listening to Biden, that I’d rather have a can of tuna right now. That’s what I’m saying, is that, at least I can eat it.
I’m a U.S. marine, you know, I fought in Vietnam twice as a pilot. I’ve seen what happens when people, when the communists—people can see it in the Ukraine—communists always kill civilians. And that’s what people don’t realize. And as a marine, they sent kids and women after us. So, a lot of my friends who came back with PTSD…
And you can see it in the Ukraine today. Russia’s not hitting military targets. They’re hitting civilian targets. And when you understand communism. I am a student of communism. They don’t know what Marx said. But what Marx said, they have to have the poor get poor and the middle class come down, and that was a recipe for revolution. And I see Biden doing it when he took the Keystone XL Pipeline and took us off of it and oil prices went up!
Now the thing is, I got richer, because I produce oil. I don’t invest in Shell or Exxon and all that. I invest in oil wells. So, when oil went from $30 a barrel to $130 a barrel, I got richer, but I also got more concerned for my fellow human beings. They can’t afford to live at $130 a barrel of oil.
And so, that’s why, in my tweets, I just get ridiculous about it. Hopefully, somebody will listen.
I’m doing my best to explain to people.
I’m a U.S. marine. I went to the academies. When you see the Russians hitting civilian targets, it doesn’t register in most people’s minds because Americans haven’t see war. If you understand that communists kill their own people…Mao killed his own people. Stalin killed their own people. Americans try and stop that from happening, and then, our own press, I mean I came back from Vietnam, ’73. I got spit on, hit by eggs, called a baby killer. And I’m still a little bit bitter about that, but it prepared me for today.
Our school system should teach us about money. We have communists inside the wire. They’re inside our government. They’re inside our school systems. They’re inside Hollywood, and they’re inside Silicon Valley. And that’s why I wrote this book here, The Capitalist Manifesto. I said, “We’ve got to fight back.” And we fight back with information and education, not weapons.
But I am concerned about my fellow human beings. I don’t care what you are, right, left, green, pink. I am concerned because fifty percent of Americans are broke. Inflation’s going to wipe us out.
I simply don’t trust my government, especially this character, Biden, and I don’t trust the Fed. I don’t trust the bank, and I don’t trust Wall Street. So, it’s pretty simple philosophy. In other words, what I say, “If you can print it, I don’t want it.” So, if you can print the dollar, I don’t want it. You can print a stock, I don’t want it. You know, I want something that I can see, touch and feel, what’s real. Find out what’s real.
So, as you know, I’ve been a gold bug since about 1971 when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. And I am becoming more fanatical, not less. I literally have tons of gold and silver. Tons. Because I own gold mines.
I graduated from school in New York in 1969, and I had a high-paying job. I’m an oil guy. So, I sell for Standard Oil on their oil tankers. So, my background is oil. But I still joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1969 to go fight in Vietnam. And marines don’t fight for democrats or republicans, liberals or conservatives. Marines fight for our freedoms. And so, when I saw our freedoms being taken away, especially after the 2020 election, like, you know, Donald Trump’s a personal friend of mine. We’ve written two books together. But when they took our freedoms away, that’s when we went back to war, and that’s why I’m willing to take the fire from the liberal academic left.
I’m just concerned about our country and the world, especially this guy Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and why aren’t we fighting back? So, that’s why I said, I have more to lose than to gain by writing the book.
In 1965, I go to school, military school, in New York. I had nominations to the Naval Academy, West Point and Kings Point. I took Kings Point. What my economics teacher, rather than have us read Keynes, Malthus, Ricardo and Adam Smith, he had us read Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Hitler.
And so, I realize, I hate to say this, but most academics are Marxist, and my poor dad was a Marxist. You know, the abolition of private property, a heavy, oppressive income tax is essential to property development of communism. And you know, Biden just appointed about 87,000 new IRS agents to go after small business owners.
So, we’re becoming a fascist, totalitarian state, and most people think, “Well, paying taxes, you’re supposed to do it.” If you look at history, the facts are, America was founded as a tax revolt. 1773, I believe? Boston Tea Party. It was a tax revolt. We’re not a slave nation. And that’s why I fight now, and that’s why I said, I better say something, because I went to military school. I fought in Vietnam twice, and I fight for freedom, and they’re taking our freedoms away.
Again, it goes back to this book here. You know, Marx said—this is 1848. It’s only about fifty pages. It’s a great read. He said communism will come in two phases. The first phase was 1930s. This is 1848. He said communism will come in two phases. In 1930, the Berlin school sent teachers to Columbia University to teach the Columbia University teachers’ program. And that’s when communism entered America, as socialism.
I was in school in New York in the ‘60s, and that’s when the firs rioting broke out at Columbia University, which spread across the country.
And then the second phase happened, in my opinion, in 2020, when social media shut down the President of the United States. And that’s the loss of our freedom of speech there. And COVID, you know, which was Klaus Schwab, how can they sensor doctors? How can you get fired for speaking out against COVID?
I just don’t understand our loss of freedoms, and we say nothing about it.
My point of view is, communism entered America via our school system. You know, the brick nations are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. And he talks about the Belt and Road project, now, is going to affect ninety percent of the world’s population, and they’ll all be on the CBDC you want. They’ll be going into Chinese crypto, not American.
So, the U.S. dollar, according to this guy Andy Schectman, is toast. And that’s why it’s Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. They’re going to take over the world with their own gold standard.
I’m a gold miner and a silver miner, and I own physical gold and silver. I own no ETFs. My rule of thumb is, you know, if you can print it, I don’t want it.
What am I investing in today? Gold, silver, oil. I own the oil on the ground. I own Japanese breeding bulls, you know, Waygu cattle. It goes back to that story I tell, a marine pilot flying off a carrier off the south China sea, and I find out, Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. I said, “What does that mean?” So, I flew behind enemy lines because the NVA had overrun the mine. Truly, marines aren’t the brightest guys on earth, and I try and buy gold at a discount. See, I knew it was $35 an ounce, and the day I went looking for gold, it was $50 an ounce. And I was trying to get the little Vietnamese woman with the red teeth—I still remember her—I was trying to get a discount. “I want a discount.” She goes, “Spot!” I said, “Discount.” She goes, “Spot!” I said, what is she talking about? She was one of the best teachers on gold I ever met. I say the same thing.
A couple questions, what the school will teach you about money? Nothing. Put yourself on the gold standard. You know, don’t wait for the federal government to go back on the gold standard. You know, start buying some gold and silver coins, and keep it in a safe and don’t tell anybody you have it. But put yourself on your own gold and silver standard. I started small, and now, I literally own tons of gold and silver, but I went into the mining industry.
Real estate is different because it’s regional, you know? And so, in Miami, it’s booming. And you go to other states, they’re dying. And what I’m concerned about is, crime is going through the roof. I mean, I live in a very affluent neighborhood, and the guards at the shopping center, they’re getting tazed now. So, the kids are coming up tazing the guards and stealing stuff. That’s what happens when you defund the police, and you say don’t punish people. I’m like, oh my…
I’m concerned about our citizens. I carry a gun all the time now.
My poor dad was a PhD, which stands for Poor, Helpless and Desperate. And they believe that their credentials, they believe a higher degree like a masters or doctorates will save them from the world. So, their values are different, whereas you and I and other people say, “Well, let’s learn about money. Let’s learn about finance.” But in the academics world it’s, “I have a PhD, and I’m smarter than you.” That’s the different values systems.
The reason I joined the Marine Corps and not the Coast Guard, I could have flown for the Coast Guard or flown for the Marine Corps, is I’m going to go to war. I want to go with guys who want to kill, you know? I don’t want to go to war with a Coast Guard guy who wants to save lives. I want to make sure our values are lined up.
So, that’s kind of…The same as in marriage, you know. Marriage is a tough game also. But if your values are lined up, you have a better chance.
So, values are core to the individual, and unfortunately, we all don’t come from the same set of values, and most school teachers are different from us. They’re good people, like my poor dad’s a good man. But he was a Marxist. He believed in taxation and the abolition of private property and labor unions.
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You have to be thinking about the future.
Our Lady said,
October 25, 2021
“…Return to prayer…”
That’s what She’s talking about today. Back in ’21 She says there,
“…Return to prayer because who prays is not afraid of the future; who prays is open to life and respects the life of others; who prays, little children, feels the freedom of the children of God and in joy of heart serves for the good of his brother-…”
And then Our Lady adds the word, “…-man…” And then, She continues and says,
“…Because God is love and freedom, therefore, little children, when they want to put you in chains and to use you, it is not from God…”
Our whole system out there is using you.
We have been prepped by this culture. They’re going to control you through everything. It’s simple! Where do you get your water from? From the city.
You better be putting your own wells in so you won’t be chained and how they want to make use of you for them.
This is another clip, Kiyosaki again.
I’ll say it again. I get sick and tired. I argue with people who would rather save this stuff. And the one thing I’ll say, I’ll go into is if,
This is gold,
This is silver,
This is real,
And this is fake. Very simple.
You can print this, but you can’t print this, or this. But in financial literacy is a word called, “liquidity.” How liquid is this gold piece? How fast can you convert it to cash for me?
It’s probably more liquid than anything on the planet. It’s a misconception that it lacks liquidity.
And that’s why, when I wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad, over here, savers are losers. Instead of saving this, save gold and silver. And if you need cash, you’re in. You know, how liquid is gold and silver to you?
Immediately liquid. It is one of the most liquid, sellable items on the planet, universally, around the globe.
Thank you. Mr. Clark?
Well, the beautiful thing about it is you can establish a price for gold as far as liquidating it, very easy. As fast as you can hand the gold over, I’ll hand you the money, and everybody will go on about their business.
Tell us, how liquid is this silver and this gold?
There is nothing more liquid. Period. End of story. It’s the most liquid asset in the world and has been for thousands of years.
So, with that, that’s why people are saving this in case the bottom falls out. I’d still rather save this and this.
The reason that Century Silver came to life, by Our Lady.
You may think, “A Friend of Medjugorje, you’re stretching this.” No, Our Lady wanted it. I was stunned when I discovered this message. It was November 27, 1989. Marija went to the Blue Cross at the bottom of Apparition Mountain at 10 p.m. at night. The visionary, Ivan, typically always gets the message. Marija was there. And instead of Ivan, Our Lady gave a message to Marija. Our Lady came very joyful, and She said this:
“These days, I want you to pray in a special way for the salvation of souls…”
Keep that in your thought now. Listen to this.
“…for the salvation of souls…”
Then Our Lady says to Marija,
“…Today is the feast day of the Miraculous Medal, and I want…”
Who is “I”? Our Lady! What does She want?
“…I want that you pray…”
How does She want you to pray?
“…I want that you pray, in a special way…”
That word, “special,” something different.
“…special way, for the salvation of those people…”
Think about that.
“…I want that you pray, in a special way, for the salvation of those people who are carrying this Miraculous Medal…”
I was blown away. I wasn’t thinking about silver. I wasn’t thinking about doing this. But I started thinking, “How do we do that? How can we get people having the Miraculous Medal?”
“…for the salvation of those people who are carrying this Miraculous Medal…”
And then, She says again, “I.”
Is that Marija talking? Ivan? No, it’s Our Lady.
“…I want you to spread the devotion…”
By the time I got that message, I started spinning around my head, “How can I get the Miraculous Medal spread to people,” and Our Lady showed me. I prayed, because She said in that message, “If you pray, you’ll know what to do.” (April 24, 1986)
“…I want you to spread the devotion and the carrying of this medal, so that more souls may be saved…”
So, when you’re changing your paper, Godless, through the Miraculous Medal one ounce, you are sanctifying your money. It’s not in 401(k), stocks. This is saving people!
“…I want you to spread the devotion and the carrying of this medal, so that more souls may be saved, and that you pray in a special way…”
How many Miraculous Medals have been produced?
Right now, there’s been more than five and a half million Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round produced since 2010.
Marija said, about this message, She came very joyful. And here’s one message I put to life.
Think about all those medals start getting spread, it’s a special way for the salvation of souls. Your money can do that.
You need to get an orchard. Dig you a well. A couple pigs. A milk cow. Chickens. A beef cow. A garden, and live in a shack. You’re better off doing that. Get rid of these big houses. Get you some land. You can always improve the shack.
We’re in a situation that’s very dangerous if you do not act.
We’d like to just offer our contact information here, but just to draw one last thing from what Kiyosaki said. One of the things he said which struck us was,
“The best deals are done early.”
And you’ve got the opportunity right now, with what a Friend of Medjugorje’s saying about land and food and water, but also, first step, with the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, you are ahead of 99% of people on the earth. You’re ahead of everybody else, and you’ve got the chance to do the best deal, and do it early. Silver’s about $23 a spot right now. You’re going to get it at under $30 an ounce, and you can have all that you can put your hands on right now, not for selfishness, but first for conversion and to preserve what you have.
So, you can do the best deals with silver. You’ve still got a chance to buy land. You’ve got a chance to dig you a well and get you a pig like a Friend of Medjugorje said. But you don’t want to be the last man to the party. You want to get in motion right now. Don’t let anyone stop you. Even your family will be your enemy.
To contact Century Silver Exchange, you can call us, toll free, at 877-936-7686 or email us at [email protected]. We are spending extra time in the office these days, after hours, to answer calls and deal with any questions you have.
Back the old days, in the late 50s or so, 60s maybe, when they wanted busted rock, they’d put dynamite, and they’d put a long fuse, and you got way away from it. Maybe you saw these old movies. They light it, and that thing sizzles and takes five minutes to get over there, and you’re out of the way from it.
I’m telling you, the fuse is already lit, and it’s going to that stick of dynamite.
Our Lady gave a message, August 25th, “Now you do not understand, but there’ll be a time that comes that you will lament for these messages.” (August 25, 1997)
Your homework is memorize the message, November 27, 1989 when Our Lady gave this special message. Read it every day. It spawned, in my heart, a way for salvation of souls.
And I end with this.
“…I want you to pray, in a special way, for the salvation of souls…”
And my hope for you, to wake up to the reality of what’s coming in a way that we might not have all the answers, but one thing we know, what Our Lady said today, “Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.”
And act!
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays taxes on its income. If there are any earnings left at year-end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to further its mission efforts.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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5 thoughts on “An Ominous Omen”
Country: USA
I listen to your broadcast–I like reading them best because I remember better. I share these messages but many say just what FOM reports–can’t eat silver. But I agree with Vistula Ohio — so many trapped in darkness and just can’t see it. Still living in a former time which will never return. And, Dawn too. I also cannot afford to buy any silver. Don’t have any stock, bonds, savings whatever. But, I do have some food stockpiled. God said He would multiply. One must have true faith and Trust in the Lord. If He says he will do it, He will. Oh, please people start listening. I see these things coming–like a freight train!!! Blessed be Heaven–Jesus and Mother Mary for warning us. Get prepared as well as you can. Thank you Friend of Medjugorje for this broadcast. Yes, the “short” message is ominous and portends “bad” things on the horizon. May God help us!! -
City: Orange Grove
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you FoM for helping us understand the messages and how to respond to them. -
A lot of people like he said 40 percent dont even have a 1000 dollars, so what are they to do? Try and buy cans of soup, oatmeal, spam, tuna fish, water anything you might be able to barter with. Maybe ask a relative or friend to stock up on goods. Like a priest I heard say an apple will be worth more than a car. Look on line for companies that sell freeze dried foods that last 20 years. I would love to buy silver, but I cant afford it . But I can buy 30 dollars worth of soup. Pray and ask the Blessed Mother what you caj do to be prepared for hard times.
City: Vistula Toledo Ohio
State: Ohio
Country: USSR2
At this time I pray for the divine Light, the Light of truth for those who need to see because they are trapped in darkness.
5 thoughts on “An Ominous Omen”
City: Ontario
State: ON
Country: Canada
Thank you very much for this FOM! Our Lady gave such a short, serious message. Our rosary group is praying for Our Lady’s intentions every Sunday afternoon. When covid hit a group of us met for rosary and prepping ideas. For those who could afford silver, they bought some. Some bought canned goods and other necessities. We looked up ways to heat our home in case the grid went down. (Check out Crisco) Candlemas is coming up February 2nd. Keep the blessed candles. We canned many things, which can be done year round.
Thank you Eternal Father for helping us these many years, through Our Lady’s messages. God bless you all dear friends, let’s make this Lent a special one for Mama. 🙂
Country: USA
I listen to your broadcast–I like reading them best because I remember better. I share these messages but many say just what FOM reports–can’t eat silver. But I agree with Vistula Ohio — so many trapped in darkness and just can’t see it. Still living in a former time which will never return. And, Dawn too. I also cannot afford to buy any silver. Don’t have any stock, bonds, savings whatever. But, I do have some food stockpiled. God said He would multiply. One must have true faith and Trust in the Lord. If He says he will do it, He will. Oh, please people start listening. I see these things coming–like a freight train!!! Blessed be Heaven–Jesus and Mother Mary for warning us. Get prepared as well as you can. Thank you Friend of Medjugorje for this broadcast. Yes, the “short” message is ominous and portends “bad” things on the horizon. May God help us!!
City: Orange Grove
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you FoM for helping us understand the messages and how to respond to them.
A lot of people like he said 40 percent dont even have a 1000 dollars, so what are they to do? Try and buy cans of soup, oatmeal, spam, tuna fish, water anything you might be able to barter with. Maybe ask a relative or friend to stock up on goods. Like a priest I heard say an apple will be worth more than a car. Look on line for companies that sell freeze dried foods that last 20 years. I would love to buy silver, but I cant afford it . But I can buy 30 dollars worth of soup. Pray and ask the Blessed Mother what you caj do to be prepared for hard times.
City: Vistula Toledo Ohio
State: Ohio
Country: USSR2
At this time I pray for the divine Light, the Light of truth for those who need to see because they are trapped in darkness.