City: Darien Center
State: NY
Country: USA
Dear Friend of Medjugorje,
Your message is very powerful and strong. But I fear that with the recent events in the universal Catholic Church that are directed all the way from the top, make it most difficult now, to be able to fight this. I know that you promote Medjugorje, but as you know there are many other apparitions that have spoken of the times that we live in. Bishops will be against bishops and even Pope Paul the sixth said that the smoke of Satan has entered the house of God. If ever we needed the the warning to come, it is now. The last is emboldened and the separation we now see even in our neighbors has reached a point of no return. Even though I say these words and I’m writing from a very liberal state of New York, I know that many many of my neighbors feel very strongly about a return to conservatism. But I also know that many of these people have given up on a church that has turned its back on the ten commandments and has manipulated them to teach that many of the things that we grew up knowing to be sinful are no longer sinful. We really need the warning to come very soon so that the hearts of people will be revealed to themselves and they will once again understand right from wrong. I do not profess that at this time everything will get better. It will become a time of people choosing sides, but doing so with the understanding that if they go against the ten commandments and the true teachings of God that will be planted in their heart at the time of the warning, they will be sealing their fate. It’s truly will become a time of the separating of the sheep from the goats. I think the most important thing that every one of us can do is what Mary tells us to do during all of her visitations. Pray pray pray
Thank you for the forum.
John Kochmanski
April 18, 2024
A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face
Episode Transcript
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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2 thoughts on “A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face”
I confronted a Bishop last year. A local Priest was having several days where people could hear about the illumination of conscience and a person that went got scared and the Priest was told by the Bushop, after she called him, he could no longer speak about that subject. I later went to a Mass and the Bishop was there and I told him that us parishioners want to hear about these subject matters, he walked away from the confrantation but it felt good to let him know my opinion. It feels good to speak up and fight.
2 thoughts on “A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face”
City: Darien Center
State: NY
Country: USA
Dear Friend of Medjugorje,
Your message is very powerful and strong. But I fear that with the recent events in the universal Catholic Church that are directed all the way from the top, make it most difficult now, to be able to fight this. I know that you promote Medjugorje, but as you know there are many other apparitions that have spoken of the times that we live in. Bishops will be against bishops and even Pope Paul the sixth said that the smoke of Satan has entered the house of God. If ever we needed the the warning to come, it is now. The last is emboldened and the separation we now see even in our neighbors has reached a point of no return. Even though I say these words and I’m writing from a very liberal state of New York, I know that many many of my neighbors feel very strongly about a return to conservatism. But I also know that many of these people have given up on a church that has turned its back on the ten commandments and has manipulated them to teach that many of the things that we grew up knowing to be sinful are no longer sinful. We really need the warning to come very soon so that the hearts of people will be revealed to themselves and they will once again understand right from wrong. I do not profess that at this time everything will get better. It will become a time of people choosing sides, but doing so with the understanding that if they go against the ten commandments and the true teachings of God that will be planted in their heart at the time of the warning, they will be sealing their fate. It’s truly will become a time of the separating of the sheep from the goats. I think the most important thing that every one of us can do is what Mary tells us to do during all of her visitations. Pray pray pray
Thank you for the forum.
John Kochmanski
I confronted a Bishop last year. A local Priest was having several days where people could hear about the illumination of conscience and a person that went got scared and the Priest was told by the Bushop, after she called him, he could no longer speak about that subject. I later went to a Mass and the Bishop was there and I told him that us parishioners want to hear about these subject matters, he walked away from the confrantation but it felt good to let him know my opinion. It feels good to speak up and fight.