City: Escanaba
State: Mi
Country: USA
Give me an idea of how I can pray all day.
I am almost 89 and want to be ready. I have been to Medjugorje twice.
October 5, 2023
10 Years Ago & 10 Days Ago
[Podcast] (40 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks from where he was 10 days ago, and in comparison to what he said 10 years ago. Prophetic.
Episode Transcript
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Tonight, I say to you 10 days ago, I was in Medjugorje with Marija on September 25, 2023, when she received the message. Afterwards, I talked to her. She said she was shocked. She tried to describe, putting her hand on her head, saying to me, brain, your mind. She didn’t know how to say it in English, but then she told me that Our Lady said our brain, our thoughts change. She was very surprised.
So that message, 10 days ago, Our Lady said,
“Dear children, I am calling you to strong prayer. Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus. “
Immediately I understood modernism was a synonym for the word satan. It’s the same thing. But if She said satan, you would say, “Okay, we understand that.” So Our Lady gave satan another name so that you would lock in on what She is saying. “Modernism wants…”, it’s not alive.
How does it want something? “…wants to enter into your thoughts.” Again, you have to change that word of what She means – satan. he hides behind something, what is it? Do you get it? “…wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus.”
This is a shake up. This is huge. That afternoon, I did a broadcast and it is on RadioWave and it is titled, What You Don’t Want to Let Go. This message, 10 days ago, puts you in a corner.
When I was in Catholic school, grade school, and you acted up, the nuns made us stand in a corner with our nose, you couldn’t go anywhere. This message is making you understand to be in a corner because you can’t go anywhere but to make one decision – Our Lady or satan.
The only way to stay out of the corner is to be good. Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from your joy. Are you thinking, where is a Friend of Medjugorje going to with this? I am going to Our Lady. She put you in a position that you can’t escape. You’re in the corner.
Modernism is electronics, your cell phones, your TV, your movies, but especially the electronics. That god, that satan that you hold, you cuddle, and you keep it. You can’t interpret this any other way. It would have been weakened if Our Lady had said, “satan wants to enter your thoughts.” No, he’s covered; he’s stealth. he tickles your ears, your eyes, your time, blocking you praying.
And, of course, the message at the end says something incredible so that you won’t misinterpret that first sentence. She said, “…in the first days, when I had chosen you, and day and night prayer resounded — and Heaven was not silent…”
What does that mean? The whole village of Medjugorje – it spread through Yugoslavia like fire. Heaven had the Holy Spirit, through the prayers going to Heaven brought it down to everybody. And Our Lady said, “…Heaven was not silent but abundantly bestowed peace…” See, bestowed, it comes down from Heaven. “…bestowed peace and blessing on this place of grace…”
When She says and Heaven was not silent, She is saying now, Heaven is silent. Everywhere, billions of cell phones, all cultures. Our Lady does not exaggerate and She compares 42 years ago, what was happening, Heaven was not silent. See how She how She talks. See how She gives messages. What is the opposite of the meaning when She says and Heaven was not silent? Meaning now, in these days, Heaven is silent.
That was ten days ago, there was a broadcast almost 10 years ago, June 25, 2014, it’s called Wisdom’s Wisdom of Living. Almost a decade back, we are going to play this tonight because it is very connect to this message ten days ago. And when you hear it and you listen to it, you are going to say, where did that come from. It came from the message back then.
And now Our Lady confirms it, or what I said 10 years ago. So enter this with deep thoughts that you are in a corner and you have to make a decision of modernism and what it is doing to you, your mind, your brain, as Marija said, and your thoughts were different and the whole world’s was before electronics.
Today is Wednesday, June 25, 2014. Tonight a Friend of Medjugorje is on location from the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje. We’ve been hearing a number of different reports from you guys there over the last couple of days. Certainly these days over the 33rd Anniversary are particularly exciting and so if you want to begin by just telling us little bit of what its been like over the last couple of days.
It’s been a rainy day in Medjugorje. It’s been beautiful weather, and some days the temperature’s been cool. And of course, it’s always exciting to be in Medjugorje, but particularly this year on the 33rd anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions. It sends a wonder to a lot of people of how long these apparitions have lasted and how they continue.
Our Lady’s 25th message today didn’t disappoint. And usually on the 25th the message is very short. This is what happened today. But they always still have something to say than just pleasantries. They mean something. There’s purpose to every single word Our Lady has to say. She doesn’t just bridge from one month to the next and didn’t say something important. They all have a meaning. All have a purpose. Yet, Our lady said on the tenth anniversary in 1991, June 25th, “There’s many who do not wish to understand my messages.” And we still have this situation today of that. They want to discount them. They don’t want to pay much attention to them. They won’t even stop them, often.
But yet, it’s private revelations and private revelations can be followed by the faithful. You can have a devotion to them. Don’t think they can stop you from doing that as if they’re condemned, and then you can’t. Medjugorje’s not condemned. The messages are not condemned, and we’re free to use them.
And so it is, we have something happening every day and something that happened this afternoon, this evening. It was very, very beautiful. Our Lady comes thirty-three years today. Nobody in their wildest thought, nobody in the world, could have dreamed we’d be doing what we did today, kneeling down in preparation for the Queen of Heaven to come down.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s June 25, 2014, monthly message to the world:
“Dear children! The Most High is giving me the grace that I can still be with you and to lead you in prayer towards the way of peace. Your heart and soul thirst for peace and love, for God and His joy. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living. I bless you all and intercede for each of you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Our Lady came to Ivan on Saturday night. And then last night, the eve of the apparition, Our Lady came. And on Saturday night, She gave a message that told us in preparation for this 25th. Usually, She would give a message on the eve of the 25th. But on June 21st, on Saturday night, Our Lady said,
“Dear children, today, in a special way, I desire to call you, through this time of grace which is upcoming, to respond to my messages and begin to live my messages. Through these years that I have been with you, my Son permitted me to remain with you this long, because I desire to speak to you because I desire to lead you to Him. Therefore, decide firmly – live what I am giving you so that I can give you new…messages and lead you towards holiness. Therefore, may today your decision be yes, to live. The mother prays for all of you and always intercedes before Her Son for all of you. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having responded to my call.”
Say “…yes to live…”? May your decision be that? May 25th, Our Lady said, “…without God you are dust…” She said toward the end of the message, “…be aware that [your] life is passing…” And Saturday night, in the apparition, on the Apparition Mountain, “…Therefore, may today your decision be yes, to live…” Is there a message for us? We know the 33rd anniversary means the 33rd year of Christ, His birth, to His Death, the lifespan.
Many people, years ago, thought Our Lady would quit appearing at the 10th anniversary. After we went through that passage, as time approached, many said that Our Lady was going to stop on the 33rd anniversary. I never saw that. I never believed that. And indeed, Our Lady has not done that. I always felt for a long, long time, we’re going through forty years.
“Dear children! The Most High is giving me the grace[s] that I can still be with you…”
The fact that Our Lady says, “…still be with you…” is very significant, because Christ died, and He wasn’t with us in His Flesh as a Man-God any longer. And so, Our Lady is saying, “…[I’m] still with you…”
And so, if Our Lady’s going to appear daily for forty years, which we’ve spoken about this for over a decade, maybe two decades almost, when we saw this this way, we’ve entered into the last seven years of Her forty years of leading us out of the desert. Seven is significant. Have we been doing 7,7,7—seven Our Father’s, seven Hail Mary’s, seven Glory Be’s—for this new passage from thirty-three to the remaining years of seven years left, that for each year, we do our seven Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s, and Glory Be’s? I would say there’s significance to that. I would say there’s some meaning to that, because we know the way things are progressing and the way life is going, that we’re entering into a time of tribulation.
So, at this thirty-three point, these thirty-three years, we’re entering into something in these seven years where we’ll see manifest. I can tell you Our Lady said today, “…discover the wisdom of living…” Incredible words. She’s been coming to tell us how to live a new way of life. Because this life is under judgment. It’s not going to stay as it is. We won’t know life as we’ve known it. We’ve said this many, many times. We’ve been teaching this. We’ve been preaching this. We’ve been trying to convince you of this to change your life. Why? Because if you don’t, you will go down with the life as it exists, which, because it is under judgment, cannot stand and will not stand.
Now, Our Lady said something in today’s message that, of course, you mentioned it already a little bit earlier in the broadcast, but Our Lady said something in today’s message that may be overlooked by some people. And something that Our Lady said and Her words where She says, “…The Most High is giving me the grace that I can still be with you…”. Now, “still” connotates that She might not be able to be with us.
So, the question is, is there some kind of condition that’s allowing Our Lady to remain with us? Or perhaps, maybe, another way of saying it is, is there something that’s happening on another level that we don’t know about? Perhaps, maybe, like some kind of battle between God and the devil maybe, where the devil is going before God, trying to keep Our Lady from coming every day. Maybe bringing up different things that might prevent Her from being able to come every day through whatever the sins of the people might be or a lack of response in followers. Whatever it might be.
But is the fact that Our Lady is with us every single day, by saying that She can still be with us, connotates that is there some kind of condition that’s being met that God is allowing Her to be able to remain with us?
On October 25, 2005, Our Lady says,
“…I am a gift to you, because, from day to day, God permits me to be with you…”
You just asked the question, that does God permit Our Lady to do this on a daily basis? She tells us right there, “…from day to day…” I’ve often believed Our Lady’s not certain that God’s going to allow Her to come tomorrow. But I know, I know very strongly that Our Lady is bargaining with God, through the prayers She brings to stay with us for forty years to guide us out of the desert. And now we’ve entered this crucial 7,7,7, or seven years remaining of this 40-year trek, that probably, we’re going to see a lot of tribulation. We will see a lot of tribulation.
So, Our Lady said that in 2005, “…from day to day, God permits me…” She’s going day by day. As long as She’s getting people out of Sodom, as long as She’s getting people to turn around, “Okay, I’ll give You time. When that’s over, its finished.” And Her goal is to get us and to bring people into apostleship, bring people into conversion, right after that 40-year mark of daily apparitions.
But you’re also asking the question, is there a battle between God and satan concerning Our Lady. I can tell you, this seven years, right now and what you’re seeing, is they will try to kill Our Lady’s voice by killing Her apparitions. All the while, they’ll think they’re doing a good by stopping people from being present at the apparitions, coming to the conferences. But it’s all driven for the Sanhedrin’s self-interest, the slow turning down of the apparitions, de-emphasizing them until Our Lady is squashed and Her followers scattered. This is the plan, and it’s happening, and we’re seeing it right before us.
Don’t take this lightly, people. If satan can’t get it condemned, he’ll get it where it’s so put down even by Our Lady’s followers that you won’t hear from Her anymore and Her voice will be squashed. The visionaries’ voice will be squashed. You won’t hear what you need to be hearing. Sounds impossible. It’s not. It’s very feasible. And this is the plan right now.
Today, of coming here for twenty-seven years on the anniversary, was the least amount of priests I saw at English Mass. Six priests. I’ve seen every year at least twenty-five to forty priests and more. That should shake you. And satan’s coming on every avenue he can to diminish Our Lady, diminish the visionaries, diminish Medjugorje. We can’t have Medjugorje and minus Our Lady out and continue it with it having the power it’s got now. “Oh, it’ll go on. We’ll be having Mass. We’ll be doing things.” But its power, its convicting power, will be vanished and banished, all the while, while some think they’re doing the right thing.
So, yes. satan is very much involved in trying to stop and diminish this. And so, Our Lady says,
“…giving me the grace that I can still be with you and to lead you in prayer towards the way of peace…”
Because the world’s not going on the way of peace. It’s going the opposite direction.
“…Your heart and soul thirst for peace and love, [and] God and His joy. Therefore, little children, pray, pray, pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living…”
Incredible words. But simple words if we don’t dive into it through prayer. And then when we pray, pray, pray, the more we’ll see, the more we’ll understand, and the more you’ll see this activity of the devil to diminish Our Lady make Her not so important, use a truth to cancel another truth. “We’ve got to be led to Jesus, but not to Our Lady.” It’s Jesus and Mary. The Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Jesus wants that, and Our Lady wants that. But many people don’t. That’s why Our Lady said on June 25, 1991, “there’s many who do not want to understand my messages or to accept them.”
Our Lady said another time, “…Accept [me] that you [might] be accepted…” “…Do not reject [the Word of God], that you [might] not be rejected…” When you say “the word of God,” it’s Scripture. But Our Lady says, December 25, 1996,
“…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel…”
“Okay,” you think. “That’s the Scriptures.” You think that’s what Our Lady’s talking about? Our Lady’s messages, Marija said, are for today’s man to help him understand the Gospel. So, when Our Lady says, “…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel…” is She talking about the Bible itself and the words in the Bible, or is She talking about Her messages about the Bible? You think, “Oh, She wouldn’t say that.” Well, listen to what She says with the rest of the sentence.
“…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel, which I am repeating [to you] in the time since I am with you…”
Why is She having to do that? Why can’t we just read the Bible? So, when She says, “…messages of the Gospel…” She’s talking about the messages, Her words from Heaven She’s bringing to us about the Gospel, because man no longer understands the Gospel. Man no longer understands the Bible. Man no longer desires the love of God because he doesn’t understand it anymore. It’s as Our Lady says, “You imagine God who you think He is, not as He truly is.”
So, when Our Lady says,
“…pray, pray, pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living…”
How come we don’t know that? Because it’s got to be discovered. And why do you have to “…pray, pray, pray…” to get that? Because you’re covered up with the world’s prayer, which is its electronics, its entertainments, its sports, its occupations, its way of life, its work, its money, its whole system covers it up. It’s the prayer of the world that keeps you from discovering the wisdom of the world… or rather, the wisdom that the world doesn’t have. So, if you want to discover the wisdom of love… or rather, the wisdom of living, which is living love, you have to pray.
So, to discover the wisdom of living, as Our Lady asks us here today, when you pray, what comes uncovered is something that just blossoms out naturally. You’ll just understand the way of life. The things we started changing in our community and the way we live progressed through prayer, being enlightened by experiences that turned into a way of life. Throwing the television away. Not accepting home computers. Not accepting cell phones in our mission. Being very measured in those technologies that we do use in the mission, that they do not master us, but we master it. And most people are mastered by the electronics. It’s out of control. So, they have no wisdom, and they have no ability to have the experience to see and receive revelations of how to live because they’re immersed in something that blinds them. They’re not discovering the wisdom of living. They think they’re living, but they’re captivated. They’re addicted to these things. They can’t escape from them. And so, it’s why we do say people watch life on T.V. We live it. We’re outside, and we’re living what T.V.’s about and what they show, which is not real, but our life is real, and it’s very beautiful. And there’s wisdom associated with that. It’s a way of life that you can define what you’re for. And if you’re really living Christianity to the fullness, or to a full degree that you can, through prayer, people won’t have to ask you your position. They’re going to know your position and tell you, “I know what you’re thinking.”
Somebody that did some translation for some of our materials wrote recently. He says, “I know a Friend of Medjugorje’s mind and how he thinks.” They know what I’m for. There’s no gray zones. And there’s wisdom in that. When your father speaks his mind and says something, you’re supposed to soak that up, because very few people give out wisdom today. And that’s why people used to be elders, or the elder ones were looked up to because they had wisdom. In other words, they’ve already failed at many things, and they learned this don’t work. But you don’t have the youth doing that because they don’t go to their grandfathers. They don’t go to their fathers. They don’t go to their forefathers. They go to the electronics for wisdom, and they have none whatsoever.
So it’s a great grace, “…that I can still be with you…” She says, “…to lead you in prayer [to] the way of peace…” because the world’s not headed toward peace. It’s headed the wrong direction. And man’s heart, whether he knows it or not, is thirsting for this peace, thirsting for this love, trying to understand it.
We have with us, in the Field, some guests that’s come in from out of town. Not many. We didn’t promote the anniversary that much. But really, we just let people come to be with us to be in community because we do these things on a daily basis as a part of our life. It’s not in anticipation of always having big groups that come there and stay with us. We have our dinners. We have our celebrations. We have our fasting and our preparation for these anniversaries, without crowds, and sometimes with crowds.
But I’m saying this, only because behind the scenes, if you looked at us when we just do some of our celebrations, you would see the wisdom of living. You’d see something beautiful on a daily basis at our daily Rosary, some of the beautiful joys we experienced and the happiness. The daily Rosary, when Our Lady appears, and we’re on our knees for it in preparation in Medjugorje when Marija sees Our Lady, and the other visionaries, is spent in a way that we’re properly disposed to receive a blessing. But not like all people think. Sometimes it’s with joy. Sometimes it’s with laughter. Sometimes it breaks up the Rosary. But it’s life, and it’s one of the most convincing things for those who visit us, that somewhere, somehow, we’ve been gifted with the discovery of the wisdom of living. And all that comes down to one thing, one thing only that we can do. And that’s love. All our plans are one thing, but Our Lady’s called us to try to love Her. And that’s difficult. The more you try to love Her, the more secrets She will reveal to you, the more wisdom She will reveal to you. And you’ll have no one come any closer to you than that. It’s easy, and it’s hard. Our Lady says that, “When you walk with Me, you’ll have every bitterness… It’ll be a bitter path, but it’ll contain every sweetness in life.”
Trying to love Our Lady is not easy because with that, the devil comes and attacks. We’ve heard the visionaries say that when you consecrate yourself to Our Lady, he knows he can’t have you, but he’s going to make your life miserable. And you’ll almost always want to give up because it takes great effort. It takes difficulties to love Our Lady. Your heart will be broken. Your pride will be chipped away. You’ll be nothing. You’ll have to cross the great divide, but trying to love Our Lady gives meaning to your life and purpose, all of which the world has lost.
I blew out all my plans. The world fell in my hands the day that I began trying to love you. The secrets I have kept, the nights I haven’t slept. I’ve laughed until I’ve wept. Trying to love you.
Trying to love you. No one’s come as close or gone so far. Trying to love you. I’ve lost and found myself in who you are. Trying to love you. So easy and so hard. Trying to love you.
I’ve watched myself get stuck. I’ve squandered all my luck. I’ve almost given up trying to love you.
Trying to love you. Broke my heart, it’s chipped away my pride. Trying to love you. Every time I’d see that fault line slide. Trying to love you. I’ve crossed the great divide, trying to love you.
Trying to love you. I’ve screamed your name. I slammed a thousand doors. Trying to love you. I’ve worn a million miles across the floor. Trying to love you. Still, I could not ignore. Trying to love you.
It’s pulled the best from me for all the world to see. And I will always be trying to love you.
So, let us contemplate this message. And one of the greatest things we can do for our own well-being is to enter into the message with prayer. And for Our Lady to tell us today that, “…The Most High is giving me the grace that I can still be with you…” means She is looking from day to day that this could end. Not Her goal. Her goal is forty years to lead us from the desert of this world to the Promised Land, a Promised Way of Peace to live peace.
And so, tribulation will visit us to get us there. It’s the path of peace. Always has been when man has sinned, and God wants to lead man back to Himself to His love, to His joy. And there’s consequences to pay for the way we’ve lived for decades. Errors that have to be corrected only through purification. But one thing we can have, one thing we can hope is that we try to love Our Lady with all our heart, all our might, everything in us. And it’s for this that we pray. It’s for this that we give thanksgiving. It is this that we try to discover the wisdom of living.
Thank you, Mary, for being with us for thirty-three years. And we know this number is significant of the Crucifixion and the Death of Our Lord Jesus. And what that brings us from this point through these next seven years, please stay with us day to day. Please intercede as you ended Your message today, “…I bless you all and intercede for each of you before my Son Jesus…” Please don’t abandon us. Hold us. Be with us.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
Ave Maria. Ave Maria.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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3 thoughts on “10 Years Ago & 10 Days Ago”
City: Vistula Toledo
State: Ohio
Country: Ussa
I find it interesting that modernism medicine decided to use latin a hundred years ago as their language for medical authority and to see Vatican II kicked latin out of the church in 1968. We should be promoting virtues as found in books about Mary? If children do not learn virtues early, why would they go to God or the church to learn more of what was never planted? Instead they follow Satan’s tricks of Diversity, inclusions and lgbtq+ modernism. Modernism is an old playbook to rape and rob the youth. they gave the future of the church to the state and the state is building their Hitler youth to erase the memory. -
City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Country: USA
Wow. Great reflections on putting our Lady’s words from Heaven into proper perspective through the years and in this time of grace that our Lord and Savior Jesus is giving us through Our Mother Mary. Bravo AFoM, and the community of Caritas for all the prayers and sacrifices that have been continually made for a life of Wisdom for all of us followers of Our Lady! Praised be Jesus and Our Lady! Ave Maria!
3 thoughts on “10 Years Ago & 10 Days Ago”
City: Escanaba
State: Mi
Country: USA
Give me an idea of how I can pray all day.
I am almost 89 and want to be ready. I have been to Medjugorje twice.
City: Vistula Toledo
State: Ohio
Country: Ussa
I find it interesting that modernism medicine decided to use latin a hundred years ago as their language for medical authority and to see Vatican II kicked latin out of the church in 1968. We should be promoting virtues as found in books about Mary? If children do not learn virtues early, why would they go to God or the church to learn more of what was never planted? Instead they follow Satan’s tricks of Diversity, inclusions and lgbtq+ modernism. Modernism is an old playbook to rape and rob the youth. they gave the future of the church to the state and the state is building their Hitler youth to erase the memory.
City: Phoenix
State: AZ
Country: USA
Wow. Great reflections on putting our Lady’s words from Heaven into proper perspective through the years and in this time of grace that our Lord and Savior Jesus is giving us through Our Mother Mary. Bravo AFoM, and the community of Caritas for all the prayers and sacrifices that have been continually made for a life of Wisdom for all of us followers of Our Lady! Praised be Jesus and Our Lady! Ave Maria!