
Plans… Realize for the World

Plans… Realize for the World

  May 16, 2014 A.D.

Tonight, May 16 2014, Our Lady appeared to Ivan on Apparition Mountain during his prayer group meeting. It was a misty and rainy evening tonight. There were very few pilgrims on top of Apparition Mountain until around 8:00 p.m. Then a very steady flow continued up until apparition time. Singing began around 8:30 p.m. Around 9:30 p.m. one mystery of the Rosary was prayed. Our Lady then appeared to Ivan at around 10:00 p.m. and the apparition lasted for several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:


“Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and, as always, at the beginning, She greeted all of us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then, for awhile, with Her arms extended, She prayed over all of us here and She prayed especially over the sick present here. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children! Today, in a special way, I call you to pray for my intentions, for my plans which I desire to realize for the world. Pray, dear children, and be persevering in prayer. The Mother prays with you and intercedes for all of you before Her Son. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”


“Then Our Lady blessed all of us present with Her Motherly blessing, and She also blessed everything you brought to be blessed. I then recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, and your families and especially the sick. After that Our Lady continued to pray over all of us there and left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’

Pilgrims at Ivan's apparition May 16, 2014

As pilgrims gathered for Our Lady’s apparition tonight, several hours before, this scene, which is common on these nights, is of the small groups, spread from one place to another, praying, preparing for Our Lady’s presence. Our Lady once said in Medjugorje on March 20, 1986:

“…Today I call you to approach prayer actively. You wish to live everything I am telling you, but you are not succeeding because you are not praying. Dear children, I beseech you to open yourselves and begin to pray. Prayer will be your joy. If you make a start, it won’t be boring to you because you will be praying out of joy….”

Joy will be in the hearts of those who spent this evening in prayer, wherever they were in the world to receive Our Lady’s blessing and to honor Her presence upon the earth, and to receive Her words and instructions for us. Our Lady has been repeating these past days, that She has plans She wishes to fulfill at this time. Our Lady is relying upon our response to Her requests to be praying for Her intentions. 

Pilgrims in Medjugorje May16, 2014

Our Lady said on July 25, 1999:

“…I desire for you to comprehend that I want to realize here, not only a place of prayer but also a meeting of hearts. I desire for my, Jesus’ and your heart to become one heart of love and peace….”

Our Lady also expressed, tonight, another desire of Hers which is that Her plans to be realized for the world. It all starts with individuals who will hear that call, humbly place themselves at Our Lady’s feet and surrender their lives into Her hands, just as this pilgrim did tonight on top of Apparition Mountain.

Ivan's apparition May 16, 2014

The green, fertile valley of Medjugorje that is seen here, from the height of Apparition Mountain, is the result of much rainfall over the past several months. Our Lady told the visionaries that one should never complain about rain, because rain is always a blessing. It’s normal for people to complain about rain when it comes at an inconvenient time, ruining vacation plans, Sunday picnics or wedding days. Getting wet while running from the store to one’s car is enough to put many people in a foul mood on a rainy day. In Medjugorje, rain can pour from the skies everyday for an entire pilgrimage, and has done so on occasion, but a true pilgrim can find the blessing in the rain. Without rain, nothing grows, life isn’t sustained, everything dies. It is the same with grace. Without grace, faith doesn’t grow, the spiritual life isn’t sustained, and everything holy dies in the heart. The Earth needs a lot of rain to sustain life. We all need a lot of grace to grow in faith, holiness and the love of God. Our Lady, tonight, asked us to pray for Her plans to be realized for the world. Those plans are for the salvation of the world, for the reconciliation of ourselves, our families and our nation back to God, our Good Father. In the following song lyrics, a little boy questions his Daddy about “what if” this or that would happen. There is much we can contemplate in this simple conversation as we pray for Our Lady’s plans to be realized in the world today.


Daddy What If

Daddy, what if the sun stopped shining
What would happen then?
If the sun stopped shining
You’d be so surprised
You’d stare at the heavens
With wide open eyes
And the wind would carry
Your light to the skies
And the sun would start shining again

But Daddy, what if the wind stopped blowing
What would happen then?
If the wind stopped blowing
Then the land would be dry
And your boat wouldn’t sail
And son, your kite couldn’t fly
And the grass would see your trouble
And she’d tell the wind
And the wind would start blowing again

But Daddy, what if the grass stopped growing
What would happen then?
Well if the grass stopped growing
You’d probably cry
And the ground would be watered
By the tears from your eyes
And like your love for me
The grass would grow so high
Yes, the grass would start growing again

But Daddy, what if I stopped loving you
What would happen then?
If you stopped loving me
Then the grass would stop growing
the sun would stop shining
and the wind would stop blowing
So you see
If you want to keep this old world a goin’
You’d better start loving me again
Better start loving me again
You hear me son?
You’d better start loving me again 

A Friend of Medjugorje

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8 thoughts on “Plans… Realize for the World”

  1. I promise, never to stop loving, the Holy Trinity, our Mother in Heaven and my brothers in faith…with the help of our prayers

  2. Praise be Jesus Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and earth. Once you have started praying, it becomes part of you. Without prayer you feel detached from God. As Our Lady says, you end up enjoying to pray. Thank you very much for updating the world. May God bless you abundantly.

  3. It is so beautiful and it really gives us peace of mind and soul. Thank you so much. If i could afford it I would go there but I know Our Lady is always with us like Her Son Jesus. Thank you for my emails.

  4. Thank you. Kindly pray. I am tired of facing problems. Its very very unbearable please please pray to Mary Mother. thank you all. I want to come.

  5. I enjoy reading your writings, they definitely help keep me growing in my Catholic faith. Thank you & God Bless you

  6. Nelia da Silva

    Thank you My Lady for your love. May we learn to become better children of God through your Love. Praise be Jesus & Mary

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