Pilgrimages to Caritas of Birmingham – 2022 Dates and Prices
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If you are looking for a way to experience Medjugorje, come to a PLACE Our Lady descended down to to raise it up to be a portal from earth to Heaven.
204 Apparitions - A Place of Conversion…
Our Lady prayed 10 minutes over this valley…
This picture was taken at sunrise on the morning of March 18, 2021 overlooking the Bedroom and Field of Apparition, and the Cross on the Mountain at Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama.
Outside of Medjugorje, there is only one other geographical location that Our Lady of Medjugorje, the Queen of Peace and the Woman of Revelation, established as a PLACE of Her apparitions; that place is here at the Home of a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife, the Field of Apparitions and the Valley where Caritas of Birmingham is located. The primary place of Our Lady’s apparitions is the Bedroom of Apparitions, where 148 apparitions have taken place (nestled in the woods on the right of the Field).
With those apparitions, and apparitions in other locations at Caritas, there have been a total of 204 apparitions, through Medjugorje visionary, Marija, marking this place as no other place where Our Lady has invested so much, in creating a place for a meeting of hearts, outside of Medjugorje.
On Feb. 3, 1994, in a 10 minute apparition, Our Lady prayed with Her arms outstretched over this valley.
☎ Call for more information 205-672-2000
Dial 218 or 219 after hours
On the first day on Caritas grounds when my turn came to express why I came I just burst out with, ‘This is the place to be!’ Who wouldn’t want to be where Our Mother from Heaven had come down to earth !! many times, to let us know how much God loves us and is concerned about our welfare both spiritual and temporal, and gave His Mother a plan with which She would use our prayers, fasting, etc. to help Her save our families, our nation and the world from ourselves and satan?!
M.G. - September 2021 Caritas Pilgrim
Do I Have a Schedule to Choose from When I Go to Medjugorje?
We are expecting alot of people to start booking these pilgrimages, as many are not going to Medjugorje this year.
You have six opportunities of joining a pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham this year. If you had been planning to go to Medjugorje in 2022, and are disappointed by not having that possibility, you can now! Those who were on the pilgrimage to Caritas this past year in 2021, said it was every bit of what they experienced in Medjugorje.
IMPORTANT: If you live outside the United States plan your pilgrimage to Caritas for when travel from outside the United States opens up, you will be prepared!
2022 Pilgrimages to Caritas of Birmingham in Alabama
2022 Caritas of Birmingham Pilgrimage Dates
(Dates and pricing subject to change)
Registration is required for the below Pilgrimages to Caritas of Birmingham
$560 * | March 18 – Special Day of Prayer for Non-believers Monday through Friday |
April 4-8 $560* | Monday through Friday |
June 22-26 $560 * | The 41st Anniversary of Our Lady Queen of Peace Apparitions Monday through Friday |
August 1-5 $560 * | Our Lady’s Birthday August 5 Monday through Friday |
September 12-16
$560* | Monday through Friday - Feast of the Triumph of the Cross |
* Price does not include hotel/airfare
Additional Information:
- The cost for attending one of the above pilgrimages is $560.00. (This cost is subject to change as it is uncertain how the economy will be affected by Biden’s financial/economic policies over the next weeks and months. It is being projected that the cost of living, gas, food, etc., will be raising over time.) This cost includes lunch, dinner, bus transportation to and from Hampton Inn, and pilgrimage support materials.
- The cost does not include the hotel or airfare if you fly into Birmingham. For car rentals, contact *National/Enterprise Rental Car* at 1-800-736-8227.
- All pilgrims will stay at the *Hampton Inn*, EAGLE POINT HWY 280, which can be reached by calling 205-981-0024. Stay on the line and wait for the operator when calling rather than pressing 1 for reservations. You will need to speak to a person on site of the hotel. Rooms are affordably prices breakfast included. It is important to let them know that you are part of the Caritas pilgrimage group so that you get the special room rate.
- Breakfast will be provided at the hotel as part of your hotel cost. Because there is limited space, it is first come, first serve. The sooner you send your reservation and payment, the better, so as to not miss out on any of these special pilgrimages.
What if I live Outside the United States? Can I pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham?
Yes! Many people from other countries visit the sacred sites at Caritas. Right now, there are travel restrictions due to coronavirus. But, begin to plan your pilgrimage, and when the restrictions are lifted, you will be ready!
☎ Call for more information 205-672-2000
Dial 218 or 219 after hours
Thank you for giving me the best week of my life… I just felt like I was wrapped in Our Lady’s mantle all week… It was the most spiritual experience of my whole life!
M. E., June 2021 Caritas Pilgrim
☎ Call for more information 205-672-2000
Dial 218 or 219 after hours
Why Come to Caritas of Birmingham? A Gift from Our Lady for You
We are nearing two years since Medjugorje closed to pilgrims in March 2020, due to the coronavirus. As we are nearing the 41st Anniversary of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s Apparitions this June, 2022, the Village of Peace, the place designated by God to be the setting for the spiritual renewal of the whole world, the location where the Woman of Revelation has been appearing daily for over 40 years, is still mostly closed off to the world.
In conversation with close friends who live in and are native to Medjugorje, a Friend of Medjugorje is still being told that the borders between European countries are in a constant flux of opening and closing due to the so-called pandemic restrictions. No one could have even imagined the possibility of this two years ago.
A Friend of Medjugorje began bringing pilgrims to Medjugorje in 1986, through the mission of Caritas of Birmingham that he founded the same year, but found it difficult because there were not many flights available for the sudden interest and demand caused by Our Lady’s appearances in Medjugorje. Not many people had reasons to go to Communist Yugoslavia before the apparitions. A Friend of Medjugorje, therefore, became deeply involved in forming and setting up the infrastructure for pilgrimages from the entire continent of North America to Yugoslavia and onto Medjugorje.
Through a Friend of Medjugorje’s direction and business skills, BVM/Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages is the longest running pilgrimages from North America to Medjugorje. His own conversion in Medjugorje led a Friend of Medjugorje to develop the day-by-day itinerary for Caritas pilgrims that he has not strayed from in 36 years because of seeing how the simple formula powerfully opens up the heart to conversion—over and over again. Deeply sensitive to Our Lady’s guidance through Her messages, he remained steadfast in what Our Lady had taught him and did not follow the lead of other groups who were constantly adding “new” sites to see and experience for their pilgrims, even when it proved to be leading pilgrims on a more superficial experience of Medjugorje. BVM/Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages, through a Friend of Medjugorje’s direction, has the reputation, built over three decades of bringing pilgrims to Medjugorje, to be the most spiritual pilgrimage to Medjugorje; a Five-Star experience in every manner. BVM/Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages is still the #1 Pilgrimage Group among all pilgrimage groups going to Medjugorje from North America.
The “stupid corona,” as Medjugorje visionary, Marija, refers to it (and a Friend of Medjugorje agrees the same), forced the cancellation of many pilgrimages to Medjugorje these past two years, and at least for the time being, also in this new year of 2022. Many people have been deeply disappointed in having to cancel their plans, and are especially grieved that Our Lady will not be among the throngs of believers to usher in the 41st year of Her apparitions. Yet, Our Lady said:
September 2, 2016
“…Nothing is by chance…”
Is Our Lady giving the villagers a time of going back to the beginning days, to pray, reflect and sacrifice to help ready themselves for the great events (the Secrets, etc.) that will one day turn Medjugorje into a whirlwind of activity when it is thrust onto the world’s stage like never before? Whatever the reasons are that Medjugorje has been closed off from the world, it does not appear that it will be opened up any time soon.
Here, at Caritas, we have spoken with many people the last two years who were disappointed that they would not be able to go to Medjugorje.
In 2020, a Friend of Medjugorje started hosting pilgrimages to Caritas of Birmingham—taking his expertise in bringing pilgrims to Medjugorje and applying it to the formation of pilgrimages to Caritas, giving pilgrims the Medjugorje experience.
It took little effort for a Friend of Medjugorje to develop a deeply spiritual experience for the pilgrims who come to encounter Our Lady here. It was very successful; the pilgrims who attended the five-day pilgrimage experienced deep conversion and a renewed walk with Our Lady. He could see Our Lady had been behind the whole inspiration of creating Medjugorje-type pilgrimages for pilgrims to experience at Caritas. While a Friend of Medjugorje had wanted to do this for years, it was these shut downs that opened up the door of opportunity, as requested from many of Caritas followers.
When I was in Medjugorje, I thought it was the most peaceful place on earth. Being on pilgrimage to Caritas I felt that it was and is the most joy-filled place I have ever experienced. It is due to Our Lady’s Love, and the love of the Caritas Community. Being in Caritas is truly a joyous and blessed experience. It is a little piece of Heaven.
B.K. - November 2021 Caritas Pilgrim
You Will Love It!
These pilgrimages to Caritas come through the maturing of this PLACE that Our Lady has been establishing through a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife’s “yes” and the “yes” of the Community that follows them. The conversions taking place here are just as Our Lady promised when a Friend of Medjugorje asked Her the following question, on October 6, 1986: Can the same conversions taking place in Medjugorje be allowed to take place, “here,” and divinely spread throughout the whole region? Our Lady responded directly to Caritas’ founder, (a Friend of Medjugorje):
October 6, 1986
“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
The message stunned him, as it did the Medjugorje visionaries, Marija and Jakov. A Friend of Medjugorje was 33 years old, but he felt like a boy with so much joy, having words straight from his Queen Mother for him personally. He was in awe at receiving the personal message above.
During these five days, I received a profound gift of gratitude. Day after day, I was flooded with the knowledge of God’s incomprehensible gifts. I became aware of how overwhelmingly grateful I am for everything He has done and is doing for me - an overwhelming gratitude for Our Lady and this place! This pilgrimage changed me - again.
C.B. - August 2021 Caritas Pilgrim
- DAY ONE: You will drive or fly into Birmingham, Alabama, on day one and check in at BVM/Caritas Pilgrimages official hotel. A Caritas representative will meet you at the hotel in the evening to set the tone for the pilgrimage, give you additional information and go over the next day’s schedule. Refreshments will be provided, giving everyone the opportunity to meet all the other pilgrims participating in the pilgrimage. You should arrive at the hotel no later than 5:00 PM, Central Time USA.
- DAYS TWO TO FIVE: A bus will pick you up at the hotel each morning at 7:30 AM. Lunch and dinner will be catered at Caritas and are included with your pilgrimage price. The bus will bring you back to the hotel in the evening. Those who drive will leave your cars at the hotel. No cars will be allowed to drive into Caritas during the pilgrimage days. Everyone will take the coach bus from the hotel.
- There are planned events for each day, interspersed with private prayer times. Among the planned events, a Friend of Medjugorje will be providing spiritual guidance through Our Lady’s messages during the pilgrimage. For the most part, a Friend of Medjugorje will be present. There may be circumstances that will prevent him from taking part in each pilgrimage, but he will make a concerted effort to be at each pilgrimage if at all possible.
- Since a good part of each day will be spent outside, one should prepare for a mixture of weather. Its best to dress in layers, to put on and take off as is necessary. Wear comfortable and sturdy shoes, as there will be walks in the woods and a climb up to the Cross and to the Grotto la Pluie during your pilgrimage days. Also, be prepared for rain.
- If you have visited Caritas of Birmingham before, you will be familiar with the holy sites where Our Lady has appeared—the Bedroom of Apparitions, the Field of Apparitions, the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain, Grotto la Pluie and The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. However, there are additional sites that have been known to the Community for some time, but never before shared with pilgrims until this past October 2020, when we held the First Historic Caritas of Birmingham Pilgrimage. These sites are significant and grace-filled, and are a part of the history and the future of the still-unfolding story of what Our Lady has established at Caritas through the witness and direction of a Friend of Medjugorje. Again, there have been 204 apparitions of Our Lady, through Medjugorje visionary, Marija, at Caritas, in the following locations:
- 149 Apparitions in the Bedroom of Apparitions
- 1 Apparition when the Infant Jesus in the Arms of Our Lady Appeared in the Upstairs Loft on Christmas Day
- 6 Apparitions in the Living Room
- 45 Apparitions in the Field of Apparitions
- 2 Apparitions at the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain
- 1 Apparition in the Writing Office of a Friend of Medjugorje (our founder) in The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages
- 149 Apparitions in the Bedroom of Apparitions
These apparitions were accompanied with many messages from Our Lady. On several occasions, Our Lady appeared two times in one day. On other occasions, She came with angels. The apparitions took place throughout the years from November 1988 to the most recent ones in October 2019. When one considers the great Marian apparition sites throughout the world where Our Lady only appeared once or just a handful of times, you can perhaps grasp what great graces await those who will enter into these intense days of prayer and reflection with faith and an open heart.
Places You Will Visit
Other locations not seen below are also part of the pilgrimage. Click or tap on the images for more information about each location.
☎ To Book Your Pilgrimage Call in the U.S.
Dial 218 or 219 after hours
When is the Best Time to Visit?
For those of us who live here, all year is the best time to be here. These sacred sites never grow old, because a Friend of Medjugorje has maintained Caritas as an active place of conversion. Different times of the year, like March 18, June 25, July 4, August 5, are definitely special days, but so are the months in between like the April spring, and Our Lady’s month of May. A Friend of Medjugorje says that no one is called here by chance. You will find that when you come, it will be exactly the right time that God wants you to be here. Our suggestion is to pray, make the plans and let God work out the details.
To be prepared for weather, there’s a saying in Alabama: If you don’t like the weather, stick around, because it’ll change. We have found that to be absolutely true.
This is an exclusive pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham. Visiting other sites or attractions outside of Caritas will not be allowed. If one wants to visit some other place, it can be done before or after the Caritas pilgrimage ends. Your pilgrimage is a focus on Our Lady, Her message and Her call to you. This is an experience without interruptions, so as to put yourself in the best position for Our Lady to touch you in a way that would never be available if you disrupt your pilgrimage.
- All those attending will be bused from the hotel, to and from Caritas.
- No chairs of any sort are permitted in the Field at any time. For the handicapped, please make arrangements for a wheelchair or a walker with a seat.
- Smoking and pets are strictly prohibited. No video cameras or cell phones allowed on the grounds.
- Modesty code is enforced. Dress for a hike to the Grotto. No sleeveless or low cut shirts, blouses, or sweaters. No short skirts or shorts. No see-through clothing or clothing that has inappropriate writing or pictures on it. Remember this is a holy place of conversion.
☎ To Book Your Pilgrimage Call in the U.S.
Dial 218 or 219 after hours
9 thoughts on “Pilgrimages to Caritas of Birmingham – 2022 Dates and Prices”
Dear Community of Caritas, We thank Jesus and Our Lady so much for bringing us to this very special and Blessed and historic Pilgrimage at Caritas of Birmingham in October 2020. We realize that we are a part of history and we are praising and thanking God for touching our hearts in so many ways during this Pilgrimage. Even though my husband is not Catholic, the Caritas community and Pilgrimage participants made him feel so special and loved on his personal journey with God. He and I both realize that Caritas of Birmingham, like Medjugorje, is truly Holy Ground Blessed by Our Lady. We realize that we are part of Our Lady’s mission on earth and She and her Son are guiding us every step of the way. It was so wonderful to witness the whole Caritas Community (all ages and especially the precious children) show, by their example, what it means to be Our Lady’s Apostles in these difficult times we are living in and to always be loving, caring and joyful. The Caritas Community shines with the love of Our Lady and Her Son! God bless the Community of Caritas of Birmingham and all the future Pilgrimages that will take place there.
In 2020,I wanted to go to Medjugorie.But with the pandemic and travel restrictions, I decided to travel to Caritas.I couldn’t not find anyone to go with me from California, I decided to entrust my self to Mother Mary.It was a much needed spiritual nourishment .Even though I had a minor injury,I learned thru this experience about suffering,sacrifice and responsibility I have to Mother Mary.I experienced immense joy,love and kindness from the Community members. I plan to return with my son in thanksgiving for his recovery from the virus. Thank you Blessed Mother for your presence here at Caritas,and the gift of Caritas .
If you have been looking for a way to jump start 2021 with a spiritual focus, you won’t want to miss this retreat. Carving time out of busy schedules seems to be almost impossible. Scheduling time for this retreat will create the opportunities for the deep prayer you have been longing for but have a hard time finding. I had an incredible time connecting with others from around the country, spending time with God the Creator in such a beautiful valley, and learning more about ‘A Way’ that Our Lady is leading us to live. Without fail, you can feel the graces present driving onto the grounds, graces that help remove the distractions of the world, and that help cultivate fertile soil for the Holy Spirit to begin planting seeds. If it were possible for me to go on every pilgrimage I would. The first thought after leaving Caritas is always how soon can we come back. Don’t miss out on these limited opportunities, especially with March 18th coming up! May the Holy Spirit set a fire of love in each of your hearts!
We attended the pilgrimage last fall. It was everything and more that we expected. You can’t and won’t go wrong with Caritas hosting your pilgrimage. If you’re looking to come closer to Jesus and Mary in a personal relationship, look no further. If you’re looking for quiet prayer time, look no further. If you’re seeking spiritual renewal, seek no further. If you want some solid food to bring back home and nurture you through future events, you’ve found the right place for booking your pilgrimage with Caritas. You will gain so much from this experience…spiritual growth, bonding with the community, forming friendships, sharing with like-minded people, memories that will make you want to come back again and again…and this March pilgrimage will take place over March 18th…a day Our Lady has talked about as being marked as special sometime in the future. What are you waiting for???? Go…you won’t be sorry.
RUN to answer- don’t miss an opportunity, an experience of Grace and Love, Blessings- if you are reading or have heard about this “Invite” to “Pilgrimage” at Caritas of Birmingham, then know that [b]you are being called by[/b] [b]”Our Lady”[/b]. We are all Her children no matter what religion, race, ethnicity- no exception! She is calling you to Herself, a perfect Mother, who wants to help each one of us in this journey of time. She wants to share Her Son- who is the Way, Truth and Life. Both myself and my husband responded Yes to the first call last October, the first Pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham and have forever been changed. Each touched individually, as only a good Mother knows what Her children need. I have been to Medjugorje and will testify that it is structured very much the same. I would go as far to say that my visits to Caritas including last years first Pilgrimage there was even better-more complete, but not the end. Like a plant, once the seed has been sown it will continue to grow and produce fruit until it has reached the end of its’ life. Yes, Holy Ground. That is alive and well. That will show you how in This Time to live fully a life of true Peace, love, Joy. That you will see how practically by the example of this community a “New Way of Life”, living the Gospel. Be Not Afraid. RUN to Her, give Her your Fiat-YES. In case anyone is wondering: this is not a solicit a sales pitch. The people in this community who have made these Pilgrimages possible for US are humble, obedient to what has been placed in their hearts. They sacrifice their lives daily for US, for our souls, to help us know The Love of God. Their profit: GRACE, BLESSINGS a Joy that cannot be measured by earthly standards.
Before the pilgrimage last fall, I thought it might be boring. (I am 20.) But I am really glad I got to learn about the messages. Seeing all the children was sweet; they were always trying to rope me into a game of tag.
Our Lady desires [b]“…that the grace of God be great for every single one of you…” [/b]We are daily continuing to experience great graces since our Caritas Pilgrimage last fall.
Oh boy! I’m getting goose bumps reading this! Wow! Thanks be to God and to all of you for doing this! Two of my siblings and I were hoping to be in Medjugorje for the 40th anniversary, but with travel restrictions, it probably won’t happen. I’m going to call my sister and see if she’ll come too! But first I have to ask my husband! 🙂 We were there in 2004, and we LOVED it!
The Caritas pilgrimage is better than Mejugorje. You don’t have to fly to Europe. There are no distractions. It is Holy sanctified ground because Our Lady has appeared there so many times. Prayers and sacrifices for so many years make it a porthole of grace from heaven . If you need help for anything in your life please go on a pilgrimage! I would advise you to go especially if it would be a great sacrifice. You cannot out give God.