
Peace in the Families, Peace in the World

Peace in the Families, Peace in the World

August 12, 2013 A.D.

A beautiful sunset behind the distant mountains and warm, gentle breezes preceded Our Lady’s arrival tonight, Monday August 12, 2013. A sky full of stars and a crescent moon rising over Cross Mountain appeared as the day gave way to night. Pilgrims spread themselves all around the Blue Cross and readied their hearts for Our Lady with the rosary led by Ivan’s prayer group. The apparition lasted approximately 8 minutes. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 p.m. tonight, August 12, 2013, during his prayer group meeting at the Blue Cross. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:


“Tonight I would like to describe tonight’s meeting with Our Lady and what is the most important. It is always difficult to describe the meeting with Our Lady in words and to find the right words – to be able to express everything in these words – so I will use the words which I have to briefly describe to you.

“Also tonight Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and at the beginning, She greeted all of us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then She extended Her arms over all of us and for a longer time prayed. Then She prayed especially over the sick present here, and then She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing, and She also blessed everything you brought to be blessed. Then Our Lady continued especially to pray for a longer time for peace in the world and peace in the families.

“Then I recommended all of you, all your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, all of you sick present. After that Our Lady prayed especially for peace and left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’

“This is what would be the most important from tonight’s meeting. There was no special message tonight. Our Lady tonight, for a long time, especially prayed for peace in the families and peace in the world. Thank you.”


Pictures from the Apparition in Medjugorje August 12, 2013


Our Lady's apparition, sunset, August 12, 2013


Each sunset is one less day with Our Lady. In his writing, “Entering a New Time,” A Friend of Medjugorje stated:

“We have not comprehended the magnitude of the gift God is giving us through the invitation Our Lady now offers us. It is a great gift which we do not deserve. Our Lady said:


March 25, 1990


“…Little children, understand also the greatness of the gift which God is giving you through me, so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life…”

Ivan prayer group August 12, 2013 in Medjugorje


Our Lady has been saying “pray for peace” throughout the past few months. To live in our world today, we are in need of this peace from Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. A Friend of Medjugorje has written:

“We have learned, here in the Community of Caritas, that a tremendous bargain is being offered to the world and that is cashing in our worthless opinions for God’s offer of His thoughts, conveyed through Our Lady’s messages. Once we change our opinions and thoughts to that of the messages, we suddenly have real strength to change, not just situations, but the whole world. All the world offers us is the option to write to our editors or call the radio talk shows or go vote. We feel a real strength here not because we are ‘somebody,’ but because God ‘is.’ Anyone loyal to His precepts and plans will have a ‘might’ which the world cannot give through status, position, political office, etc.

June 27, 1988

“…Help the others to change their lives. I give you might, dear children; with this might, you can bear everything. May this might make you strong in everything. You need it; that is why I give you might.”

Writing from A Friend of Medjugorje, “Have You Become Complacent or Fallen Asleep?”


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10 thoughts on “Peace in the Families, Peace in the World”

  1. Shirley Russell

    Dear Blessed Mother Mary: Thank you so much for loving us so much and appearing to us to give us messages from you and Jesus. We know you love us so much. We love you too, dear Blessed Mother Mary. I love you, Shirley

  2. Thank You, Mother Mary to come to us through the visionaries to give us Your messages. GOD bless all of us. In Jesus name. AMEN.


  4. Mother Mary, my Mother, Thank You so much for praying for peace! Thank You for the gift of might especially during these times when we stand much in need of it. You are a Mother who knows our needs and equips us with the Power necessary to face problems and counter attacks. Thank You our dear and loving Blessed Mother! We love You!

  5. Thank You Mother Sweet Mary for your loving messages you kindly convey to Mankind for the past 32 years which is still relevant in this troubled & restless Earth. You are truly a loving & caring mother whom visionary Ivan said difficult to describe. Under your kind calling, I was in Medjugorje in 1988 in my youth years & now I am longing to bring my wife for a revisit to both Medjugorje in Bosnia & Caritas USA GOD willing. I find PEACE in this places. Many thanks to FRIEND of Medjugorje for the constant updates on Medjugorje. Mother Mary & Son JESUS surely bless you all abundantly. Thank You Again.

  6. Dear beloved mother Mary, Your words are so clear and inspiring that has touched me. Help me to pray always, as I need you. Also for my children who has stray away from you. I wishes for wisdom and peace of heart and mind. Thank you for your blessings and graces you give me. Praise to Jesus everyday. Amen. May God bless you friend of Medjugorje. Do pray for me that I may be able to visit Medjugorje for my wish.

  7. Thanks and May God Bless You my friends and Thank You Mother for your Love for us! You said you gave us Might, yes Mother, this is a Gift to the whole world. I am trying so much to give my family and others also the gift God our Father is giving us by your apparitions. Please come Mother Mary, otherwise we will be haunted. Thank you for your Holy intercession. Praise be the Holy Trinity!

  8. I love Our Blessed Virgin Mary Mother so much and thank her for speaking to Ivan to guide us to HER Beloved Son Jesus until our lives have ended on this earth; I pray I will be worthy enough to be with them in Heaven. I pray constantly for ALL the Holy Souls in Purgatory that they may soon be with GOD in HEAVEN, too.

  9. I have been failing badly in my attempt to fast on bread and water. Butter or jam was missing, hot tea with milk was needed, but suddenly, it has become very do-able…comfortable, joyful, even the slight headache is a sign that I am doing what I hoped to be able to do. Holy Mother does assist, and gives real help. I love you, Mother.

  10. Thank you for the messages. I do look forward to the messages for they have brought inspiration and trust. When I read them I know My Mother the blessed Virgin is looking and helping us. I pray the Rosay each day. May God Bless You

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