Our Lady’s Way of Life

Our Lady’s Way of Life


Part of the Community of Caritas praying the Rosary in the Field of the Apparitions on Thanksgiving Day,  November 22, 2007, while most of the children are out playing amidst the cows.



Our Lady said on October 25, 1996:

“…Through you, I wish to renew the world. Comprehend, little children, that you are today the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Little children, I invite you and I love you and in a special way implore: Convert!…”

Our daily individual conversion is absolutely necessary to preserve the world. It is known that a revolution is caused by five percent of the people, the other ninety-five percent will follow. Our Lady implores us to convert in order to start a revolution of a new rebirth of Christianity. As go God’s people, so goes the world. Jesus started with only a small cell of people, the world followed. Our Lady’s basis for calling upon us to be witnesses is based in the principle that everyone else will follow. Christianity changed Rome and influenced the whole world. In the above message, Our Lady is talking to those who are listening or have a desire to listen. Who are those people but us, Her children? It is we whom She implores to change and convert. Thus, and only thus, will the nonbelievers see our witness as pure and seek conversion.


With Love in this Holy Season,

Friend of Medjugojre

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5 thoughts on “Our Lady’s Way of Life”

  1. You are not able to imagine how the inspired words of this broadcast has described the events in my family. On the eve of the 25th Message in the midst of a hate filled room of taunts and cursing my young son enters the room with his toy pistol shooting at his Mother trying to defend his Dad. Your words and the Tender words of Our Mother has come very close.Thank youAnonymous.

  2. You are not able to imagine how the inspired words of this broadcast has described the events in my family. On the eve of the 25th Message in the midst of a hate filled room of taunts and cursing my young son enters the room with his toy pistol shooting at his Mother trying to defend his Dad. Your words and the Tender words of Our Mother has come very close. Thank you Anonymous.

  3. sriyani vithanage daulagala

    Amazing! thank you all dear Caritas! Thank You Mother for your Love for us! We wish and pray that the days will be so close to fulfill your intentions We love you Mother!

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