It has been very cold, windy and rainy in Medjugorje, but that did not stop villagers from getting out into their vineyards, to begin the process of preparing the vines for the production of their grapes.
March 10, 2010, in Medjugorje
It has been very cold, windy and rainy in Medjugorje, but that did not stop villagers from getting out into their vineyards, to begin the process of preparing the vines for the production of their grapes. It won’t be until September or October when the grapes will be harvested to make their family wine. Our Lady calls us to God’s creation because we are able to see spiritual truths in the work of the soil, truths that will help us in our spiritual lives.
January 25, 2010
“…May this time be a time of personal prayer for you, so that the seed of faith may grow in your hearts; and may it grow into a joyful witness to others…grow and rejoice in the Lord Who has created you…”
A villager working in the vineyard – Medjugorje – March 10, 2010
February 25, 2010
“…In this time of grace, when nature also prepares to give the most beautiful colors of the year…open your hearts to God the Creator…so that all the good which has fallen asleep in your hearts may awaken to a new life…”
Burning the trimming waste – Medjugorje – March 10, 2010
There is much work in the fields that must be done to have a rich harvest in the future. The vineyards must be pruned, the dead branches gathered and carted away, and then burned. Each vine must then be tied to wires to manage its growth in the right direction. And then, fertilizing and constant pruning as the grapes grow. Today, it is tedious work in unpleasant weather, but the thought of the joy of the harvest that is now months away is what puts the desire and commitment in the heart to carry out the work. In this time of Lent, we can learn lessons from the vineyard—persevere in order to see the triumph.
March 2, 2010
“…in this special time of your effort to be all the closer to my Son, to His suffering, but also to His love with which He bore it, I desire to tell you that I am with you. I will help you to triumph over the errors and temptations with my grace…”
A freshly pruned row to the right in sharp contrast to the untrimmed row on the left – Medjugorje – March 10, 2010
8 thoughts on “Our Lady’s Most Recent Words in the Life of the Village of Medjugorje”
I remember how wonderful the local wine was over there. Any chance you can bring over a few cases, I’d buy a case! Seeing these pictures just brings me such peace. Thank you!
I remember how wonderful the local wine was over there. Any chance you can bring over a few cases, I’d buy a case! Seeing these pictures just brings me such peace. Thank you!
I remember how wonderful the local wine was over there. Any chance you can bring over a few cases, I’d buy a case! Seeing these pictures just brings me such peace. Thank you!
Thank you for the pictures. I’ve been blessed to go with Caritas to Medjugorje in the months of Sept. & Oct. The small plots of land with a family vineyard, arbors with climbing vegtable vines, the profusion of flowers, winding paths, the sky and the holy mountains – these pictures brought is all back. Thank you for your prayers & sacrifices.
Thank you for the pictures. I’ve been blessed to go with Caritas to Medjugorje in the months of Sept. & Oct. The small plots of land with a family vineyard, arbors with climbing vegtable vines, the profusion of flowers, winding paths, the sky and the holy mountains – these pictures brought is all back. Thank you for your prayers & sacrifices.
It’s cold, rainy and snowy again here today. But I was so excited when I walked out the door this morning. I looked at the gray dreary skies, then looked back as I shut the door. For the first time this year, something green on the ground caught my eye. Tulips. Yes, the tulips are up. What a joy to see that God’s work keeps pushing to get through. It doesn’t matter if it is cold, rain, snow or ice. Spring is coming. Thanks God.
It’s cold, rainy and snowy again here today. But I was so excited when I walked out the door this morning. I looked at the gray dreary skies, then looked back as I shut the door. For the first time this year, something green on the ground caught my eye. Tulips. Yes, the tulips are up. What a joy to see that God’s work keeps pushing to get through. It doesn’t matter if it is cold, rain, snow or ice. Spring is coming. Thanks God.
WONDERFUL! This was a JOY to read and absorb and read again. The beautiful analogy to the time of preparation, pruning, and growth allows us to “see” that Mary has spent years doing this with us – beginning with 6, then the parish, then the world. Thank you for this article – and lovley photos. Love ~~ Linda