Our Lady Prays for Those Who Have Fallen Away-Ivan’s Apparition

Our Lady Prays for Those Who Have Fallen Away-Ivan’s Apparition

Ivan’s prayer group met at the top of Apparition Mountain (Podbrdo) tonight Friday August 17,2007. At 7:30 pm there were already hundreds of pilgrims gathered around the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje, as the sun began to gently drop behind the mountains to the west.

The ripe figs being given away by some of the locals and the many hanging ripe on the trees were a welcome sight this evening. Today was a typical hot, dry, sunny day here in Medjugorje. Sunset was appreciated as the temperature gradually began to cool.

pilgrims await Our Lady's Apparition in Medjugorje

Tonight’s pilgrims who began to gather three hours before in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition on top of Apparition Mountain. By the time Our Lady appeared to Ivan, Apparition Mountain was covered with pilgrims from all over the world, uniting their hearts as one with Our Lady.

Groups of pilgrims continued to arrive and the Rosary was begun in Italian with those present praying along in their native languages. Early on a few members of the prayer group arrived and between decades of the Rosary they played guitar and led the singing. With darkness came Ivan and the rest of the prayer group and more singing. A sliver of the moon appeared to the left of the cross on Mt. Krizevac and gradually slipped out of sight on the backside. After the music, came the praying of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary in Croatian. In the silence, after the Rosary, Our Lady appeared to Ivan. It was very quiet and prayerful. After the apparition, the hundreds of pilgrims carefully descended both pathways down Apparition Mountain, and lights could be seen for about an hour. Many pilgrims chose to walk back to their pansions through the vineyards in total darkness. If they shone their flashlights, they would see numerous grapevines sagging with ripe fruit. It was another day in this Holy village.

Below is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Most important from the meeting tonight with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy. She greeted us at the beginning with Her usual Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then prayed especially over those sick present here and then blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing. She also blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing, and Ivan recommended all your needs, petitions, your families, and especially the sick present. Our Lady then said,

Dear children, also today the Mother, in a special way, calls you to pray at this time for all my children who have distanced themselves from my Son. Dear children, pray that they may return and may find peace, joy, and love. The Mother prays with you. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

After, we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”

Sunset from Apparition Mountain

 Part of the Medjugorje Valley as viewed by those on Apparition Mountain tonight. One cannot help but be moved as one waits for the Mother of God to descend, appear, speak, and ascend from this spot. How can it be that those who were fortunate to live during Jesus’ days, that we should also be fortunate as they, for we live in Our Lady’s days upon the earth.

With love,

Friend of Medjugojre

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7 thoughts on “Our Lady Prays for Those Who Have Fallen Away-Ivan’s Apparition”

  1. I just feel that the Blessed Mother wouldn’t agree with the way the orcas are treated or procured for these shows. That dissapoints me. Ever seen the movie “Blackfish”? These gorgeous creatures are God’s creatures, and it’s so sad the way they are treated.

  2. All I can say is “WOW”!!! I Love you Jesus – I Love you Our Lady – I Love you Caritas.Our Lady and her Apostles are so Cool!

  3. All I can say is WOW!!! I Love you Jesus – I Love you Our Lady – I Love you Caritas. Our Lady and her Apostles are so Cool!

  4. Carolyn Bornhoft

    I so enjoy all your shows! It takes me right back to Medjugorje. It’s like I’m sitting right there on the bleachers or climbing the rocks to Apparition Hill. That overwhelming peaceful feeling comes rushing back I wish I had that everyday. Thank you ever so much God bless

  5. I so enjoyed listening to this show live …the revelation of how this song actually spoke of the love that Our Lady wants us to have for Her, Her Son and for each other was so infectious, I felt that I was there!! Remarkably, I felt joyfully giddy, like our friend of Medjugorje even when I stopped to realized that all that is of this work will disappear including these electronics that I used to listen to Mejanomics on over and over. Where do I find the written transcripts of all the Mejanomics broadcast and what type of paper did you say to print it on!! Beloved Caritas community members, your love, tireless getting Hearts close to Our Lady’s heart, the fact that you exist tell everyone about Our Lady, and bring Maria and Our Lady to Alabama …gives me great hope!! Thanks seems like such a tiny word for all your selfless giving and living. You are each the saints of our times….much love and humble admiration for each of you. You are forever in my prayers and on my heart.

  6. Hortencia Nuñez Villalón

    Wonderful show!!!! My heart is deeply moved. I cried and cried during the last part of the show. The last candy was so sweet and lovely. Thanks to a Friend of Medjugorje and the Community of Caritas.She gave Her love to you so you can give them to others and today I received a lot, lot, lot of LOVE.

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