Update about Medjugorje visionary Marija and the Conclave…
March 13, 2013 A.D.
Description of the Apparition Tuesday, March 12, 2013 A.D.
Marija Lunetti is in Medjugorje for a few days this week. On Tuesday, March 12, a Community of Caritas member went over to see Marija. As they spoke, Marija said, “Let’s do something beautiful today.” She asked A Friend of Medjugorje, through our community member, if it would be possible to have a picture of all 115 cardinals who are gathered in the conclave to elect a new Pope. Knowing that A Friend of Medjugorje has always guided the community to immediately respond to projects placed before them, Marija knew that all she needed to do was ask and if it could be done, it would be. A Friend of Medjugorje laid out what would be needed and had the community members in Medjugorje and back in Alabama working together to implement the design that would be placed on several laminated boards of the 115 cardinals so that they could be near the altar for Marija’s apparition. The boards were not able to be completed before the apparition yesterday, so instead A Friend of Medjugorje had all the cardinals printed out individually so that Marija would be able to have them present during the apparition yesterday, on March 12, 2013 A.D., the day the conclave began.
Before the apparition, Marija was given the pictures of the cardinals. She was very excited to receive them and immediately started looking through them, pointing to the ones she really liked and making comments about this one or that one. She immediately searched out Cardinal Schoenborn, whom she knows and who is a believer in Medjugorje. She told us to keep the pictures and give them to her just before the apparition. When Marija entered into the Chapel of the Two Hearts, which had a small group of Italians present for the apparition, she immediately spoke to the pilgrims, holding up the pictures of the cardinals and speaking about the importance of praying for them in this time as they are gathered to elect our new Pope. Marija then knelt down and arranged the pictures on the floor in front of Our Lady’s statue. She looked down at the pictures and rearranged them again. She then began to pray and bent down to once more rearrange the pictures of the cardinals. Our Lady then appeared to Marija. Our Lady stayed longer than normal, between 4 to 4 ½ minutes. Marija said afterwards that Our Lady prayed and blessed us all. However, the apparition had a special meaning knowing Our Lady looked upon all the cardinals of the conclave while Marija gave them to Our Lady during the apparition.
After the apparition, Marija immediately picked up all the pictures of the cardinals. As she passed by, one of our Caritas community members, joking, asked Marija if she was going to give back the pictures of the cardinals. Marija smiled and said, “No, I am keeping them.” A Friend of Medjugorje today still is guiding our Caritas graphic design department in designing a more appropriate laminated board of all the cardinals—their pictures and their names—to have placed before Our Lady during each of Marija’s apparitions these days leading to the selection of the new Pope. To enter into the history of the Church, to be able through prayer to ask Our Lady’s influence, while She is present in these apparitions in choosing the next Holy Father, is the grace and wonder of our time, “Mary’s time”. A Friend of Medjugorje has Caritas Community members, in Alabama and Medjugorje, praying for Our Lady’s intentions for the next Holy Father while the conclave is occurring, and invites all of you to join in these prayers. With the display present for her evening apparitions, Marija seeks the same in order to keep the focus of all Medjugorje people on the importance of continuous prayer for our cardinals who are gathered in the conclave at this time, especially at apparition time.
For the daily updates on Medjugorje and the Papal Conclave 2013 visit here…
30 thoughts on “Our Lady, the Conclave, the Cardinals”
I am happy that our Pope is Francis. I had prayed to Jesus and Mary for a Good, Saintly, Dynamic & Strong Pope and my prayers were granted. Let us pray that Our Lady will strengthen the New Pope and grant him good health and success in steering the Church in the right direction in accordance with God’s Holy Will
I am happy that our Pope is Francis. I had prayed to Jesus and Mary for a Good, Saintly, Dynamic & Strong Pope and my prayers were granted. Let us pray that Our Lady will strengthen the New Pope and grant him good health and success in steering the Church in the right direction in accordance with God’s Holy Will
People commenting on Facebook are destroying the name of Catholics by saying we worship Mary. We know that is not true, but how does one stop their lies. They claim they are Christians, but how can a Christian deny that Mary is the Mother of God?
How Holy and Blessed Is Our New Pope Francis 1 wow how awesome ! I Cried with tears of joy ! I know It Is Our Blessed Mother and The Holy Spirit Who interceed in the choice of Our Holy Pope Francis Cause I believe ! I was praying The Memorare to our Blessed Mother and Mentioned To Our Mother to Choose Our Pope And All of a sudden The White Smoke Came up ! I cried with joy And Thanked God and Our Blessed Mother And The Ho;y Spirit And Jesus ! Thank You All And Thank You Our Beautiful Mother Mary And The Holy Spirit For Choosing Our Blessed Pope Francis 1 For Giving Us Such A humble Leader To Lead Jesus Most Holy Catholic Church !
Thank you Mama Maria for giving us a humble pope to lead Jesus flock. Let us pray for conversion of the world to a peaceful world of love and humility.
May the good Lord protect, guide and bless Pope Francis 1
Awesome article, God Bless our Pope Francis 1 and we pray to the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten him as the Successor of St.Peter.
Its morning here as i write this mail. I prayed in our Adoration chapel before the Holy Eucharist, and the picture of the Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mother Mary and every time i looked up at the pictures, they would glow more colorful and as i walked up outside, around 1715hrs, the sun was going down in a very shiny rays.The announcement was made of the new Pope at night Kenyan time and immediately CNN beamed the news of the new pope, the was a light shower/rain over our place. Praise be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis I will be inaugurated on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, at 9:30 a.m. in St. Peter’s Square. Our Lady is smiling! Habemus Papam
I am with you in my prayers, I beg the Abba Father, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, with Mama Mary, to touch the mind and hart of each of the 115 Cardinal…that will have strong Unity to pick the humble, holy Pope. Pontiff Francis 1, was the first Jesuit that become the pope in our Catholic history. We have to pray for our new pope, he also ask the prayers he will be needed. ALLELUIA! Our Lady pick her new pope.
Welcome Pope Francis the 1st! God bless you and your servitude! We place you under our Mother’s sweet mantle as you serve all of us. We will be praying for you!
Let us all pray for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis!
Habemus Papam, Francis!!! Jezu ufam Tobie!!!
I got the news at about 1:00 pm, Mountain Daylight Time, on 13th day of March 2013, I’m glad to hear the news of new pope, named after Saint Francis of Assisi, which the city of Longmont, Colorado do have Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church!
Me and my husband just talking about St.Francis, suddenly the name of the pope appeared to be Pope Francis, how great thou art for his simplicity, thank you lord.
Another perfect and beautiful lesson given to us by our Mother. We look for a powerful leader to guide billions of us and the Holy Spirit chooses the humble servant. One who follows the motto of Jesus instructions to Saint Francis to rebuild His church. I think it is safe to say that the appropriate pictures of the Cardinals was the first one.
Pope Francis, our new Holy Father may the Holy Trinity and our Mother Mary watch over him,
So happy to welcome our new Pope! God bless him and keep our beloved Benedict in His embrace!I pray that the song that I am supposed to finish tonight will be dedicated to this momentous day and to Our Lady’s plans
We have a Pope!!!!! Pope Francis 1st. God Bless.
This has been most inspiring, to have Our Blessed Mother pray with us to choose the new Pope. God bless him in his new office.
Thank you so much for sharing this and also for all your efforts for us. I am looking forward to daily updates. May God bless you all.
Nice to hear from Alabama. Tears in my eyes why I do not know. I am very happy to hear. May God choose the one whom He really desire. God bless you all. Pray for me. Thank you.
This is a beautiful article. May God Bless all of You. I fell safe in the hands of Our Mother Mary that God’s will be done. My Prayers Will go out to all of the cardinals.
Its so reassuring to know that Our Lady of Medjugorge is in control and has prayed over the pictures of the Cardinals. We the Church need her like the Apostles did at the time of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I pray that cardinals look to Mary & Holy Spirit for guidance in this important choice. Considering the state of the world, it is extremely important that we have a pope that has spiritual & physical vitality who can uphold the truth of God, connect with young as well as old, bring unity to the our church. Thank you again!
Holy Spirit reign down in our hearts and that of those who guide our Church. We know that Jesus promised He would be with us until the end of time. Come Lord Jesus! Captivate our hearts and souls.
Looking forward to daily updates. Thank you so much for all your efforts for us. God bless you all!