THE NINE-DAY NOVENA — Nov. 25–Dec. 3
OUR LADY’S DESIRE IS TO “CONQUER” THE WORLD. She has plainly stated that She wishes to bring about a “Kingdom.” Hearing these words “Kingdom” and “conquer” brings to mind warfare. It is exactly that, except Our Lady intends the means for fighting and conquering is “LOVE.” Love is to be our only instrument. The battle is over the conversion of ourselves, our nation, and the world. We are to break away from everything which does not elevate God and hinders our living a holy life. Once we begin this path, we will easily see that the struggles within ourselves and around us are no less than a real battle toward good. The only path to true victory is learning to love, because only love is capable of dealing with a society gone so far astray.
Many think change will come about just through prayer. It will not because prayer without love amounts to useless words. Unless we are willing to radically change our lives an eternity of prayer will do nothing. Yet as one four year old told his dad,
“Dad, one ‘Glory Be’ changes the whole world.”
Indeed one prayer said with love, with our lives changed, prayed from the heart, alters the whole world by bringing more grace into the world. This increases good which decreases evil, thereby, altering the whole world.
“…It does not suffice to pray. You must change your life, your heart. Love the others, have love for others…” Undated
The meaning for the following novena is for love to prevail and conquer and to respond to Our Lady in helping to bring it about. We pray December will be a big step for Our Lady in accomplishing Her plans through us.
“…I want you to love all men with my love, both the good and the bad. Only that way will love ‘conquer’ the world…” May 25, 1988
“…Dear children, pray, so that in the whole world may come the Kingdom of Love. How mankind would be happy if love reigned!” March 25, 1986 (ANNUNCIATION)
“I wish to engrave in every heart the sign of love. If you love all mankind, then there is peace in you. If you are at peace with all men, it is the kingdom of love…” January 18, 1984
Mary, we give you this novena for your intentions for December 8-12, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for massive conversions, for trhe fulfillment of all your plans, and the initiation of new plans to reconcile ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God.
Prayer to Heal Our Land
LORD, WHO ARE WE AS A PEOPLE, having been given blessings in portions as no other nation before us? What has become of us, Father? We have spoiled your spacious skies with buildings and cities breathing with sin. The amber waves of grain are no longer viewed as our blessing but as our due. The awe and reverence due You when we gaze upon the purple mountains and their majesty is no longer held; rather, how much pleasure they can give us. Father, we have spurned You. We’ve blamed our problems on those who promote darkness, but You gave us time with Your Mother. Now our eyes have been opened by Her. Our lack of holiness, our not being light has allowed darkness to prevail. Indeed, our sins which we wrongly view as small have allowed those in darkness to commit great sins without shame. We now realize it’s because of our failings as Christians. Father, Samuel told your people, “It is true you have committed all this evil, still you must not turn from the Lord, but worship Him with your whole heart. For the sake of His own great name, the Lord will not abandon his own people.” Father, we come before You with our whole hearts and ask You to grant Our Lady Her intentions.
Mary, we do not deserve to even be heard, yet we know Your Son’s passion merits that we are. Mary, we call You as You have called us. Please, intercede before God to forgive us, to heal us, to heal our families, and to heal our nation.
Father, grant Mary’s intentions and hear Her pleas for us. We know you are justly irritated with us but we beg and plead for forgiveness through our repentance from our hearts. We realize our nation is headed toward disaster by so many signs You have given us. Holy, Holy, Holy God, grant Mary Her requests that we may again be your people, not a nation above God but one nation humbled and under God. Amen.
“Dear children, today I am calling you to the love which is loyal and pleasing to God. Little children, love bears everything bitter and difficult for the sake of Jesus Who is love. Therefore, dear children, pray God to come to your aid, not, however, according to your desires but according to His love. Surrender yourselves to God so that He may heal you, console you, and forgive everything inside you which is a hindrance on the way of love. In this way, God can mold your life and you will grow in love. Dear children, glorify God with the canticle of love so that God’s love may be able to grow in you day by day to its fullness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Day 1, Wednesday, November 25
The following two messages were given to Marija by Our Lady while Marija was in America, near Birmingham, Alabama:
“I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”
November 24, 1988 -Thanksgiving Day
Our Lady came and was very happy. She blessed and prayed over everyone. Marija recommended all those present to Our Lady and She prayed The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be. Our Lady extended Her arms and prayed in Hebrew over everyone. Her message:
“I wish that all your life be love, only love. Everything that you do, do it with love. In every little thing, see Jesus and His example. You also do as Jesus did. He died out of love for you. You also offer all you do with love to God, even the smallest little things of everyday life…” November 30, 1988
Day 2, Thursday, November 26
“Dear children, today my call to you is that in your life you live love towards God and neighbor. Without love, dear children, you can do nothing. Therefore, dear children, I am calling you to live in mutual love. Only in that way will you be able to love and accept both me and all those around you who are coming into your parish. Everyone will sense my love through you. Therefore, I beseech you, dear children, to start loving from today with an ardent love, the love with which I love you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” May 29, 1986
Day 3, Friday, November 27
Jelena asks why Our Lady is so beautiful:
“I am beautiful because I love. If you want to be beautiful, love. There is no one in the world who does not desire beauty.” March 25, 1985
Before the blessing at the end of the prayer group meeting:
“Dear children, you will be able to receive Divine love only in proportion to when you understand that, on the cross, God offers you His immense love.” February 22, 1986
Day 4, Saturday, November 28
“You can receive a grace immediately, or in a month, or in ten years. I do not need The Lord’s Prayer said a hundred or two hundred times. It is better to pray only one, but with a desire to encounter God. You should do everything out of love. Accept all annoyances, all difficulties, everything, with love. Dedicate yourselves to love.” March 9, 1985
Day 5, Sunday, November 29
“Dear children, I am calling you to the love of neighbor and love toward the one from whom evil comes to you. In that way you will be able to discern the intentions of hearts. Pray and love, dear children! By love you are able to do even that which you think is impossible. Thank you for having responded to my call.” November 7, 1985
Day 6, Monday, November 30
“Dear children, I wish to thank you for all the sacrifices and I invite you to the greatest sacrifice, the sacrifice of love. Without love, you are not able to accept either me or my Son. Without love, you cannot give an account of your experiences to others. Therefore, dear children, I call you to begin to live love within yourselves. Thank you for having responded to my call.” March 27, 1986
Day 7, Tuesday, December 1
“Dear children, I desire to call you to grow in love. A flower is not able to grow normally without water. So also you, dear children, are not able to grow without God’s blessing. From day to day you need to seek His blessing so you will grow normally and perform all your actions in union with God. Thank you for having responded to my call.” April 10, 1986
Day 8, Wednesday, December 2
“Dear children, hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything. I call you always to bring harmony and peace. Especially, dear children, in the place where you live, act with love. Let your only instrument always be love. By love turn everything into good which satan desires to destroy and possess. Only that way will you be completely mine and I shall be able to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” July 31, 1986
Day 9, Thursday, December 3
“Dear children, today also I am calling you to live and follow with a special love all the messages which I am giving you. Dear children, God does not want you lukewarm and undecided, but that you totally surrender to Him. You know that I love you and that I burn out of love for you. Therefore, dear children, you also decide for love so that you will burn out of love and daily experience God’s love. Dear children, decide for love so that love prevails in all of you, but not human love, rather God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.” November 20, 1986
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4 thoughts on “November Novena”
A very interesting broadcast, and questions about mysterious ways of God here. As a reasoning person with faith about spiritual realities, my mind ponders. Bare with me as I think haha….sometimes I am wrong… I am ok with that. I read a few articles about Q anon. One article likened the movement/associates as living in a fantasy world.. like a fantasy video game with players of power (can’t remember exactly what was written). And the Q’s are conjuring up this fantasy. Even if certain conspiracies are not accurate” or accurately portraying real physical events/intentions etc of political scenarios, I believe there is a valid argument to say that they are accurate.” What I mean by this is that God speaks to people and people know and can sense evil. Christ is with us. satan is around too. If the Q’s followers are living in a fantasy world, I believe that even if it is all made up, there is a sense people have and know, that the Spirit and material, is at war with an evil spirit /material force. In this sense, the imagination, even if fantasized, maybe something to pay attention too. This makes sense to me at least (haha). Idk..I am ok if you don’t post this. Just some thougts
A very interesting broadcast, and questions about mysterious ways of God here. As a reasoning person with faith about spiritual realities, my mind ponders. Bare with me as I think haha….sometimes I am wrong… I am ok with that. I read a few articles about Q anon. One article likened the movement/associates as living in a fantasy world.. like a fantasy video game with players of power (can’t remember exactly what was written). And the Q’s are conjuring up this fantasy.Even if certain conspiracies are not “accurate” or accurately portraying real physical events/intentions etc of political scenarios, I believe there is a valid argument to say that they are “accurate.” What I mean by this is that God speaks to people and people know and can sense evil. Christ is with us. satan is around too. If the Q’s followers are living in a fantasy world, I believe that even if it is all made up, there is a sense people have and know, that the Spirit and material, is at war with an evil spirit /material force. In this sense, the imagination, even if fantasized, maybe something to pay attention too. This makes sense to me at least (haha). Idk..I am ok if you don’t post this. Just some thougts
We recieved our books today and began to read with my 3 younger that are now home schooled. Talked to my teens and we’ve agreed that we will read each night before we pray the rosary. I am so excited to see the beginning (well maybe not the beginning, because we know She has already helped us so much), but maybe the next step closer to the fulfillment of Her messages and the 10 secrets! More peace as we see our many years of prayers and fasting being answered. Tears as we read and hear how many would be born and prepared in their lives for this very purpose and time. We are not united by chance. We pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us into all Truth! Pray that evil will continue to be exposed and blind eyes opened! I pray for all those in positions of power who seek to do what is good and right and just and holy to be given the graces needed to accomplish God’s Will hear on earth! We pray for the Abode of God everyday! Pls pray for our spouses who are rejecting big and tiny Q!