Good Friday
April 10, 2020 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje instructed us on October 2, 2009:
“Kneel down beneath the Cross and look at my Son. He conquered sin and died so that you, my children, may live. Permit me to help you not to die but to live with my Son forever…”
Permitting Our Lady to help us not to die, what does that entail? Maybe something different than you think.
Our Lady is coming to help us to rise with Jesus, and it involves something which has to die. A Friend of Medjugorje shared more in a writing from 2014:
We speak for our consciences and for the light God has put in our hearts, that darkness is under judgment and will be crushed and that a new day is dawning. We are to be determined and decisive. It’s one way or the other. Decide. There is no middle ground. The Earth will soon go through death throes. Something new will be birthed.
For the world, the death throes have begun, and the birth pains of something new is rising. Good Friday is about more than remembering the historical fact of Jesus’ death, but it is a living witness of everything that has to die in order for something new to rise. Our Lady does not want us to die with the world, but to live. This involves distancing yourself more and more from the world, its ways and systems. Today, kneel beneath the Crucifix, look at Jesus, and permit Him to give you Our Lady as a Mother, so She can help you not to die.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
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