February 24, 2020 A.D.
Our Lady said on January 25, 2020:
“…This is why He sends me to you.”
We can continue to meditate on the above words given one month ago, and still not penetrate fully into what it means that God has sent Our Lady to Medjugorje.
God exists. His presence is real. And it is this God that has sent Our Lady to the world. A Friend of Medjugorje sheds more light about this time that we cannot comprehend:
We are in a time we do not comprehend, nor understand, nor have a full grasp of its significance. But one thing we can say is that Medjugorje is greater than anything that has happened with apparitions in the past. It is not another Fatima. It is not another Lourdes. It is the moment God has been preparing for since the beginning of the Church and even before; for Mary to come into this time, and be made known and loved as no other time in history.
No other time in history matches this time. We have before us a Heavenly Being giving messages from God for the world. A Friend of Medjugorje revealed in a talk in Medjugorje in 1998, that Medjugorje is unique among all apparitions – in that Our Lady is not giving messages for the visionaries, but She is coming to give messages for the whole world. Be in prayer for Our Lady’s message, which will be given for the world through Marija, tomorrow, February 25.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas