New Book Release Today, on Our Lady’s Birthday
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Today, we celebrate the Birthday of Our Lady. A Friend of Medjugorje tells us that today’s feast marks the beginning of Christmas. After millenniums of the world walking in darkness, the Light was coming to the world, when She, Who was to hold the Light and give Him to the world, was born.
With today, comes an important announcement to help leads souls to the Light. We are releasing a new and expanded version of one of the most pivotal books which a Friend of Medjugorje has written. I See Far, was originally released in 1994, and has changed many families, through God’s grace towards a more-pure walk in holiness. Thousands of testimonies through the years are evidence to this. But, with new alternate ways in which satan brings darkness into our homes, comes the need to expose that darkness to the light. This is what the new I See Far does.
The original I See Far book was 210 pages. The new Expanded and Updated version is now 386 pages! In the newest version, a Friend of Medjugorje shares:
Our Lady had to come in 1981, to get rooted before the fax machine became popular, which was around 1987! Our Lady wouldn’t be able to get people’s attention right now. I am going to tell you now, that if Our Lady appeared today… to begin Her plans in Medjugorje, She wouldn’t be able to do it.
– Friend of Medjugorje Chapter 23, I See Far – Expanded
Begin to break the darkness in your home and family! Now is the time!
The Expanded I See Far is coming off the binder and will be ready to ship in a few days. Be on the lookout for the audiobook and Kindle version which will be available in the next couple of weeks. We are also working on bulk case pricing to be available in the next few days.
You can order below, or by calling Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. Ask for item number BF104. After hours dial to extension 315. When dialing from outside the United States, dial 001-205-672-2000. Caritas of Birmingham Operated by the Community of Caritas
I See Far – Expanded
by a Friend of Medjugorje
(Expanded and Updated!) – Never authoring a book that is a let-down, a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing, I See Far, is strongly connected to Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje. This book will change your family’s walk towards a more pure life. Sharing Our Lady’s words about television and in this new expanded version, a Friend of Medjugorje shares also about how technology affects your family. This is a book of conversion for the whole family.