Friday, July 21, 2017 A.D.
12:00 PM Alabama Time
ur Lady has said that Her apostles are Her strength:
March 2, 2015
“…You are my strength. You, my apostles…”
Following are a few of the responses we have received so far since the matching donation from people who are in need of this strength:
“I’m thrilled my husband is letting me donate! And so glad I waited so it will be doubled. I wish it were more and I am praying for you daily as always. I depend on You all! You are my support, My strength in striving to live Our Lady’s messages. May SHE hold you ever close to Her heart as you work to fulfill HER plan. I can’t thank you enough!”
In the Love of Our Lady,
L.E. from Minnesota
“I can’t tithe what my husband brings home, but in hopeful anticipation of what I may bring in this next month. I wish it could be more. Thank you for all you do, your commitment to Our Lady, and for being a beacon of light during these times. Thank you to those who committed the matching funds! Anxiously awaiting for to come back online… In Her time! In Jesus and Mary, with much love and prayers for you all! Thank you!!”
C.C. from California
Continue to pray every day and to offer your Masses for the intention of Mej v3.0 to be released soon. To all those who have given, are giving again, and who are praying every day, thank you!
In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas