From Medjugorje: We share a few pictures from Marija’s Chapel of the Two Hearts, remembering the sweet meeting of hearts between Our Lady and so many pilgrims and villagers who came to be with Her each evening, as Medjugorje visionary Marija leaves Medjugorje and returns to her home in Italy.
A storm rolled in a few days ago to Medjugorje bringing the first rainfall in the last two months. It also brought cooler and breezy weather that seems to be ready to stay. School days around the world have returned, also here in Medjugorje, and so we leave behind another summer and shortly, another year as we head towards Christmas and the year of 2010. Two of the visionaries will be ending their time in Medjugorje soon and returning to their homes, Italy for Marija, and Boston for Ivan. When Ivan leaves, the mountain apparitions will end as well until next year. It is hopeful that there will be one more apparition of Our Lady on Apparition Mountain this Friday, though that will not be known until Friday morning. Marija and her family leave tomorrow.
We share a few pictures from Marija’s Chapel of the Two Hearts, remembering the sweet meeting of hearts between Our Lady and so many pilgrims and villagers who came to be with Her each evening.
The statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje in Marija’s Chapel of Two Hearts. This is the exact location where Our Lady appears each evening during Marija’s apparitions in Medjugorje. This picture was taken on June 25, 2009, the 28th anniversary of the apparitions.
After receiving the message from Our Lady on June 25, 2009, Marija withdrew to a side room to pray and write down the words of Our Lady. After, she returned to the chapel and read the message first in Croatian and then in Italian with all the translators of different languages present. These were the words Marija read on this day:
June 25, 2009
“Dear children! Rejoice with me, convert in joy and give thanks to God for the gift of my presence among you. Pray that, in your hearts, God may be in the center of your life and with your life witness, little children, so that every creature may feel God’s love. Be my extended hands for every creature, so that it may draw closer to the God of love. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
One of the beautiful and unique features of Marija’s Chapel of the Two Hearts is the altar. It is a wooden altar that forms the word “MIR” which means “PEACE” in the Croatian language. There is much peace felt in Marija’s chapel. One Caritas pilgrim remarked after being present for Marija’s apparition that he was surprised at how welcoming he felt in her chapel, how much like home it felt when he walked through the doors.
Most every evening Marija’s Chapel of the Two Hearts was “full to the brim” with people, from the top to the bottom. Here, people were leaving just after the apparition on August 10, 2009. Our Lady always prays over everyone present and blesses them. Only in Heaven will we understand what great grace it was to be in the presence of the Virgin Mary in Her apparitions in Medjugorje.
8 thoughts on “Medjugorje Visionary Marija Leaves Medjugorje Today”
The song was beautiful Just the Rain by Lonestar. Thank you Blessed Mother for all you do for us, may we respond the way we are supposed to, with love. Thank you Caritas for being there and giving us the truth. God Bless You !
Hvaljen Isus i Marija, dear Caritas, please, please, send me all, with all date, on my E-mail. Wish you 1000x Blessings of Our Lady. In Christ, Milena