
February 9, 2018 A.D.

Why Does Mej.com Look Different Today?

For about the past month, a Friend of Medjugorje has been leading a team of seven members of the Community of Caritas in Florida to strategically plan and act on specific objectives he feels to be very important for the Medjugorje world in 2018. This Special Edition of the Medjugorje.com site is just one part of the fruit of this past month of dedicated prayer and work focused on mej.com.  We extend a sincere thank you to all of you who gave gifts and offered prayers last year to help raise the funds to keep Medjugorje.com operating, growing, improving, and reaching hearts for conversion across the entire world.  

What is Different? Three main aspects.

One: Why is Medjugorje Real?

The opening presentation for last year’s launch of Mej version 3.0, Why is Medjugorje Real?, is being re-released now with text captions that explain each individual slide that makes up the full presentation. One can now move slowly through each slide, reading the captions, and enter more deeply into what profoundly moved tens of thousands after its release last year. Visit here to go directly to Why is Medjugorje Real?

Two: New Improvements to Medjugorje.com – Version 3.7.24

Numerous improvements to Medjugorje.com have been planned, “built,” and implemented during the first month and a half of 2018. The improved simplicity and functionality make mej.com a better tool for your own research and conversion. The changes also give you, as one of Our Lady’s apostles, better tools for reaching out to and feeding the conversions of others. Visit here for a more detailed explanation of the Mej v3.7.24 improvements.

Three: 72 Hour Sale – Medjugorje Pilgrimages: Answers at your Fingertips

We know many, many people feel called to go to Medjugorje with BVM Caritas Pilgrimages this year. Many want to sign up during the 72 hour sale to take full advantage of the savings offered for booking between February 12th and February 14th.

A Friend of Medjugorje wanted those who feel this call to have time to pray, think, and reflect upon their decision to go. He also wanted to place at their fingertips all the information necessary to help answer any questions one might have about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje with BVM Caritas Pilgrimages. Questions such as:

• What is included in the price of the pilgrimage?

• What should I look for in a pilgrimage?

• When is the best time to go?

• Where will I stay?

• Other frequently asked questions.

The entire left menu and extra buttons on the homepage have been replaced by Medjugorje pilgrimage information to help answer your questions about going to Medjugorje, and for you to spread this information to others and urge them to go this year. Visit here to return to the homepage.

Is This Change to Mej.com Permanent?

This Special Edition look on Mej.com will last only until the end of the 72 Hour Pilgrimage Sale. At midnight on Wednesday, February 14th, Medjugorje.com will revert to its previous look and layout that millions are familiar with, but with the new fixes and additions of v3.7.24.

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