’s Future is in Your Hands
Please read the following in full:
This site is free to all users. It does not cost any money, fees, whatsoever to use it. Nowhere on the site are you charged for its use.
Many valuable downloads are free, even for downloadable books. However, it is an extensive site which does have costs involved for its operation and continuation. But it is free to all. The cost is paid for by a special Core Group of people who sign up for 14 cents per day to bear the cost of producing free to the world. If you are able, you are invited to be one of 4,000 Core Group members who will donate 14 cents a day so to help the world to come and know Our Lady. Thank you and please pray for those Core Group members who give the gift of this extensive operation to you free.
Updated March 19, 2010
Please remember today in prayer the campaign to raise this year’s budget for So many who cannot give depend on those who can. If you are a user of, if you want information in the future, then you will greatly want information when the secrets are released. Everything we are doing is building and infrastructure to handle the tsunami of information flow now and for the release and later evangelization of Our Lady’s great secrets as they come to pass. Everyone will want it then. But few want to plan now. This is our work. Just as we gave you hour by hour details about Our Lady’s apparition to Mirjana, yesterday, March 18, 2010. Please reflect about this campaign, pray for its success. All we need is 4,000 Core Group members giving 14 cents per day. Thank you and God bless all of you who have committed to being a Core Group member. The following letter shows this need to make this site available.
I do not even have my own internet, rather to rely on the kindness of someone else who is not Christian and not aware that I use it to further my knowledge and heart in the Kingdom of God. If they were aware then I would not be able to “borrow” it—especially because I am Catholic. There are many persecutions and poverties even in the western world that many Christians are blind to. Choice? Perhaps! But Our Dear Blessed Mother sees all just like her Son and it is for that reason that I tell you with an honest heart that not all of us can afford to give even pennies when we do not know if we will have enough to pay the rent at the end of the month. So thank you for asking for my help, I am not able to help in that way right now but I will pray that God will inspire the hearts of those who have so very much more to please keep Our Blessed Mother close to us in this way. God bless your day.
Your sister in Christ,
The following chart shows how easily you can help reach its goal.
What are the benefits of being a Core Group Member?
The following was released March 1, 2010
VERY IMPORTANT READ will not stay online without your help.
We do not anticipate going offline this year as we did last year because you understand
the significance of this plea and what manifested into
That is all asks from you to stay online per day.
by A Friend of Medjugorje
Last year was forced to go offline because of lack of funding. One individual wrote:
Dear Caritas,
Please don’t take away.
We wrote back saying it was not our intent to do so. We were willing to do everything we could for Our Lady and Medjugorje to keep online. However, while the work, the operation of Caritas, and the commitment rested upon our shoulders, we could do nothing without funding to keep it going., therefore, went offline. For 16 days we truly did not know if it would come back. It was out of our power to keep running, because its future rested on the shoulders of the users of to respond by funding our efforts in running Learning from Our Lady’s messages, we, at Caritas, do not know how to do a task only halfway. We work for Our Lady and we give our all. could not continue limping along, nor could we continue to do what Our Lady was calling us to do without proper funding and a budget. Though we had little funding, we did have a loyal following, such as the following letter illustrates:
February 27, 2009
Dear Caritas,
I live in what has become a pagan land Ireland. I always download the podcasts and listen while I’m driving. I totally believe that the Holy Spirit is using to speak to us in a way that none of our priests are prepared to. It was with great pleasure that I signed up for the monthly donation. I’m self-employed and I have not been getting the amount of work I need so money is very tight, but I will continue to support, as the spiritual food I receive from your site is as important as the food I need for me and my family.
I will continue to donate additional amounts when I can, and I would ask that you always have a reminder to us users of to donate. May Our Holy Blessed Mother continue to lead us all to Her Son.
God Bless You,
For 60 days previous to being forced to go offline, we had repeatedly appealed and requested donations with little response. Everyone was assuming that would be there without their help. Most everyone assumed everyone else was donating. They were not, and was suddenly gone. We needed to raise funds for a one year budget to implement plans for a system and an infrastructure that was capable of a massive outreach, available to the whole world, for the purpose of propagating and spreading Our Lady’s messages.
Our Lady said:
May 8, 1986
“Dear children, you are the ones responsible for the messages…you are the vessels which transport the gifts… I am calling you to do your job with responsibility. Each one shall be responsible according to his own ability. Dear children, I am calling you to give the gifts to others with love, and not to keep them for yourselves…”
Medjugorje’s call is the Third Luminous Mystery: “The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God” and “The Call to Conversion.” It is Our Lady who repeatedly puts out the call:
July 25, 2008
“…I call you to conversion…”
After being offline, many began to donate and pray. They also began to contact others and the word spread quickly. We made a commitment to come back online when at least 2,100 people committed 14¢ per day, which was just over ½ the budget needed to continue to keep our nose above water.
The total needed was 4000 people to commit to 14¢ per day to make what it is now. Four thousand people, committed for a year, would give us the budget of $208,000. The 4000 would make up a special core group of people who form the support base to supply to the population of the world, free. We were able to come back online sixteen days later on March 11, 2009 when we reached 2100 people who committed with their donations. We still had 1900 more people to reach the 4000 people goal necessary for an annual budget. By mid-March, 4000 people responded and the budget of $208,000 was reached. There were not actually 4000 people, as many donated over 14¢ per day, such as the person who wrote the following letter. This one person covered for four people per day.
February 24, 2009
Dear Caritas,
I will donate $20.00 a month. Please do not go off the internet. You are my joy, my hope, you bring me the Mother of My Lord. I will pray. God bless you all.
Sonoma, California
With successfully back online, and now with a budget, plans and projects took shape and a very aggressive schedule was planned for June 1, 2009. became a redirect for the brand new, a domain name the core group members helped acquire. It was a whole new site, prayerfully and thoughtfully planned for years. It quickly moved in ranking from page 6 to the first page on Google. Through God’s grace, began to feed Medjugorje to its users in a way not yet achieved in the Medjugorje Movement. also changed the Medjugorje presence on the worldwide web – a positive for everyone in bringing many Medjugorje websites to a higher quality and standard. This brings more credibility to the worldwide Medjugorje Movement and is a benefit for all, especially as the time of the Secrets approach. Our Lady asked us to be a witness to attract others to conversion. So we see the same, that how we spread Our Lady’s messages is a witness and has helped others spread Her messages. It lifts the whole Medjugorje Movement up, just as each of our personal witnesses lifts others up. Love for Our Lady and others drives this force.
For those who contributed last year. Thank you! Thank you for accepting an invitation to be part of a special group who is building and supplying to millions in the future.
We now are faced with this year’s budget goals. Presently seven Community members are holed up fulltime, working fifteen hours a day, six days a week, without distractions or interruptions in an isolated place. They will be working and planning this year’s projects and goals for 2010-2011. So we ask you if is worthy of your support and prayers, to please be one of 4000 core group members for 14¢ a day who will provide to millions in the future – FREE. Therefore, we ask you to judge us.
• Judge what you received from last year.
• Judge what you received from since June 1, 2009.
• Judge Caritas.
• Judge the Community of Caritas and how Our Lady has used this Community who operates
Our life is dedicated as missionaries of Medjugorje to keep you connected to Medjugorje, to help you maintain your zeal and to help you grow in conversion as well as others, such as what is stated in the following letter:
“I have only recently discovered your amazing Medjugorje website. This is such a wonderful blessing for me because I have now been reawakened from my long dark slumber concerning Our Lady’s call from this blessed place. Even though I had been to Medjugorje many years ago, I had lost my love and zeal for what was happening there, with recent negativity towards the authenticity of the supernatural origins of the apparitions. I was even beginning to doubt myself. But, thank God, this is no more!
Georgio, Ireland
Today, March 1, we must launch the goal to raise this year’s budget – the budget from March 1, 2010 to March 1, 2011. We have only $3,000.00 remaining in our budget for 2009-2010. It is not enough to make it through March, so this plea is to you – to become one of 4000 core group members. Please make your 14¢ a day contribution recurring. We do not want to be in the ‘business’ of raising money, but in the mission of feeding souls throughout the world.
We wrote last year to you:
14¢ per day is a dollar a week obligation. It is a small amount to help change the world. Save and save souls, by God’s grace, who through are being introduced everyday to Our Lady’s plans to save the world. Millions of people pay for a membership card for the ‘privilege’ to shop at Sam’s or Costco’s Wholesale Club. The hope for you to keep alive for 14¢ a day or $1.00 a week should not be looked at as a burden, but a ‘privilege’ to help Our Lady fulfill God’s desires “…to convert the entire world…” 06-25-07 Thank you.
Your donation will build something does not have, nor the Medjugorje Movement. You cannot image what is being planned. We are very excited where Our Lady is leading us. We are looking, peering into the future, anticipating what tools and capabilities we will need to continue to develop into a special powerful force that will spread Medjugorje throughout the world. We are prayerfully studying how we will handle the great moment of evangelization once the release of the secrets take place. We are looking how we will integrate:
• The printing presses of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages
• Caritas’ operations at the Mother House in Alabama and our Mission outpost in Medjugorje
• The Community of Caritas
• Our Lady’s way of life
• You the people
We will integrate all of these elements in a harmonizing effort to build a powerful force to spread Our Lady’s messages for a new world being born into a new way of life, a new springtime for the Church. You can be…will be used for a glorious movement in history, as the following letters show:
Thank you for building and maintaining this wonderful website with Our Lady’s messages for the world…it’s an appeal for all of us to help Her spread the messages, and your website is serving that need as well; i.e., the live pictures, the crowds of people, etc. It is sooo helpful to have a thoughtful website dedicated to Our Lady of Peace in Medjugorje. It truly allows people that cannot get there physically, to experience some of the joy through the same sights…we are all grateful!
New Jersey
Many depend upon us and, therefore, many depend upon you to partner with
Thank you Caritas for all the hard work and sacrifices you make every day to help encourage all of us to live out our Blessed Mother’s messages. These articles and pictures mean the world to me. They give me the strength that I need to live a Christian life. I love you all! God bless each and every one of you.
For everyone who becomes a core group member, you will be given the opportunity to premier and critique two special projects that are almost completed before their release on the site. You will be given the code that will bring you to that area of the site, when those projects are ready to be released. In addition, you will be given a coupon for 10% off every purchase you make through mej-mart for an entire year. That alone, at Christmas time, will save you enough to return your donation back to you! Also, mej-mart will be greatly expanded with many more religious items of interest to you. But, most importantly to you, is the grace to have your names presented to Our Lady in Her apparitions both in Medjugorje and when She is present at Caritas through Marija’s apparitions. That includes during the second of the month apparitions, as well as in Marija’s Chapel of Two Hearts in Medjugorje and in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas. Marija recently explained to us that Our Lady shows particular interest in the names that are presented to Her in the apparitions. So, to have your name given to Our Lady in an apparition is a great grace. It is an obligation we feel indebted to fulfill for our core group members who are keeping online, feeding the world Our Lady’s messages.
With Love,
On behalf of
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Again, please make your 14¢ a day contribution recurring.
There are three ways to donate.
1. Online – you can do so by clicking “Donate”.
2. Calling Caritas at 1-205-672-2000 (outside of the U.S. dial 001-205-672-2000). Call Caritas of Birmingham if you feel uncomfortable about donating online.
3. Mail in your donation to:
Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, AL 35147 U.S.A.
When mailing your donation please include your email address so that you can be acknowledged with a receipt. If you do not include your email address you will not receive a receipt.
The following chart shows how easily you can help reach its goal.
Benefits of Being A Core Group Member:
• A coded coupon that will give you 10% off the Mej Mart for a year
• A privileged preview of every new program before it is released on Two programs that have been worked on for several months will be released in the next few days to core group members.
• The grace to have your names presented to Our Lady in Her apparitions both in Medjugorje and when She is present at Caritas through Marija’s apparitions. That includes during the second of the month apparitions, as well as in Marija’s Chapel of Two Hearts in Medjugorje and in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas.
• 2% off the already lowest prices going to Medjugorje, offered through BVM/Caritas
• 5% off of any item from the extensively stocked Caritas Gift Shop when visiting Caritas
• 5% off of any items from the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje. 90% of the materials available in the Caritas Mission House are free to pilgrims, but for those other items, 5% will be taken off
1 thought on “ 2010 Core Group Members”
It was a last minute decision that I have gone to Key Biscayne. A good friend of mine called saying she was going hence I joined her. It was an open field full of Pilgrims, some children and infants were there. We all started to pray the Rosary headed by Marija. Suddenly there was an intense moment of peace and silence which lasted about ten minutes. I felt something that overshadowed me as if I was embraced by a cold air but extremely pleasant , accepting and loving. During that time you can hear nothing, even the infants and children were all quiet. Everything blended in PEACE. Later the rosary prayer was continued. It is only now that my description of the event that happened to all of us was confirmed. The Blessed Mother has embraced and blessed each and every one of us in the open field!!! What a joyous event!! Thank you so much Blessed Mother, in bended knee I adore and worship Jesus Christ our savior forever. I love you.