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Marija Has a Beautiful Apparition Today

Marija Has a Beautiful Apparition Today

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 A.D.

by a Friend of Medjugorje


We have some Community members in Medjugorje right now, who were present at Marija’s daily apparition today. I wanted to share with you the description of the apparition today, as well as what Marija said to those present afterwards.

After you read what Marija said, you will want to make plans to come to Caritas during the Five Days of Prayer, December 8-12, 2023. These five days of prayer are medicine for your heart and salvation for your soul.

The apparition today, Wednesday, November 8, 2023, lasted 7 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition.


“At the moment of the apparition I recommend all of you, all of your intentions. Our Lady watched us. She prayed over us for a long time and then She blessed us and She left.”


Present for the apparition today were pilgrims from North America, South America, and Italy, among other places. After the apparition Marija spoke to those present. The following is a translation of what she said.


“I want to recommend to all of you to use this time for prayer, especially as we are approaching the time of Advent. And in a special way to pray for peace. As we all know there are many wars going on in the world. So let us use this time well and to pray for peace.

“We Croatians have a tradition during Advent to go to early morning Mass. This is something you could also try to do for yourself. It is a good way to stay close to your parishes and your parish priest in prayer. As Christmas approaches, we are always distracted with buying gifts. There is nothing wrong with buying something for someone we love, but let us not forget the most important way to spend your time is to give time to Jesus,  to put Him first in our life and to love Him first and then everything else falls into place.

“At the same time, I want to say that this is a very particular time, a time of grace because Our Lady is still appearing, and we are tonight, all of us here, we are the fortunate ones because Our Lady looked at all of us and She blessed us all.

“That means that for all of us this can be and should be the start of a new life; a time of grace through prayer, which means the past we cannot change it. We leave it to God’s mercy. And we cannot worry about the future. We just have today.

“We are called to be a blessing to those in our families, in our work place and wherever we are.

“Thanks be to God here in Medjugorje we have many priests, so this is a very good opportunity to make a good Confession, maybe even a life-long Confession. It’s something people prepare for, for a long time. So for example, Friday is coming up and Fridays are a special time of silence and prayer for us in Medjugorje. So let’s use this time to really pray, go to Confession and stay in deeper prayer.

“Back in the early days we used to spend a long time in prayer. So, for example, we would go to Cross Mountain with a prayer group of young people and we would stay up there all day praying. And we would write letters to the Blessed Mother and offer them to Her. And this is something we can do also, so that we can start a new life, a life of sanctity.

“So those early days were really beautiful days of prayer. We would spend a lot of time in prayer. For example, when winter would come, it would be cold and windy, so there wouldn’t be many people and we would use the time for prayer.

“And Our Lady would speak to us of God, and She would tell us to go out into nature and listen in our heart to what God is saying to us. This is how She was teaching us about God. And She taught us to go into nature and not just think about God, but to pick something in nature that reminded us about God. So somebody would pick a flower, somebody would take a rock, someone would take even a very big tree branch; something that would represent God to them. Everybody brought something, everybody had something that would speak to them about God through prayer. Some even would bring a dry tree branch and say that God spoke to them in that way because God can bring life out of something dead.

“So, for example, doing something like this, this is an example of how through our lives lived in love if we live through to others who are desperate, who have fallen away from the faith, if we approach them with love and pray for them, they can also become alive again and new life can come out of them, a new life of sanctity as well.”

– Medjugorje visionary Marija


What Marija says is beautiful and her inspiration is a perfect invitation to come to The Five Days of Prayer, December 8-12 and to prepare during the Advent Season for Christmas. Come experience December 8-12, especially Christmas in the Field.

You will prepare for Christmas in prayer, giving your time to Jesus and Our Lady, and in this way you will leave with more peace in your life. You will then be able to give the gift of peace to others this Christmas.





For those of you who have been to Christmas in the Field and the Five Days of Prayer, write your testimony here of coming to Alabama during December 8-12, and the live graces you received by being on this consecrated ground in nature for these five days.

In the Love of Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorje


Contact Caritas in the U.S. for more information about December 8-12, 205-672-2000

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

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3 thoughts on “Marija Has a Beautiful Apparition Today”

  1. rosalie mccloskey

    City: whitby,
    State: ontario, L1P 1X7
    Country: Canada
    Thank you Mariji,
    I so much want to go to Medjugorje and be present for one of our Ladies apparitions. I am elderly and not sure I ould make the trip from Canada which would be 17-18 hour flight. I am praying for this trip.
    I also want you all to pray to our Lady and ask for conversion in my famiy so they will come back to the love of Jesus and practice the Catholic faith.
    Thank you for your prayers for my petition.
    God bless,

  2. Connie DeGraff-Shearerplease pray for my family

    City: Dowagiac
    State: Michigan
    Country: United States
    Pray for my family please that those who need to come back to Mass. My husband’s kidneys and eyes are failing, to be restored I pray. So much in my heart. Thank you.🙏🙏💕💕

  3. City: Sacramento
    State: CA
    Country: United States
    Beautiful. Thank you Maria for those beautiful words of love and encouragement. Much needed.
    God bless all of you.

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