
Marija Arrives in Alabama Our Lady Says Apparition at 6:40 PM Today

Marija Arrives in Alabama Our Lady Says Apparition at 6:40 PM Today

Marija Arrives in Alabama
Our Lady Says Apparition at 6:40 PM Today, Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Visionary Marija Lunetti arrived last night, at 9:40 p.m., June 29, 2009, fresh from celebrating Our Lady’s 28th anniversary in Medjugorje, and after a brief greeting from the community, entered the Bedroom to join them in the prayer of the Rosary, as Marija had not yet had her apparition of Our Lady that day. The Caritas Community gladly interrupted their work in preparing for the July 1-5 apparitions, in order to see Marija and most especially greet Our Lady. It has been a very intense three months of work in preparation of this event, and much work still to do, so in a special way the community asked Our Lady’s assistance in helping them accomplish everything necessary in the time remaining before July 1st is here. Our Lady appeared in the middle of the Rosary and appeared for several minutes. She came, prayed over everyone and blessed them. When Our Lady comes each time to Caritas, She says what time and place the apparition will be for the following day. Our Lady said She would appear on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 in the Bedroom, in the evening, at 6:40 p.m. To send your petitions, click here. All pilgrims are invited to go to the Field to pray the Rosary at 6:00 p.m. that Our Lady may bless them in the Field during the apparition.

Marija arrives at Caritas

Marija, who is standing in the white sweater, arrives surrounded by Caritas Community members in the founder’s home. They’re faces are lit up with joy, not only that Marija has arrived, but because of the new “community” member she is being introduced to –a young squirrel that has been bottle-fed for months after being separated from its mother in its first weeks. “Chipper” did not stay long on the arm of Joshua, before dashing around the walls of the room and furniture, showing off for those quick enough to catch him with their eyes. For more than 20 years, the prayer said each day in the Field at the time of Our Lady’s apparition in Medjugorje, consecrates all the plants, animals and even the mountains themselves to Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. From that blessing we have witnessed in remarkable ways the peace that descends upon even wild animals we encounter, and have been touched to see the face of God in so many of these lowly creatures.

These long months of preparation have brought us finally to these five days of prayer with Our Lady. Many believe that these apparitions of Our Lady are even more important than last year simply because of the deterioration of our nation in just one year’s time. The Community of Caritas encourages even now, those who have not thought about coming, to spontaneously make the decision to be present for Our Lady’s apparitions. It pleases Our Lady to see great crowds come to be in Her presence. She often said on the mountains in Medjugorje that She is happy to see everyone in such large numbers.


December 8, 1983

“Thank you my children for coming in such large numbers…”



August 5, 1991

“…I am very happy tonight to see you in such large numbers…”



March 1, 1984

“…Thank you for having responded tonight. I wish you always to be with my Son and me in every greater numbers…”

Many people decided at the last minute to attend last year’s apparitions, even if only for one day, and were greatly blessed by their decision. Pray to Our Lady to see if She is calling you to come. She will make the way clear.

For all those who are unable to be present, the July 1-5, 2009 Program Booklet is available for you to download so that you can be united with all those who are gathering here for the Five Days of Prayer, July 1-5, in your prayers and sacrifices. There will be daily Radio Wave programs, including a special program in which Marija Lunetti will come in the studio to share with all of you her thoughts on Our Lady’s messages especially in light of these days of prayer for the United States. Check back for the time schedule of these programs.

We ask that you all seriously live these days of prayer in your own homes and churches, even in other countries, as we will be praying that the consecration of the United States in Our Lady’s presence will inspire countries around the world to follow in this example of gathering “we the people” of their own nations to consecrate their beloved homelands directly to the Heart of Our Lady who will lead them to the Heart of Her Son, Jesus.

Marija arrives at Caritas

Marija in ecstasy in the Bedroom a little after 10:00 p.m. on June 29, 2009 surrounded by the Caritas Community. The yellow roses on the Bed had been in Marija’s Chapel of the Two Hearts for Our Lady’s 28th anniversary of the apparitions on June 25, 2009. They were carried to Alabama through five airports, miraculously were given the green light through customs, and were still beautiful and intact as they were laid on the Bed to greet Our Lady in the apparition last night. There was a moment of reflection in the Bedroom pondering how something so fragile as a flower can today travel half way across the world in a single day, still alive, fresh and beautiful. But these flowers are beautiful because they have attached to them the fragrance of Our Lady’s presence, first in Medjugorje and now in Alabama.

Don’t forget to take advantage and send in your petitions immediately. Tell others about this beautiful ability to have your written words in Our Lady’s presence. Each day we will print out petitions and place them in the presence of Our Lady. She desires you to share your heart with Her, that you give Her all your problems, sufferings and difficulties. Do not hesitate to take this step in having Our Lady help you in healing difficult situations and difficult hearts.



In the Love of Our Lady,

A Friend of Medjugorje


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “Marija Arrives in Alabama Our Lady Says Apparition at 6:40 PM Today”

  1. I have bought several thousand dollars of the Miraculous Medal rounds. The first batch I had blessed by a priest. Then a couple of years later my friend said, “Don’t have them blessed as you cannot purchase anything with blessed objects”. Can you speak to this issue please?

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