The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s November 25, 2013 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! I call all of you to prayer. Open the doors of your heart profoundly to prayer, little children, to prayer with the heart; and then the Most High will be able to act upon your freedom and conversion will begin. Your faith will become firm so that you will be able to say with all your heart: ‘My God, my all.’ You will comprehend, little children, that here on earth everything is passing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
„Draga djeco! Danas vas sve pozivam na molitvu. Otvorite vrata srca, dječice, duboko molitvi, molitvi srcem, a onda će Svevišnji moći djelovati na vašu slobodu i počet će obraćenje. Vjera će postati čvrsta da ćete moći svim srcem reći: ‘Bog moj, sve moje’. Shvatit ćete, dječice, da je ovdje na Zemlji sve prolazno. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“
“Cari figli! Oggi vi invito tutti alla preghiera. Aprite profondamente la porta del cuore, figlioli, alla preghiera, preghiera del cuore e allora l’Altissimo potrà operare nella vostra libertà e inizierà la vostra conversione. La fede diventerà forte così che potrete dire con tutto il cuore: ‘Mio Dio e mio tutto’. Comprenderete, figlioli, che qui sulla Terra tutto è passeggero. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”
«Chers enfants, aujourd’hui, je vous invite tous à la prière. Ouvrez profondément les portes de votre coeur à la prière, petits enfants, à la prière avec le coeur, et alors le Très Haut pourra agir sur votre liberté, et la conversion commencera. Votre foi deviendra ferme, de sorte que vous pourrez dire de tout votre coeur : « Mon Dieu, mon tout ! » Vous comprendrez, pertits enfants, qu’ici sur la terre, tout passe. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»
„Liebe Kinder! Heute rufe ich euch alle zum Gebet auf. Meine lieben Kinder, öffnet die Tür des Herzens tief dem Gebet, dem Herzensgebet, dann wird der Allmächtige auf eure Freiheit einwirken können und die Bekehrung beginnt. Der Glaube wird fest werden, so dass ihr mit ganzem Herzen sagen könnt:“ Mein Gott, mein Alles!“ Meine lieben Kinder, ihr werdet begreifen, das hier auf Erden alles vergänglich ist. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
“Queridos hijos! Hoy los invito a todos a la oración. Abran profundamente la puerta del corazón, hijitos, a la oración, a la oración con el corazón, y entonces el Todopoderoso podrá obrar en vuestra libertad y comenzará la conversión. La fe llegará a ser tan firme que podrán decir con todo el corazón: ‘mi Dios, mi todo`. Comprenderán, hijitos, que aquí en la Tierra todo es pasajero. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”
Many people tell us that an important part of understanding Our Lady’s message, is found in the Radio WAVE broadcast, when A Friend of Medjugorje shares insight into the message. The direction given in these broadcasts are not like what you will normally hear in a Medjugorje program. A Friend of Medjugorje puts much prayer into these broadcasts, in order to convey the message that Our Lady would want to deliver to Her children across the world, to address their daily lives. To listen to the Radio WAVE broadcast for the November 25 message titled, “My God, My All,” visit here…
Remember the sixth of the Seven Novenas that begins today and ends December 3. To pray the novena visit here…