
Breakthrough Assault Pack

The Prayer to Purify and Protect Your Home, conveniently being made available in a pack of 50 cards, with a card detailing suggestions on places to pray this prayer.


The Prayer to Purify and Protect Your Home, is conveniently being made available in a pack of 50 cards, and is being released as the Breakthrough Assault Pack. Included with this Breakthrough Assault Pack, is a card with suggestions on places to pray this prayer. As a bonus, all orders will receive a small packet of Blessed Salt , blessed by Our Lady in a special apparition in 2001 and 2003 at Caritas. Pray this prayer:
In the car you drive in everyday?
At the grocery store you shop at every week?
At the park you walk or jog in every morning?
At the place where you work?
And many more places…
Weight 0.25 lbs
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