
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s June 25, 2024 Monthly Message for the World

Be sure to read a special writing from a Friend of Medjugorje titled, “TEST TIME…” about Our Lady’s June 25, 2024, monthly message for the world, available here…

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The following is Our Lady’s latest 25th message given through Marija:

June 25, 2024

“Dear children! I rejoice with you and thank God for permitting me to be with you, to lead you and love you. Little children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack. I am calling you, little children: return to prayer in the family. Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place and read it every day. Love God above all that it may be good for you on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

25. lipanj 2024

„Draga djeco! Radujem se s vama i Bogu zahvaljujem da mi je dozvolio da sam s vama da vas vodim i ljubim. Dječice, mir je u opasnosti i obitelj pod napadom. Pozivam vas ,dječice, vratite se molitvi u obitelji. Stavite sveto pismo na vidljivo mjesto i čitajte ga svakim danom. Ljubite Boga iznad svega da vam bude dobro na zemlji. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

25. Juni 2024

„Liebe Kinder! Ich freue mich mit euch und ich danke Gott, dass Er mir erlaubt hat, bei euch zu sein, um euch zu führen und zu lieben. Meine lieben Kinder, der Friede ist in Gefahr und die Familie steht unter Angriff. Meine lieben Kinder, ich rufe euch auf, kehrt zum Gebet in der Familie zurück. Stellt die Heilige Schrift an einen sichtbaren Platz und lest sie jeden Tag. Liebt Gott über alles, damit es euch wohl ergehe auf der Erde. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid.“


25. giugno 20244

“Cari figli! Gioisco con voi e rigrazio Dio per avermi permesso di stare con voi per guidarvi ed amarvi. Figlioli, la pace è in pericolo e la famiglia è attaccata. Vi invito, figlioli, ritornate alla preghiera in famiglia. Mettete la Sacra Scrittura in un posto visibile e leggetela ogni giorno. Amate Dio al di sopra di ogni cosa affinché stiate bene sulla terra. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.“


25. czerwca 2024

„Drogie dzieci! Raduję się z wami i dziękuję Bogu, że mi pozwolił być z wami i prowadzić was i kochać. Dziatki, pokój jest zagrożony, a rodzina [jest] atakowana. Dziatki, wzywam was, abyście wrócili do modlitwy w rodzinie. Postawcie Pismo Święte na widocznym miejscu i czytajcie je codziennie. Kochajcie Boga ponad wszystko, aby było wam dobrze na ziemi. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”

25. juin 2024

«Chers enfants Je me réjouis avec vous et je remercie Dieu qui m’a permis d’être avec vous pour vous guider et vous aimer. Petits enfants, la paix est en danger et la famille est sous attaque. Je vous appelle, petits enfants : revenez à la prière en famille ! Mettez les Saintes Écritures dans un endroit visible et lisez-les chaque jour. Aimez Dieu par-dessus tout, afin que vous soyez bien sur la terre. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»

25. junio 2024

“¡Queridos hijos! Me regocijo con ustedes y doy gracias a Dios por permitirme estar con ustedes, para guiarlos y amarlos. Hijitos, la paz está en peligro y la familia bajo ataque. Los invito, hijitos: regresen a la oración en familia. Pongan la Sagrada Escritura en un lugar visible y léanla cada día. Amen a Dios sobre todas las cosas para que vivan bien en la tierra. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”

5 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s June 25, 2024 Monthly Message for the World”

  1. Wendy Flanagan

    City: Rishton. Blackburn. BB1 4JY
    State: Lancashire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Please pray for the people who are contradicting the teachings of Lord Jesus and Mother Mary.
    Please pray for me not to get ensnared in petty destructive conservation.
    Pray for my family to realise who Jesus is and to serve Him in humility.
    Pray for peace and no more wars.
    Thank you.

  2. Lamberto C Tomas

    City: Hagonoy
    State: Bulacan
    Country: Filipinas
    Please for total recovery of Rhalp Anthony Sison, Mary Grace Reyes n Mary Christine. Thank you

    1. City: Haymarket
      State: VA
      Country: USA
      Praise and Thanks to God. Asking that Our Blessed Virgin Mary intercede on my behalf that I feel better.
      Also asking blessings for Sarah, Kyle, Denise and Conrad. For renconcilliation for Mark and his family. Thank you Mary!

  3. Sister M. Leonarda Nowak, F.D.C

    City: Akron
    State: OH
    Country: United States
    Our group at Francisca Residence Chapel in Akron, Ohio has faithfully prayed for Rosary each day. We pray for peace we pray for more people to join in praying. the rosary. We pray that all life will be respected and loved as God has shared His very Life and Love with us. We are grateful to all who have joined in these prayers for Peace

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