The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s July 25, 2011 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer and silence. Rest your body and spirit, may they be in God’s love. Permit me, little children, to lead you, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit so that all the good that is in you may blossom and bear fruit one hundred fold. Begin and end the day with prayer with the heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
„Draga djeco! Neka vam ovo vrijeme bude vrijeme molitve i tišine. Odmorite vaše tijelo i duh, neka budu u ljubavi Božjoj. Dozvolite mi dječice da vas vodim, otvorite vaša srca Duhu Svetomu da bi sve dobro što je u vama procvjetalo i urodilo stostrukim plodom. Počnite i završite dan molitvom srca. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“
« Chers enfants, que pour vous ce temps soit un temps de prière et de silence. Reposez votre corps et votre esprit, qu’ils soient dans l’amour de Dieu. Permettez-moi, petits enfants, de vous guider; ouvrez vos coeurs à l’Esprit-Saint afin que tout le bien qui est en vous fleurisse et porte du fruit au centuple. Commencez et terminez la journée par la prière avec le coeur. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »
“Cari figli, questo tempo sia per voi tempo di preghiera e di silenzio. Riposate il vostro corpo e il vostro spirito, che siano nell’amore di Dio. Permettetemi figlioli di guidarvi, aprite i vostri cuori allo Spirito Santo perchè tutto il bene che è in voi fiorisca e fruttifichi il centuplo. Iniziate e terminate la giornata con la preghiera del cuore. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”
„Liebe Kinder! Diese Zeit soll euch eine Zeit des Gebetes und der Stille sein. Erholt euren Körper und Geist, sie sollen in der Liebe Gottes sein. Erlaubt mir meine Kinder euch zu führen, öffnet eure Herzen dem Heiligen Geist damit all das Gute welches in euch ist aufblühe und hundertfache Frucht bringe. Beginnt und beendet den Tag mit dem Herzensgebet. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
„Drogie dzieci! Wraz ze mną dziękujcie Wszechmogącemu za moją obecność wśród was. Moje serce jest radosne, patrząc na miłość i radość w życiu moimi orędziami. Wielu z was odpowiedziało, ale czekam i szukam wszystkich uśpionych serc, by obudziły się ze snu niewiary. Dziatki, jeszcze bardziej przybliżcie się do mego Niepokalanego Serca, abym mogła prowadzić was do wieczności. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
¡Queridos hijos! Que este tiempo sea para ustedes tiempo de oración y de silencio. Hagan descansar su cuerpo y su espíritu, que permanezcan en el amor de Dios. Permítanme hijitos que los conduzca, abran sus corazones al Espíritu Santo para que todo el bien que hay en ustedes, florezca y produzca frutos al céntuplo. Comiencen y finalicen el día con la oración con el corazón. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
Don’t forget Radio WAVE show about today’s message
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16 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s July 25, 2011 Message to the World”
Thank you for sharing Our Lady’s messages which need to be heard by us all. I hope to get to Medjugorje again in the near future to say Thank You for the wonderful blessings my family and I received.
Thank you for sharing Our Lady: messages which need to be heard by us all. I hope to get to Medjugorje again in the near future to say Thank You for the wonderful blessings my family and I received.
Maria, You can get the book They Fired the First Shot by visiting here:
Excellent rapport. Our Lady needs us. We must pray. Her intentions are surely to form an army of prayer and faith to receive Her Son Jesus. Thank you. How can I buy the book They Fired the First Shot.
For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity–the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5New Living Translation
I thank you for presenting my petitions regularly and know our Mama will guide us/be with us every step of the way. I wish some day I could make it to the site to see our Mama but am sure she will reach out to us wherever we are as she is Mama for the far, near the whole world. I wish she comes into my home soon to dwell with me as I love to be in Her presence which I do feel.
Thank you so much for sharing Our Lady’s messages with all who at this time cannot go back to Medjugorje. Thank you too for the beautiful pictures. God bless peace and joy
it is so beautiful to know that our
What a beautiful thing is beginning, that this movement from those across the world who are accepting Our Lady as their Mother, regardless of their faiths, those who Our Lady is asking to be Her apostles, that they all will come to know her son Jesus, soon please God. Come Lord Jesus, into all of our hearts.
This is a wonderful message for the world. With this please pray for me that these frivolous acquisitions that are being levied against me are dropped.
So beautiful what a blessing to have Mary our Heavenly Mother come to wake us !
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