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The following is Our Lady’s latest 25th message given through Marija:
“Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful; that is why, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Many people are asking about “darnel”. The Radio Wave broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje will air on Tuesday February 27.
A Friend of Medjugorje will go deep into the meaning of Our Lady’s message of Feb. 25, 2024. Radio Wave broadcast airing Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 8:00 PM Central Time USA. Listen live here at 8 PM Central Time USA and spread it to everyone you know.
„Draga djeco! Molite i obnovite vaše srce da bi dobro koje ste posijali rodilo plodom radosti i jedinstva s Bogom. Kukolj je zahvatio mnoga srca i postala su neplodna, zato vi, dječice, budite svijetlo, ljubav i moje ispružene ruke u ovom svijetu koji žudi za Bogom koji je ljubav. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“
„Liebe Kinder! Betet und erneuert euer Herz, damit das Gute, das ihr gesät habt, die Frucht der Freude und der Einheit mit Gott hervorbringt. Das Unkraut hat viele Herzen erfasst und sie sind unfruchtbar geworden, deshalb seid, liebe Kinder, ihr das Licht, die Liebe und meine ausgestreckten Hände in dieser Welt, die sich nach Gott sehnt, der die Liebe ist. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid.“
25. febbraio 2024
“Cari figli! Pregate e rinnovate il vostro cuore perché il bene che avete seminato porti frutto di gioia e di comunione con Dio. La zizzania ha preso molti cuori e sono diventati sterili. Perciò voi, figlioli, siate luce, amore e le mie mani estese in questo mondo che anela a Dio che è amore. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.“
25. lutego 2024
„Drogie dzieci! Módlcie się i odnówcie wasze serce, aby dobro, które zasialiście wydało plon radości i jedności z Bogiem. Kąkol zajął wiele serc i stały się bezowocne, dlatego dziatki bądźcie światłem, miłością i moimi wyciągniętymi rękoma w świecie, który tęskni za Bogiem, który jest miłością. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
«Chers enfants! Priez et renouvelez votre cœur pour que le bien que vous avez semé porte un fruit de joie et de communion avec Dieu. L’ivraie s’est emparée de nombreux cœurs et ils sont devenus stériles; c’est pourquoi vous, petits enfants, soyez lumière, amour et mes mains tendues dans ce monde qui languit après Dieu qui est amour. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»
“¡Queridos hijos! Oren y renueven su corazón para que el bien que han sembrado dé frutos de alegría y de unión con Dios. La cizaña se ha apoderado de muchos corazones y se han vuelto estériles. Por eso ustedes, hijitos, sean luz, amor y mis manos extendidas en este mundo que anhela a Dios que es amor. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”
19 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s February 25, 2024 Monthly Message for the World”
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Keep your gardens/field of awareness clean as the smallest weeds/transgressions/sins can spoil everything.
City: Lexington
State: N.c.
Country: Usa
Is there a demon named darnel?
City: Boca
State: FL
Country: US
Darnel is an another translation for the word “tares”. Tares are found nowhere in the Bible except in Matthew chapter 13: The parable of the wheat and the tares, which is about the harvest and the end of the age.
In fact, I was amazed by the fact that Our Lady’s message is an exact restatement of Galatians 6:7-10 (although in different order), which is also all about reaping (harvest).
This message seems to be screaming “Harvest. “
State: TX
Country: USA
Who is Darnel?
Darnel – a weedy rye grass with poisonous seeds
City: Lilongwe
Country: Malawi
Who’s Darnel pls enlighten us
City: Happy Valley
State: OR
Country: United States
Matthew 13:24–30
Darnell is a ryegrass which looks like wheat in its early stages of growth.
The children of the evil one
City: Lake City
State: FL
Country: USA
Dear FOM, This was a puzzling message from Our Lady when I first read it. That is, until I understood the word “Darnel” which I found in the link https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/wheats-evil-twin-has-been-intoxicating-humans-for-centuries. Here Sarah Laskow in her article MARCH 22, 2016 shows how people have been using darnel like drugs are used today to numb peoples’ lives around the world. Then I saw why Our Lady uses a term that has been turning people to the darkness for centuries. As in the parable by Jesus of the enemy planting weeds (tares) in the wheat fields, “tares” are actually darnel, a seed hardly identifiable from the wheat seed, and immature wheat. It is evil and of the devil. We live in a world where drugs are an epidemic, and Our Lady is warning us ” Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful; that is why, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love.” So many people are trapped in the world of drug addiction and alcoholism. Pray, pray, pray and stay away from the modern day “darnel”. I look forward to Monday and hearing the Mejanomic broadcast on Our Lady’s recent message. God bless, Susan
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: USA
I have followed Our Lady since the beginning…I have never heard of “Darnel”!
Tom Calhoun
Darnel, from the Noah Webster 1928 American Dictionary, is a “prolific, troublesome weed”. Our Lady obviously placed the word at the beginning of the sentence to wake us up and pay attention.
City: Coopersburg
State: PA
Country: United States
Darnel is an undesirable weed, that grows among crops, like wheat and corn.
City: Chandler
State: Az
Country: Usa
Who is Darnel?satan?
City: Naperville
State: il
Country: usa
Who is Darnel? Never heard that name before.
State: Hartford
Country: United States
This is a weed that survives on the same life energy as does the species that provide benefit.
City: Algonquin
State: Illinois
Country: United States
Who is Darnel? I am confused.