The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 25, 2010 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! Today, I and my Son desire to give you an abundance of joy and peace so that each of you may be a joyful carrier and witness of peace and joy in the places where you live. Little children, be a blessing and be peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Draga djeco! Danas ja i moj sin Isus želimo vam dati obilje radosti i mira da svatko od vas bude radosni nositelj i svjedok mira i radosti na mjestima gdje živite. Dječice, budite blagoslov i budite mir. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”
“Chers enfants, aujourd’hui, moi et mon Fils Jésus désirons vous donner une abondance de joie et de paix, afin que chacun de vous soit un joyeux porteur et un témoin de la paix et de la joie dans les lieux où vous vivez. Petits enfants, soyez une bénédiction et soyez la paix! Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.”
„Liebe Kinder! Heute möchten ich und mein Sohn Jesus euch die Fülle der Freude und des Friedens geben, damit jeder von euch froher Träger und Zeuge des Friedens und der Freude sei , an den Orten wo Ihr lebt. Meine lieben Kinder, seid Segen und seid Frieden. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
“Cari figli, oggi io e mio Figlio Gesù desideriamo darvi l’ abbondanza della gioia e della pace affinchè ciascuno di voi sia gioioso portatore e testimone della pace e della gioia nei luoghi dove vivete. Figlioli siate benedizione e siate pace. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”
„Drogie dzieci! Ja i mój Syn Jezus pragniemy dziś dać wam obfitość radości i pokoju, aby każdy z was z radością niósł i dawał świadectwo pokoju i radości w miejscach, gdzie mieszkacie. Dziatki, bądźcie błogosławieństwem i bądźcie pokojem. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
“¡Queridos hijos! Hoy, mi Hijo Jesús y yo deseamos darles abundancia de gozo y de paz para que cada uno de ustedes sea un alegre portador y testigo de la paz y de la alegría en los lugares en que viven. Hijitos, sean bendición y sean paz. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
13 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 25, 2010 Message to the World”
Dear Mother Mary : For give my sins,For I am a sinner. Please give Angela another baby Give Adam and Jenniferand her brother and family, Anna and her family, and everyone….you Blessing. Thank You! Human race, Sarinayour BlessingProtect the world from destruction. Protect all my childrenI offer them to you; also the future family and friends thatwe encouter through our lives. Protection for our Holyfather POP Frances. My Husband dino. Adam ;Angela,Jenifer family; peace among My Family and friends, FatherLaPlant. All the priests. etc. What is in my Heart.Amen Thank my Lord Jesuse for giving him self to theworld. Give rest to the unrest. Amen Thank You!And All the Saints for your prayers. All the time you keptme safe. For give me my sins. Amen.
Thank you our sweet, compassionate Mother, You come to us with such urgency as we are living in a world where evil is ruining souls, armed with the Rosary we ask for your intercession, help me to pray earnestly in Jesus name. He took upon Himself our sins, we are still hurting His heart. Thank you Our Lady for all your messages of peace, Jesus so loves us, He send you to warn and prepare us. All honour, praise are yours my Father in Your Holy Son name. Your Holy Spirit guides us always and help us to understand Our Lady messages. Thank You for giving us the Rosary, such powerful weapon against evil. Praise to Jesus…Amen
Thank you Mother for giving me the message. Do pray for my special intention as I do for you. Do not forget me because of my sinfulness. I know you love and my near and dear and all mankind take care of dinesh who claim to be my husband that he may know the real responsibility of husband and you love him too. thank you
Thank you our sweet, compassionate Mother, You come to us with such urgency as we are living in a world where evil is ruining souls, armed with the Rosary we ask for your intercession, help me to pray earnestly in Jesus name. He took upon Himself our sins, we are still hurting His heart. Thank you Our Lady for all your messages of peace, Jesus so loves us, He send you to warn and prepare us. All honour, praise are yours my Father in Your Holy Son name. Your Holy Spirit guides us always and help us to understand Our Lady messages. Thank You for giving us the Rosary, such powerful weapon against evil. Praise to Jesus…Amen
To God be the glory and good things He has done! He has given us Our Lady and Blessed Mother Mary of our Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world. I am so grateful and honoured that I am one of the peole who have the opportunity to read messages form Our Lady, they are very inspiring and encouraging that our Heavenly Father is forever with us and wants us to live a holy and blessed life here on earth. Most importantly I am so happy and at peace since I started praying the Rosary as Our Lady has requested and I pray that the Lord gives me strength and perseverance to hold on to prayer and to pray without ceasing. May the Lord bless A Friend of Medjugorje for feeding us with the Divine messages form Our Lady Blessed Mother of Our Lord Jesus.
Thank you for these beautiful messages from our dear Lady. This is such a time of grace. Our Lord took every sin of the world when He hung on the cross; I pray that He shows His Divine Mercy to us all at the end of this world. Praise to His Holy Name.
Hello, hello:I have to ask, I am very excited right now after reading the message form our mother and reviewing the images. From my cell phone I am able to zoom into the first image posted, and I see a ring of gold stars somewhat to the left but in front of the women with the blond hair. What is that? Best Regards, Jennifer
Thanks for sending this Heavenly message dear friends! This shows how much our Father in Heaven loves us. Jesus our Lord is sending his Mother to us as He offered Her while He was hanging on the Cross. Unfathomable Divine Mercy! Everlasting Love. Thank You Mother for your Affection and guidance. Praise the Lord!
I have been to Medjugorje and I miss it so much.The Blessed Mother calls you to come see Her and listen to Her messages about Her Son.You offer it all up just to get to Medjugorje,worth it:)
God and Holy Virgin, bless all of you !!!!. I have been reading and listening to material on apparitions of our Heavenly Mother, I like how God and She desire for our salvation and how They look for the way to guide us; and above all how They want us to help Them to save souls.
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