
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s August 25, 2013 Monthly Message for the World

The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s August 25, 2013 Monthly Message :


“Dear children! Also today, the Most High is giving me the grace to be with you and to lead you towards conversion. Every day I am sowing and am calling you to conversion, that you may be prayer, peace, love – the grain that by dying will give birth a hundredfold. I do not desire for you, dear children, to have to repent for everything that you could have done but did not want to. Therefore, little children, again, with enthusiasm say: ‘I want to be a sign to others.’ Thank you for having responded to my call.”



„Draga djeco! I danas mi Svevišnji daje milost da sam s vama i da vas vodim prema obraćenju. Svakim danom ja sijem i pozivam vas na obraćenje, da budete molitva, mir, ljubav, žito koje umirući rađa stostruko. Ne želim da se vi, draga djeco, kajete za sve ono što ste mogli a niste htjeli. Zato, dječice, iznova s poletom recite: „ Želim biti znak drugima“. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“



“Cari figli! Anche oggi l’Altissimo mi dona la grazia di essere con voi e di guidarvi verso la conversione. Giorno dopo giorno Io semino e vi invito alla conversione perché siate preghiera, pace, amore e grano che morendo genera il centuplo. Non desidero che voi, cari figli, abbiate a pentirvi per tutto ciò che potevate fare e che non l’avete voluto. Perciò, figlioli, di nuovo con entusiasmo dite: “ Desidero essere segno per gli altri”. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”



«Chers enfants, aujoud’hui encore, le Très-Haut me donne la grâce d’être avec vous et de vous conduire vers la conversion. Chaque jour, je sème et je vous appelle à la conversion, afin que vous soyez prière, paix, amour, le grain qui en mourant porte du fruit au centuple. Je ne désire pas, chers enfants, que vous ayez à regretter tout ce que vous pouviez faire et n’avez pas voulu faire. C’est pourquoi, petits enfants, dites à nouveau avec enthousiasme : « Je désire être un signe pour les autres. » Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»



„Liebe Kinder! Auch heute gibt mir der Allerhöchste die Gnade, bei euch zu sein und dass ich euch zur Bekehrung führe. Jeden Tag säe ich und rufe euch zur Bekehrung auf, damit ihr Gebet, Friede, Liebe seid und das Weizenkorn dass sterbend hundertfach Frucht bringt. Liebe Kinder, ich möchte nicht, dass euch all das reut, was ihr gekonnt hättet, aber es nicht wolltet. Deshalb, meine lieben Kinder, sagt von neuem mit Begeisterung: „ Ich möchte den Anderen ein Zeichen sein“. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“




“¡Queridos hijos! También hoy el Altísimo me concede la gracia de estar con ustedes y de guiarlos hacia la conversión. Día tras día yo siembro y los invito a la conversión para que sean oración, paz, amor, y trigo que al morir produce el céntuplo. No deseo que ustedes, queridos hijos, tengan que arrepentirse por todo lo que pudieron hacer y no hicieron. Por eso hijitos, digan de nuevo con entusiasmo: “Deseo ser un signo para los demás”. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”


Listen to the Radio WAVE show with A Friend of Medjugorje sharing insight to Our Lady’s August 25, 2013 message. To listen to the August 26, 2013 Radio WAVE show titled, “Mary – The Only Thing Keeping Us From Falling Out of Grace”, visit here…



*Our Lady’s message today speaks of conversion. The intention of the Third of the Seven Novenas that begins today, August 25, is for Individual Conversion. These novenas were written by A Friend of Medjugorje over 21 years ago, and often we see that Our Lady will speak of the intention of the novena in Her monthly message. Today’s message of Our Lady is an added incentive to pray this novena with a special fervor and to get others to pray it as well. For the novena prayers, visit here…


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