The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s April 25, 2011 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! As nature gives the most beautiful colors of the year, I also call you to witness with your life and to help others to draw closer to my Immaculate Heart, so that the flame of love for the Most High may sprout in their hearts. I am with you and I unceasingly pray for you that your life may be a reflection of Heaven here on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
„Draga djeco! Kao što priroda daje najljepše boje godine i ja vas pozivam da svojim životom svjedočite i pomognete drugima da se približe mom Bezgrješnom srcu kako bi plamen ljubavi prema Svevišnjem isklijao u njihovim srcima. Ja sam s vama i neprestano molim za vas da vaš život bude odraz raja ovdje na zemlji. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“
« Chers enfants, comme la nature donne les plus belles couleurs de l’année, ainsi, moi aussi, je vous invite à témoigner par votre vie et à aider les autres à se rapprocher de mon Coeur Immaculé, afin qu’une flamme d’amour envers le Très-Haut germe dans leur coeur. Je suis avec vous et je prie sans cesse pour vous afin que votre vie soit le reflet du paradis ici sur terre. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »
„Liebe Kinder! So wie die Natur die schönsten Farben des Jahres gibt, so rufe auch ich euch auf, dass ihr mit eurem Leben Zeugnis gebt und anderen helft, sich meinem Unbefleckten Herzen zu nähern, damit die Flamme der Liebe zum Allerhöchsten in ihren Herzen aufkeime. Ich bin mit euch und ich bete für euch ohne Unterlass, damit euer Leben der Widerschein des Himmels hier auf Erden sei. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
“Cari figli, come la natura dà i colori più belli dell’anno, così anch’io vi invito a testimoniare con la vostra vita e ad aiutare gli altri ad avvicinarsi al mio Cuore Immacolato perché la fiamma dell’amore verso l’Altissimo germogli nei loro cuori. Io sono con voi e prego incessantemente per voi perché la vostra vita sia il rilfesso del paradiso qui sulla terra. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”
„Drogie dzieci! Tak jak przyroda daje najpiękniejsze kolory roku, tak i ja was wzywam, abyście własnym życiem dawali świadectwo i pomagali innym, by się zbliżyli do mego Niepokalanego Serca, aby w ich sercach wzniecił się płomień miłości do Wszechmogącego. Jestem z wami i nieustannie modlę się za was, aby wasze życie było odzwierciedleniem raju na ziemi. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”
¡Queridos hijos! Así como la naturaleza muestra los colores más hermosos del año, también yo los invito a que con su vida testimonien y ayuden a los demás a acercarse a Mi Corazón Inmaculado, para que la llama del amor hacia el Omnipotente brote en los corazones de ellos. Yo estoy con ustedes y sin cesar oro por ustedes para que su vida sea reflejo del Paraíso aquí en la tierra. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
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5 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s April 25, 2011 Message to the World”
(A Friend of Medjugorje), Once again, your inspired words are so full of truth. Thank you and all of the community members of Caritas for your tireless efforts in bringing the messages to us! We are working to establish a community of believers here in the Decatur/Hartselle/Cullman AL area. We look forward to establishment of the website so we can find others who may have the same interest. May God bless you and everyone in the community during this Advent season! May the peace of Christ and the love of Mary our Loving Mother be with you all!John
(A Friend of Medjugorje), Once again, your inspired words are so full of truth. Thank you and all of the community members of Caritas for your tireless efforts in bringing the messages to us! We are working to establish a community of believers here in the Decatur/Hartselle/Cullman AL area. We look forward to establishment of the website so we can find others who may have the same interest. May God bless you and everyone in the community during this Advent season! May the peace of Christ and the love of Mary our Loving Mother be with you all! John
Thank you Caritas community and Friend of Medjugorje for leading the way in our redemption toward eternal salvation and providing hope in these difficult times with so much evil in the world around us. You remind us that we must each take up our own cross and follow the Lord. Our Lady is showing us the way to her Son. I was so blessed to be in Caritas and climbed Penitentiary Mountain to see, feel, & kneel before the Cross on July 4, 2013. It was truly a deep spiritual experience that I will never forget.
Beautiful and intimate Message as usual. A clear voice ringing out the importance of the Cross for all the world to hear, especially to us, who are listening. Love You Dearest Mother. Glaphyra
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