
Medjugorje: Our Lady’s June 25, 2011 Message for the World

The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s June 25, 2011 Monthly Message :



“Dear children! Give thanks with me to the Most High for my presence with you. My heart is joyful watching the love and joy in the living of my messages. Many of you have responded, but I wait for, and seek, all the hearts that have fallen asleep to awaken from the sleep of unbelief. Little children, draw even closer to my Immaculate Heart so that I can lead all of you toward eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



„Draga djeco! Zahvaljujte sa mnom Svevišnjem na mojoj prisutnosti s vama. Radosno je moje srce gledajući ljubav i radost u življenju mojih poruka. Mnogi ste se odazvali, ali čekam i tražim sva zaspala srca da se probude od sna nevjere. Približite se još više dječice mom Bezgrješnom srcu da vas sve mogu voditi prema vječnosti. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“



« Chers enfants, remerciez avec moi le Très-Haut pour ma présence parmi vous. Mon coeur est joyeux en voyant l’amour et la joie de vivre mes messages. Vous êtes nombreux à avoir répondu mais j’attends et je recherche tous les coeurs endormis afin qu’ils se réveillent du sommeil de l’incrédulité. Rapprochez-vous encore plus de mon Coeur Immaculé, petits enfants, afin que je puisse vous guider tous vers l’éternité. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »



„Liebe Kinder! Dankt mit mir dem Allerhöchsten für meine Anwesenheit mit euch. Mein Herz ist froh, die Liebe und die Freude im Leben meiner Botschaften zu sehen. Gefolgt sind viele von euch, aber ich warte und suche alle eingeschlafenen Herzen, damit sie aus dem Schlaf des Unglaubens erwachen. Meine lieben Kinder, nähert euch noch mehr meinem Unbefleckten Herzen, damit ich euch alle zur Ewigkeit führen kann. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“



“Cari figli, ringraziate con me l’Altissimo per la mia presenza con voi. Gioioso è il mio cuore guardando l’amore e la gioia che avete nel vivere i miei messaggi. In molti avete risposto ma aspetto e cerco tutti i cuori addormentati affinché si sveglino dal sonno dell’incredulità. Avvicinatevi ancora di più, figlioli, al mio cuore Immacolato perchè possa guidarvi tutti verso l’eternità. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”



„Drogie dzieci! Wraz ze mną dziękujcie Wszechmogącemu za moją obecność wśród was. Moje serce jest radosne, patrząc na miłość i radość w życiu moimi orędziami. Wielu z was odpowiedziało, ale czekam i szukam wszystkich uśpionych serc, by obudziły się ze snu niewiary. Dziatki, jeszcze bardziej przybliżcie się do mego Niepokalanego Serca, abym mogła prowadzić was do wieczności. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”



¡Queridos hijos! Agradezcan conmigo al Altísimo por mi presencia entre ustedes. Mi corazón se regocija mirando el amor y la alegría en la vivencia de mis mensajes. Muchos de ustedes han respondido, pero espero y busco a todos los corazones adormecidos que se despierten del sueño de la incredulidad. Acérquense aún más hijitos, a mi Corazón Inmaculado para que pueda conducirlos a todos hacia la eternidad. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”

11 thoughts on “Medjugorje: Our Lady’s June 25, 2011 Message for the World”

  1. I’ve tried for years to encourage others (by letter-writing and in discussions) to de-capitalize “satan,” and to capitalize pronouns referring to God, Son, Holy Spirit (“He,Him,You,Thy, etc.). I make changes in every book I read (including Bibles going back to at least 1947!), and I was already a slow reader! It’s very humbling, as no one gives me any attention or agreement. (So much for changing the world!) What slippery slopes we’ve already slid down! But I’m not in it for my attention, and I won’t give up the effort! God Bless you all, and thank you for everything!

  2. Bob&JoyceKeegan;

    Prayers Please for whatever and whomever we should be praying and in thanksgiving for God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and the Angles and Saints being so good to us. THANK YOU! LOVE, PEACE and JOY! 8/3/14 Bob & Joyce Keegan

  3. Prayers Please for whatever and whomever we should be praying and in thanksgiving for God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary and the Angles and Saints being so good to us. THANK YOU! LOVE, PEACE and JOY! 8/3/14 Bob & Joyce Keegan

  4. I am really enjoying everything I read and hear, thank you so much. I pray for my children to come back to the church. This world is full of evil things. Thank you for everything

  5. I found your article very interesting, however there is no mention of women who have to bring up their children alone, whatever the circumstances. I had to bring up my only son on my own & when he reached the age of 11 years, he was blessed with an education at a Benedictine boarding school until he was 18. Sadly after school he stoped practising his RC faith but I always pray for him.

  6. A Tale of Two Cities We believe there exists a strong relationship between the two European cities of Garabandal and Medjugorje. One obvious, but crucial link is the fact that both cities contain exactly ten letters in their spelling. We all know that Jesus chose to be among us for 33 years. Wikipedia tells us the number 33 appears in sacred geometry in numerous diverse places, “hidden in plain sight.” For example, turn over a dollar bill and count the number of feathers on the right wing of the eagle, 33. Count the number of feathers on its left wing, 32, the head of the list of the first set of 3 consecutive double-factor square-free numbers. In sequence, these four numbers are: 32; 33, 34 & 35; whereas, in factored form, they are: 2^5; 3(11), 2(17) & 5(7). Notice that 32 has 2 as its base and 5 as its power, similar to the two factors of ten, being 2 and 5, a recuring theme in our saga. At Cape Kennedy Space Center in Florida, there is a single runway, number 33.

  7. Mary appears and beseeches us as a Mother. Simply!! How does this generate a discourse on single parenthood, and the father being relegated to 2nd place? What about the fact that many men TRICK women into believing they will take care of them all their lives? What about many WEAK men, alcoholics, drug addicts, slothful, etc., requiring the woman to separate, for SURVIVAL, and to support her self and their child? “Friend” goes off on an unbalanced tangent, again……..

  8. This is the greatest article I have ever read. As a 17 year old everyone my age only cares about clothes, popularity, money, and themselves. I wish there could be just one, single country in the world with completely Catholic laws, morals, and a real community that cares for each other and prays together.

  9. Thanks Mother for your Motherly Love for us. Thanks for sending messages, dear friends. In this period of Lent, I am trying hard to full fill your intentions, and to be close to Jesus.

  10. Hello, I am enjoying to read the massages of Mother Mary that are passed on through your e-mails and thank you for that. The interpretations of the text added to the recent message has made me wonder about how the church is seeing itself today. I cannot follow the idea that women are dominating men in today´s society. Do you not have eyes to see? I think the role of women should be strenghtend in every possible way in society and also in the church. To my understanding women do not need to be more subdued to men than men to women. I think real collaboration comes from seeing one´s partner as equal. I would be very happy to see women pastors having the same role as men pastors. Is not Mary a woman also? How can you state that blessing will not come through a sheperdess ?? To my understanding your interpretation is too focused on putting faults on women, blaming eve, and blaming satan for creating disharmony instead of opening up to a more open view which withoutemphasis on gender.

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