Updated Friday June 18 – The latest update to keep Medjugorje.com online, and how your response is crucial to exposing millions to Our Lady.
Updated Friday June 18, 2010
We received a phone call yesterday from a woman who wanted to not only become a Core Group Member, but, also wanted her kids to be Core Group Members as well. So she gave for herself and her 4 children, equaling 5 people added to the Core Group Member list!
We have even heard from existing Core Group Members who have not only let us know of their support, but asked that we add to their comittment amount to help further. Below is a letter from a Core Group Member in Great Britian:
Dear Friends in Christ
Please take $5 dollars (a month) more from my account as I do not want to see this website shut down. It’s very little what I give, but I hope one day that I will be able to give more.
I am praying that we will be able to keep it going and I hope one day that God will grant me a visit to Medjugore. Your work is so important, God bless you all!
Lots of Love, S.C., Great Britian
To our dear friend above from Great Britian, who already gives $10 a month, your giving is not little in comparison to what God transforms your giving into: conversion of souls.
While our friend above, from Great Britian says that she gives little, 5 more dollars each month added to her $10, is equivilanet to a little over 3 people added to the Core Group Member list! Between her and the previous woman who also gave for her 4 children that’s 8 people closer to reaching the goal of 4000 Core Group Members, all from just 2 people.
What are the Benefits of Being a Medjugorje.com Core Group Member? – Visit Here
What is the importance of giving and where does your donation go?
June 16 Update
A Friend of Medjugorje has been finishing the latest book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen, which is a compelling look at the current economic order, viewing it through the template of Our Lady’s Messages. Because of this, we have allowed the current fundraiser to keep Medjugorje.com online to go dormant.
As was stated before by A Friend of Medjugorje,
“Medjugorje.com is limited in its ability to stay online without funding.”
Plans currently are that on Wednesday July 7, 2010, Medjugorje.com will go offline if the total budget is not reached.
Again we do not state this as a threat, but as the reality that Medjugorje.com must have your commitment to stay online.
For Those Who Have Given
For all Core Group Members, who are those who have committed to helping Medjugorje.com stay online, we cannot express to you enough our gratitude for your help. Your hands by proxy, through our hands, are extended to all of Our Lady’s children throughout the world who have yet to learn of Her, and Her messages. You have understood the need for others to know of Our Lady and Her love, and on Her behalf, we are grateful. You help us to keep Medjugorje.com FREE for all users. For all Core Group Members, you have grasped what Our Lady has said,
December 25, 1982
“…You have quickly grasped the messages…”
and responded to Her call.
To Those Who Have Not Given
If you benefit from Medjugorje.com, we ask each of you, as a user, to please commit to only 14 cents a day. This will burden almost no one and the vast plans for Medjugorje.com will give back to you more than you would even imagine through what will be implemented in the next months and crucial years to come. Please do not think that such a small donation cannot impact. Become a Medjugorje.com Core Group Member by committing to 14 cents a day, and be a part of the foundation for Medjugorje.com who will form the group who will carry Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages to millions, even in the future to billions. Accept the privilege of being one of those who are chosen to bring the message to millions of people. You cannot imagine how so little effort will turn into such eternal reward for you. Make the choice to help keep Medjugorje.com FREE to all users throughout the world.
Medjugorje.com is not a facade, with little behind it, but has the backing of the whole operation of Caritas of Birmingham and years of prayer and planning. But, while Medjugorje.com’s backing of materials is from Caritas, its daily operation and expansion must be supported by those who use it. Inform all those you know about Medjugorje.com. To become a Core Group Member visit this page. To find out what the benefits of being a Core Group Member are Click Here.
It is important to state again, Medjugorje.com will not stay online without your support. Plans currently are that on Wednesday July 7, 2010, Medjugorje.com will go offline if the total budget is not reached.
To Become A Core Group Member please visit this page.
And again, to all current Core Group Member, our prayers of thanksgiving are with you.
Please make your 14¢ a day contribution recurring.
There are three ways to donate.
1. Online – you can do so by clicking “Donate”.
2. Calling Caritas at 1-205-672-2000 (outside of the U.S. dial 001-205-672-2000). Call Caritas of Birmingham if you feel uncomfortable about donating online.
3. Mail in your donation to:
Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, AL 35147 U.S.A.
When mailing your donation please include your email address so that you can be acknowledged with a receipt. If you do not include your email address you will not receive a receipt.
The following chart shows how easily you can help Medjugorje.com reach its goal.
Benefits of Being A Medjugorje.com Core Group Member:
• A coded coupon that will give you 10% off the Mej Mart for a year
• A privileged preview of every new program before it is released on Medjugorje.com.
• The grace to have your names presented to Our Lady in Her apparitions both in Medjugorje and when She is present at Caritas through Marija’s apparitions. That includes during the second of the month apparitions, as well as in Marija’s Chapel of Two Hearts in Medjugorje and in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas.
• 2% off the already lowest prices going to Medjugorje, offered through BVM/Caritas
• 5% off of any item from the extensively stocked Caritas Gift Shop when visiting Caritas
• 5% off of any items from the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje. 90% of the materials available in the Caritas Mission House are free to pilgrims, but for those other items, 5% will be taken off
What is the importance of giving and where does your donation go?
14 thoughts on “Update to Keep Medjugorje.com Online”
Thank you Blessed Lady, Mother of our Savior. For giving us new hope that our prayers are being heard . I believe In the goodness of you and your Son, Our Savior.