Our Lady said on June 30 that She would appear on the 1st in the Bedroom at 6:40 PM…
July 2, 2013 A.D.
Description of July 1, 2013 Apparition and Events at Caritas:
Pilgrims began gathering in the Field for the apparition of Our Lady to visionary Marija throughout the afternoon leading up to the Rosary that began at 6:00 p.m. Our Lady had stated the day before that the apparition would be in the Bedroom and a short time before the prayer began, several members of the Caritas community were sent out among the crowd in the Field to choose at random various pilgrims to come to the Bedroom. Our Lady always blesses everyone in the Field every apparition, and hears their prayers, but it is a special grace to be able to be in close proximity to Marija when she is in ecstasy during the visitation of Our Lady—to see her voice fade away while her lips continue to move and watch as her upturned eyes stare into. Following is Marija’s description of the July 1, 2013 apparition in the Bedroom:
“Our Lady prayed over us and she blessed us all. And She said “Same time, same place.” (In regards to tomorrow’s apparition on July 2.)
And She blessed everyone out in the Field? “Yes, I recommend all.”
Were Her eyes opened or closed? “Open. She watch us.”
What Marija means when Our Lady “watches” those present in the apparition, is that She moves Her eyes from face to face, taking in each person before Her. Marija says this is a beautiful gesture of Our Lady, who is a real Mother who dearly loves each of Her children. She desires us to know that She knows and sees us all as individual people, not just a conglomeration of faces in a crowd.
The first day of the Five Days of Prayer was beautiful in many ways. On the way to 6:30 Mass at Our Lady of the Valley Church in Birmingham, pilgrims arriving from all the area hotels as well as those who first came to pray in the Field at Caritas for 5:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, were greeted by a full brilliantly- colored rainbow. It was taken as a sign from God, a remembrance of His covenant with His people, an encouragement to everyone that there would be beautiful blessings from these days of prayer for ourselves, our families and our nation. The weather was actually cool this morning, not typical for July in the South. Even so, the pilgrims came with a spirit to cheerfully suffer with whatever the weather conditions may be as an offering to God to add greater merit to their prayers. July 1, was a day of repentance, a day for pilgrims to meditate upon their relationship with God and to repent of their sins. In doing so, they would be ready to make their individual consecration to Our Lady on July 2.
Pictures from Caritas, Alabama July 2013
In 1986, this Crucifix hung in the rectory of St. James Church in Medjugorje where the daily apparitions of the Virgin Mary were taking place at the time. The visionaries came before this Crucifix everyday and knelt before it to receive Our Lady. There were hundreds of apparitions that had taken place before it. This special crucifix was given to our founder by Fr. Slavko as a gift, and before returning home to Alabama, he took it to Marija and asked her to pray over it that it could be used by Our Lady for great conversion for our nation. It has hung in this room ever since, a room that has had 134 apparitions of Our Lady in it since 1988 when Marija first came. Along with the apparitions in the Bedroom, Our Lady has also appeared in the Field of Apparitions and other locations during these years marking the total of 167 apparitions here at Caritas. Everything that has grown and evolved through the past 25 years of Caritas mission and community is foundationed in this room, before this Crucifix.
Late Friday evening, June 28, 2013, Marija, her husband Paolo, their children, Michele, Francesco, Marco & Giovanni along with a very dear friend of their family, Maggie from Scotland, arrived to our founder’s home greeted by all of the community. With them was our founder, his wife and daughter and two other community members all of whom were returning from Medjugorje. The room was filled with lots of happy chatter and laughter as everyone made their way around the room greeting one another, sharing stories and remembrances. Even Rebel, the community dog, was invited in which caused Marija’s youngest son, Giovanni, overly tired from the long trip, to break out in smiles and laughter. Giovanni was a little baby, just learning to talk, when he first met Rebel. It was one of the first words he learned. So, it was a happy reunion also for them.
Bridget, daughter of our founder, was one of the one’s returning from Medjugorje. Opening her arms wide, she gets ready to pick up her little niece, Lucy who is running into her arms to welcome her home. The joy was contagious, not only because of being reunited with Marija and her family and returning community members, but because of knowing these would be special days of grace with Our Lady. Marija said in her greeting today that when she comes back to Alabama, she always feels like she is coming home. The family of our founder and Marija’s family are as family, with Our Lady there between.
Another year had gone by since Our Lady was present in the Bedroom, Her last apparitions being last July 1-6, 2012. The community began gathering here at around 9:30 p.m. to begin a Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s coming. Tired from the many months of preparation, but in peace knowing the day had come for Our Lady’s arrival, we entered into prayer with our hearts open and waiting to receive our Queen.
Monday afternoon, July 1, Marija greeted the pilgrims, in the front of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, who had journeyed across the United States to be here at Caritas for Our Lady’s apparitions. Always so gracious and welcoming, she extended to everyone the love of Our Lady through her joy and genuineness.
Following Marija’s greeting, A Friend of Medjugorje welcomed the ever increasing numbers of pilgrims who were still arriving, and who would be arriving throughout the day. His words encouraged everyone to truly live these days with the heart, days that will pass unbelievably fast, but if lived well will change each life. A pilgrim does not just let the days pass, waiting upon God’s blessing, doing nothing for his own conversion. Our Lady says it takes work to change your heart.
April 25, 1985
“Dear children, today I want to tell you to begin to work in your hearts as you are working in the fields. Work and change your hearts so that a new spirit from God can take its place in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Laid on the Bed where Our Lady appeared in Her apparition the evening of July 1, were 95,000 petitions that were taken from the petition section of Medjugorje.com. We will be placing petitions in Our Lady’s presence everyday while She is with us. This is a simple way of becoming a part of the events with Our Lady here at Caritas. On one occasion when the Caritas Community was with Our Lady, we spent more than an hour writing out everything we wanted to say and ask of Our Lady. Marija allowed us to place these petitions at the feet of Our Lady during the apparition, which we did, one by one. When after the last petition was placed there, Our Lady gave these words: “I wish to give you graces. Ask for them.” Take the time to write out your heart to Our Lady through Medjugorje.com, and we will place them near to Our Lady in Her apparition each day. She won’t just see the paper upon which they are printed, She will see your heart.
Marija in ecstasy in the July 1, 2013 apparition in the Bedroom.
To Be United in Prayer for Our Nation 6:40 p.m. Caritas time.
Your Time Zone | Apparition Time |
Eastern Time | 7:40 PM |
Central Time | 6:40 PM |
Mountain Time Mountain Time Alternate | 4:40 PM (Standard Time) 5:40 PM (Daylight Time) |
Pacific Time | 4:40 PM |
Alaska Time | 3:40 PM |
Hawaii Time | 2:40 AM |
Brazil Time | 8:40 PM |
Sydney, Australia | 10:40 AM – (July 3) |
Seoul | 7:40 AM – (July 3) |
Beijing, Singapore | 6:40 AM – (July 3) |
Calcutta | 6:10 AM – (July 3) |
Baghdad, Moscow | 2:40 PM – (July 3) |
Jerusalem, Athens, Cairo | 2:40 AM (July 3) |
Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Medjugorje | 1:40 AM (July 3) |
Nigeria | 12:40 AM (July 3) |
South Africa | 1:40 AM (July 3) |
Kenya | 2:40 AM (July 3) |
London, Dublin | 12:40 AM (July 3) |
United Arab Emirates | 3:40 AM (July 3) |
16 thoughts on “July 1 Update: Our Lady Said, “Same Time, Same Place””
I have always had a strong devotion to our Lady but, since I have discovered mej.com and the Caritas Community my devotion has become much stronger. Thank you for that. I have taken part in all the novenas and I will continue to do so, my Love for Jesus and Our Mother is much stronger and deeper than ever. I want to thank you all for what you do and I strongly believe with all my heart that what you are doing is one of the main reasons that our earth is still in existance. All the prayer and fasting is why our Lord has spared the earth from damnation. Thank you Love Chris
Thank you so much for giving us the message that Our Loving Lady asked to write out petitions. We are far away but very close to Her as she always is present when we call. She answers so beautifully in Her way. She listens when we send petitions. We want to make it to Medjugorje again. Its expensive but we Know and Faithfully pray that she will provide for us to go there again with our children. I have asked my children and all whom I know to petition our Lady through the Internet. She has blessed all who do so. We have felt her power and presence. Thats the first thing we can think of is to write to her as we cannot be in Medjugorje we are there with Our Lady through the Petitions. Thank you so much for your messages and information from Medjugorje. For those pilgrims who are far way we have Our Mother sending us messages through you as the medium. We Know that what she wants will be done on Earth. We will be writing out our petitions every day because of the grace she is bestowing.
Thank you so much for all your good work and your constant reaching out to us with all this good news May we ask a special prayer for our Country Ireland ,Our Government are about to bring into IRELAND ABORTION They intend to pass Legislation next TUESDAY9TH OF JULY 2013 please please ask Our Holy Mother to ask Her Son to Stop them. Gods Love Peace and Joy be with you all Paddy and Monica
thank you for the warm message and sharing with the world the wonderful being with our LADY,MOTHER MARY. we are in spirit there also.may our MOTHER bless us in our country,
It was a warm joyful feeling of much love and people being close to Out Blessed Mother and the Caritas group. The pictures of Marija and her family was a real good touch to the happiness that was there.
Thanks for this great article. Just a reminder you have the time difference between sydney and singapore as 4 hours, where as its 2 hours. Thanks, Daniel
Thank you so much for sharing with those of us who could not make it to Caritas. My heart has really been blessed with Our Mothers words and your pictures. May God Bless all there and bless and bring our nation back to God – Pray for all my family that they will come back to the Sacraments.
Very good. I would love to go back to medugorjie. I was there in 1999 if I remember right. keep up the good work.
Very Beautiful. Thank you for this important work.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful time. We are so sad that we cannot be there this year. God bless you all with love and the joy of Jesus and our Blessed Mother.
Thank you for this letter that you send out. We were not able to be there in person because of family problems so I am very grateful for these updates. I know that they take alot of energy to write, with pictures included, but they give the homebound hope that God is with us in our situation and that we are not alone or forsaken. Thank you again and God bless Marija with her family, the hostess family, and all the pilgrams. This is the sign for I love you in sign language . _m/
Thank you for sending this to me. I ask for a prayer for my friend, Sharon Carlson, very ill….I ask Jesus to take her in his arms and that she will have a happy death. I will miss her very much. Sharon has suffered for many, many years, took very good care of her husband, Carl till he past about 4 years ago. She and Carl belived and lived by the Bible and the 10 commandments. God bless you all. Fran Baugnet
Thank you for all the pictures and explainations. I have been trying for quite some time to love our blessed Mother as Jesus did and I have finally found her in my heart, and that she is truely my mother too. God bless you.
Reading this just puts me in awe. I struggle so much with the spiritual world, believing but not seeing nor hearing as in the human world. This comes to me at a time when I have been desperately clinging to Mary helping me to place all my trust in her Son. This message gives me the hope and courage to carry on. Thank you
Please place my petition before Most Holy Mary. O Mother, my heart is full & i present to you ALL who, & that my son, my mother, & I are praying for, as well as our deep gratitude for the miraculous bounty of Christ the Lord that continues to be given to us. Ask the Lord God to look with Mercy & favor upon us & our household as we await the coming return of Jesus, that we may be completely prepared both spiritually, & temporarily to serve His will, & those he may send to us. & please bless Adam & his family. We love You, Most Holy Mother, & send the greetings of our household. Precious Mother, every beautiful flower from the garden we send via our guardian angels! In Jesus, always faithful, Alida, Michaelangelo & Rosa
We are indeed blessed for receveing from the Mother of God all these messages. We need to share it with everybody we meet also our friends and family. The writing is on the wall and our Mother is preparing us for the great return of her Son Jesus. We give honour and praise to Jesus, who through His blessed Mother, calls us His children. We are children of the King of Kings, we have royal blood flowing in our veins and we have Holy Spirit DNA. Thank you Mother Mary for being the Divine Instrument to lead us to Jesus and those who have strayed, back to Jesus.