December 7, 2018 A.D.
Jesus is Being Born… and then Aborted
“…My children you are chosen because, in your time, the great grace of God descended on earth. Do not hesitate to accept it…”
Our Lady Queen…”
Our Lady Queen of Peace, April 2, 2008
For four thousand years, the longing of every Israelite believer was the coming of the
Messiah, a King, Who would shepherd His people and give them peace.
It was His death on the Cross, that would open Heaven for all the souls of the just.
satan, in his fury, intending to deprive the Messiah of this meritorious death,
pursued the Child through Herod’s order,
slaughtering the children in Bethlehem in order to kill the newborn King of the Jews.
God saved His Messiah, Jesus,
along with the Holy Family of His Mother Mary and His father Joseph
through an angel which led them to Egypt.
Thirty years later, satan would tempt the Messiah King, to throw Himself from the
parapet of the Temple, for surely God would rescue Him.
Jesus’ words to satan then, “You shall not put the Lord Your God to the test,”
are the judgement which society faces today.
For many regions of the country, satan, in his fury, through the evil spirit of
consumerism, aborts Jesus the day after Christmas.
The Christmas songs stop, nativities and decorations are taken down,
and society moves on to the next “holiday” to profit from.
“You shall not put the Lord Your God to the test.”
Society accepts Christ to make money off of His Birth,
and then commits abortion of Baby Jesus the day after His Birth.
Testing God’s resolve of benevolence,
He will withdraw from a system of commerce where He is not wanted.
But, in this time, the time of Mary, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje,
She is giving birth once again to the King of Peace;
that as She bore Jesus in Her womb, so too, is She bearing us unto holiness.
It is we Her children, brothers of the King of Peace,
who will save this Holy Family today, as once God’s angel led them to safety in Egypt.
We are to stand against a society which is waiting to abort Jesus the moment He is born.
Pray and act, that Jesus, Mary and Joseph may find refuge in your heart and your homes.
Two Announcements:
Radio WAVE 24 Hours
We intend to live Christmas in a real way. Radio WAVE 24 Hours, is beginning Christmas music on Saturday December 15, beginning at 12:01 AM Central Time. Tune-in 24 hours a day for the best Christmas music for your family, anywhere. We will continue to play Christmas music throughout the Christmas season, ending at 11:59 PM on the Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday, January 6, 2019, long after the secular radio stations and even many Christian stations have stopped playing Christmas music. Be sure to spread this to all your family, friends, prayer group members, mail lists and social media to not go along with aborting Jesus the day after Christmas. The real celebration begins on Christmas Eve and lasts through January 6. Listen live, 24 hours a day, here…
Scheduled Upgrade – Be on the Lookout
A Friend of Medjugorje has continued to lead the mission of Caritas in a direction of preparation for the time of the Great Evangelization. As a result of last year’s plea, we are continually working to improve our infrastructure. We will soon be rolling out some upgrades to our systems. As a result, Radio WAVE 24 Hours will be offline following the Mejanomics broadcast on December 13, 2018, from about 1:00 PM Central until about 3:00 PM Central Time USA. The upgrade should hopefully be completed sooner and in time for the Mejanomics broadcast to air again at 8:00 PM Central. The regular site should remain available and will not be affected by this upgrade. We know that many tune-in all day long, and we will work to restore Radio WAVE 24 Hours as soon as we can on December 13. Thank you!
2 thoughts on “Jesus is Being Born… and then Aborted”
Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I am so happy to say that you will be having Christmas music as I do miss hearing them now. Years ago, when shopping, walking around, we were able to hear Christmas music everywhere, not anymore. It does’t feel like Christmas now. So so sad.
Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I am so happy to say that you will be having Christmas music as I do miss hearing them now. Years ago, when shopping, walking around, we were able to hear Christmas music everywhere, not anymore. It does’t feel like Christmas now. So so sad.