Ivan’s Prayer Group Apparition on Apparition Mountain

Ivan’s Prayer Group Apparition on Apparition Mountain


Tonight, as pilgrims walked along the paths through the fields towards Apparition Mountain, although a very hot day, the sky became dark and cloudy with lightning flashing behind the clouds. The temperature became very comfortable. As apparition time grew closer and closer, the several thousand pilgrims watched as all around Apparition Mountain the dark clouds continued to gather, except right above Apparition Mountain, where stars were growing brighter and brighter as night fell. The wind was wonderfully very strong up on top of Apparition Mountain, which brought more coolness and freshness. By the time Our Lady appeared to Ivan, there were literally thousands of pilgrims gathered up on top of Apparition Mountain to give their hearts to Our Mother at the moment She once again comes down upon the earth.

Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Mountain at 10:00 p.m. tonight. The apparition lasted minutes. The following is a description of what happened during his apparition:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She greeted us by saying “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing. She blessed all the religious articles everyone brought for Her blessing. Ivan recommended all of our needs, our families and especially all of the sick. Tonight Our Lady prayed for peace in the world. After we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.


It is wonderful to experience the prayer group apparitions. For those who have been fortunate enough to experience these mountain apparitions, only you can understand the feelings and beauty of being on the mountain, singing and praying to Our Lady and what the joy and awe feels like kneeling down on the rock strewn mountain in Her presence. We pray that you may experience it in your heart.


With the Hope of Seeing You in a Few Days in Alabama,

Friend of Medjugojre

pilgrims await Our Lady's apparition

Tonight on Apparition Mountain, June 27, 2008, Our Lady appeared to Ivan with thousands in attendance. With Medjugorje in the background, you can see a small portion of the people gathered on the mountain to be in the presence of Our Lady. This picture should bring blessed memories to all those who have experienced Medjugorje, who have sat on these very rocks, waiting with hushed anticipation for Our Lady’s arrival. It’s a moment in time that will never be forgotten.

The Community of Caritas began a special nine day novena in anticipation of Our Lady’s apparitions in July. Three Hail Mary’s are prayed on the hour, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. for Our Lady’s intentions for these five days of prayer. The following intention is being prayed along with the three Hail Mary’s.


“Dear Queen of our Homeland, we pray that you will receive our personal intentions and consecrations from our hearts and that the July 4th consecration of our nation will be accepted in complete fullness, that You will act immediately upon our nation’s behalf to return it to Your Son’s principles and make the United States of America a Christian nation once again. Please do not delay in rescuing us. Thank You, dear Mother.”


We are carrying these prayers in our pockets and at the top of every hour, we kneel down and offer Our Lady these prayers. We offered a similar novena of Hail Mary’s to Our Lady in August 2005 for Her birthday, and were completely surprised when Our Lady acknowledged these prayers by thanking us for them on Her birthday. It was an incredible gift, that though we know God hears all of our prayers, to actually be confirmed in those prayers by the Queen of Heaven was a great joy. Knowing this, we pray this novena of novenas, with great fervency and anticipation that these prayers will be heard and honored in Heaven on behalf of ourselves, families, and nation. We invite you to make copies of the above intention and spread it to family and friends, encouraging everyone you know to join us in this novena, that we may see the desire of our hearts answered from Heaven in a mighty way.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “Ivan’s Prayer Group Apparition on Apparition Mountain”

  1. What a Friend of Medjugorie, attacking your followers in unpeace like attitudes. JPII told you, this is the culture of death and a war machine so why do you act shocked. The Christian nation patterns repeat, it always end in mass death. Since the 1880’s this Roman Catholic church is still under contruction and know a high speed train tunnel is being dug benneth it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagrada_Fam%C3%ADlia I love Catholic devotion and Mary but what happened to the salt of Jesus?

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