It was a beautiful night on Apparition Mountain with Our Lady tonight. The Youth Festival begins tomorrow evening, on August 1st, and thousands of youth are streaming into the village to participate in it.
It was a beautiful night on Apparition Mountain with Our Lady tonight. The Youth Festival begins tomorrow evening, on August 1st, and thousands of youth are streaming into the village to participate in it. The enthusiasm and joy that the youth bring to Medjugorje is always looked forward to each year by the whole village. Thousands of youth along with pilgrims from around the world also present in Medjugorje climbed Apparition Mountain for Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan tonight. Large groups of youth could be seen making their way through the fields of Medjugorje towards Apparition Mountain, even in the early evening hours, even though Our Lady would not be appearing until 10:00 p.m. Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition tonight.
Tonight Our Lady came very happy and joyful. She greeted us, as always, with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She especially prayed for a longer time over the youth present here and all the young people who are coming to Medjugorje. She blessed us all with Her motherly blessing, especially the youth.
Then Ivan recommended all of us, all of our intentions and especially the sick to Her. Ivan then prayed one Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady. Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.” Ivan, at the end of explaining what had happened in the apparition tonight re- emphasized that tonight Our Lady especially prayed for all the youth.
There were some youth who climbed the mountain tonight barefoot to give this little sacrifice to Our Lady. Coming down from the mountain after the apparition, it is a beautiful sight to see so many young people, happy, laughing, and full of life. It is quite a contrast to think of what most youth are doing around the world on a Friday night in the name of fun and entertainment—but none of them coming close to experiencing the real joy that the youth here have just experienced in being with Our Lady in prayer on Her mountain.
It’s remarkable to think about the many years Our Lady has prayed especially for the youth in Medjugorje. Many pilgrims from around the world first went to Medjugorje as youth and were among the large crowds gathered on Apparition Mountain when Our Lady prayed over the youth in a particular way in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Now many of them are married with children of their own. Some of these children are now coming to Medjugorje in the footsteps of their parents or grandparents and Our Lady is blessing a whole new generation of youth.
Operated by Caritas of Birmingham
Tonight on Apparition Mountain, July 31, 2009. Many of the youth and pilgrims skipped dinner at their hotels in order to be as close to Our Lady in the apparition as they could be, near to the statue. Though they had to wait for hours, it was worth the sacrifice. Our Lady did not disappoint them tonight as Her attention was fully on the youth, praying for all of those present.
As the sun lowered tonight, July 31, 2009, every available space in and around Our Lady’s statue began to be taken up by the ever increasing amount of pilgrims who climbed the Hill of Apparitions to be with Our Lady. One of the most beautiful sights in Medjugorje is actually watching from a distance the stream of pilgrims coming down after the apparition has ended like two rivers on either side of the mountain.
7 thoughts on “Ivan’s Prayer Group July 31, 2009”
Amen brother.
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas for the broadcast supporting the good people of southern Ireland (Eire) who voted against the changes made to marriage. I was born and raised in Liverpool, UK and I am an Irish decent. I was brought to tears by your broadcast, hearing of the harm that the yes vote has done to Ireland. I pray for all of you at Caritas and for the United States. You are a beacon of hope to all of us who follow and work for Our Lady. Thank you and May God bless you in your work. Maria
Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I am scotsman living in pagan, anti-catholic Ireland. I woke up on Saturday morning to find that Ireland had officially become an anti-catholic country and was celebrating endorsing sodomy. I have been very uncomfortable since then and I’m writing to thank you for your RIP Ireland podcast. I have listened to it 3 times already and I’ll be listening to it more as I drive to my various jobs in Ireland. This podcast has been the best podcast I have listened to in my life. It was uplifting to hear the result of this dreadful event being spoken about with the appropriate language and no apologies to the enemies of our church. As upset and angry as I feel you had me laughing a few times with some of your comments you made regarding our weak bishop’s statements. I really do want to get out this country as I believe it will continue to endorse even more laws that are the opposite of Gods laws there is nothing to stop the liberals now anyway as the Church leaders in Ireland have shown they have no backbone. If it wasn’t for Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages I could have seen me walking away from the church after the lack of fight from our leaders. I wish our Bishops had spoken with your words as we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I really do thank you for your spirit led words and I have passed the link from your podcast to fellow faithful Catholics. God bless you all from this land covered in dark dark clouds.
Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I am scotsman living in pagan, anti-catholic Ireland. I woke up on Saturday morning to find that Ireland had officially become an anti-catholic country and was celebrating endorsing sodomy. I have been very uncomfortable since then and I’m writing to thank you for your RIP Ireland podcast. I have listened to it 3 times already and I’ll be listening to it more as I drive to my various jobs in Ireland. This podcast has been the best podcast I have listened to in my life. It was uplifting to hear the result of this dreadful event being spoken about with the appropriate language and no apologies to the enemies of our church. As upset and angry as I feel you had me laughing a few times with some of your comments you made regarding our weak bishop’s statements. I really do want to get out this country as I believe it will continue to endorse even more laws that are the opposite of Gods laws there is nothing to stop the liberals now anyway as the Church leaders in Ireland have shown they have no backbone. If it wasn’t for Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages I could have seen me walking away from the church after the lack of fight from our leaders. I wish our Bishops had spoken with your words as we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I really do thank you for your spirit led words and I have passed the link from your podcast to fellow faithful Catholics. God bless you all from this land covered in dark dark clouds.
Ireland will not R.I.P. with this redirection of the culture of life to a culture of death. Let us choose life from the womb to the end of life. I always wanted to go the Ireland but now I know the country has changed because of the lies they are misdirect . This is not equality female and male are different and this is how God made us to have families. It is unnatural and against the natural law. The Bishops need to examine their consciences and go to confession and be leaders of their flocks
What a powerful message! I wish every person could hear this! There are so few people who really know and understand the messages and I have been praying for many souls to be converted. I have sent my letters to both the Alabama and US Supreme court justices. I pray that Good overtakes the evil we are facing. May God have mercy on us all.